Codeigniter - Form validation callback not working on server, but OK on WAMP - codeigniter-3

I've developed a CI site on my local machine using WAMP. I'm using CI 3 with the HMVC extension and it all works fine.
I've just uploaded the site to the production server and changed the config files etc to get it working. However, form validation callbacks are not working on the production server.
Here's an example from a login form:
// Process login form
public function submit()
$username = $this->input->post('username', TRUE);
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|callback_do_login');
if($this->form_validation->run($this) == FALSE)
// Set login session
This is the callback function do_login:
public function do_login($password)
// Get user / pass from POST
$submitted_password = $this->input->post('password', TRUE);
$username = $this->input->post('username', TRUE);
// Check User Exists
$query = $this->mdl_users->getUser($username);
if($query->num_rows() == 1)
// Get stored password
$row = $query->row();
$stored_password = $row->password;
// Check password
$result = $this->mod_security->login($username, $submitted_password, $stored_password); // Returns false if no match
return ($result) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return FALSE;
On my local WAMP setup, this all works fine. But on the server
always returns false.
To eliminate any errors with the callback function itself, I changed it to the following as a test:
public function do_login($password)
return TRUE;
... which will obviously always return TRUE, however when $this->form_validation->run($this) is called, even though I changed the do_login callback function to return TRUE, $this->form_validation->run($this) still returns FALSE!!
This is driving me crazy and I have no idea why this is happening. It is as if the form validation is ignoring the callback function and just returning false.
Can anyone help me? Could it be a setting on the server causing it or something else that could have changed when I uploaded the site files to the server?
If it is relevant, on my local machine, within the do_login callback function I had originally set the callback error message like this:
$this->form_validation->set_message('do_login', 'User / Pass Incorrect');
...which worked fine, but on the production server it threw an error stating: "Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Password.(do_login)". I had to set the error message in the language library file to overcome this. But the fact that this happened on the production server and not on my WAMP setup makes me think there must be some setting or something on the server that is causing this.
Anyway, any help is gratefully received.

I finally found the solution. The HMVC application requires a small library file named as MY_Form_validation.php. Seemingly everywhere on the net this file is shown to be thus:
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {
function run($module = '', $group = '')
(is_object($module)) AND $this->CI = &$module;
return parent::run($group);
However, although this worked in my WAMP setup, it did not work on my server. I found that by declaring the CI variable at the start the server problem is resolved. So the MY_Form_validation.php file finally becomes:
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {
public $CI;
function run($module = '', $group = '')
(is_object($module)) AND $this->CI = &$module;
return parent::run($group);


phpUnit/ZF1 -- halt execution of code after redirect

I am writing tests for a ZF1 application, here is the init of my controller:
public function init()
$this->_redirector = $this->_helper->getHelper('Redirector');
$action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
if(!in_array($action,array('login','logout'))) {
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
// Identity exists; get it
$identity = $auth->getIdentity();
} else {
$this->_user = AdminUserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername($identity);
$this->view->user = $this->_user;
and the test in question:
public function testNoAuthGivesLogin() {
$this->assertRedirectTo( '/hr/index/login?redirect=%2Fhr' );
Simple... basically if there is no auth, redirect to the login. this works in the browser, but in phpUnit it continues to execute the code after the redirect, meaning that the properties that get set below it are not there, specifically $this->_user, so in my index action, when it calls getId() on $this->_user, it throws an error
How do I tell phpUnit to stop executing code after a redirect is detected, if I add a die() or exit() or even $this->_redirector->setExit(true); it halts the phpUnit session entirely and no tests get run.
You'll probably find the code execution continues in the browser as well, you just aren't seeing the errors. I believe there's a gotoUrlAndExit() which you want to use instead.

