Chrome for window devtools freezes - google-chrome-devtools

I'm using chrome on Windows 7 and after updating from 48 to 49, the devtools get frozen when I'm trying to navigate some of the tabs (sources, resources, etc.)
I re-installed several times, and restored devtools options to default, but none of the attempts worked for me.
I downgraded to 43 and works fine.
Anyone knows the reason or experiencing same problem?


Chrome 94 DevTools crashes when doing memory profiling

I was trying to fix a memory leak issue but when I take heap snapshot or check real time allocation in Chrome DevTools, the page crashes with a "Aw, Snap!" message with error code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
I am using Chrome Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit).
I found this bug too. Workaround is to use incognito window for degugging.
Version 95.0.4638.54 has fixed this issue. But in case similar issue come out again, you can always try to avoid it in incognito window.

Remote debug broken with Android Chrome 89

When I want to inspect a page listed on chrome://inspect page on a remote Pixel 4 with OS version 11, I get a white page with just 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' shown.
I uninstalled all updates from Android Chrome, went down to version 83, and remote debugging started working again.
I have the same problem with current versions of Chrome beta/dev/canary.
Is this only a problem on my device, or a general problem? Any way to get remote debugging working with Chrome 89?
It seems you can't get it working on Chrome 89 for now because this is a general problem. I got the same issue on Vivaldi 3.7 which runs Chromium 89. The only option for now is rolling back to previous working release.

Chrome 73 stop supporting headless mode in background scheduled task?

We have a .NET program to run headless Chrome to snapshot web page to image, and here is the sample code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var p = Process.Start(
#"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe",
$#"--headless --screenshot=E:\test{DateTime.Now:HHmmss}.png --disable-gpu --window-size=320,568");
The console application is scheduled in Windows Task Scheduler with "Run whether user is logged on or not" option. The program works fine for months but failed yesterday, we noticed the Chrome version is 73 now. Luckily we found a computer in which Chrome is still 72, so we tested the background scheduled task once, upgraded Chrome to 73 and tested it again, finally got the conclusion - Headless Chrome 72 can run in background, but Chrome 73 can't.
Does anybody find the same issue on Chrome 73?
[updated on 2019/6/23]
It's a bug of Chromium (bug 942023) and has been fixed on Chrome 74.0.3729.108.
For Chrome 73, you can use --disable-features=VizDisplayCompositor argument as a workaround.
Yes, we have the same issue here. We're running Chrome through Selenium WebDriver and after the update to Chrome 73 our background tasks no longer function correctly. Downgrading to Chrome 72 fixes the problem.
Our diagnostics logs show that when running Chrome 73 in headless mode that certain calls to the Chrome process seem to hang. For instance, resizing the browser or trying to take a screenshot via the WebDriver API. We tried a number of things to fix this including updating Selenium, WebDriver and chromedriver to the latest versions but all had identical behaviours.
There certainly seems to be an issue with running Chrome 73 in headless mode after the update.

Google Chrome Inspect devices failed

I faced some situation where the web app I developed worked differently (with errors) in a portable device than in computer. Then some googling took me to Inspect device feature of Google Chrome. After successfully connecting the phone to PC, I just clicked the inspect link for the corresponding tab.
Some internet resources said that some appspot link must be accessible. And, I verified it too. It is accessible from PC.
One mentioned try to open another inspect element window from the momentary devtool window by hitting Ctrl + Shift + I. It worked once out of many times and closed after a few seconds.
Development system: Chrome 51.0.2704.19 dev-m (64-bit) running on Windows 10
On Device: Chrome 49.0.2623.105 running on Android 4.4.2
PS: Please, comment if any additional resources required to solve this issue

Android emulator doesn't start, althought it says that is running

I have been working for a year with eclipse, but after I upgraded to the Android SDK Tools v20, the emulator doesn't work (absolutely nothing happens). I have everything installed as always, but when I run the emulator, it doesn't appear anymore (althought just after installing SDK Tools v20 it worked twice).
I have even installed again the SO (Linux Mint), after I tried everything I read here, at curiously, the emulator worked 4 or 5 times. The symptoms are these:
-when I run the app, nothing happens in my laptop, but if I put the mouse over the green triangle for running the app, it says: run (already running)
-I've tried to kill the server with adb but doesn't work
-If I list the devices with adb devices, it doesn list any device, even if eclipse says that is running the emulator
-I've tried two different versions of Eclipse: Juno and Galileo, but it's the same
-I've tried to run an emulator independently, but it doesn't work
-I've created several AVD, with different APIs and characteristics, but nothing happens
Does anybody has any solution to this?
Good idea to make :Project ->clean
Window ->AVD Manager -> pick your virtual device ->Edit-> Snapshot(make sure is disabled) ->Edit AVD (try again, if still not working , then try to launch the emulator directly from AVD Manager -> Start).
Once the emulator is starting then you can check back the snapshot option again.
If nothing of that works, then try to uninstall/Install SDK again.