UWP calendar view visible date range - range

I would like to know how to get the range of dates the user is able to see on the Universal Windows Platform CalendarView control. I already tried looking on the Microsoft website but i can't seem to find anything.

1. By default, the minimum date shown in the CalendarView is 100 years prior to the current date, and the maximum date shown is 100 years past the current date.
You can change the minimum and maximum dates that the calendar shows by setting the MinDate and MaxDate properties. For example like this:
calendarView.MinDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
calendarView.MaxDate = new DateTime(2099, 12, 31);
You can also get the range of dates like this:
var minDate = calendarView.MinDate;
var maxDate = calendarView.MaxDate;
2. If what you want to do is changing the visible region of the CalendarView (by default it starts with the month view open, it shows 6 rows of dates which contain the current month.), you can use CalendarView.SetDisplayDate method for example like this:
DateTime localTime = new DateTime(2007, 07, 12, 06, 32, 00);
DateTimeOffset dateAndOffset = new DateTimeOffset(localTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(localTime));
In this sample, the CalendarView will show the month 2007/7.
3. As I said, by default the number of weeks shown in the calendar view is 6, you can change it by CalendarView.NumberOfWeeksInView property, for example in xaml code:
<CalendarView x:Name="calendarView" NumberOfWeeksInView="8" />
Or code behind:
calendarView.NumberOfWeeksInView = 8;
The minimum number of weeks to show is 2, the maximum is 8;
4. Besides the month view, there are also year view and decade view in CalendarView, you can change it with CalendarView.DisplayMode property for example in xaml code:
<CalendarView x:Name="calendarView" DisplayMode="Year"/>
Or in code behind:
calendarView.DisplayMode = CalendarViewDisplayMode.Decade;
Since you asked a quite simple but broad question, I list every possibilities I could think about. If you have any other questions about this control, please check CalendarView class again.


In Google Apps Script, my date is switching from a normal format to what seems like an id number

I am using google apps script for a google sheet that is meant to sort ranges of cells into different sheets by date. I've entered a date in the cell A2, and then when I use my function, it sorts the sheet with the same date as what is in A2, and if there isn't one, then it will create a new sheet with that date. The problem that I am coming across is not with the cells getting to the right place, but for some reason the date changes to what seems to be an id of sorts. For example, for the date 01/01/2001, the first couple worked fine, and then for the next couple attempts it switched to have "36892" where the date should be.
I have not tried anything, as I am unsure of what to try. If I knew the command, I would just switch the format back after moving the cells to the right place.
function findDate() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange("A2");
var A2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('A2').getValue();
var templateSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var val = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(A2), "GMT+1", "MM/dd/yyyy");
range.setValue(new Date(A2)).setNumberFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
A2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('A2').getValue();
if( ss.getSheetByName(val) == null)
//if returned null means the sheet doesn't exist, so create it
ss.insertSheet(val, ss.getSheets().length, {template: templateSheet});
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("GUI");
var sheet2 = ss.getSheetByName(val);
sheet1.getRange("A2:D2").copyTo(sheet2.getRange(sheet2.getLastRow()+1,1,1,4), {contentsOnly:true});
This is my function. Since I don't know where the problem lies, I copied the whole thing, sorry about the bulk.
Date Event Time Comments
01/01/2001 Movie 22:00 a
01/01/2001 Movie 11:00 PM a
36892 Movie 0.7083333333 a
36892 Movie 12:00 PM a
This was the result from adding the same date each time, and sorting them to the correct sheet using the function. The time is being odd, I really have no clue why, but I don't really care at this point, that's a future problem (unless anyone has any clue why it changes format too). The date, however, doesn't seem to be some random number as the same date gave the output of the same number. I would have expected it to look like:
Date Event Time Comments
01/01/2001 Movie 10:00 PM a
01/01/2001 Movie 11:00 PM a
01/01/2001 Movie (I forget) a
01/01/2001 Movie 12:00 PM a
You need to remove {contentsOnly:true} from your copyTo() method.
By setting the contentsOnly boolean to true you're telling sheets to copy what it sees in the cell, not what you see.
In Sheets, all days are serialized starting from the 1st January 1900 with a day of 1, so copying 01/01/2001 is day with serial number 36892.
As for the date - it's being read as a fraction of how far through the day it is - at 17:00h and with 24 hours in the day the date will be seen as 17/24 or 0.708333333333.