Symfony2 esi cache forms not working

I get to the weird situation. I have up to date server files with local files. This "flash message with error" appears when this is not valid:
if ($form->isValid() && $this->checkLastComment($commentRepository,$user,$status, $comment)) {
I have two urls. First /Home (working) for everyone where i load statuses with comments BUT I DO NOT CACHE THE PAGE
Then i have /Suggested url where i load statuses with comments BUT USING
I CACHE THE PAGE because its the same for all users.
But its weird because on local machine (caching is on i tested) everything runs normal when i want to create a comment... on prod, dev env.
On server it runs normal when i am under dev env.(caching is off) but when i try post comment on prod env. i get error flash message for the mentioned condition...
WTF? Where could be leak please? i have no idea.
The public esi cache somehow breaks my forms? or...?
One friend is able to post a comment there... another one is not.. weird... i wasn't before but after cache clear i am again able...
After lunch i tried it again and i am not able to post comment... wtf..
This is my header i see in chrome: (sending)
Using this jquery code:
var url=Routing.generate('create_comment', {"comment_id": comment_id_value, "status_id": status_id_value})+'.json';
$.post(url, $this.serialize(), function(data) {
To this controller:
public function createAction(Request $request, $comment_id=0, $status_id)
// first CHECK if user exists
if ($user) {
// GET status by ID
// CHECK if this status exists
if ($status) {
if ($request->isMethod('POST') && ($this->getRequest()->getRequestFormat() == 'json')) {
if ($comment_id==0 || !$cE) {
$cE = new Comments();
$form = $this->createForm(new CommentFormType(), $cE);
if ($form->isValid() && $this->checkLastComment($commentRepository,$user,$status, $comment)) {
AND the checkLastComment function
public function checkLastComment($commentRepository, User $user,Status $status, $comment)
// check if last comment was more than 10s ago
$lastCommentQueryArray=$commentRepository->getLastComment($user, $status);
foreach ($lastCommentQueryArray as $lastComment) {
$lastCommentTime =$lastComment['time'];
if (($lastCommentTime+10>=time()) && (trim($lastCommentContent)==trim($comment))) {
return false;
else {
return true;
*But the bug should not be in the code because i am using this technique all over the web and everything runs good... only at this particularly page ITS NOT WORKING ... and the only difference between pages is that this one is cached ... + when i am creating a new comment it has nothing with cache isn't that right? it only takes the data from form which is on cached page... *

PHPUnit: Testing form submissions with session variables stored in Symfony2

I had a small test done in PHP for a Controller I had written in Symfony2:
class DepositControllerTest extends WebTestCase {
public function testDepositSucceeds() {
$this->crawler = self::$client->request(
array( "amount" => 23),
"Deposit Confirmation",
Up to here, everything was great. Problem started when I realized I wanted to disable possible re-submissions while refreshing the page. So I added a small mechanism to send nonce on every submission.
It works something like this:
class ReplayManager {
public function getNonce() {
$uid = $this->getRandomUID();
$this->session->set("nonce", $uid);
return $uid;
public function checkNonce($cnonce) {
$nonce = $this->session->get("nonce");
if ($cnonce !== $nonce)
return false;
$this->session->set("nonce", null);
return true;
So I had to mofidy the controller to get the nonce when displaying the form, and consume it when submitting.
But now this introduces a problem. I cant make a request to POST /deposit because I dont know what nonce to send. I thought to requesting first GET /deposit to render the form, and setting one, to use it in the POST, but I suspect Symfony2 sessions are not working in PHPUnit.
How could I solve this issue? I would not want to go to Selenium tests, since they are significant slower, not to mention that I would have to rewrite A LOT of tests.
UPDATE: I add a very simplified version of the controller code by request.
class DepositController extends Controller{
public function formAction(Request $request){
$this->replayManager = $this->getReplayManager();
$context["nonce"] = $this->replayManager->getNonce();
return $this->renderTemplate("form.twig", $context);
protected function depositAction(){
$this->replayManager = $this->getReplayManager();
$nonce = $_POST["nonce"];
if (!$this->replayManager->checkNonce($nonce))
return $this->renderErrorTemplate("Nonce expired!");
return $this->renderTemplate('confirmation.twig');
protected function getSession() {
$session = $this->get('session');
return $session;
protected function getReplayManager() {
return new ReplayManager($this->getSession());
I'm not sure what ReplayManager does, but it looks to me as if it is not the right class to handle the 'nonce'. As the 'nonce' is ultimately stored in and retrieved from the session it should either be handled by the controller or abstracted out into its own class which is then passed in as a dependency. This will allow you to mock the nonce (sounds like a sitcom!) for testing.
In my experience problems in testing are actually problems with code design and should be considered a smell. In this case your problem stems from handling the nonce in the wrong place. A quick refactoring session should solve your testing problems.
It is possible to access the Symfony2 session from PHPUnit via the WebTestCase client. I think something like this should work:
public function testDepositSucceeds() {
$this->crawler = self::$client->request(
$session = $this->client->getContainer()->get('session');
$nonce = $session->get('nonce');
$this->crawler = self::$client->request(
array("amount" => 23, "nonce" => $nonce),
"Deposit Confirmation",
Alternatively, if there is a problem getting the nonce value from the session, you could try replacing the two lines between the GET and POST requests above with:
$form = $crawler->selectButton('submit');
$nonce = $form->get('nonce')->getValue(); // replace 'nonce' with the actual name of the element

