xcopy one file to many computers in txt file - powershell

I am trying to copy one script file (DBFF.cmd) to many computers. I have created a computerlist.txt to list the names of each computer. On each line I have just the list of names ex. (win-ali) will someone please tell me where I may be going wrong?
for /F %%a in (computerlist.txt) do xcopy "\\tc\Install\Firefox_Deploy\DBFF.cmd" "\\%%a\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"

Without knowing what issues/errors you're encountering, it's going to be difficult to troubleshoot.
That being said, your example should work within a batch file. It will not work straight from the command line.
If you need it to work from the command line, change %%a to %a:
for /F %a in (computerlist.txt) do xcopy "\\tc\Install\Firefox_Deploy\DBFF.cmd" "\\%a\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"
Here's an old Microsoft post about the percent signs being stripped from batch files: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/75634


Simple xcopy script using variables and a target text list to copy a folder to different computers

I wrote a script that wil copy a particular folder to a list of hosts, stored in a text file.
It works great from a short source path but fails to find the folder when located in a long path, which is how i need it to function.
Thsi what i tried, which should copy the folder to the list in the text.
Code below
set source=%~dp0%data
set source2=%~dp0%\target.txt
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN (%source2%) DO XCOPY /d /y /f /i "%source%" "\%%~A\c$\users\test\test"
Error: The system cannot find the file C:\Users\lenovo\OneDrive\Company\Red.
The above path is not the full path.
I understand there may well be more modern ways to achive this such as ropcopy or powershell and am open to ideas if this is not teh best method.
Thanks in advance for any help

Copy files in different subdirectories to another directory using a file list

so I have a list of about 26,000 files that I need Copied/moved to a different directory on a server. The different files in the list all have different sub-directory locations and names in the main source folder and the paths are specified in the filelist document.
The source filepath is on a network drive so (V:\RandomFolder\RandomSubdirectory)
The destination filepath would be on the local machine so (C:\RandomDestination)
I looked into seeing of robocopy could pull from the file list and move that way but I couldn't seem to find a way to make that work. Anyone got any ideas? I'd really appreciate any help.
Okay I figured it out, if anyone runs into this conundrum just follow like what is below( and edit to your liking and save it as a .bat
SET FileList=C:\listoffilestomove.txt
SET Source=\\TopLevelOfNetworkOrFolderSourceDirectory\
SET Destination=C:\yourdestination
FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=*" %%F IN ("%FileList%") DO XCOPY /F /Y "%Source%\%%~F" "%Destination%\"

How to write STDOUT/STDIN via RedMon/cmd.exe to file?

I am trying to redirect a PS output to a file and process it further.
For this I am using the Printer Port Redirection RedMon which is sending the output to CMD.exe
As arguments I expected that something like the following should work, but it does not. "%1" contains the user input for filename.
/c >"%1"
/c 1>"%1"
/c |"%1"
/c > "%1" 2>&1
What almost works if I send the output to a batch file which writes it then to file.
/c WriteOutput.bat "%1"
However, the batch file is somehow altering the file (skipping empty lines, and ignoring exclamation marks and so on...)
If possible I want to avoid a batch file. Is there a way to get it "directly" to a file?
Select "Print to FILE" in the printer options is not an option for me. I want the same end result but via cmd.exe being able to process it further.
Any ideas?
Well, that's the batch file I used. It neglects empty lines and space at the beginning.
#echo off
set FileName=%1
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('more') do (
echo %%A>>%FileName%.ps
Well, so far I still haven't found a direct way to write STDIN via RedMon via CMD.exe to a file. As #aschipfl wrote, all the versions with for /F will skip lines and ignore certain characters.
However, with the following batch script (via RedMon) I end up with a "correct looking" file on disk.
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c WritePS.bat "%1"
"%1" contains the user input for filename without extension.
The Batch-File WritePS.bat looks as simple as this:
#echo off & setlocal
set FileName=%1.ps
more > "%FileName%"
the resulting Postscript file is different from a file which I "Print to FILE" via the Postscript-Printer setup. I am pretty sure that all the printer settings which I can set are the same in both cases.
If anybody has an idea why there might be a difference, please let me know.

How to delete files from a list?

I have a filesystem that uses a hash algorithm to organize files. I have used xcopy in the past to copy files to a different location by passing in a file that has a list of all the files and having it iterate through it. The script looks similar to the following:
for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %i in (D:\foo.csv)
do echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
However, now I've run into a situation where in addition to copying the files that are provided in the foo.csv file, I want them to be deleted as well. I looked at the xcopy documentation and couldn't find anything. Is there someway I can accomplish this, even if I have to run another script to go through the same list of files and delete them after using xcopy?
You can use parenthesis to indicate multiple commands to be excecuted by the for operand:
for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %%i in (D:\foo.csv) do (
echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\%%i\%%j\%%k" "Y:\%%i\%%j\%%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
del /F "Z:\%%i\%%j\%%k"
I'm not familiar with Windows (I'm happily using Gnu/Linux since 1993), but perhaps you could add some command with variables like del %n somewhere (or replace xcopy with your own .bat file doing what you want)
From the look of it you can use move command instead of xcopy, since you're not using any extended features from xcopy. The '/d' is supposed to be used to only copy the files if they are newer, not sure how useful that is for your purpose since you want to delete them. Otherwise, move doesn't have many more options to speak of.
Another possible, and slightly more sophisticated, method is robocopy.
robocopy /MOVE /XO "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k"
The /MOVE would delete both folders and files after copying, and /XO flag excludes older files from being copied. robocopy is primarily available in newer operating systems (i.e. Not XP). You can check the above mentioned reference for more details.
Hope this helps. Although, just using del as previously mentioned should work fine also.

Making batch file for copying

Can anyone advise me please im using Windows XP Pro on C drive and need to be able to copy a file from one drive to another. This case original will have to be renamed and old file must be put on another Partiton which is on a Server Example K drive.
Alternately There is another option using Windows 7 on a another computer instead of Windows XP Pro. So any answers appreciated.
A quick look on my old DOS book that I saved just in case that I have to make batch files says COPY is the right command.
If your permissions are setup to allow copying, you can use "UNC" paths to copy files across servers and drives.
Like Noah said, check out ROBOCOPY or the slightly less featured XCOPY.
Enter copy /? or xcopy /? to find out the available options - if you append >file.txt you'll get them in a text file.
XCOPY Command:
xcopy c:\sourceDirectory\*.* d:\destinationDirectory\*.* /D /E /C /R /Y
robocopy c:\sourceDirectory\*.* d:\destinationDirectory\*.* /R:5 /W:3 /Z /XX /TEE
Either of these should work for you
Have you looked into robocopy?