Deployment azure cloud services with application downloaded from blob - eclipse

i deploy my cloud services package from eclipse to azure. First it will upload my application to the blob storage. ( This is standard i can't change this ) And then it will starting sending the azure package and the update is started. Everything works fine.
But what will happen when i remove the application from the blob after the update is succeeded? Because after a few day the azure servers will be recycled and new servers will be available with the same azure package. Will the new server still get the application ? Is the application somewhere available in azure for redeploy azure?

But what will happen when i remove the application from the blob after
the update is succeeded? Because after a few day the azure servers
will be recycled and new servers will be available with the same azure
package. Will the new server still get the application ? Is the
application somewhere available in azure for redeploy azure?
Azure Service Fabric (service responsible for managing your application) reads the application package file from blob storage and copies it to another location within its infrastructure. So even if you delete the files from blob storage, Azure has a copy of your application and will deploy the application using that copy.
In short, Azure is not dependent on the files in your blob storage after it has created the deployment.


Azure Devops Release not update Azure WebApp

I did an initial deployment to an Azure WebApp on Linux via a direct publish from Visual Studio. The code just echoes out some text and the page comes up successfully. I can update the text in the code and re-publish. And the new text displays on the web.
Now I am trying to deploy it via Azure DevOps rather than a direct publish from Visual Studio. I created a rudimentary build and release pipeline in Azure DevOps.
I updated the text echoed out in the code then ran the build pipeline followed by the release pipeline. The Deployment status says that everything was successful. I went through the logs as well and there are no error messages. However, the website page text has not changed. Also restarted the App Service in Azure but the change is not reflected.
The release pipeline has one artifact which is linked to the latest build. And one stage which is "Azure App Service deployment" with the right subscription and the right App Service Name linked.
Release Pipeline
Any idea what I might be missing?
Here is the output from the deployment step -
Blockquote##[section]Starting: Deploy Azure App Service
Task : Azure App Service deploy
Description : Deploy to Azure App Service a web, mobile, or API app using Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python, or Ruby
Version : 4.163.9
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help :
Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'myAppName'
Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.
Deploy logs can be viewed at
Successfully deployed web package to App Service.
Successfully updated deployment History at
App Service Application URL:
##[section]Finishing: Deploy Azure App Service
Thanks in advance, Jake.
I was able to create an empty Azure Service directly within Azure. Then pushed the code to this new Azure Service via DevOps. Now it seems to be working as expected. Only other difference is that I had created this as an App for Windows rather than App for Linux. Anyway, the update is working now.

How to integrate OnPrem Azure DevOps Server with the cloud one?

My firm has the Azure DevOps online version where we have all our projects and repo's. We were not able to configure CI/CD for the repo's because our internal server network doesn't have access to the internet.
To overcome this issue, we built a new server that has access to the internet and also to the internal network. On the new server, we installed and configured Azure DevOps Server 2019. We don't want to migrate our repo's from the cloud version to the online version.
I am trying to link the OnPrem repo to the cloud repo but it was not working. I issued a PAT on the cloud version and added it as a service connection under Pipelines in the OnPrem version but still, I am not able to see and link the cloud repo's.
I can clone the repo from the cloud to the OnPrem server but that will not get the latest code as the code is being checked in the cloud repo's
Can anyone please guide me on how to link both of them, please.
I don't think there's a meaningful way to integrate Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server, as they are essentially the same product. I assume (but don't know) that you're looking to integrate Azure DevOps Services to on-premise builds and deployments, as you state that you want to keep the repos in Azure DevOps Services. So, in essence, you want to run build and deployment group agents in on-premise environment.
Take a look at the agent-documentation and especially the communication subsection:
Or this old blog post, from which the communication section originates:
The ideal solution would probably be that you run self-hosted build agents in your server that's open to internet, and configure an agent pool for them in Azure DevOps Services. For deployments, you'll want to use Deployment Groups and install deployment group agents to target servers, where they'll just need outbound 443 access for communicating with Azure DevOps Services.
If that's not possible, you'd have to install deployment agents to the build machine, which then sees your other on-premise servers, but this is rather unsatisfactory solution since you'd either have to rely on WinRm capabilities for deployments, or expose too much network between your build server and other on-premise servers.

Download Azure Cloud Services package and configuration without REST API

Is there any way to download Azure Cloud Services package and configuration files without using Azure REST API?
Thank you in advance
As far as I know, if you want to get the Azure Cloud Services configuration, you could use portal directly download it.
You could open azure portal and find the Configuration and click download. It is the configuration files.
Details you could refer to this image:
But if you want to download the Azure Cloud Services package, I think you could only using azure rest api to download it.
Besides, the Azure Cloud Services package is generate according to your cloud servers running application, you could directly use CSPack command-line tool to generate it in the local. More details, you could refer to this article.

How to publish WebApp as Azure Virtual Application from TFS Release (vNext)

I need to publish 3 webapp to azure using release manager from TFS, and I need all of these 3 apps inside wwwroot subfolder:
This is because I have a azure virtual application pointing to each of this folders.
I have a release for each app. Each app should deploy not to wwwroot, but to a folder inside wwwroot (app1, app2 or app3).
At this moment what I'm doing as a workaround is deploying a package (zip) with the name of the folder that I need (app1, app2 or app3), however, this is just a workaround, because if I activate "clean" in the release task, this clean all wwwroot folders and clean the other apps.
Is there anyway to deploy using some Task to a specific folder instead root folder (wwwroot)? Or, is there a way to deploy to azure virtual application?
If not, is it possible to send me a powershell command to delete a specific folder in the wwwroot?
I'm using "Azure Web App Deployment" task that uses Publish-AzureWebsiteProject PS command, but I don't know if it's possible to send some argument to send this to a specific folder inside wwwroot? Is there some argument to do that?
Thank you all for the availability
You could directly use the AzureRM Web App Deployment task released by Microsoft which allows for virtual directories.
It's a build-in task called Azure APP Service Deploy
The task you are using-- Azure Web App Deployment is deprecated.
NOTE: This task has been deprecated. To update Azure App Services using Web Deploy or Kudu REST APIs, use the Azure App Service
Deploy task.
We recommend you replace the Azure Web App Deployment task with the
Azure App Service Deploy task in all your build or release
I found another solution. Using cURL to upload by FTP and I can control each individual folder.
Anyway, if someone knows how to deploy directly to a virtual app directory, please provide answer :)
Thank you

TFSService and multiple cloud services - can't unlink

I have 2 cloud services, live and staging, and I couldn't get staging to deploy from a TFSService build correctly - it kept either not deploying or deploying to live. The live cloud service is the one I originally created some time ago. I've deleted all builds for both services.
So I've tried to unlink both services in an attempt to relink just the staging one. Problem is that I can't unlink the live cloud service via the Azure portal. I get "Unlink TFS failed to complete cleanly. All info was removed from the Portal, but some might remain on TFS Hosted Services".
I've disassociated my TFS Service in my admin area but I still get the error.
Can anyone advise what I can try next please?