LibreOffice, Using Constants as query Parameters - libreoffice

I'm using the VLOOKUP function to move data from one table into another. I need to apply this formula to an entire column, and I need to know how to define certain parameters as variable and some as constant.
Here's my problem:
becomes, when I drag the corner of the cell across multiple rows,
And what I need is
With the first parameter changing and the rest remaining constant. I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, but searching and browsing help topics is returning nothing. I admittedly have zero background in spreadsheets. Thanks for your help

Add more $ signs, like this:


AnyLogic - make many edit boxes visible depending on variable

Here is a simplified example of my problem:
I want to make the edit box 1 or 2 visible, depending on whether a checkbox of box 1 or box 2 is checked. The variables "variableCheckbox1" and "variableCheckbox2" are connected to the respective ceckboxes.
I have written a function as shown in the picture. The function is called from the EditBox 1 ("Enabled"). This is a possible solution for ONE box each.
Does anyone have an idea if there is a more elegant way to do this for a very high number of checkboxes / edit boxes?
A possible solution would be to write a function with a switch case for each variable in my model, called from each box. A very inelegant solution would be to make a single function for each box, but I don't consider that a good way.
If you want this for a large number, turn the entire setup into its own agent type: Checkbox and editbox. Instantiate as needed, you can add a parameter to specify what this is about exactly...
This would be the most generic and powerful approach...
if this works for you, you can use replications for checkboxes and editboxes and associate them together through the index... and then just add the code in the visible field of the edit box... Of course you will have to determine their positions programatically

Progress 4GL display to a variable

I'm working with a codebase that has multiple display statements. So that all of the outputs line up, the various column numbers are also typed multiple times.
I would like to just use a variable for the column instead of searching for the line and then updating the column width. Something like:
def var i as int init 10.
disp "FOO" to i
"BAR" to i + 5.
If I understand it correctly, you either want to have your frame defined dynamically and at the end so you can assess what the max size for that column is, or you want to define a static frame beforehand, it usually makes it respect the positions (but you won't be able to change it).
Now I was a little thrown off by your code because it has nothing to do with setting the column widths, looks like you're trying to write something different if you're on a specific part of the page. So you might want to look into a few printing functions such as FRAME-DOWN and FRAME-LINE.

Adding a header to a listbox

I want to know if it's possible to make first two lines (Titles and horizontal line in the image below) always show on top and to be unclickable, to make them something like a header of the current listbox.
I think that your approach is not feasible since this is just not how listboxes work (i.e. it's not a spreadsheet where you fix the top rows). Having said that, you might be able to create something that looks like what you're suggesting, by creating two listboxes one below the other, making the top one read-only or non-interactable (or better yet, make the top one a static text label or a text area).
Another thing I'd like to comment about is the structure of your listbox. In terms of UX, it's uncommon for a user to choose two things at the same time. So even if this makes sense in your context, I would advise to split it into two lists, and have them change each other within callbacks.

dynamic variable names in matlab

I wish to expand a structure (bac) with a number of fields from another structure (BT). The names of these fields are contained in the cell array (adds) as strings.
this is what i have now (and obviously doesn't do the job, explaining this post):
for i=1:numel(adds)
eval(genvarname('bac.',adds{i})) = eval(strcat('BT.',adds{i}));
I also tried using sprintf, which did not seem to work for me. I feel confident one of you knows how to do it, since I feel it should be rather easy.
The best way of doing this is to use dynamic field names:
for i=1:numel(adds)
bac.(adds{i}) = BT.(adds{i});

Setting different Cell-Formats in a Matlab uitable

I am looking for a way to handle different type of data in one column of a Matlab uitable.
Usually uitable is used to set whole columns to the same data type, such as logical (gives a checkboxes), char (gives left-aligned text), numeric (gives right-aligned number) or a 1xn-cell-array (gives pop-up menus with different choices).
It is set using the columnformat property of uitable, e.g.
columnformat = {'numeric', 'logical', {'Fixed' 'Adjustable'}}; % 3 columns
You can find an example at matlab documentation.
I am looking for a way to set the format for single cells to realize something like this:
Matlab's uitable is a crippled version of an underlying JIDE table.
It is possible to get to the underlying java (see findjobj in file exchange), but that requires a lot of work. Yair Altman's undocumented matlab site is a good starting place for understanding the java side of matlab.
It sounds like you want something like a property editor, as opposed to a generic UI table -- i.e. properties listed in first column, property value editable in second column. There are a few "off the shelf" versions in the file exchange, which use JIDE:
See propertiesgui, or property-grid for mostly functional examples. The second example is easier to use -- you simply provide a class or struct, and it creates the proper field entry format. The first one offers more choices -- like color boxes, drop downs, etc, but requires you to be more involved in specifying how things behave.
I had the same problem, but in the end it worked by giving the (numeric) cell an (char) initial value. When changing the char value from the UI the format of the cell remained char, although the rest of the column was numeric.