Facebook Open Graph Debugger errors - facebook

I'm having a lot of problems sharing my site URLS. When sharing a new post, the image associated to the post is not shown.
I tried the Facebook Open Graph Debugger, but it doesn't work as supposed.
1st try to check the url I get this error:
2nd try I get this other errors:
og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image metatag, and use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image 'http://img1.woman.es/82/ad/85/michelle-calvo-presentacion-coleccion-roberto-verino-640x689.jpg' will be used instead. Consult http://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/crawler for more troubleshooting tips.
As you can see the og:image is present, but facebook can't see it.
Could you please help me with this? I'm getting mad trying to find the problem.
Page with OG's: http://www.woman.es/moda/tendencias/famosas-rinden-tendencia-botas-altas.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my damn English.

This seems to solve the problem (add a width and a height to the og:image):
<meta property="og:image:width" content="640" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="917" />


og:image doesn't work with Facebook

Im including the open graph tag for a special Facebook image:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.spaghetti-factory.ch/images/logo_sf_rosenhof_fb.jpg" />
But if you click the share-Link
it still shows the wrong image (it should show only the fox).
See on the Website http://www.spaghetti-factory.ch
Whats wrong? Thanks for help
you should use facebook debugger to see what is wrong. But by just having a look at it, I can tell that you needed to Fetch new scrape information for your URL, which I did for you.
Beside that, your current image set as og is too small, therefore another picture is being fetched by Facebook. Have a look at og:image could not be downloaded or is too small and please note that:
use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook

Facebook loads og:image, + one extra random image?

I have these og meta tags in place:
(I'm replacing the actual values with examples here, it's a client's site and I'd like to be descrete)
<meta property="og:title" content="Article title"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.site.com/articles/article"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Site title"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="Description, cca 200 characters"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.site.com/images/thumb.jpg"/>
The thumbnail used for og:image is 300x300px.
When I run the URL through facebook's debugger (ex linter) tool, it finds no errors or warnings. It displays one og:image, the one that is defined in the meta tags, as it should.
However, when the URL is actually shared on facebook, facebook offers two thumbnails - one which is the actual og:image, and also one completely random image, which is actually part of the layout.
Sometimes it offers the og:image first, but sometimes the other one is loaded first instead. So it happens that people share the link on facebook with a random piece-of-the-layout image in it.
I can't figure this out. Why is facebook doing it? I believe I've done everything by the book? Why is it loading this one extra image? Every google search I've run on "facebook loads wrong image" and similar strings only provides obvious advice that you need to have one og:image specified - which I do!!
I thought it might be a matter of fb cache, but it loads it on every single article. I have tried changing the image file name, and even loading it from a different domain name - and changing its colour to be sure facebook is loading it from the server and not its own cache. Nothing helped, facebook seems to have taken an extreme liking to it, it just won't let go of it.
Is there any way on earth to prevent this? I'm at my wits end. Has anyone had similar problems? :(
Remove the url meta tag. Looks like the metadata is not on the same page as the content. What FB crawler is doing is fetching the meta tag info from the provided url.
One of possible reason can be size of image that you are setting in
<meta property="og:image" content="domain/images/thumb.jpg"/>
Image size of specified image in above meta data should be greater than 200*200 for facebook sharing else it takes some random image probably the last in that html.Hopefully someone can still find it useful.

Post thumbnails not showing on facebook despite correct size.

