How to observe other application icon in OS X? - swift

I need to know current shown icon of another running application, I have tried this code:
var icon = NSRunningApplication.runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier("").first?.icon
but this returns a fixed app icon and if the other app changed its icon this code still returns same icon before change.
Is there a way to return current shown icon of another app or icon identifier ?

First add this to applicationDidFinishLaunching
let appChanged = Notification.Name("NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification")
NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.appChanged), name: appChanged, object: nil)
Then this function will get you the image
#objc func appChanged(notification:NSNotification){
if let userInfo = notification.userInfo![NSWorkspace.applicationUserInfoKey] as? NSRunningApplication {
let icon = userInfo.icon


How to Make macOS App Window Hidden When Closed and Reopened With Menu Bar Item?

I am developing a macOS app (using Swift & Storyboard) which window behaves like the Adobe Creative Cloud app. And I could not find the optimal solution after hours of research.
This means:
When the app launches, the main window shows up with various menus on the status bar, an icon appears in the dock, and an icon appears in the status bar.
When the user clicks the red X, the main window and the icon in the dock are hidden.
The main app window can be reopened by clicking the status bar icon. And the dock icon reappears.
My storyboard looks like this:
I have tried the following:
By setting Application is agent (UIElement) to YES, I was able to close the main app window while keeping the app alive. However, the app icon does not show up in the dock, and there are no menus in the left side of the status bar.
I was able to launch a new app window by clicking the status bar icon. But doing so simply opens a whole new window regardless of whether a window is already being presented (I only want one window to show up).
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
guard let window = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: .init(stringLiteral: "main")) as? WindowController else { return }
Much appreciation for anyone who can help!
Don't use the Application is agent approach, but change the activationPolicy of the NSApp.
To dynamically hide the icon after closing the (last) window use this in your AppDelegate:
func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool {
return false
And use something simular to this to initialise your menubar icon and activate the window including a dock icon:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
var status: NSStatusItem?
override func viewDidLoad() {
status = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
status?.button?.title = "Test"
status?.button?.action = #selector(activateWindow(_:))
status?.button?.target = self
#IBAction func activateWindow(_ sender: AnyObject) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {

How to test if the app is presenting a certain view controller?

I'm pretty new to XCode UI tests and I'm trying to run a test where I fill two text labels and then I press a button. After the button is pressed the app should make an URL call and be redirected to another view controller. I want to check if at the end of this operation the second view controller is displayed.
To test this, I have written the following test:
let app = XCUIApplication()
let ownerTextField = app.textFields["ownerTextField"]
let repositoryTextField = app.textFields["repositoryTextField"]
Where isDisplayingResults is
extension XCUIApplication {
var isDisplayingResults: Bool {
return otherElements["resultView"].exists
I have set up the identifier of the View controller inside its swift file class:
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.accessibilityIdentifier = "resultView"
Nonetheless to say, the test fails. How can I get a success?
It's so simple.
If after clicking the URL, Viewcontroller is presenting means your previous VC button doesn't exist on screen.
So Just check for previous VC button exists or not.
If app.buttons["SearchButton"].esists()
{ //write if code
} else {
// Write else code

How to communicate to the window controller from view controller of newly, programmatically created tab?

In my window controller, I implement:
#IBAction override func newWindowForTab(_ sender: Any?) {
if let wc = NSStoryboard.main?.instantiateInitialController() as? WindowController,
let window = wc.window {
self.window?.addTabbedWindow(window, ordered: .above)
In the view controller, I have this code:
let window = self.view.window?.windowController as? WindowController
Also tried:
let window = NSApp.mainWindow?.windowController as? WindowController
If I don't have any tabs, it's able to get the window controller. But on new tabs, it does grab the window controller.
Similarly, I've unsuccessfully tried sending an action to the WindowController:
NSApp.sendAction(#selector(WindowController.pageLabelChange), to: nil, from: label)
Works for the original window, but not for any newly created tabs.
How do the newly created view controller objects communicate with the window controller?
For more context in how I am using this code: It's basically a PDFView that's embedded in a window. The window has a tool bar that displays the page number. Using any of the above code, I can set the current page number of the PDFView, but when there's a tab, it does not work. Using the .PDFViewPageChanged notification, I call my func
NSApp.sendAction(#selector(WindowController.pageLabelChange), to: nil, from: pdfView)
Edit 2:
I've created a GitHub with a test project that shows the problem I have. You should be able to see that when you launch the project, the + button will add a number to the textfield in the tab bar. But if you go to the View menu > Add tab, it creates a new tab, but the + does nothing.
You create new window controller on stack so it is destroyed right after return, that is the reason. You need to store somewhere reference to created tab window controller and manage it (the place of storage is up to your app logic).
Here is simple demo that makes code work
Tested with Xcode 11.4 / macOS 10.15.5
final class WindowController: NSWindowController {
#IBOutlet weak var testField: NSTextField!
var tabControllers = [WindowController]() // << storage for child controllers
#IBAction override func newWindowForTab(_ sender: Any?) {
if let wc = NSStoryboard.main?.instantiateInitialController() as? WindowController,
let window = wc.window {
self.window?.addTabbedWindow(window, ordered: .above)
tabControllers.append(wc) // keep reference in storage
// TODO: - you are responsible to manage wc, eg: remove
// from storage on window close.

How we can Manipulate Screenshot with blank screen in ios app?

let mainQueue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
object: nil,
queue: mainQueue) { notification in
// executes after screenshot
This code works after taking screenshot.
Is there any way we can replace view with blank view while taking screenshot?
As we know we cannot disable screenshot in ios.

How Can I change a toolbar icon in a safari app extension at runtime?

I have found this in the documentation.
which lead me to be able to use the window variable in the toolbarItemClicked function to get a reference to the toolbar item like so.
var toolbaritemretrieved = false
window.getToolbarItem { (item) in
toolbaritem = item! as SFSafariToolbarItem;
toolbaritemretrieved = true;
once I had a reference to the toolbar item I could then run this code and supposedly change the image of the icon.
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "newIcon", ofType: "png")!;
let icon = NSImage(path);
//wait for toolbar item to be retrieved
However this doesn't work. There are no visible errors but for some reason the icon does not display the new image.
Okay it turns out that there was actually nothing wrong with my code at this point and I had a forgotten breakpoint.