Swift 2 issue with a closure for groupBy collection - group-by

The code below is written in order to group journal publications by year of publication.
But I got the error "Cannot convert value of type '(Journal) -> Int' to expected argument type '(_) -> _'"
Here's the playground with a stripped down version of the real code for you to play around http://swiftlang.ng.bluemix.net/#/repl/1de81132cb2430962b248d2d6ff64922e2fe912b1480db6a7276c6a03047dd89
class Journal {
var releaseDate: Int = 0
static var journals = [Journal]()
class func groupedReduce<S: SequenceType, K: Hashable, U> (
source: S,
initial: U,
combine: (U, S.Generator.Element) -> U,
groupBy: (S.Generator.Element) -> K
-> [K:U]
var result: [K:U] = [:]
for element in source {
let key = groupBy(element)
result[key] = combine(result[key] ?? initial, element)
return result
class func groupBy() {
let byYear = { (journal: Journal) in
let groupedJournals = groupedReduce(journals, initial: 0, combine:+, groupBy: byYear)
print("Grouped journals = \(groupedJournals)")
Journal.journals = [Journal(), Journal(), Journal(), Journal()]
for j in Journal.journals {
j.releaseDate = 1

Your code is overly complicated. Below is a groupBy function that group elements of an array according to criteria of your choice. Playground
import Foundation
class Journal {
var releaseDate: Int = 0
init(_ releaseDate: Int) {
self.releaseDate = releaseDate
extension Array {
func groupBy<T: Hashable>(f: Element -> T) -> [T: [Element]] {
var results = [T: [Element]]()
for element in self {
let key = f(element)
if results[key] == nil {
results[key] = [Element]()
return results
func groupBy2<T: Hashable>(f: Element -> T) -> [T: [Element]] {
return self.reduce([T: [Element]]()) { (var aggregate, element) in
let key = f(element)
if aggregate[key] == nil {
aggregate[key] = [Element]()
return aggregate
let journals = [Journal(2015), Journal(2016), Journal(2015), Journal(2014)]
let groupedJournals = journals.groupBy {


How can I build a recursive function in Swift to return a String?

I have a Node class defined as follows. value: T is a String
class Node<T> {
var value: T
weak var parent: Node?
var children = [Node<T>]()
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
func add(_ node: Node<T>) {
node.parent = self
I'd like to build a function to return a String of the current Node's value and all Parent values. Ideally, the function would be defined in the class. For example,
would return -> "/parent2value/parent1value/currentnodevalue"
So far the following function works with a simple print(), and I've also considered using an inout parameter.
func listAllValues(node: Node<String>) {
if node.parent?.value != nil {
listAllValues(node: node.parent!)
You can achieve this with an instance method which calls itself on the parent node first, if there is one:
func listAllValues() -> String {
if let p = parent {
return "\(p.listAllValues())/\(value)"
} else {
return "/\(value)"
Or as an obfuscated one-liner:
func listAllValues() -> String {
return "\(parent?.listAllValues() ?? "")/\(value)"
let p2 = Node("parent2value")
let p1 = Node("parent1value") ; p2.add(p1)
let n = Node("currentNodeValue") ; p1.add(n)
// --> /parent2value/parent1value/currentNodeValue
Here you go:
func desc(_ s:String? = nil) -> String {
var me = String(describing:self.value)
if let prev = s {
me += "/" + prev
return self.parent?.desc(me) ?? me
let n = Node("hey")
n.children.first?.add(Node("nonny nonny no"))
let start = n.children.first!.children.first!

two almost same function into one?