Hello dear Stack overflow community. I am desperate to solve this issue and really hope any of you can kindly assist me.
I have this piece of code on my Header.php to tell facebook to display my featured image thumbnail when sharing my links. I also have all my Open graph tags set.
global $wp_query;
$thePostID = $wp_query->post->ID;
if( has_post_thumbnail( $thePostID )){
$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $thePostID );
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumb_id );
echo '<meta property="og:image" content="'.$image[0].'" />';
} ?>
I have confirmed in my browser that the code is rendering correctly and that it's pointing to the appropriate thumbnail file. The file is 300x300 so it should be right.
Well, IT ISN'T!
When I pass my url through the facebook debugger it shows two fatal mistakes. One, it doesn't even display the correct image! Every single link I put through the debugger shows the same featured image. why is it ignoring the featured image of each post?
And it also says my images are not complaint with their minimum size requirements (200x200)
The images are 300x300!!! Why is it saying that!?
My website is www.estamosobservando.com if anybody wants to pass it through the debugger.
You will have my eternal gratitude if you can help me win this battle against Opengraph, Facebook and the world!
Ok I fixed this... Maybe this will help other users with the same problem... The reason it was using the same thumbnail in every link despite rendering the correct image in the source code is because of the
<meta property="og:url" content=" line.
I entered there the URL of the site and of course, the canonical URL ruled them all, and the debugger went there to fetch the featured image. I replaced that value with
<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>
And that did it. Thank you for your kind help I hope this question helps others solve similar issues.
Try Facebook developer debugger. It worked for me - https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
The HTML for http://estamosobservando.com/ has two og:image tags in its header: <meta property="og:image" content="http://estamosobservando.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/servicios-publicos-bogota-concept-art-150x150.jpg" /> and <meta property="og:image" content="http://estamosobservando.com/wp-content/themes/servicios/images/ogtag-2013.jpg" />.
Because all of the pages on your website use the same og:url tag, any page that a user shares on your website will share the homepage instead. While Facebook generally offers users a choice between images when posting, Facebook "freezes" some of the metadata after a URL has been shared a few times. This might be why only the generic image is appearing.
If you want users to be able to share individual posts, you should modify the lower OpenGraph tags to represent individual articles instead of the film website as a whole.

Facebook not recoginizing OG meta and returning redirct could not be followed

I have a site that is dealing me fits and I have tried everything I can think of. The problem is when you enter a url from the site in a Facebook post, it doesn't show a thumbnail option. I have a plugin that is providing the correct og meta data, but Facebook isn't recognizing it. I tried the Facebook debugger and it tells me that URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed. I have no idea what is going on with this site and my client is very dependent of the traffic generated from Facebook. Can anyone tell me what is going on, please? Any post url on the site is causing the same problems.
Site is birminghammommy.com
One of the urls not working is http://www.birminghammommy.com/2012/04/paint-the-town-red-birmingham/
Any help you guys are able to provide will be greatly appreciated.
Open Graph tags must be like this:
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
but if you look at your site you will see that your tags are wrong
<meta name='og:title' content='Paint the Town Red, Birmingham!' />
try fixing them.

How to clear debug tool cache data?

It seems the facebook debug tool http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug is using a cache.
I made an update to my site but facebook debug tool is still showing up the old data.
Is their any way to force facebook to refresh its data? It has been a few days now and it seems the cache will not expire.
Go to http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
Enter the URL following by fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING
OR visit:
I was having the same issue last night, and I got this solution from some website. I hope this helps.
The tool should update Facebook's cache for a given URL immediately, if Facebook is still returning 'stale' data, check that Facebook is actually getting the content you're expecting.
A quick way to check is to load your page from a command line tool like curl, using Facebook's user agent and see if the meta tags returned are what you were expecting.
One thing i've seen happen sometimes is people including all the correct tags on page X, except that page X has an og:url meta tag pointing to another url, Y.
Facebook will follow that tag and scrape page Y and use that metadata.
I've usually seen it where page X is 'something.com/article/x' and the og:url is set to 'something.com/articles/' or 'something.com'
I've the same problem. The ?fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING didn't do anything clear the og:image cache.
The only solution that worked for me was to rename the image and the path on the og metaga. You can do something like:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://yourdomain.com/images/socia-photo-v2.jpg">
If somebody knows a better solution will be very appreciate.
This hasn't been added to in a couple of years, but I've just had the same issue and found a way that immediately resolved it.
Facebook say:
Use og:image:width and og:image:height Open Graph tags
Using these tags will specify the image to the crawler so that it can render it immediately without having to asynchronously.
Putting this into use should look like this:
<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="630" />
Solved the problem straight away! Hope this helps!
Go To
then put site URL
Now Click on button Scrape Again
I was getting the cache to show the right picture after updating my blog post, but when I went to post the link, Facebook was still showing an old picture. I didn't want to wait a day to see if it would finally change, so I did what's outlined on this page:
In other words, something like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://urlofyourpost.com"'>
<meta content='http://urlofyourimage.png' property='og:image'/>
Basically, you're going to hard code an if statement into your page's HTML to get it to change the meta content for whatever you've changed for that one post. It's a messy solution, but it works.
You can try the object debugger and click on fetch new scrape information. It is mainly to debug the open graph meta data.