Implementing Eddystone hardware - beacon

What sort of hardware can I use to implement Eddystone beacons?
I don't want I manufactured hardware like estimote or radius networds hardware.

For Eddystone-UID and Eddystone-URL, you can use:
Any hardware based on a Bluetooth 4.0 chip. Manufacturers include Nordic, TI, and Blue Giga make modules and systems on a chip, but you will need tooling from them to develop firmware.
An Android 6.0+ device that supports BLE advertising. Code is written in Java.
Any Linux computer including a Raspberry Pi that supports the BlueZ stack and has a Bluetooth 4.0+ device.
You cannot use:
An iOS device. The operating system prevents advertising


Connecting hc-05 with iPhone SE iOS(v11.0)

I have done some research on core bluetooth framework. Successfully setup discovery of peripheral of other iPhone, connect, discovered services and characteristics and write some values. All went well. Surprisingly come to know there is apple MIFI program (need to research on it).
In excitement I ordered iPhoneSE, HC-05 bluetooth module, Arduino Builder's Kit R2 with original Arduino UNO. It took some days/wasted in shipment and decent amount and now it's not working.
I write proper set up/initialization for peripheral and central classes, adopted delegates and I think it's all correct. However I am not able to connect to HC-05 bluetooth module.
On a Android device i turned on bluetooth in device settings, HC-05
was able to be discovered, enter 0000/1234 (password as per
documentation). And yes i was able to connect it. It means HC-05 is
not malfunctioning.
On a iPhoneSE iOS v11.0, Setting -> turn on bluetooth. But HC-05 is
not discoverable.
I simply want to be successfully discover and connect to HC-05 module using BLE technology. Then with delegate methods look up services/characteristics and then try to on/off led.
I can provide more info and background if needed.
I need some help and direction so that I can purchase the correct bluetooth module which connect to iPhone, and I am sure I can do it.
To answer above question-
HC-05 will not connect iPhone. Because HC_05 is not bluetooth low energy.
I have used AT-09 from amazon.
I have written complete article how I achieved it here, and challanges I faced with solution.
The HC-05 isn't compatible with iOS.
This is because Apple uses MFi Licensing Program and HC-05 is not licensed.
To get things working go for a module supporting minimal BT Version V4.0 BLE. Even better, BT Version: V4.2 BLE & V5.0 (better range and larger packet-size), if iOS (v11.0) supports it.
I am not going to recommend a specific model, that's what Google is for.
Apple devices under the MFi licensing scheme only support limited profiles.
HC-05 is based on Bluetooth 2.0. What will work for Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPad) will be those modules that utilise Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Bluetooth Connection with Handheld and iPhone

I am trying to establish a bluetooth connection between a Windows CE handheld device(A bank card reader) and iPhone. I want to make data transfer betweeen the two. I have read that prior to IOS 6.0 this was not possible. But with IOS 6.0 I can use core bluetooth to establish a connection.
I would like to know whether the handheld devices bluetooth should be of certain spec to make it work with IOS devices? Or are there any restriction fro any bluetooth device to communicate with an IOS device?
I have read here that the device should be Bluetooth LE. How can I detect whether my handheld device is bluetooth LE?
It would be nice if you would provide more information about this Windows CE device.
Just search for the specs of it. If it supports Bluetooth 4.0 LE you have to look if it specifies any of the known profiles. If not the manufacturer may have implemented an own profile to provide certain services and characteristics.
If this is not the case, there is no possibility to establish a connection over CoreBluetooth.
But if its a bank card reader I can't imagine, that it supports BLE.
If the device just supports Bluetooth 2.x you can only connect via the External Accessories Framework. But this only works if the manufacturer bought the MFi (Made for iPod) license and implemented the required specs into the hardware (only then the device is "MFi approved").