silverstripe external authentification

there is a custom login form that should give users access to certain contents on the same page. That works so far with Users stored as Members in the SS database and I was checking after Login if the user has permissions like this in the Page Class:
function isAllowed() {
if (Member::currentUser()) {
$PresseGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'presse'");
$AdminGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'administrators'");
if (Member::currentUser()->inGroup($PresseGroup->ID) || Member::currentUser()->inGroup($AdminGroup->ID)) {
return true;
in the Template I just did this:
<% if isAllowed %>
<% end_if %>
OK so far, but now the users will not be stored in the silverstripe database - they are stored on a another server.
On that external server is running a little php script accepting the username and password. The script just returns user has permission: true or false.
I´m calling that script via cURL.
I planned to overwrite the dologin Function of MemberLoginForm. Now I just wonder how to check after Login that the User got the permission and display the contents... I tried to set a variable in the controller of the Page or should I set a session Variable? Thats my attempt (CustomLoginForm extends MemberLoginForm):
public function dologin($data) {
if(userHasPermission("user1", "pw")==true){
$link = $this->controller->Link();
I hope someone can help me with that - I know very specific - problem.
Many thanx,
In SilverStripe you can create a custom authenticator, which means users can log in on your website with accounts that are stored somewhere else, or even just a hard coded user and password.
You can check out the OpenID Authentication Module for example code on how to do it
But for your task this might even be to complex of a solution, how about after login just do something like Session::set('isAllowed', true); and to check if the user is allowed to view:
function isAllowed() {
if (Member::currentUser()) {
$PresseGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'presse'");
$AdminGroup = DataObject::get_one('Group', "Code = 'administrators'");
if (Member::currentUser()->inGroup($PresseGroup->ID) || Member::currentUser()->inGroup($AdminGroup->ID)) {
return true;
// if Member::currentUser() is not allowed to view,
// return the session, which is either set to true or it returns null if not set
return Session::get('isAllowed');

Zend_Auth not working

In my model, "Users", I have the following authorization after validating the username/password
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db,'users','username','password');
$auth_result = $authAdapter->authenticate();
if( $auth_result->isValid() )
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$storage = $auth->getStorage();
return 'logged_in';
return 'auth_failed';
it keeps returning 'auth_failed'. I had the code running on a localhost, and everything works fine, but when I upload it online, it fails to authorize the user. What is going on?
I can't tell what's wrong without checkin the logs, so perhaps you might want to use the method I use for storing auth data. Basically you validate manually and set the storageThis doesn't solve the problem, but its impossible to do so without accessing your code.
function login($userNameSupplied,$passwordSupplied){
$table= new Application_Model_Dbtable_Users();//Or Whatever Table you're using
return 'logged_in';
else{return 'failed';}
//To check if the user is logged in, use
if($userInfo)//user is logged in