MongoDB Collection Structure Performance - mongodb

I have a MongoDB database of semi-complex records and my reporting queries are struggling as the collection size increases. I want to make some reporting Views that are optimized for quick searching and aggregating. Here is an sample format:
var record = {
fieldThree:"", //There is approx 30 fields at this level
{subItem2:""} // There are usually about 10-15 items in this array
{subItem1:""}, //ArrayTwo items reference ArrayOne item ids for ref
{subItem2:""} // There are usually about 20-30 items in this array
{subItem1:""},// ArrayThree items reference both ArrayOne and ArrayTwo items for ref
{subItem2:""},// There are usually about 200-300 items in this array
{subItem2:""} // There are usually about 5 items in this array
I used to have this data where ArrayTwo was inside ArrayOne items and ArrayThree was inside ArrayTwo items so that referencing a parent was implied, but reporting became a nightmare with multiple nested levels of arrays.
I have a field called 'fieldName' at every level which is a way we target objects in the arrays.
I will often need to aggregate values from any of the 3 arrays across thousands of records in a query.
I see two ways of doing it.
A). Flatten and go Vertically, making a single smaller record in the database for every item in ArrayThree, essentially adding 200 records per single complex record. I tried this and I already have 200K records in 5 days of new data coming in. The benefit to this is that I have fieldNames that I can put indexing on.
B). Flatten Horizontally, making every array flat all within a single collection record. I would use the FieldName located in each array object as the key. This would make a single record with 200-300 fields in it. This would make a lot less records in the collection, but the fields would be dynamic, so adding indexes would not be possible(that I know of).
At this time, I have approx 300K existing records that I would be building this View off of. If I go vertical, that would place 60 Million simple records in the db and if I go Horizontal, it would be 300K records with 200 fields flattened in each with no indexing ability.
What's the right way to approach this?

I'd be inclined to stick with the mongo philosophy and do individual entries for each distinct set/piece of information, rather than relying on references within a weird composite object.
60 Million records is "a lot" (but it really isn't "a ton"), and mongodb loves to have lots of little things tossed at it. On the flipside, you'd end up with fewer big objects and take up just as much space.
(*using the wired tiger back end with compression will make your disk go further too).
I'd also add that you really really really want indexes at the end of the day, so that's another vote for this approach.


Get top 50 records for a certain value w/ mongo and meteor

In my meteor project, I have a leaderboard of sorts, where it shows players of every level on a chart, spread across every level in the game. For simplicitys sake, lets say there are levels 1-100. Currently, to avoid overloading meteor, I just tell the server to send me every record newer than two weeks old, but that's not sufficient for an accurate leaderboard.
What I'm trying to do is show 50 records representing each level. So, if there are 100 records at level 1, 85 at level 2, 65 at level 3, and 45 at level 4, I want to show the latest 50 records from each level, making it so I would have [50, 50, 50, 45] records, respectively.
The data looks something like this:
snapshotDate: new Date(),
level: 1,
hp: 5000,
str: 100
I think this requires some mongodb aggregation, but I couldn't quite figure out how to do this in one query. It would be trivial to do it in two, though - select all records, group by level, sort each level by date, then take the last 50 records from each level. However, I would prefer to do it in one operation, if I could. Is it currently possible to do something like this?
Currently there is no way to pick up n top records of a group, in the aggregation pipeline. There is an unresolved open ticket regarding this:
There are two solutions to this:
Keep your document structure as it is now and aggregate, but,
grab the n top records and slice off the remaining records for each group, in the client side.
var top_records = [];
// The sort operation needs to come before the $group,
// because once the records are grouped by level,
// there exists only one document per group.
// Maintain all the records in an array in sorted order.
],{allowDiskUse: true}).forEach(function(level){
level.recs.splice(50); //Keep only the top 50 records.
Remember that this loads all the documents for each level and removes the unwanted records in the client side.
Alter your document structure to accomplish what you really need. If
you only need the top n records always, keep them always in sorted
order in the root document.This is accomplished using a sorted capped array.
Your document would look like this:
where, records is an capped array of size n and always has sub documents sorted in descending order of their snapshotDate.
To make the records array work that way, we always perform an update operation when we need to insert documents to it for any level.
$slice:50 //Always trim the array size to 50.
What this does is, is always keeps the size of the records array to 50 and always sorts the records whenever new sub documents are inserted at a level.
A simple find, db.collection.find({"level":{$in:[1,2,..]}}), would give you the top 50 records in order, for each selected level.

