In ejabberd user left group when he goes offline - xmpp

In group chat once user goes offline, he also goes out from group. How can I kept him in group so that he will receive chat notification as well when he comes online. I am using ejabberd and strophe js for web chat application.

Multi-User Chat as defined in XEP-0045 is based on presence. Thus, that's the expected behaviour.
ejabberd also implements a work in progress extension written by the XSF: XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX).
ejabberd master implements that specification already even if this is just a draft. At the moment, it is not finished and is just experimental. It cannot be used in production just yet.


Is there any way to add custom command processor to xmpp char rooms for voting?

I'm very new to xmpp and jabber services.
I try to add voting ability to jabber chat rooms. What is the best way to do it?
I know, there are some bots written for jabber.
I have openfire server. I think, bot can be added to every chat room, created on server, but what is the way to store voting results, for example.
Chat room is created
Users are added
Bot is added to room
Bot reads messages and when it gets
/voting firtree:'FirTree decoration' 1:'red balls' 2:'green balls'
Voting is created
User sends
'/vote firtree:1'
and his vote goes to 1st variant of firtree voting.

OpenFire + FastPath WebChat - Pre Fill the User Chat Window with ongoing Conversation

Currently I am using Olark for live chat on my website.
I am planning to replace it with an in house OpenFire installation.
However, there is one problem.
With Olark live chat snippet (which I embed on my website) - if a user opens the website in multiple tabs - it's prefilled with the ongoing conversation. For e.g. - you can try it on (
How do I achieve the same pre population of chat window with the ongoing conversation with OpenFire + FP WebChat?
The way we achieve it at Olark is not exactly trivial. We don't actually use an XMPP client on the end-user's side, which makes it a bit easier, but basically our transport layer is able to grab conversation events for a conversation in-progress based on a session UUID that is stored in the user's cookies. XMPP isn't involved in that process at all, for us (it is only concerned with final delivery to and from Operators).
I don't know what FastPath's architecture is like, but if you were looking for this functionality, or to add it yourself, XMPP supports retrieving some n number of messages from the message history for a client. Check out XMPPFramework - Retrieve Archived Messages From Openfire Server for more on that.

xmpp protocol decentralized actual meaning?

I just started working on xmpp its wiki page says that "The architecture of the XMPP network is similar to email; anyone can run their own XMPP server and there is no central master server."Hence it is decentralized
In my application I want that user can create a specific group chat box on a click of button.
My question is if the main user who created chatbox become offline will the chat box created by him will remain alive as decentralized suggest that user who created will act as a server. If not , could anyone suggest what can be done for keeping chatboxes alive even when the user become offline.
Multi User Chats (called 'MUC' in the XMPP world) are hosted by a XMPP component. This means that the user who initiated the chat *does not act as chat provider, but this particular MUC component. This component runs usually on the same machine as your XMPP server. Therefore the chat exists - if the MUC is marked as permanent - even if the user quits the chat.
More information can be found in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat

UCMA: Chat with users not in AD

a customer wants enable a chat/instant messenger for his application webside. He is using Lync Server internally to Chat in-house. Now, he requires the following:
A external user (which will not be an AD user) logs into the webside is able to chat with a person inside the company. The internal user will receive those messages via his lync client.
What's the best way to achieve this?
i thought about bot that delegates messages from the webside to the lync server that does the rest. But how can i send a message as an external user?
The usual way to approach this is with the following components:
A bot that connects to the internal Lync infrastructure as an ApplicationEndpoint, and manages conversations with external/internal users
A Web or WCF service that exposes methods over http to external users - this could be built into the bot, or could be a separate service that communicates with the bot in some way
The web UI for presenting a users presence, allowing click-to-call, initiating and displaying a conversation etc
As an example, the WCF service could expose a few methods:
GetPresence(targetSipUri) - returns a presence value for the given uri
SendIM(targetSipUri, message) - sends an IM to the given uri
GetReplies() - polls for any responses
When you get into the detail you might need more methods - e.g. it may be an idea to generate a conversation token and pass this around
The web UI could present a list of contacts with a presence status (GetPresence), then allow the user to click a presence contact to initiate a new conversation window and send the inital message (SendIM), then poll the service for any replies from the contact (GetReplies) - note, the bot will have to queue replies internally until GetReplies is called.
There are commercial products that might meet your needs - a quick search for Lync webchat should turn up a few. Also, it may be worth looking into the Lync Web App, to see if this works for your customer
Edit: In answer to the comment below - yes, your internal users will see a conversation from "Our Lync Bot". If you don't know who your users are (e.g. random potential customers browsing a shopping site), you can grab some info from them (name, product to discuss etc) and have the bot display this to the internal user, either as part of the IM conversation, or as conversation context displayed in a Conversation Window Extension.
If your external users are known in advance (e.g. registered customers), and the internal user MUST see the conversation as being from them, then you will need to create a UserEndpoint for each conversation - but this would rely on having the user in AD.

How can anonymous users exchange presence information with valid users on Jabber (Ejabberd)

I am working on a social network that should allow members to chat with visitors on the site. The concept is simple.
Users who have registered signup get their own account with rosters
When a visitor comes to the home page of the social network, he can see some of the online members of the community
Now he should be able to initiate a chat with them, by clicking on their name.
I have already got members to chat with their roster mates. My question is, how can I get an anonymous user to chat with a member and exchange presence info with him?
I have successfully managed to create anonymous accounts, members accounts and even send messages from an anonymous user to other members. But I cant get presence information from anonymous-user to member or vice versa?
BTW, the chat is JS based.
You're trying to break the XMPP model. Presence is an opt-in permission based system. You ask me if you can see my presence, I say yes. Generally my client will then automatically ask you if I can see your presence, and your client says yes. That's what the roster is -- yes's and no's to presence subscription requests.
You can make chat rooms (MUC, multi user chat) that are anonymous, as well as do presence in them. It's not a roster, though. It's the closest to what you're describing without going into crazy-land with pubsub, and I don't know if you could even bend that tool far enough to have anonymous roster entries.