I've got two function. They are doing the same thing actually. Getting data from database results by fieldNameArray into array of Int or Double.. how can i merge these two functions into one ? is that possible ? only difference is fields type and so return type..
func fieldsToInt ( fieldNameArray : [String] ) -> [Int] {
var returnArray = [Int]()
for fNA in fieldNameArray {
let n = Int ( results.int(forColumn: fNA) )
returnArray.append( n )
return returnArray;
func fieldsToDouble ( fieldNameArray : [String] ) -> [Double] {
var returnArray = [Double]()
for fNA in fieldNameArray {
let n = Double ( results.int(forColumn: fNA) )
returnArray.append( n )
return returnArray;
You can try generics, like
func fieldsToNumber<T> ( fieldNameArray : [String] ) -> [T] {
var returnArray = [T]()
for fNA in fieldNameArray {
let n = T ( results.int(forColumn: fNA) )
returnArray.append( n )
return returnArray;
Yes, it is possible, you should use Generics, in particular you need a generic function.
The code that solves your problem would roughly look like this:
// This is a struct to mock the code you didn't post
struct Results {
func int(forColumn: String) -> Int16 {
return 1
let results = Results()
protocol DatabaseElementRepresentable {
init?(_ databaseValue: Int16)
func fields<Element: DatabaseElementRepresentable>(fieldNameArray : [String]) -> [Element] {
var returnArray = [Element]()
for fNA in fieldNameArray {
if let n = Element(results.int(forColumn: fNA)) {
return returnArray
extension Int: DatabaseElementRepresentable { }
extension Double: DatabaseElementRepresentable { }
let ints: [Int] = fields(fieldNameArray: ["test"])
let doubles: [Double] = fields(fieldNameArray: ["test"])
Please, change Int16 with the value the function int(forColumn: returns

declare generic class with a generic class as a parameter in swift

I wrote these simple generic classes and it worked great:
class LinkedListNode <T> {
var value: T
var next: LinkedListNode<T>?
weak var prev: LinkedListNode<T>?
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
self.next = nil
class LinkedList<T> {
var first: LinkedListNode<T>? = nil
var last: LinkedListNode<T>? = nil
var count = 0
#discardableResult func append(_ value: T) -> LinkedListNode<T> {
let new = LinkedListNode(value: value)
new.prev = last
last?.next = new
count += 1
last = new
if first == nil {
first = new
return new
And I used it like:
let list = LinkedList<Int>()
let lastNode = list.append(5)
Now I realized there are some cases when I need to have a customized node: CustomNode<T>, subclass of LinkedListNode<T>. So I would like to be able to pass the class to be used as the node as:
let list = LinkedList<CustomNode<Int>>()
let customNode = list.append(5)
How can I declare my class to have it like this or something similar?
I have tried the following declaration but weird errors rise. Is this even possible?
class LinkedList<Node<T>: LinkedListNode<T>> { ...
Update 2019/07/26.
Even with Kamran's approach this method does not compile. I am not sure if this is doable without a protocol. See my comment on Kamran's answer.
func remove(node: LinkedListNode<T>) { // change to `func remove(node: U)`
node.next?.prev = node.prev
node.prev?.next = node.next
if node === first {
first = first?.next
if node === last {
last = last?.prev // Error here: "Cannot assign value of LinkedListNode<T>? to U?"
The syntax you are trying can be achieved as below,
class LinkedListNode <T> {
var value: T
var next: LinkedListNode<T>?
weak var prev: LinkedListNode<T>?
required init(value: T) {
self.value = value
self.next = nil
class GenericCustomNode<T>: LinkedListNode<T> {
required init(value: T) {
super.init(value: value)
class NonGenericCustomNode: LinkedListNode<Int> {
required init(value: Int) {
super.init(value: value)
class LinkedList<T, U: LinkedListNode<T>> {
var first: U? = nil
var last: U? = nil
var count = 0
#discardableResult func append(_ value: T) -> U {
let new = U(value: value)
new.prev = last
last?.next = new
count += 1
last = new
if first == nil {
first = new
return new
func remove(node: U) {
node.next?.prev = node.prev
node.prev?.next = node.next
if node === first {
first = first?.next as? U
if node === last {
last = last?.prev as? U
let list = LinkedList<Int, LinkedListNode<Int>>()
let someCustom = LinkedList<Int, GenericCustomNode<Int>>()
let otherCustom = LinkedList<Int, NonGenericCustomNode>()
You will need to define a protocol with an associated type:
protocol Node: class {
associatedtype Value
var value: Value {get set}
var next: Self? {get set}
var prev: Self? {get set}
init(value: Value)
final class BasicNode<Value>: Node {
var value: Value
var next: BasicNode<Value>?
weak var prev: BasicNode<Value>?
init(value: Value) {
self.value = value
final class CustomNode<Value>: Node {
// customize however you want
var value: Value
var next: BasicNode<Value>?
weak var prev: BasicNode<Value>?
init(value: Value) {
self.value = value
class LinkedList<N: Node> {
var first: N? = nil
var last: N? = nil
var count = 0
func append(_ value: N.Value) -> N {
let new = N(value: value)
new.prev = last
last?.next = new
count += 1
last = new
if first == nil {
first = new
return new
However, this will require using your basic linked list in an annoying way all the time:
let list = LinkedList<BasicNode<Int>>()
Depending on how you need to customize the node, I would consider finding a way to customize the behavior in the LinkList class itself using dependency injection.