MongoDB schema design for unbounded growing table

I'm practicing on MongoDB through a small personal project,
in which, may encounter a need to store some intermediate data abstracted as a unbounded growing table. Both rows and columns would grow boundlessly.
The usage of this abstract table is that I want to be able to
know the corresponding column for each entry in a row
know the corresponding row for each entry in a column
Or, in other word, know the index of each table entry
Hence there comes up two choices to model the table:
Make two collections:
one holds each row as a document which embeds a growing structure as row entries to have reference to the corresponding columns;
and similarly, another collection holds each column as a document embedding a growing structure to reference to the corresponding rows.
Make a single separate collection that holds each table entry as a document. Hence each document size is fixed.
The first model has problem with document growth (In fact, in my application, the table grows a bit askew, and only one collection would encounter document growth issue). The second model seems fine to me. Is there some pitfall or some other issue that should be aware of? And what is the common practice to deal with such problem?
UPDATE: explain things in more detail
I am trying to do automatic summarization of an ongoing conversation. The input is a corpus of sentences, and terms are extracted from each sentences. For example, English terms are stemmed, and sentences in CJK languages are segmented. Hence obtained a term-sentence matrix. Then one of the method needs to compute (sparse) SVD of such term-sentence matrix.
The sentences and extracted terms would be stored into the database. But the term-sentence matrix would grow unbounded.
(Or one can think of the problem of storing a mapping between tweets and hashtags)
There were two choices of draft schema that comes up to my mind:
choice one (hold two-way linkages between sentences and terms)
{ // sentence collection doc
"_id" : // generated by timestamp
, "text" : //
, "contained_terms" : [
// an array of "_id"s in term collection
{ // term collection doc
"_id" : // use term name
, "in_sentences" : [
// an array of "_id"s in sentence collection
choice two (make linkages into a separate collection)
{ // linkage collection doc (as matrix entries)
"_id" : // generated by timestamp
, "term" : // an "_id" in term collection
, "in_sentence" : // an "_id" in sentence collection
{ // sentence collection doc
"_id" : // generated by time stamp
, "text" : //
{ // term collection doc
"_id" : // use term name
The choice one encounters document growth problem because "in sentences" array of a term collection doc is very likely to grow beyond limit when sentences come in nonstop.
The choice two extract the linkage between terms and sentences into a separate collection, hence avoids the document growth. Although querying "which sentences contain the term" costs more, but in the end, it seems I don't actually need such operation much.
Currently, I'm thinking that the choice two better suit my needs. The linkage collection seems conform to the input of sparse SVD. To speed up computation, very high frequency terms can be filtered out if the term frequency field is added to each term collection docs (or in a separate collection when there are more than one conversations). This filtering seems fine in the case of automatic summarization.
But still wonder
Is there some issues or pitfalls that should be aware of?
What is the common practice for similar situation?
My understanding of mongodb is that you need to design your schema around your queries. So how you save your data is highly dependent on what data will you be querying. So even for the same set of data, your schema can vary depending on the actual use case. Additionally, data redundancy is quite common in NoSql database design. In case you are going to need some data again and again, there is no point in saving it in a separate collection. You can duplicate it in 2 collections, and that's a fair enough cost for faster querying. Memory is cheap, processing isn't! Additionally, pre-aggregation helps in case of mongo for huge data sets. Your queries will work fine for decent number of documents, but once you go into the realm of millions of records, you may face problems with a certain class of queries like counts, aggregation, etc. Pre-aggregation helps in keeping things real time, though it may have a higher write/insertion overhead. Always avoid a full table scan, whenever you can.
Above are some broad level concepts that I find relevant to your question. I'll try and explain it in your context with some examples (as I am not sure what data you are eventually going to need, or the queries you will do).
Let's say you are going to need terms per sentence frequently, to highlight them. In that case the recommended schema will be:
{ "_id" : // sentence id - you will query on this
, "text" : // sentence text
, "terms" : ["term1", "term2", "term3"]
So for each new sentence, you extract all the terms and save it (not the id) along with the sentence. The advantage here being that you will not need to query for the term separately. You can get all the terms for a given sentence in a single query. Additionally, the document size doesn't grow, and hence no document relocation.
Let's say you also want to have a unique list of terms and some per term meta data. You can have a separate terms collection which has a list of all the unique terms:
{ "_id": ,
, "term": //term
, "meaning":
, "metadata""
, "count": 1
You can have a unique index on term. Each time you extract terms from a sentence, you look up for it in this collection, and in case you don't find it, you insert it. Now let's say you also want to maintain a count of term appearance. So each time you find a term in a sentence and do a lookup in terms collection, you can increment (atomic) the count as well - pre-aggregation. If you add an index on count, you can get the top 100 terms, etc. easily on the fly.
Now let's say you want to query/count all the sentences with a given term. You can add an index on terms array and directly look up for all the sentences with a given term:
Sentence.where(:term => "term1").count //mongoid query
Again, you are achieving this with a single query, as opposed to getting a term id first in your case, and then the sentences.
Other than this it's always advisable to ensure that your working set and indexes fit into RAM for best performance.
So again, there are no right and wrong answers for schema design and it definitely depends on the queries you will be doing. I would also advise you to unlearn some of your relational DB concepts when trying to design for NoSQL databases. I learned it the hard way =) Hope some of this helps you in coming up with an efficient schema for your use case.
If you are trying to model a matrix with the whole collection representing the matrix, I think the go-to model should be to have each entry (row i, column j) as a document. If you put in a field like "index" : { "row" : i, "column" : j} and appropriate indices then it's easy and fast to do fun things like
get the entry at (i, j)
get row i
get column j
The matrix is represented sparsely so if row i only has 10 columns with values, row i is just 10 documents. If the rows/columns really do grow unboundedly to very large sizes then modeling a document as a row or column or something of "1 dimension" could hit the hard 16MB BSON document size limit.
I'm thinking the biggest drawback could be large index sizes given that every entry is its own document.

