Is querying MongoDB faster than Redis? - mongodb

I have some data stored in a database (MongoDB) and in distributed cache redis.
While querying to the repository, I am using lazy loading approach which first finds the data in the cache if it's available, if not find it in the database and update the cache as well so that next time when the requirement comes it should be found in the cache.
Sample Model Used:
Person ( id, name, age, address (Reference))
Address (id, place)
PersonCacheModel extends Person with addressId.
I am not storing parent object with child object together in the cache that is why I've created personCacheModel with addressId and store this object in the cache and while getting the data personCacheModel converts to person and make a call to address repo to addressCache to fill the address details of the person object.
As far as I understand:
personRepository.findPersonByName(NAME + randomNumber);
Access Data from Cache = network time + cache access time + deserialize time
Access Data from database = network time + database query time + object mapping time
When I ran above approach for 1000 rows, accessing data from the database is faster than the accessing data from the cache. I believe cache access time must be smaller than the accessing MongoDB.
Please let me know if there's an issue with the approach or is this is the expected scenario.

to have a valid benchmark we need to consider hardware side and data processing side:
hardware - do we have same configuration, RAM, CPUs count, OS... etc
process - how data is transformed (on single thread, multi thread, per object, per request)
Performing a load test on your data set will give you an good overview of which process is faster in particular use case scenario.
It is hard to judge - what it should be as long as there mentioned above points will be know for us.
The other thing is to have more than one test scenario and have it stressed in let's say 10 sec time, minute , 5 an hour... so you can have digits that will tell you the truth.


Caching in a microservice with multiple replicas in k8s

I've a Golang based micro-service which has an in-memory cache as follows:
Create object -> Put it in cache -> Persist
Update object -> Update the cache -> Persist
Get -> Get it from the cache
Delete -> Delete cache entry -> Remove from data store.
On a service re-start, the cache is populated from the data store.
The cache organizes the data in different ways that matches my access patterns.
Note that one client can create the object, and other clients can update it at a later point in time.
Everything works fine as long as I've one replica. But, this pattern will break when I increase the replica count in my deployment.
If I have to go to the DB for each GET, it defeats the purpose of the cache. The first thought is, to move the cache out. But, this seems like a fairly common problem when moving to multi-replica microservices. So, curious to understand alternatives.
Thanks for your time.
Mainly many things depends on how you structure your application.
One common solution is use Redis Cache or Distributed Cache. Here advantage is that your all services will go to same cache to manage object. This will give more consistent data.
Another approach that you can take and this will be some how more complex. Try to use sharding.
For Get Operation based on Id of object, you have to route request to specific instance. That instance will have that object in cache. If not then it read from db and put it in that instance cache. Eachtime for that object it will go that instance. This is applicable to Update and Delete operation.
For create operation.
If you want DB generate Id automatically for object then there is once chance object created in DB and then it return that Id and based on Id you have to route request and that way for first access after creation will be from DB but after that it will be in cache of that instance.
If you have provision that Id can be manually generated then during creation if you have to prefix Id with something that map to instance.
Note : In distributed system , there is no one solution. You always have to decide which approach works for you scenario.

How to handle circular documents in MongoDB/DynamoDB?

Currently the site is using a relational database (MySQL) however the speed to join all the data is too long and has required caching that has lead to other issues.
The issue is how the two tables would nest into each other creating a circular reference. A simple example would be two tables, one for an ACTOR and a second for a MOVIE. The movie would have the actor and the actor would have a movie. Obviously this is easy in a relational database.
So for example, an ACTOR schema:
- FILM1 (ties to the FILM1 document)
Then the MOVIE schema:
- ACTOR1 (ties back to the ACTOR document)
Speed is the most important thing to me. I can easily add ID's to an ACTOR document in place of the full MOVIE document. However I'm back to multiple calls. Are there any features in a NoSQL database like MongoDB or DynamoDB that could solve this in a single call? Or is NoSQL just not the right choice?
While NoSQL generally recommends denormalization of data models, it is best not to have an unbounded list in a single database entry. To model this data in DynamoDB, you should use an adjacency list for modeling the many-to-many relationship. There's no cost-effective way of modeling the data, that I know of, to allow you to get all the data you want in a single call. However, you have said that speed is most important (without giving a latency requirement), so I will try to give you an idea as to how fast you can get the data if stored in DynamoDB.
Your schemas would become something like this:
Actor {
ActorId, <-- This is the application/database id, not the actor's actual ID
Film {
FilmId, <-- This is the application/database id for the film
ActedIn {
To indicate that an actor acted in a movie, you only need to perform one write (which is consistently single-digit milliseconds using DynamoDB in my experience) to add an ActedIn item to your table.
To get all the movies for an actor, you would need to query once to get all the acted in relationships, and then a batch read to get all the movies. Typical latencies for a query (in my experience) is under 10ms, depending on the network speeds and the amount of data being sent over the network. Since the ActedIn relationship is such a small object, I think you could expect an average case of 5ms for a query, if your query is originating from something that is also running in an AWS datacenter (EC2, Lambda, etc).
Getting a single item is going to be under 5 ms, and you can do that in parallel. There's also a BatchGetItems API, but I don't have any statistics for you on that.
So, is ~10ms fast enough for you?
If not, you can use DAX, which adds a caching layer to DynamoDB and promises request latency of <1ms.
What's the unmaintainable, not-cost-effective way to do this in a single call?
For every ActedIn relationship, store your data like this:
ActedIn {
You only need to make one query for any given Actor to get all of their film details, and only one query to get all the Actor details for a given film. Don't actually do this. The duplicated data means that every time you have to update the details for an Actor, you need to update it for every Film they were in, and similarly for Film details. This will be an operational nightmare.
I'm not convinced; it seems like NoSQL is terrible for this.
You should remember that NoSQL comes in many varieties (NoSQL = Not Only SQL), and so even if one NoSQL solution doesn't work for you, you shouldn't rule it out entirely. If you absolutely need this in a single call, you should consider using a Graph database (which is another type of NoSQL database).