Bluetooth 4.0 with older Bluetooth

i'm trying to implement an application using a Bluetooth 4.0 module, and I wonder if using this application with an Iphone 3GS containing a simple Bluetooth 2.1 EDR module is going to enable me take advantage of the the low energy in my 4.0 module.
Thank you for your answers
Bluetooth 4.0 is the standard, which includes both classical Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, or Bluetooth Smart, which is a marketing name).
Compatibility depends on the the device and Bluetooth chip e.g. is it a BR/EDR only chip (Bluetooth 3.0), a BLE only chip or a dual-mode chip capable of both BR/EDR and BLE. A dual-mode chip can (until 4.1, at least) only operates in either BR/EDR or BLE mode for any given connection.
A dual mode chip, certified as Bluetooth 4.0, can and should be able to connect to a Bluetooth 2.1 chip, in BR/EDR mode.
A Bluetooth BLE (Bluetooth Smart) chip will not be able to.
First, you must clearly determine if your Bluetooth 4.0 module is only capable of BLE.
According to Bluetooth 4.0 (ie BLE), there are two kinds of devices
1) A dual mode device , which support BR/EDR , ie Bluetooth 2.1 or 3.0 and same time it support Bluetooth 4.0
2) A BLE only device, which supports only Bluetooth 4.0
In general, sensors which supposed to be work in coin cell battery will be designed with BLE chipset and mobile devices will be designed with Dual mode chipset. So the mobile device can have interoperability with other BR/EDR device as well as it can connect and fetch data from sensors.
More over a BLE device can not communicate with a classic Bluetooth device[ BR/EDR or Bluetooth 2.1 device]
No of coures not, how can a Bluetooth 2.1 magically turn into a bluetooth 4 module.
If you apps requires Bluetooth 4.0 than add it to the Required device capabilities in the info.plist. Add bluetooth-le to the Required device capabilities.
Bluetooth 4.0 in low energy mode is actually quite different from what people consider classical Bluetooth. While Bluetooth 4.0 in the iPhone is backwards compatible with Bluetooth 2.1, Bluetooth low energy in general (or Bluetooth Smart as it is also known) is not backwards compatible.
The corebluetooth framework specifies functionality with Bluetooth low energy (4.0) and is only available with newer iPads and iPhone 4S.
You cannot by any means work with Bluetooth 4.0 devices using an older iOS device.
Bluetooth Low energy only chip cannot communicate with Classic BR/EDR Chips.
4.0 Bluetooth specification is an umbrella specification that contains both BLE and BR/EDR.
A Dual Mode chip contains BLE as well as BR/EDR capability. Of course, Host also should be capable of dual mode strictly speaking. Dual mode chips, obviously can communicate with both kinds of chips.

Bluetooth on iOS

What are the limitations of the Bluetooth on iOS? Can I program a Bluetooth in a way it makes the discovery procedure to find neighbor devices, selects a device from list, pair with it and starts over sockets exchanging some data (e.g. for peer2peer game? Is that possible?
All hardware that can communicate with iOS devices using Bluetooh must comply with the MFI (made for iPhone) program. It requires the vendor to use certain kinds of hardware and require a device certification. The program is under a strict NDA.
It basically means that you can only make a connection between iOS devices or devices with the MFI label and not just connect to a another cellphone -unless your iOS device is Jailbroken of course.
yes it is possible. BTW only iOS devices are supported.
Take a look at GameKit framework in the documentation.

Sockets (or Other Communication) Over USB with iOS Device

I am having trouble with my Google Fu today and I can't seem to find anything about this. How can I use TCP sockets -- or any other relevant way to send bytes -- to talk between an iOS device and a host via USB instead of Wifi?
Without applying for Apple's MFI Program (and perhaps signing NDAs), information on communicating via the dock connector's USB interface isn't available for devices running Apple's stock iOS.
It is possible to use PeerTalk without Apple's MFI Program.
Newer answer:
An Ethernet-Lightning connector, such as this one (but other MiFi certified ones are supposedly being developed, or use a chain of dongles involving Apple's Lightning to USB Camera kit + USB Ethernet), will allow connecting an iOS device, via Ethernet (TCP sockets,, to a small "coat pocket-able" computer, such as a Raspberry Pi 3B+, which supports standard USB ports.
Call the Raspberry Pi, with appropriate software, a USB to Ethernet/TCP converter for iOS.
I am currently using just this mechanism to develop iOS apps supporting various USB SDR radios, such as RTL-SDRs, by streaming rtl_tcp from a Raspberry Pi to an iPad.