Hashing problems using a wrapper class around NSUUID as the key

OK, it turns out I'm really asking a different question. I understand about hashValue and ==, so that's not relevant.
I would like my wrapper class BUUID to "do the right thing" and act just like NSUUID's act in a Dictionary.
See below, where they don't.
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
Results. Note that I can look up using NSUUID nB and get back what I put under nA. Not so with my BUUID.
a: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
b: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
a === b: false
a == b: true
Optional("Hi") nil
nA: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c39500> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nB: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c37dd0> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nA === nB: false
nA == nB: true
Optional("Hi") Optional("Hi")
Inheriting from NSObject also assumes isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool method overloading:
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override func isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let buuid = object as? BUUID else {
return false
return buuid._realUUID == _realUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
So the answer is to not make BUUID inherit from NSObject, which undercuts the Swiftiness of overriding ==.
extension BUUID: Hashable {}
class BUUID: CustomStringConvertible {
// take away all 'override' keywords, nothing to override
// otherwise same as above
This answer is relevant to initially asked question: Why that's possible to get two key-value pairs with identical key's hashes in a dictionary
This example illustrates that keys in Dictionary can have identical hashes, but equality operation should return false for different keys:
func ==(lhs: FooKey, rhs: FooKey) -> Bool {
return unsafeAddressOf(lhs) == unsafeAddressOf(rhs)
class FooKey: Hashable, Equatable {
var hashValue: Int {
get {
return 123
var d = Dictionary<FooKey, String>()
let key1 = FooKey()
let key2 = FooKey()
d[key1] = "value1"
d[key2] = "value2"
[FooKey: "value1", FooKey: "value2"]
That's definitely not good to have all keys with the same hash. In this case we are getting that worst case when search element complexity fells down to O(n) (exhaustive search). But it will work.

Swift for-in loop with enumerate on custom Array2D class?

