Automatically Disable Default Discover SuiteCRM Dashlet - sugarcrm

How can I automatically disable the Default Discover SuiteCRM Dashlet so that when a new User is created that the dashlet will not show on the default dashboard?

Simply go into modules/Home/index.php around line 98. There are the definitions of iFrameDashlet, SugarFeedDashlet and iFrameDashlet. Comment them out and all new users won't get the dashlets. A reset on users dashlet screen would remove them for existing users.


Keycloak: Update custom user attribute from "Edit Account"-page

when I add a custom attribute to a user, I can access this programmatically in my client application using custom mappers. But when a user logs into its account settings (URL /auth/realms//account/), he or she does not see or update this attribute. Only the required ones first and last name and email are visible.
How can I make a custom attribute visible and updateable on the account page?
You have to create custom theme and override account.ftl template to add custom attributes.
Read through Theme Creation, it's really easy to create custom theme.

Hide modules from current user in the navigation bar in Suitecrm

I am right now using LDAP authentication for adding user in Suitecrm. In normal course when the user is added to the system we can assign him roles during creation and also hide some modules which are enabled for him, in his portal .
With LDAP authentication I have been able to assign user to a role through code when he first logins but hiding modules for those users by code or otherwise has not been possible
Can anyone guide me as to how to hide modules from the current user which otherwise show in the navigation bar?
Thanks in advance.
There is upgrade safe manner to do it via smarty file.
Check your active theme and copy the file from themes/<active_theme>/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl to custom/themes/<active_theme>/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl (if custom directory doesn't exist then create it)
Search for groupTabs, you will see foreach loops for processing it for different views. Hopefully, you can add your code there to do anything.

Adding additional information to user accounts in Trac

For my Trac plugin, I would like to add a color (as string or rgb values) to each user for use from somewhere else in the plugin. The color should be configurable via the admin page.
Is it possible to add another column to the table in the Users settings of the AccountManagerPlugin panel, and if it is, how do I add the information to the database so I can access it from elsewhere?
Another option would be to make a new Admin Panel for my plugin, which is what I am currently doing, with a table with just the user names and their colors. But in this case, although I already have the empty admin panel, I don't know how to add the table and add new items to the database.
To explain what I need the colors for:
My plugin adds a new export option for tickets, and formats them with my own html and css structure. The tickets contain the owner's name, and this name should be displayed with their respective colors. The code for this already exists, now I just need to retrieve the colors from the database, and beforehand save them to the database via the admin panel.
The colors should be changable only via the admin page.
There's no Users admin panel in Trac, however the AccountManagerPlugin has a User management panel. Let me know if you are using the AccountManagerPlugin and I'll provide more info on that.
Keeping the discussion within the scope of Trac, you could implement the ability for the user to make a selection through a preference panel by implementing IPreferencePanelProvider. You could save the value in the session_attribute table and make use of it anywhere else. For an attribute named user_color, the value can be retrieved using req.session.get('user_color').
Examples can be found in trac.prefs.web_ui. I've linked to the code in Trac 1.1.6 because the module was refactored so that the preferences were more modular #9162.

Adding buttons to admin user list section of moodle

I need to add a button for each user in admin's user list (admin/user.php).
is it possible to do it from my local plugin? if yes how?
Or I need to edit the user modules manually?
The only way to do this without a core code modification, would be to use the theme (or possibly a local plugin) to inject some javascript into the page to add the button after the page has loaded.
The page itself is quite old, so it doesn't use a renderer, so overriding the generated HTML via the theme is not an option. The user actions aren't designed to be pluginable either.
Depending on what you are wanting to do, you could, of course, create a local plugin that adds a new link to the 'Site administration' tree. On the page this links to, you could add your own list of users, with whatever buttons you wanted on them.

How to change default settings when adding new users?

I wonder how it is possible to change the default settings for creating new users. At the moment I must remove the “live edit” permission and change the BE language to german for every single user.
I have two groups for my users AUTHOR and MAINAUTHOR. Members of AUTHOR should only have access to the draft workspace and only MAINAUTHOR’s members should have the live workspace too. (MAINAUTHOR inherits from AUTHOR and should add only the live permission.)
I found out that I can use setup.override.lang = de in the group options to change the language but I can’t find an equivalent for the live permission.
You can change the default pageTS for your own user via userTS (or for a whole group).
There you can use TCAdefaults to set default values for your be_users table.
Example from TYPO3 Core Docs for pages table
# Show newly created pages by default
TCAdefaults.pages.hidden = 0
You could try the extension sys_workflows[1] which was made for these kind of tasks. The extension should work on TYPO3 4.5 but doesn't work on a 6.2beta3 (just tested).
You can configure the default values in the user TSconfig for new users. All options are described in the user TSconfig manual:
Also explained is how to configure user TSconfig in general: