Say I define a class in Racket with about 30 fields.
And I want to treat these as immutable. In other words I never update the object in place, just create a new object with 29 of the fields containing the same values and one with the over-written value.
Are there any convenience functions to do this?
At the moment I'm rather laboriously writing a function like
(define/public (overwrite-n n-val)
(new MyClass% [a (get-a)] [b (get-b)] [c (get-c)] ... [n n-val] ... ))
for each field I want to be able to update. There must be a better way to do this.
If you want to do functional update like this, you would probably be better off using structs, where tools like struct-copy and generic interfaces are there provided for you.
If you do need to use racket/class, then one option, if these are public fields and they are all declared with init-field, is using reflection mechanisms and private racket/class implementation details like class-info and do-make-object from racket/private/class-internal. For fun, I made an object-copy form similar to struct-copy, which is in a gist here: object-copy.rkt
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class
(define my-class%
(class object%
(inspect #f)
(init-field a b c)
(define/public (get-a) a)
(define/public (get-b) b)
(define/public (get-c) c)
(define/public (update-a a)
(object-copy my-class% this [a a]))
(define/public (update-b b)
(object-copy my-class% this [b b]))
(define/public (update-c c)
(object-copy my-class% this [c c]))
(define obj
(new my-class%
[a 1]
[b 2]
[c 3]))
(send obj get-a)
; 1
(send (send obj update-a 4) get-a)
; 4
Another option, if you can be sure that these will always be true:
Your class won't ever have any initialization arguments
Its subclasses won't either
In the rest of the methods, the only way you access those fields is with the getter methods
Then you can override the getter methods to get that behavior:
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class)
(define my-class%
(class object%
(define/public (get-a) (error 'a "uninitialized"))
(define/public (get-b) (error 'b "uninitialized"))
(define/public (get-c) (error 'c "uninitialized"))
(define/public (update-a a)
(new (class this%
(define/override (get-a) a))))
(define/public (update-b b)
(new (class this%
(define/override (get-b) b))))
(define/public (update-c c)
(new (class this%
(define/override (get-c) c))))
(define obj
(send+ (new my-class%)
(update-a 1)
(update-b 2)
(update-c 3)))
(send obj get-a)
; 1
(send (send obj update-a 4) get-a)
; 4
If those things aren't true, or you're afraid that someday you'll forget and they'll change (pretty likely, especially with the subclass thing), then this won't work. Using this% isn't really type-safe if it can be subclassed.
Although like I said at the top of this answer, structs are usually better for this type of thing.
I am trying to define a class method like so:
#lang racket
(define foo% (class object%
(define/public plus-one (curry + 1))))
But this code produces the following error:
eval:2:0: class: bad form for method definition
According to the Racket documentation, it should be possible to define a method using the syntax (define/public id expr), so I don't understand why this isn't working.
There is an easy workaround by using the (define/public (id . formals) body ...+) syntax, of course, but I would like to understand why the current code isn't accepted.
In the documentation for class*, see the nonterminals named method-definition and method-procedure. They describe the constraints on a legal method definition. A paragraph later in the class docs says that each private, public, etc declaration must correspond to a method-definition. So it isn't a bug, it's the intended behavior.
The reason behind the behavior, by the way, is that Racket's class macro implements methods by rewriting the method's lambda (or case-lambda) expression(s) to add an implicit argument for this. The same argument is also implicitly used to access the object's public and private fields. Restricting method definitions to certain shapes makes it possible to find the right lambda expressions to adjust.
Here's one way of rewriting your example:
#lang racket
(define do-plus-one (curry + 1))
(define foo% (class object%
(define/public (plus-one n) (do-plus-one n)))
This has the following nice properties: do-plus-one is computed only once, and it doesn't take a field slot in each foo% object.
It might be a bug. Imagine we have the usuall way:
(define/public (plus-one n) (+ 1 n))
The define way with name and arguments in parentheses are sugar for a id and lambda and that works:
(define/public plus-one (lambda (n) (+ 1 n)))
I'm getting that (curry + 1) returns a similar lambda and that that object should be working, but it isn't.
The whole point with a class method is using the private fields from the object and none of them do that, however only curry version makes it obvious that it will not be able to since the resulting procedure won't be having the scope of the object.
If you imagined we used a private variable for the increment you couldn't use curry since it would cache it. eg. you can't replicate this:
(define increaser%
(class object%
(init inc)
(define increment inc)
(define/public (set-inc inc)
(set! increment inc))
(define/public (increase n)
(+ increment n))))
(define test (new increaser% [inc 2]))
(send test increase 1) ; ==> 3
(send test set-inc 3)
(send test increase 1) ; ==> 4
(define test2 (new increaser% [inc 21]))
(define value 13)
(map (lambda (obj) (send obj increase value)) (list test test2))
; ==> (16 34)
I am new to Lisp-scheme and fairly new to the functional paradigm as a whole, and am currently doing an assignment which requires me to overload a function with the same name, but different sets of parameters in racket. Below is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
#lang racket
(define (put-ball-in-box two-by-fours nails ball)
... )
(define (put-ball-in-box box ball)
... )
These are not the actual functions, but close enough. As implied, both functions would put a ball in a box, but one would assemble the box from its components first, then call the other. Obviously, when I try the above in DrRacket or using the command line, I get a module: duplicate definition for identifier ... error.
Is there a way to achieve this in racket?
Maybe the answer is right in front of me, but I have spent the last two hours searching for this and couldn't find anything, so would appreciate any pointers.
Thank you.
It doesn't in the usual sense of "writing another definition somewhere else."
It allows shadowing, which is defining a procedure with the same name as an imported procedure. Thus you can (define + ...) and your definition of + will hide the + from racket/base. If you want the original procedure, then you can do something like the following, where I define + to be either addition or string-appending.
#lang racket/base
(require (rename-in racket/base (+ base:+)))
(define (+ . args)
(if (andmap string? args)
(apply string-append args)
(apply base:+ args)))
Another thing you can do is use racket/match to have different behavior based on the shape of the argument.
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match)
(define (fib . arg)
(match arg
[(list n) (fib n 1 0)]
[(list 1 a b) a]
[(list 0 a b) b]
[(list n a b) (fib (sub1 n) (+ a b) a)]))
This second example still doesn't quite do what you want since you have to go to the original definition point and modify the match clauses. But it might be sufficient for your purposes.
A more complicated example would be to use custom syntax to create a define/overload form. But I think you'll find the racket/match solution to be best.
You have the concept of default values as in JS and PHP:
(define (fib n (a 0) (b 1))
(if (zero? n)
(fib (sub1 n) b (+ a b))))
(fib 10) ; ==> 55
Now if you had 5 optional parameters you need to order them and even pass some values just to be able to add a later one. To avoid that you can use keywords:
(define (test name #:nick [nick name] #:job [job "vacant"])
(list name nick job))
(test "sylwester" #:job "programmer")
; ==> ("sylwester" "sylwester" "programmer")
Now Racket has classes. You can call a method like (send object method args ...).
(define circle%
(class object%
(init-field radius)
(define/public (area)
(* radius radius 3.1415))))
(define cube%
(class object%
(init-field side)
(define/public (area)
(* side side))))
(define circle (new circle% [radius 7]))
(define cube (new cube% [side 7]))
(lambda (o) (send o area))
(list circle cube))
; ==> (153.9335 49)
Notice that the two classes hasn't really commited to a joint interface with area so this is pure duck typing. Thus you can make a function that expects a class that implements a message and it doesn't need to worry about other aspects of the class at all.
I have following code for a simple class (stack):
#lang racket
(define stackClass%
(class object%
(init-field (mystack '(A B C)))
(define/public (push n)
(set! mystack (cons n mystack)))
(define/public (pop)
(cond [(empty? mystack) #f]
[else (define res (car mystack))
(set! mystack (rest mystack))
res] ))
(define/public (show)
mystack ; I want to output mystack at time of creation of class object; not working here;
)); end class;
(define sc (new stackClass%))
(send sc push 1)
(send sc push 2)
(send sc show)
(send sc pop)
(send sc show)
'(2 1 A B C)
'(1 A B C)
I want to output mystack at time of creation of class object. However, it is not working in this code, though there is no error being shown.
Using following instead of (init-field (mystack '(A B C))) also does not help:
(init (L '(A B C)))
(define mystack L)
How can I run a piece of code at the time of class creation?
Yes, your code is running fine. In addition, "mystack" is being evaluated. However, it produces no output. If you want to display something, you can use one of a number of functions. Try replacing mystack with (println mystack) in your code.
