Making a website icon in Git - github

Alright, so I set up a website using Github a while ago. I use it as a showcase for programming projects I'm working on, but that's beside the point. For a while now I've been trying to add an icon to my website, and for the life of me I can't figure out how. Help please.

If by icon you mean the image you see on the browser tab 32x32 pixels, that is usually in a format called Favicon.
You just need the image of your icon in favicon format (google how to convert an image to favicon and you will find websites that do this for you easily.), add it to your project and then add a tag on your hmtl head:
/* some style tags */
<link rel="icon"
But this question should definitely not be under git tags. You did not mention why one should keep in mind that you are using github.


What am I doing wrong that my index file will not render properly as a github page?

I'm trying to use GitHub as required of my class to launch a website. Unfortunately, I have to be doing something wrong. My filepaths in the index.html file are as follows:
link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"
for the style sheet
Now for the image I'm wanting to use I'm using:
img src="/images/TomEdwards.jpg" alt="Tom Edwards"
and I'm getting this instead at this location:
my file tree looks like this:
css (Folder)
images (Folder)
What are my possible solutions, please?
I've tried several different ways in the file path names to access both the stylesheet and the images.
I'm expecting the stylesheet to render correctly with a colored background and the image to appear on the right-hand side under the horizontal navigation list.
I was able to load the stylesheet by changing this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
To this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
The stylesheet must be referenced correctly relative to the index file.
As for the image, I don't see it in the application's sources. Are you sure that it's committed to the repository, and located in the right place? The current codes has it here, which looks like a typo:
<img src="TomEdwards/TomEdwards.jpg" alt="Tom Edwards">

layout errors building github personal site with jekyll

I have been trying to put together my own page at As you can see, at this point, only the Home page is displaying the correct layout, all other pages' (if you click through the tabs on home page) layouts are off... And I couldn't figure out why and how to fix it...
All the codes are here:
I defined layouts in the _layouts folder, apparently only the default.html is working... but aren't all others defined the same way? how could none of the other ones work?
Could anyone give me some hints how to fix the problem?
Update your link tag from default layout
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">
to this ->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css">
There is a problem with the styles loading, if you just use href="css/main.css" then the browser will use the current level as the base URL, this is why it works for the base url, but not for any other deeper category/page, in _layouts/default.html change the CSS line to:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{site.baseurl}}/css/main.css">
Also, in _config.yml, there is a wrong parser, remove the line markdown: shengli so the website loads properly.

Google Translate Tool on Tumblr Blog

I have a tumblr blog. I want to put a Google Translate Tool & Button on my tumblr blog. How can I do? Unfortunately, I cant find it in tumblr help pages.
Go here:
Follow all of the instructions and you'll get two pieces of code, one that looks like this:
<meta name="google-translate-customization" content="272b1f36bdc17cf1-0221013045ec1abb-gfd965ee1275b4499-14"></meta>
You'll want to place the <meta> code before the closing </head> tag, this will be at the top of your theme.
The other piece of code looks like this:
<div id="google_translate_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
For this piece of code you'll need to place it where you want the tool to appear on your theme, likely this will be near the top of your page, just after the opening <body> tag. Your blog will likely have some sort of 'wrapping' div, so you maybe want to place it inside of that.
You'll need to fiddle around a little bit to position it how you like.
To put both of these bits of code into your theme, you'll need to go to the 'Customize Theme' page and click on 'Edit HTML'.

iphone doesn't want read the specific css?

I read a lot of articles about how build a web site for iphone, all people have more and less the same technique for optimization a website for iphone.
I follow the suggestions, I use the difference css file (iphone.css - i just need the optimization for iphone not all phone) and I tried with a IE conditional and without. I tried also a inline css, inside a common style.css. And finally i also add a meta tag with scalation...but nothing! The iPhone doesn't want read my rules.
I don't have a iPhone i use iPhoney program (I also tried something else but they aren't very good) and sometimes I check form friends iPhone.
My problem is that my main menu that is long like all the page break and going down over the content. Just this. I just need to tell that the screen is more little (min-width-divide) but it doesn't work! And the css doesn't work (i tried to put #menu: display:none and the menu was still there). But the directory is right because if i see the site form my laptop i can see the css and can go inside!
The web site is built in wp, i don't know if it's important but it's so simple web site.
Make sure you target the iPhone with something like this:
<!--[if !IE]>-->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"

How do I obtain the favicon of a website?

How to get an icon from address bar of Opera, I.E. and other browsers?
The question us not specific
if you want to download that icon
then you can try, if that
doesnot work then view the source
code of the page on the
<html><head> section search for
link rel="shortcut icon".
following is the favicon for
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
If you want to put such icon for
your website then put a ico file in
root folder of you document root or
link each page above code in
section with href to
your icon file, preferably (16X16)
or (32X32)
The icon is called favicon.ico.
Put a .ico file in the root web directory.