Kafka producer Java api with zookeeper integration - apache-kafka

With Kafka Nodejs client (nodejs is kafka producer), we could find kafka-node with zookeeper integration. Is there similar package for Java as Kafka producer with integration of zookeeper. The purpose is that Java could talk to zookeeper only and let zookeeper to find kafka brokers so that even one broker is down, zookeeper would advice producer client to talk with the newly selected primary broker.


How to connect kafka producer and consumer to a machine that is running kafka and zookeeper

I have a ubuntu machine that is having kafka and zookeepr installed in it, I am using spring boot for making the consumer and producer, locally the process works, however, when the deploy the producer and consumer jar to another machine it doesn't work
Kafka defaults to only listen locally.
You need to set these in Kafka's server.properties
Then, obviously, don't use localhost:9092 in your remote client code.
You should never need Zookeeper connection details. Besides, as of Kafka 3.3.1, Zookeeper isn't required at all.

What should be the expected behavior of Consumer when Kafka Broker or Zookeeper goes down?

I have a local test setup for Kafka and Zookeeper.
Here are the details.
OS: Windows
Kafka: 2.0.1 (Single Node Single Broker)
According to these Stackoverflow threads, Consumers should go down if the zookeeper or broker goes down.
What happens if Zookeeper fails completely?
Kafka cluster zookeeper failure handling
Even if the Zookeeper is down, Producer(Conduktor) and Consumer(Node js) are Working fine. The consumer is still registered.
What should be the expected behavior of consumers?

What is the actual role of ZooKeeper in Kafka 2.1?

I have seen some similar questions as follows:
Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
But I want to know the latest information about this question.
What is the actual role of ZooKeeper in Kafka 2.1?
Zookeeper is required to run a Kafka Cluster.
It is used by Kafka brokers to perform elections (controller and topic leaders), to store topic metadata and various other things (ACLs, dynamic broker configs, quotas, Producer Ids)
Since Kafka 0.9, clients don't require access to Zookeeper, only brokers rely on it.

Purpose of Zookeeper in Kafka

As from the latest consumer versions of Kafka, the consumers aren't dependent on ZooKeeper. But "https://kafka.apache.org/" says Kafka requires Zookeeper, so start zookeeper server. why is it so?. Once a topic has been created, even though I terminate Zookeeper it works. So the purpose of Zookeeper is only for creating a Topic? If so why not move creating Topic also to be independent of zookeeper
Kafka topics (still) require Zookeeper for electing a leader, communicating server failure, and storing the list of topics, plus some extra metadata such as replica location and topic configurations.
Kafka Wiki - How does Kafka depend on Zookeeper
Confluent and the Kafka community are trying to move away from the Zookeeper dependency. For example, the Confluent Schema Registry can now use Kafka for leader election. Related blog from Confluent - https://www.confluent.io/blog/how-to-prepare-for-kip-500-kafka-zookeeper-removal-guide/
And in Confluent Cloud, Amazon MSK, and other hosted Kafka offerings, you generally have no access to Zookeeper at all.
The consumers are not dependent on Zookeeper as they are client-side. Likewise with the producers.
Zookeeper is required for the Kafka brokers themselves. Kafka brokers use Zookeeper to co-ordinate and synchronise themselves.

Kafka consumer api (no zookeeper configuration)

I am using Kafka client library comes with Kafka I noticed that using kafkaconsumer does not need to configure zookeeper anymore. Does that mean zookeep server will automatically be located by the kafka bootstrap server?
Since Kafka 0.9 the KafkaConsumer implementation stores offsets commit and consumer group information in Kafka brokers themselves. This eliminates the zookeeper dependency and increases the scalability of the consumers.