UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY saving user on Ionic Platform Beta - ionic-framework

I have moved from Ionic Platform Alpha to Beta.
I have implemented signup and
login with success, but everytime I try to execute
save action I get this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with
a status of 422 (UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY)
Just a snippet of my code:
user = Ionic.User.current();
console.log("User %s is authenticated: %s", user.id, user.isAuthenticated());
user.set('age', '25');
This is the output:
User ee18171e-1384-4911-98ed-e1b2fc6e89bf is authenticated: true
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status
of 422 (UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY) (https://api.ionic.io/auth/user...
Ionic User: Object {response: XMLHttpRequest, error: Error}
Analyzing the error this is shown:
Field may not be null
But I can't figure which field is null is this request ....
Does someone know how to perform a save action on Ionic Platform Beta?

Probably a little late for a reply here,
but just in case someone is looking for an answer.
When setting a user, Ionic is looking for an email address and password:
var details = {
'email': '$scope.data.email',
'password': $scope.data.password
user.save(); // save the user to persist the migration changes
console(user + 'not added to ionic')
This will register the user


Flutter google sign in serverAuthCode

I'm using this flutter plugin google_sign_in 5.2.1
works good I get the response
{displayName: Mario Mc, email: myemail#gmail.com, id: 117816213074325689769, photoUrl: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GgyaPy7ik693hjyIBmtW5IRXUdCXluaeI=s96-c, serverAuthCode: 4/0AX4XfWiqJ1DMfPaDbgf6gOFVMCfgMicyPqGk25bxjKfA4wq7bJCCu-TWRB8c3rAz_g}
My question is: what is serverAuthCode?
And what's id: 117816213074325689769 used for
And after I send that serverAuthCode to the server, how do I verify that code is legit by calling google servers(as you know any person can send a fake serverAuthCode, so we need to verify it before saving it or do something with it)
I want to use PHP in the server side
What you can do is use this to get the accessToken then send it to the server
// sign In With Google
_googleSignIn.signIn().then((userData) {
userData.authentication.then((googleKey) {
setState(() {
// Retrieve the email from Google auth
googleEmail = userData.email;
googleId = userData.id;
googlePhotoUrl = userData.photoUrl;
googleServerAuthCode = userData.serverAuthCode;
googleAccessToken = googleKey.accessToken;
googleIdToken = googleKey.idToken;
// call your login function if no errors
}).catchError((err) {
print('inner error');
}).catchError((err) {
print('error occurred');
in the server side, you can verify that access token by calling
https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token=<access token>
you will get an answer if that token is valid or expired
Also, you can call this to get user info such as name, email, photo etc.
https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/userinfo?access_token=<access token>

How to fetch page list from Facebook Graph API?

I can download user events but not user managed pages. Why? What is the difference?
Using react-facebook-login to get user access token
import FacebookLogin from "react-facebook-login";
Adding Facebook login to the screen, it has the pages_show_list permission:
And here is the handler:
responseFacebook = response => {
accessToken: response.accessToken,
isLoggedIn: true,
userID: response.userID,
name: response.name,
email: response.email,
picture: response.picture.data.url
.then(response => {
console.log("aaa " + response);
console.log("bbb ");
Second breakpoint will not be reached.
But get a lot of strange error:
Facebook API Explorer returns the data
Code is here: https://gitlab.com/j4nos/ticket-portal/blob/master/src/App.js
But get a lot oof strange error:
The main part of importance here is that it shows that you are getting a 400 Bad Request response from the API, with that URL you tried to request there.
How does the query string portion of a URL start again ...?
Question mark, not ampersand.

Strapi - Update Additional Fields on User Model

Problem Statement: Able to register user but unable to update customFields on same model in single request. Detail explanation below.
I have added additional fields to UserModel on Strapi. UserModel Attached
I am building a front end using Nuxt, where admin user can create new users who can access the website. This is not Regular Signup, This is User getting created by admin of the site. I guess even a regular signup I would face this issue.
Admin has all the rights to crud users.
When I submit the form I am getting Forbidden error. Form Attached
Below is my code which handled the submit. I first register the user and based on the user id I try to update First Name and Last name.
handleSubmit() {
if (this.$refs.form.validate()) {
this.loading = true
// console.log(this.username, this.email, this.password)
.register(this.username, this.email, this.password)
.then(response => {
.updateEntry('users', response.user.id, {
firstName: this.firstname,
lastname: this.lastname
.then(response => {
this.loading = false
.catch(err => {
this.loading = false
// alert(err.message || 'An error occurred.')
this.errorMessage = true
this.errorMessageContent = err.message || 'An error occurred.'
.catch(err => {
this.loading = false
// alert(err.message || 'An error occurred.')
this.errorMessage = true
this.errorMessageContent = err.message || 'An error occurred.'
Below is the console message.
Do you want to update the additional user fields (using PUT method) or passing them to the back-end in the register process (using POST method) ?
If you want to update them, you have to do the following:
Adding fields to you user model (already done)
Make the /update endpoint available in the users-permissions configuration.
See screenshot:
Now you are able to use the PUT method on the endpoint users/:id, which you could do e.g. like this:

Implementing Handover protocol for facebook chatbot throws error

My primary receiver is my dialogflow chatbot and my second one is the page inbox. I want to switch from the chatbot to the inbox by implementing:
uri: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/me/pass_thread_control',
qs: {'access_token': 'pageAccessToken'},
method: 'POST',
json: {
recipient: {
id: 'userIdFromRequest'
target_app_id: 'pageInboxAppId'
}, (error: any, response: any, body: any) => {
console.log('BODY PASS THREAD CONTROL: ', body);
But I'm getting this error:
(#10) Only available to Primary and Secondary Receivers
When I try to get the secondary receivers:
uri: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/me/secondary_receivers?fields=id,name&access_token=<page-access-token>',
qs: {'access_token': <page-access-token>},
method: 'GET',
}, (error: any, response: any, body: any) => {
console.log('BODY SECONDARY RECEIVERS: ', body);
I will get this error:
(#10) Only Main Receiver can call this API
But my chatbot IS the main receiver. I set in in page settings --> messenger platform.
I found out that this used to be a facebook bug, but it should have been fixed now.
Does someone has an idea what I'm doing wrong?
The app_roles parameter is missing in the web hook request. May it could have something to do with it?
Another mistake could be the userId. I took the senderId. The receiverId encounters an authorization error with errorCode 1 and the message "An unknown error occurred". I'm not sure which one is correct.<
The receiverId seems to be correct. The second request works with it. But still not the first: 500 internal server error...
Suddenly, it works now. Maybe they changed anything in the backend.

Passport and SailsJS, how to get isAuthenticated() test to pass

My code keeps failing here when the user tries to login:
isAuthenticated: function (req, res) {
if (req.isAuthenticated()) { return res.json(req.user); }
else { return res.send(401); }
It FAILS and I get GET http://localhost:1337/user/authenticated 401 (Unauthorized) in the console, even though the user has entered in a correct email and password.
Where in the code makes that test pass?
I have the related StackOverflow question with more info HERE.
The problem was that my frontend application has a different origin than my backend application, so the AJAX requests will not include the session cookie and req.isAuthenticated() will never return true.
Use the withCredentials options to force it.
$http({ withCredentials: true, ... })