JasperSoft Server export to network drive - jasperserver

As seen on the image below, I am trying to schedule PDF export on a network drive with JasperSoft Server, but the button is grey ("sortie vers le système de fichiers hôte"). Does anybody know the reason, or how to change it?
I am working locally on my machine with the newest community versions of "JasperSoft Server" and "JasperSoft Studio".

According to the JasperReports Server Admin Guide, you need to set the enableSaveToHostFS property to true in WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml.


Access non-public PostgreSQL DB from Tableau Desktop through Tableau Server

Reading through the documentation of Tableau Server I was not able to determine if the following works:
I have set-up Tableau Server 2020.4.0 along with the PostgreSQL
I added a connection to an internal, i.e. non-public, PostgreSQL DB via Tableau Server
I can access the PostgreSQL via logging in to Tableau Server just fine
I am also able to connect to the Tableau Server through Tableau Desktop BUT I cannot connect to the PostgreSQL as it is not directly accessible from the client machine running Tableau Desktop.
Is there a way to access this non-public PostgreSQL database connected to Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop through Tableau Server?
If the server is accessible via SSH then you can set up a port forwarding tunnel.
ssh -L tableau.example.com
Then in the datasource within Tableau Desktop change the host to from postgres.example.com. If there are SSL errors you may want to add an entry to your /etc/hosts file and not change the hostname.
sudo echo ' postgres.example.com' >> /etc/hosts
Answering my own question and following #matt_black's comment it is indeed possible to access and use published Datasources from Tableau Desktop which are not directly accessible.
For that you need to login to the Tableau-Server UI (not TSM via 8850), create a Workbook, click on "Datasource" (bottom left hand corner) add a single or multiple connections and then head back to any "Sheet" Tab (also bottom left hand corner).
At this point it is recommended to save the Workbook as "Template", i.e. "my_published_datasoure_template" – explanation follows.
After saving the Workbook you need to hover over the Datasource-Icon in the "Data" Tab and click on the appearing dropdown-arrow to publish the Datasource.
It needs to be mentioned, that once a Datasources has been published this way it asks you to update the workbook right afterwards which you must deny in order to be able to edit the Datasources of the workbook afterwards.
If you need to edit the Datasource at a later point be sure to delete the previously published Datasource then edit and re-publish it.

icCube connecting to Excel 2016

I get the following warning when I open a xlsx spreadsheet, connected to iccube, in Excel 2016. It works in Excel 2013 but not 2016.
Excel cannot connect to your database with the driver you specified in your data source. The driver does not support OLAP-provider capabilities required by Excel.
Consult your system administrator or contact your OLAP database vendor.
Is there an odc connection option that needs to be flagged or do I need to install a previous OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services driver?
It's an issue - entry - , Excel changed a bit the way they use XMLA. We've fixed the issue and it will be available in the next release that is planned shortly.
No workaround other than upgrading icCube to 5.1.3 or above.

Microsoft Application Virtualization Client - QTP

Our application has been changed from ".exe" to virtual application launched via "Microsoft Application Virtualization Client".
QTP is unable to identify any objects even with the same add-ins (which was working before). What could be the possible reason for the odd behaviour?
QTP : 10, Win7 64 bit OS.
Let me know for additional info. Thanks in advance!
When this application is launched via Microsoft Virtual Client it has limited interaction with local applications. For the same reason QTP\UFT is unable to identify the object of AUT. To overcome this issue you have to set "LOCAL_INTERACTION_ALLOW" to TRUE in the Application OSD file.
You can find the file in the OSD Cache folder in the program data of Microsoft Virtual Client.

Launching Xendesktop ICA session programmatically

I want to programmatically launch xendesktop and see whether it is launched or not for monitoring purposes.I understand that if somehow I can get the ica file then passing that ica file to ica client can solve my problem.
I read that citrix has ICO API but I am not able to use it to launch my desktop.
Can someone pls throw some light on this?
Thanks in advance
ICO API in real-world scenarios is not enough.
You need to get your VDI address from StoreFront API https://github.com/citrix/storefront-sdk. Here you can download the whole ICA file and just launch it. I'm downloading it, modifying to run windowed and then just run ICA. Windows do the rest. The other possibility is to download ICA using StoreFront API, get Address from there and connect to the machine using this Address. It's actually IP and port for your VDI desktop.

SSRS 2008 config for SharePoint 2010 integration - Permissions question

I have SharePoint 2010 and SQL server 2008 setup on two machines. I have SharePoint using SQL server for all SP databases. I am trying to get reporting services integration to work, but there seems to be some permissions issue with the SSRS service. From what I understand, it should be possible to navigate to http://server-name/ReportServer and get a simple page showing the server path and the SQL Server version number. This page is only available to windows users with accounts on the local machine.
Both of my machines are on the same domain with "domain level" service accounts. This used to be covered under IIS, but SSRS 2008 no longer uses IIS -- so im unsure how to research it. Ive tried folder permissions for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services" with no luck - Im not sure which .config file is the right one either.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
This page is nice:
Have you gone through the SSRS config tool? You should step through each tab and make sure it is configured.
Errors can be found in the instance directory as well.
What error are you getting?