I have a method which returns class definitions:
(define (max-tracker%)
(let ([current-maximum 0])
(class object%
(init val) ; <--
(define held-value 0)
(set-val val)
(define/public (set-val newval) ; <--
(when (newval . >= . current-maximum)
(set! current-maximum newval))
(set! held-value newval))
how do I bind a contract to the set-val method?
You can use the with-contract form, which lets you create arbitrary contract regions in expressions:
(define (max-tracker%)
#:result contract-expr
(class object% (init val) ...)))
This creates a contract region named max-tracker-procedure that exports exactly one anonymous value that must adhere to the contract specified in contract-expr. In this case you could specify a class/c contract. Multiple values and exports can be specified too, by using Racket's ability to return multiple values and using #:results (contract-expr ...) instead. Here's a simpler example demonstrating this:
(define test-value
(with-contract test
#:result (or/c integer? symbol?)
"neither int nor symbol - should break contract"))
Running this should give you:
broke its contract:
promised: (or/c integer? symbol?)
produced: "neither int nor symbol - should break contract"
in: (or/c integer? symbol?)
contract from: (region test)
blaming: (region test)
Combining this with class/c should give you what you're looking for.
Here's an example closer to what you'd like:
(define (with-greeting class%)
(with-contract with-greeting
#:result (class/c [greet (->m string? string?)])
(class class%
(define/public (greet person)
(string-append "Hello, " person "!")))))
(define simple-greeter% (with-greeting object%))
(define simple-greeter (new simple-greeter%))
(send simple-greeter greet "Jack")
(send simple-greeter greet 'Jack)
Most of my application state is stored in a large complex map. For the purposes of this question, I will use a simple structure:
(def data
{:a 1
:b {:c {:d 3}}})
I have a large number of functions which all follow the same pattern:
(defn update-map
[my-map val]
(let [a (:a my-map)
d (-> my-map :b :c :d)]
(assoc my-map :a (+ a val))
[:b :c :d] (+ d val))))
I retrieve one or more values from the map, perform some calculations, and create a new map with updated values. There are two problems with this approach:
I have a lot of repetitive let bindings across different function definitions
If the schema of the map changes, I will have a lot of code to refactor
I've written a macro to reduce the boilerplate code required to define these functions. It works by looking up predefined getter and setter functions, and automatically generating a let block:
(def getters
{'a #(:a %)
'd #(-> % :b :c :d)})
(def setters
{'a #(assoc % :a %2)
'd #(assoc-in % [:b :c :d] %2)})
(defmacro def-map-fn
[name [& args] [& fields] & code]
(let [my-map 'my-map
lookup #(reduce % [] fields)
getter-funcs (lookup #(conj % %2 (list (getters %2) my-map)))
setter-funcs (lookup #(conj % (symbol (str "update-" %2)) (setters %2)))]
`(defn ~name [~my-map ~#args]
(let [~#getter-funcs ~#setter-funcs]
I can now define my functions more elegantly:
(def-map-fn update-map
[val] ; normal function parameters
[a d] ; fields from the map I will be using
(update-a my-map (+ a val))
(+ d val)))
When expanded, it will produce a function definition looking something like this:
(defn update-map
[my-map val]
(let [a (#(:a %) my-map)
d (#(-> % :b :c :d) my-map)
update-a #(assoc % :a %2)
update-d #(assoc-in % [:b :c :d] %2)]
(update-a my-map (+ a val))
(+ d val))))
One thing that is nagging me about my macro is that it is not intuitive to the programmer that the my-map function parameter is available for use within the function body.
Is this a good use of macros, or should I be using a different approach entirely (like dynamic var bindings)?
You could perhaps use lenses; the getters and setters then become composable functions. Have a look here or here.
Following the first link you can set up the lens as follows:
; We only need three fns that know the structure of a lens.
(defn lens [focus fmap] {:focus focus :fmap fmap})
(defn view [x {:keys [focus]}] (focus x))
(defn update [x {:keys [fmap]} f] (fmap f x))
; The identity lens.
(defn fapply [f x] (f x))
(def id (lens identity fapply))
; Setting can be easily defined in terms of update.
(defn put [x l value] (update x l (constantly value)))
(-> 3 (view id))
; 3
(-> 3 (update id inc))
; 4
(-> 3 (put id 7))
; 7
; in makes it easy to define lenses based on paths.
