Using AT Commands in QXDM - perl

I am trying to figure out a way to send AT Commands to a handset while it is being used by QXDM. I need to record some RF measurements and do this for a sequence of events (for an FTP UL session for example).
I had a look at example perl scripts under C:\users\myuser\Documents\Qualcomm\Automation Samples but could not find any script that uses a set of AT commands.
Is there a way in QXDM to achive this task?
Thanks in advance...

There must be one more port other then diagnostic port. You can connect to it to send AT commands to the modem. You can use putty for that.


Can we send command for Quectel M66 from STM32F103C8T6 via UART port?

I am currently working with STM32F103C8T6 and Quectel M66 module. I need to send some command from STM32's UART port for creating a socket connection in M66 and to send some data via that socket to a server in Quectel M66. Is there any way to do that? And I am using FreeRTOS for this.
And what kind of data are possible to send via UART port of STM32?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in Advance
There's two ways you can achieve this:
Using AT commands and TCP/IP stack built into the module. In this mode you send AT commands to connect/listen/send/receive/close sockets.
Using PPP and TCP/IP stack inside the microcontroller. In this mode you initially configure the modem using AT commands (which you have to do in both approaches anyway), then you switch the modem to data mode, at which point it starts communicating with you using PPP protocol. You use this to integrate it with the TCP/IP stack in your microcontroller. That way you use all the functionality of the stack you choose (socket API, DNS etc.) and you're not limited to what API quectel provided. You can also take advantage of having multiple network interfaces connected to your microcontroller, for example to perform routing.
How you approach it is totally up to you. If you want just the basic socket functionality, first approach will probably be better for you as it's easier to get it to work. Second approach takes quite a bit more effort but yields better results / more flexible product for the future.
For AT commands documentation check out this link (especially the TCP/IP application note):

How to capture and forward SNMP messages using WinSNMP?

I'm fairly new to SNMP/WinSNMP and I'm trying to access what it would take to accept SNMP traffic on ports 161/162 and forward it to another device. I would like to be able to examine messages and possibly modify them before passing them to the device.
Would WinSNMP agent APIs be suitable for it? Are there any examples out there how to accomplish this in C++?
I'd appreciate any pointers.
Sounds like you want to make a Proxy Agent. There are already a great number of such implemented, so in order to avoid reinventing the wheel, do a web search for "windows snmp proxy" and see if you could use one of those products instead.

Detecting VoIP Calls from command line - Wireshark

I'm using Wireshark to sniff the network and detect the VoIP calls. Detected VoIP calls can be seen from GUI (Telephony->VoIP Calls).
Now I want to get this list from command line. I searched through wireshark documents, but couldn't find a command to do that.
I'm using the commands like
tshark -r myFile -R "sip.CSeq.method eq INVITE"
from this topic :
Filtering VoIP calls with tshark
Is there a command to show that voip call list from command line, or do i have to parse the outputs and create my own list? Do you suggest any other tool to do that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know of any way to coax tshark to give you what the Wireshark GUI does. You can do this by post-processing the output from tshark, but it will be a fair amount of work. One approach would be to:
Have tshark to display the full details of the SIP packets (e.g., with -v)
Pipe this to a process that will extract info from each packet. This process will need to detect packet boundaries, since the input will have multiple lines per packet.
This process will need to store selected info from these packets (such as From, To, Start Time, etc.) and correlate this info across packets based on dialog identifiers.
The process will need to understand the SIP protocol well enough to determine when calls are confirmed, terminated, etc.
This is certainly doable, but I wanted you to know what you are getting into.
An alternative to a separate process (that I have no experience with) is to write a Wireshark script in Lua, and invoke that via tshark -Xlua_script:my_script.lua (using a version of tshark compiled with Lua support). An example to help you get started can be found here under the example "Dump VoIP calls into separate files" (or similarly here on Google Code). The advantages are:
You automatically have access to the parsed SIP message.
It is easy to tell where the packet begins and ends.
Everything runs in a single process.
For me, the downside is that I would have to learn a new language (not the worst thing in the world).
EDIT: Looks like the SIP dissector in wireshark/tshark can help quite a bit if you use the Lua script approach; for instance, you can inspect sip.response-request on a SIP response to find the packet number of matching request.

How to connect to NAO robot using sockets?

I'm playing with Aldebaran's NAO humanoid robot Simulator and choregraph.
I have a software in java that I would like to use to control the robot by activating its behaviors, and I believe sockets would do the trick.
My question is: is there a way to open a socket connection from within choregraph+naoSim, so I can get sensor readings and send commands to the robot?
Or any other way to connect to choregraph+naoSim to achieve the same effect?
thanks in advance!
I'm planning to use python websocket package to accomplish this. As far as I see the server can be written on anything. The client part - NAO - should initiate connection to the server send something, possibly wait for a reply and then carry on. So the sending functionality can be implemented using Python and coded in one of the NAO action boxes. You could even create a separate box that will take a request as a parameter and output a reply from the server. A small neat box that talk to the server.

How to check POP3 mailbox for new messages via Powershell?

Is it possible to check POP3 mailbox for new e-mails via Powershell? And if possible, how can this be achieved?
This link provides some information but doesn't suit me. I know about NetCmdlets but would prefer not to use commercial tools. Also I do not want to start outlook.application. In fact, my goal is to avoid starting outlook, as long as it possible (for performance reasons)
As far as I know, there is no native POP3 class in the .NET FRAMEWORK. So you can write one using sockets or you can use an exe client. You can try GetMail for Windows.
What about creating a TCP connection using TCPClient, and next, create a NetworkStream object, connected to the TCPClient object, to read data from the server?
You'll need System.Net.Sockets and System.Net.IO.
Anyway I would search for a C# answer and then try to get it to powershell.