Remove given number of records in Mongodb

I have Too much records in my Collection, can I have only desired number of records and remove others without any condition?
I have a collection called Products with around 10,0000 of records and its slowing down my Local application, I am thinking to shrink this huge amount of records to something around 1000, How can do it?
How to copy a collection with limited number of records?
If you want to copy collection with limited number of records without any filter condition, for loop can be used . It copies 1000 document form originalCollection to copyCollection.
db.originalCollection.find().limit(1000).forEach( function(doc)
{db.copyCollection.insert(doc)} );

Mongo query for number of items in a sub collection

This seems like it should be very simple but I can't get it to work. I want to select all documents A where there are one or more B elements in a sub collection.
Like if a Store document had a collection of Employees. I just want to find Stores with 1 or more Employees in it.
I tried something like:
Just can't get it to work.
This isn't supported. You basically only can get documents in which array size is equal to the value. Range searches you can't do.
What people normally do is that they cache array length in a separate field in the same document. Then they index that field and make very efficient queries.
Of course, this requires a little bit more work from you (not forgetting to keep that length field current).

How to annotate the result documents with a count of child documents?

I have a collection of categories, each category document containing a link to its parent (except the root categories). Pretty simple so far.
I want to list the categories, and add a subcategory_count field to every document with the count of direct descendants.
How should I go about doing this? Could Map/Reduce be of use?
There are no "calculated columns" in MongoDB, so you can't select data and count subdocuments at the same time.
This is also the reason why most people store array length along with the array.
{friends_list: [1, 3, 234, 555],
friends_count: 4}
This helps for easier retrieval, filtering, sorting, etc. But it requires a little bit more of manual work.
So, you are basically limited to these options:
Store everything in one document.
Store subcategory count in the category.
Count subcategories on the client-side.
find() to get all of them, count the number of subcategories on each level and then update().
But it seems like your domain object should be doing this for you, so you end up with one category object that can contain categories (which could also contain categories...), and hence one mongodb document (you're listing all of them anyway, so it makes sense to retrive the whole thing in one query).