(defn in [path]
(fn [x] (get-in x path))
(fn [f x] (update-in x path f))))
(-> {:value 3} (view (in [:value])))
; 3
(-> {:value 3} (update (in [:value]) inc))
; {:value 4}
(-> {:value 3} (put (in [:value]) 7))
; {:value 7}
You can see form the above the the lens can be adapted to use get/set methods (such as get-in/update-in) based on the data structure you are working with. The real power of lenses which seems to also be what you are after is that you can compose them. In the same example the composition function can be defined as follows:
(defn combine [outer inner]
(fn [x] (-> x (view outer) (view inner)))
(fn [f x] (update x outer #(update % inner f)))))
(defn => [& lenses] (reduce combine lenses))
The => function can now be used to combine any arbitrary lenses such as:
(-> {:new {:value 3}} (view (=> (in [:new]) (in [:value]))))
; 3
(-> {:new {:value 3}} (update (=> (in [:new]) (in [:value])) inc))
; {:new {:value 4}}
(-> {:new {:value 3}} (put (=> (in [:new]) (in [:value])) 7))
; {:new {:value 7}}
The fact that (in [:new]) is just a function means that you could, for example, store it and manipulate it in various ways. For example, it would be possible to walk your nested map structure and create the lens functions which correspond to accessing the value at each level in the nested map and then at the end compose these functions together to create your getter/setter api. With this set up, your lenses could automatically adapt to any changes in your schema.
The ability to compose lenses can also make it easy to interact with the nodes of your nested map. For example, if you were to ever change the node from an atom to a list, you could simply add a new lens to work with it as follows:
(def each (lens seq map))
(-> {:values [3 4 5]} (view (=> (in [:values]) each)))
; (3 4 5)
(-> {:values [3 4 5]} (update (=> (in [:values]) each) inc))
; {:values (4 5 6)}
(-> {:values [3 4 5]} (put (=> (in [:values]) each) 7))
; {:values (7 7 7)}
I highly recommend looking at the full gist to see more examples of what you can do with lenses.
In this situation, my preference is to avoid the use of macros. They often obfuscate code, but more importantly they aren't composable. An ideal solution here would allow you to use the getter and setter functions outside of functions being defined in def-map-fn. I'd stick with regular functions and data as much as possible.
To begin with, you're concerned about having to rewrite a bunch of code if your schema changes. Fair enough. To address that, I'd start with a data representation of your map's schema. See Prismatic schema for a full-featured schema library for Clojure, but for now something along these lines should do:
(def my-schema
{:a :int
:b {:c {:d :int}}})
From this, you can compute the paths for all the properties in your schema:
(defn paths [m]
(mapcat (fn [[k v]]
(conj (if (map? v)
(map (partial apply vector k) (paths v)))
(def property-paths
(into {} (for [path (paths my-schema)] [(last path) path])))
Now, to get or set a property, you can look up its path and use that in conjunction with get-in, update-in, etc. as appropriate:
(let [d (get-in my-map (property-paths :d))]
;; Do something with d.
If you get tired of always calling get-in, assoc-in, etc., then you can pretty easily generate a bunch of getter functions:
(doseq [[p path] property-paths]
(eval `(defn ~(symbol (str "get-" (name p)))
[m#] (get-in m# ~path))))
(doseq [[p path] property-paths]
(eval `(defn ~(symbol (str "set-" (name p)))
[m# v#] (assoc-in m# ~path v#))))
(doseq [[p path] property-paths]
(eval `(defn ~(symbol (str "update-" (name p)))
[m# tail#] (apply update-in m# ~path #tail))))
Now you have your get-a, set-a, update-a functions available everywhere in your code, without having to call into some uber-macro to set up the bindings for you. For instance:
(let [a (get-a my-map)]
(-> my-map
(set-a 42)
(update-d + a)))
If you really find setting up the above let binding tedious, you could even write a with-properties macro that accepts a map and a list of property names and executes the body in a context that binds values for those names. But I probably wouldn't bother.
Advantages of this approach include:
It's schema-driven, so the schema is defined in one central place and used to generate other code as needed.
It prefers pure functions over macros, so code is more re-usable and composable.
It's an incremental approach that allows your application to grow more naturally. Rather than starting with an uber-macro that tries to anticipate all possible features you might want, you start with data and functions and sprinkle in macros to alleviate some of the repetitiveness as you see usage patterns emerge.
Why don't you just use update-in?
(defn update-map [my-map val]
(-> my-map
(update-in [:a] + val)
(update-in [:b :c :d] + val)))