Service Fabric Actors - save state to database

I'm working on a sample Service Fabric project, where I have to maintain a shopping list. For this I have a ShoppingList actor, which is identifiable by a specific id. It stores the current list content in its state using StateManager. All works fine.
However, in parallel I'd like to maintain the shopping list content in a sql database. In particular:
store all add/remove item request for future analysis (ML)
on first actor initialization load list content from db (e.g. after cluster has been re-created)
What is the best approach to achieve that? Create a custom StateProvider (how? can't find examples)?
Or maybe have another service/actor for handling all db operations (possibly using queues and reminders)?
All examples seem to completely rely on default StateManager, with no data persistence to external storage, so I'm not sure what's the best practice.
The best way will be to have a separate entity responsible for storing data to DB. And actor will just send an event (not implying SF events) with some data about performed operation, and another entity will catch it and perform the rest of the work.
But of course you can implement this thing in actor itself, but it will bring two possible issues:
Actor will be not able to process other requests if there will be some issues with DB or connectivity between actor and DB or if there will be high loading of DB itself and it will process requests slowly. The actor would have to wait till transferring to DB successfully completes.
Possible overloading of DB with many single connections from many actors instead of one or several connection from another entity and batch insertion.
So, your final solution will depend on workload of your system. But definitely you will need a reliable queue to safely store data in DB if value of such data is too high to afford a loss.
Also, I think you could use default state manager to store logs and information about transactions before it will be transferred to DB and remove from service's state after transaction completes. There is no need to have permanent storage of such data in services.
And another things to take into consideration — reading from DB. Probably, if you have relationship database and will update with new records only one table + if there will be huge amount of actors that will query such data on activation, you will have performance degradation as this table will be locked for reading or writing if you will not configure it to behave differently. So, probably, you will need caching system to read data for actors activation — depends on your workload.
And about implementing your custom State Manager: take a look at this example. Basically, all you need to do is to implement IReliableStateManagerReplica interface and pass it to StatefullService constructor.

Simultaneous identical requests = double in database

My controller handles a POST request, inserting a object in PostgreSQL. It works like this :
Check if the object does not exist in DB
Save the object in DB
But sometimes, 2 identical requests come too close and I guess the second one does not find the object of the first one so both are written in DB.
I am on heroku and I must take scalability into account also : the two requests can come on different dynos ( static variable wont work )
I did not find anything about database locking in Play
Any idea ?

Which data-store to use, to store meta data corresponding to the keys in memcache?

I have a memcache backend and i want to add redis for adding the meta data of the keys of the memcache.
Meta data is as follows:
Miss_count: The number of times the data was not present in the memcache.
Hash_value: The hash value of the data corresponding to the key in the memcache.
Data in memcache : key1 ::: Data
Meta data (miss count) : key1_miss ::: 10
Meta data (hash value) : key1_hash ::: hash(Data)
Please provide help as in which data store is preferable as when i store the meta data in the memcache itself, the meta data is removed well before its expiry time as the size of the meta data is small and the slab allocation is allocating a small memory chuck to it.
As the meta data will increase with time, the hash concept of the redis will fail. Therefore apply a client logic to see that the max_zipped is satisfied.
If I understand your use case correctly I suspect Redis might be a good choice. Assuming you'll be periodically updating the meta data miss counts associated with the various hashes over time, you'd probably want to use Redis sorted sets. For example, if you wanted the miss counts stored in a sorted set called "misscounts", the Redis command to add/update those counts would be one and the same:
zadd misscounts misscount key1
... because zadd adds the entry if one doesn't already exist or overwrites an existing entry if it does. If you have a hook into the process that fires each time a miss occurs, you could instead use:
zincrby misscounts 1 key1
Similar to the the zadd command behavior, zincrement will create a new entry (using the increment value as the count) if one doesn't exist, or increment the existing count by the increment value you pass if an entry does exist.
Complete documentation of Redis commands can be found here. Descriptions of the different types of storage options in Redis is detailed here.
Oh, and a final note. In my experience, Redis is THE SHIT. Sorry to curse (in caps), but there's simply no other way to do Redis justice. We call our Redis server "honey badger", because when load starts increasing and our other servers start auto-scaling, honey badger just don't give a shit.