Paypal Express review page buttons not working - paypal

I have a serious issue in Paypal when I done the payment through paypal express chekout it redirect back to Mangeto on paypal/express/review page , it do not allow me to place order, the Place order button is showing disable and no action clicking on "update order data" button .
I followed the below link but I haven't got any result.
Please help me,I tried from the last two days.I am ready to share admin detail if required.
Please don't suggest clear cache or enable from admin section I have done all this suggestion.

My solution was to download a fresh copy of magento and copy the files Review.php, review.phmtl and review.js to my site and it worked. I never edited those files maybe the extensions I installed changed those. Hope it helps!

After spending lots of time I got the solution for this problem.
I compressed js and css file for fast execution of my website thats why its happen after remove compression from js file, Paypal start working.


Mailchimp Embedded Sign up form not displaying Captcha

I am using mailchimp embedded sign up form. It displays Email Account, First Name and Last Name, but captcha is not showing. I enabled captcha from Settings->List Name and Defaults.
What other steps do I need? Captcha is not showing in Preview Mode Option.
Please help, getting lot of fake emails. Double opt in is also enabled.
Had the same problem. Make sure its V2(checkbox) NOT V3. Documentation here:
The Sign-up forms have invisible not checkbox re-captcha.
You can find the summary in the below image.
I came here looking for an answer. Followed the instructions to enable the reCaptcha. After reloading website could not see it. After finally trying to submit the form it took me to a mailchimp external page with the reCaptcha showing. Makes sense when you think about doing some kind of server side check for a reCaptcha with minimal installation fuss.
I've run into the same problem, and this is what I have found.
I set the url to, not sure if that helped, but it's one less spot for failure
You might need to announce somewhere to allow for pop-up's to be allowed on the page when the captcha shows. It seems that when that option is enabled that it opens up a new windows for the confirmation.

How can I add upload Image feature to Facebook Comments Plugin?

I successfully implemented facebook comments plugin in my website.But it only allows users to post only text data.
I searched a lot but unable to find resources for these question:
How to add upload Image feature to this plugin?
Is there a way to make the uses post he comment just by pressing enter rather than clicking Post button(Remove Post button and make enter keyboard key as default submit button)
Incase the ans is No for any above questions:
Please suggest any plugin's that helps me to achieve those features. The users should be able to post comments and upload images with out signup to that plugin providers
How to add upload Image feature to this plugin?
Not possible.
Facebook has not implemented image upload for the Comments plugin, and you can not “add” anything to it yourself.
Is there a way to make the uses post he comment just by pressing enter rather than clicking Post button(Remove Post button and make enter keyboard key as default submit button)
There is not configuration option for this, and since the plugin runs inside an iframe from a different domain, you don’t have any access to it via JavaScript either.
As of Sept 2010 FB has an "add image" icon on the FB plugin, but it does not work all the time. Last night it worked fine on 20 or so pages, and today on 5 more. Then just now, on a recently modified page, it no longer works. Text only.

X-Cart checkout is empty

I have problem with my x-cart website. When I click on "Buy Now" button on one product, and after that I click on "My Cart" which is the checkout section, it returns that my cart is empty although I already click to buy product.
Here is my website:
How can I fix it?
The store you're referring to is of version 4.1.6, that's an old version where there were no adding to cart without redirect (with ajax). The behaviour in question is still there, thus the feature is added as a custom mode.
If JS is enabled in the browser, and if the store considers that it's enabled, the JS script is supposed to send some data to script minicart_content.php, and the php script is to process the received data further. However it doesn't happen, and there are no JS errors, which makes me believe that the problem is in the code of minicart_content.php, with this file is very likely being modified too.
If JS is disabled in the browser ( and if you click the corresponding button in the store in the pink side menu block - "If Javascript is disabled in your browser click here"), this custom scenario is not applied, so the store uses the default functionality which allows to add the products to cart with out problems.
Thus, the possible solution is:
roll back the custom changes you implemented, and use default functionality (adding products to cart with a redirect to cart page)
check the minicart_content.php script and find out, why it doesn't want to properly process the data sent by JS script
If you're not sure how to achieve this, consider contacting X-Cart support team for further investigation. Not sure if I can give a link to X-Cart support here, but I'm sure you'll easily find it, if only try to search=)

Facebook showing page not found when sharing link

I'm sharing content from a website and every time I paste the link into Facebook it says 'page not found'.
Sometimes it works when I manually add the 'www.' in front of the URL in the address bar.
Shows page not found:
Works when you manually place www. in front:
I honestly have no I idea why it's doing this, any thoughts on how it can be fixed on the web side?
I have tried with the link below with both the www. and without yet it doesn't work with either of them, this is all very strange. This is the only link I have tried and it doesn't work with both:
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
For me what it worked was to access the Facebook Debugger, as Goose said.
I saw that the scrape was about 12 hours ago, looks like it fetches the first time and saves it as caché or whatsoever...
What it worked for me is to debug the url, then click "fetch new scrape information" after the previous information has been shown.
Hope it works!
For those running across this today, you might find that you also need to verify your domain and link it to your page.
To do this you need to
Set up a Facebook Business Account
Add your page to the business account
Verify your domain (using DNS TXT or adding a page facebook gives you)
Under domains, connect your page as an asset of that domain

Magento cart redirects to onepage checkout, how do I make it stop?

Hi I'm new to Magento, so we installed the Magento Simple checkout which is working fine but when you add a product it takes you to the cart (checkout/cart) which is fine but then it suddenly jumps to (checkout/onepage).
Both pages look pretty similar except the cart page gives me the option to keep shopping and change cart quantities and update the cart while the checkout page doesn't have this. I can never change the cart options because it always redirects.
Is there anyway to stop it from redirecting? I don't even know where to start to look so I could paste some code.
Thank you in advance.
It sounds like Simple Checkout is designed to do exactly that. If you don't like it, uninstall it. If you think there is a bug, contact the authors of Simple Checkout directly.
This is a javascript problem. If you view the source of checkout/cart/ (difficult, I know, it tries to redirect quite quickly) you might find this in it.
var checkout = new Checkout(accordion,{
progress: '',
review: '',
saveMethod: '',
failure: ''}
Basically it tries to POST an update to checkout/cart/saveMethod/ which is equivalent to the first step of onepage checkout. Unfortunately that URL doesn't exist, it should be POSTing to checkout/onepage/saveMethod/ in the background, instead it gets a 404 error which triggers the page to reload as the "failure" URL.
The final step is checkout/ redirects automatically to checkout/onepage/.
I cannot tell why the extension has started outputting URLs that begin with checkout/cart/* rather than checkout/onepage/*. Perhaps there is an admin setting somewhere? Maybe some over-enthusiastic template editing 'corrected' the file "template/checkout/onepage.phtml"? Or maybe Simple Checkout depends on overriding Mage_Checkout_CheckoutController and another, recent extension has it's own override which is conflicting..?