Can we input different date inputs while running the Automation script each time

I am using protractor 5.2.2. We have a requirement of creating a module with unique date so that i cannot create a module with already used date.So when i am running the script , i have to pass different date each time.How we can choose random date in automation.Thanks in advance.
I recommend using chancejs.
var Chance = require('chance'),
chance = new Chance();
console.log(chance.integer({ min: -2, max: 2 }));
would return either -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.
Please take a look at the chancejs homepage http://chancejs.com/
Below example gives a data between these two years
var Chance = require('chance');
var chance = new Chance();
let bounds = {
min: chance.date({ year: 1983 }),
max: chance.date({ year: 1989 })
let date = chance.date(bounds)
I got 1987-01-21T19:31:32.851Z
1.Random dates in JAVA
Generate random date of birth
if you are using the Excel as data provider
Use the Excel formula's like
if you are using java or other languages
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyyHH:mm:ss");
Date date = new Date();
MomentJS is a good option that allows you to set time easily off the current time.
moment.format('MM/DD/YYYY'); //gives you current date in mm/dd/yyyy format
moment.format('MM-DD-YYYY'); //current date in mm-dd-yyyy format
moment.add('5','days').format('MM/DD/YYYY'); gives you date 5 days from now

How to format axis real time amcharts hh:mm?

I use amchart, I want to create a real time chart, and set minDate, maxDate for x axis, and format it to hh:mm. I tried use minimumDate, maximumDate, "minPeriod" : "hh", but it fail.
My code:
I want to use amchart to build a real time chart like: demo2 (use flot chart).
The labels xaxis is static not run, and to accumulate data.
Help me, please!
Thank you!
When updating the time, you need to set a new date instance or a separate value. Updating the startDate variable updates all the data points that share that date object as AmCharts doesn't clone the date objects in your dataProvider. A quick fix is to use the millisecond timestamp result from the setMinutes call, for example:
var newDate = startDate.setMinutes(startDate.getMinutes() + 10);
var visits = randomIntFromInterval(50, 100);
date: newDate,
visits: visits
AmCharts will internally convert the millisecond values to a new Date object. This should be applied to your generate and update methods.
minPeriod should be set to the minimum period between your datapoints. As you're adding data in 10 minute increments, this should be "mm", not "hh".
By default, the categoryAxis does not support setting a minimumDate and maximumDate, however, you can use AmCharts' datePadding plugin to add this functionality. This plugin will allow you to set a minimumDate and maximumDate property in your categoryAxis when you add the following script tag after your AmCharts includes:
<script src="//www.amcharts.com/lib/3/plugins/tools/datePadding/datePadding.min.js"></script>
In order to maintain your date range after updating the chart, you have to call the plugin's AmCharts.datePaddingProcess method to re-update the range before redrawing the chart.
Here's what your updateChart method will look like after using the datePadding plugin:
function updateChart() {
var newDate = startDate.setMinutes(startDate.getMinutes() + 10);
var visits = randomIntFromInterval(50, 100);
AmCharts.datePaddingProcess(chart, true);
And here's what your categoryAxis will look like:
"categoryAxis": {
"parseDates": true,
"gridAlpha": 0.15,
"axisColor": "#DADADA",
"minPeriod" : "mm",
"minimumDate": min,
"maximumDate": max
Updated fiddle

Google Charts Horizontal Axis wrong date

In the pic above, the horizontal axis is a day ahead of the actual values. Very new to google charts and cant figure out what the issue could be. I have verified the data being passed to the chart is the 14th, 15th, and 16th.
Found an answer to this. The problem was javascript subtracting a day from the date range.
Here is how I was initially setting the date:
var dt = new Date($(child).text());
var year = parseInt($(child).text().split("-")[0]);
var month = parseInt($(child).text().split("-")[1])-1;
var day = parseInt($(child).text().split("-")[2]);
var dt = new Date(year, month, day);

Check the weekday in Swift

I have a nice idea of an app and I am new in swift. The app is about a week schedule, you can add some things you have to do in a schedule.For example, on Monday you have to clean the bathroom and get milk. You can add this two things to the day plan for Monday. But my really problem is that I want the app to show the schedule of the current day when you open it. I don't have any idea how to check the day of the week so the schedule when you open the app is for the current day. It will be easy if I add a label named dayname on the top and it should show the name of the current weekday !!
I did not try it, but this post seems to be clear with enough details and examples dealing with dates in Swift. Check it HERE
here is an example from the same source working with NSDateComponents weekday property:
// First Saturday of March 2015, US/Eastern
let firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents = NSDateComponents()
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.year = 2015
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.month = 3
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.weekday = 7
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.weekdayOrdinal = 1
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.hour = 11
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.minute = 0
firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "US/Eastern")
// On my system (US/Eastern time zone), the result for the line below is
// "Mar 7, 2015, 11:00 AM"
let firstSaturdayMarch2015Date = userCalendar.dateFromComponents(firstSaturdayMarch2015DateComponents)!
It says :
NSDateComponents‘ weekday property lets you specify a weekday
numerically. In Cocoa’s Gregorian calendar, the first day is Sunday,
and is represented by the value 1. Monday is represented by 2,
Tuesday is represented by 3, all the way to Saturday, which is
represented by 7.