How would I go about implementing a custom enumerate function that makes something like this work (Swift 2):
for ((column, row), item) in Array2D.enumerate() { ... }
In my simple Array2D struct:
struct Array2D<T> : SequenceType {
let columns: Int
let rows: Int
private var array: Array<T?>
init(columns: Int, rows: Int) {
self.columns = columns
self.rows = rows
array = Array(count: rows*columns, repeatedValue: nil)
subscript(column: Int, row: Int) -> T? {
get {
return array[columns*row + column]
set {
array[columns*row + column] = newValue
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T?> {
var column = 0
var row = 0
return anyGenerator() {
guard row < self.rows else {
return nil
let item = self[column, row]
if ++column == self.columns {
column = 0
return item
I couldn't find any good explanation on implementing an enumerate function in Swift
The enumerate() function in Swift returns integers starting from 0 for the first part of its tuple. Those have nothing to do with the sequence you're enumerating over. So, for instance, this won't work:
let word = "hello".characters
for (index, letter) in word.enumerate() {
Because the indices of a characterView are String.Indexs.
So there are several ways to get what you're going for. The first is to just overload enumerate() for your struct. Again, there are a few days you could do this. First off, how about a function that uses your own generator, and uses its own logic to figure out the coordinates. This could work:
func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<((Int, Int), T?)> {
let g = self.generate()
var coord = -1
return anyGenerator {
g.next().map { ((++coord % self.columns, coord / self.columns), $0) }
But you're duplicating code there, especially from your generate method. Seeing you're already using coordinates to return each element, why not just have your enumerate method be the default, and your generate method call on that. Something like this:
// Original generate method, now returns the coords it used
func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<((Int, Int), T?)> {
var column = 0
var row = 0
return anyGenerator() {
guard row < self.rows else {
return nil
let item = self[column, row]
if ++column == self.columns {
column = 0
return ((column, row), item)
// uses enumerate, ignores coords
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<T?> {
let g = self.enumerate()
return anyGenerator {
g.next().map { $1 }
If you wanted to go a little overboard, you could write an enumerate function that enumerates the specific indices of its base. Call it specEnumerate:
public struct SpecEnumerateGen<Base : CollectionType> : GeneratorType {
private var eG: Base.Generator
private let sI: Base.Index
private var i : Base.Index?
public mutating func next() -> (Base.Index, Base.Generator.Element)? {
i?._successorInPlace() ?? {self.i = self.sI}()
return eG.next().map { (i!, $0) }
private init(g: Base.Generator, i: Base.Index) {
self.eG = g
self.sI = i
self.i = nil
public struct SpecEnumerateSeq<Base : CollectionType> : SequenceType {
private let col: Base
public func generate() -> SpecEnumerateGen<Base> {
return SpecEnumerateGen(g: col.generate(), i: col.startIndex)
public extension CollectionType {
func specEnumerate() -> SpecEnumerateSeq<Self> {
return SpecEnumerateSeq(col: self)
With this function, this would work:
let word = "hello".characters
for (index, letter) in word.specEnumerate() {
But your matrix struct is still a SequenceType, with no specific indices. For that, you'll have to implement your own MatrixIndex:
public struct MatrixIndex: BidirectionalIndexType {
public let x, y : Int
private let columns: Int
public func successor() -> MatrixIndex {
return (x + 1 == columns) ?
MatrixIndex(x: 0, y: y + 1, columns: columns) :
MatrixIndex(x: x + 1, y: y, columns: columns)
public func predecessor() -> MatrixIndex {
return (x == 0) ?
MatrixIndex(x: columns - 1, y: y - 1, columns: columns) :
MatrixIndex(x: x - 1, y: y, columns: columns)
public func == (lhs: MatrixIndex, rhs: MatrixIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y
extension MatrixIndex : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "\(x), \(y)"
extension MatrixIndex: RandomAccessIndexType {
public func advancedBy(n: Int) -> MatrixIndex {
let total = (y * columns) + x + n
return MatrixIndex(x: total % columns, y: total / columns, columns: columns)
public func distanceTo(other: MatrixIndex) -> Int {
return (other.x - x) + (other.y - y) * columns
Right. Now you'll need another matrix struct:
public struct Matrix2D<T> : MutableCollectionType {
public var contents: [[T]]
public subscript(index: MatrixIndex) -> T {
get {
return contents[index.y][index.x]
} set {
self.contents[index.y][index.x] = newValue
public var count: Int { return contents[0].count * contents.count }
public var startIndex: MatrixIndex {
return MatrixIndex(x: 0, y: 0, columns: contents[0].count)
public var endIndex: MatrixIndex {
return MatrixIndex(x: 0, y: contents.endIndex, columns: contents[0].count)
Right. So now, after all of that, this works:
let myMatrix = Matrix2D(contents: [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
for (coordinate, value) in myMatrix.specEnumerate() {
value == myMatrix[coordinate] // True every time
It might suffice defining your own enumerate taking advantage of the one you already have:
func enumerate() -> AnyGenerator<((Int, Int), T?)> {
var index = 0
var g = array.generate()
return anyGenerator() {
if let item = g.next() {
let column = index % self.columns
let row = index / self.columns
return ((column, row) , item)
return nil
Notice in this case you could avoid conforming to SequenceType since I use generate from the private array. Anyway it could be consistent to do so.
Here is how then you could use it:
var a2d = Array2D<Int>(columns: 2, rows: 4)
a2d[0,1] = 4
for ((column, row), item) in a2d.enumerate() {
print ("[\(column) : \(row)] = \(item)")
Hope this helps