Xcode 7.3 autocomplete is so frustrating - autocomplete

There is a new autocomplete in Xcode. Probably might be useful because it checks not only beginning of names etc. But I found that very often it doesn't find a class name or a const name at all etc. I need to type in entire name by myself. Over all I found it makes my life harder and coding more time consuming. Is there a way to switch to the old way it used to work?

Xcode 7.3.1
In Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing
uncheck Enable type-over completions
restart Xcode

It seems that clearing the checkbox "Enable type-over completions" in XCode -> Preferences -> Text Editing does the trick. At least in my case autocompletion fell back to a sort of old way, so it could autocomplete the class name that I had to type in manually before that.

This is by no means an adequate solution, BUT it has allowed me to (barely) maintain my sanity the past few days:
After every build, you need to trash your Derived Data folder. You can find this folder in Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Derived Data. Just trash the whole thing and it'll kick off a re-indexing step that should restore proper autocomplete functionality.
Unfortunately, I've found that once I build, the autocomplete behavior reverts to its broken state.

just open Xcode derived data folder and delete the folder
then restart Xcode, now autocompletion works like a charm

I have the impression that some 'parts' of autocompletion simply fail after a while. I use to restart the Mac to get it back working. But sometimes it fails quite soon again.
Maybe the answer of #Alex Bykov combined with a restart will do the trick.
Anyway: auto-completion of Xcode always was crap. AppCode used to get it much better. Unfortunately not yet with swift.

Closed Xcode, opened Xcode, let it index, it worked.

it doesn't find a class name
As a work-around, you can try to press
Command + Shift + K and Command + B
Several times,it works temporarily.

Xcode 7.3.1
I will share another posible reason, that after couple of days we found out. We have multiple schemes, and in one of them, the bridging header was importing a file that didn't exist anymore. So, it didn't break while compiling and running (the header belongs to another scheme) but it caused the autocompletion to break (couldn't find any objective-c class).
Hope it would help someone!

After having tried different methods:
Delete Derived Data
Switching Module Enabled off in Build Settings
Full Clean
Only this worked:
Find any commented out (/* abc */) code after #end in your files and delete.
Credit to Max_B:
In my case, other projects were auto-completing correctly. If all your projects fail to correctly predict code, then it might be a different issue, and the other answers might work.

I ran into this issue while trying to make an OS X app and I was able to fix this issue by making sure that the Xcode 7.3 documentation and the OS X 10.11.4 documentation was actually downloaded. Doing this fully restored my autocomplete functionality. My full instructions are below as well as in my answer to a similar question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/39420664/3444925
I had this problem myself and after looking through all the other similar questions & answers about this, I couldn't find a solution. However, I finally found what worked for me.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Components. There you will probably find a screen that looks like the following:
This shows that the documentation has not has not been downloaded and therefore, any attempts to re-index or re-build the application without downloading the documentation would prevent you from being able to use the autocompletion functionality.
Once I downloaded the Xcode 7.3 Documentation and the OSX 10.11.4 Documentation, this was enough for me to get the autocomplete functionality back (I was trying to build an OS X app, so feel free to download as much documentation as is relevant for you).

I didn't run into this until I created a couple of new class files. Other classes worked fine, but autocomplete would NOT work for anything in the new files...
FIX (for me) - I had to add those files to ALL of my targets, including the unit test targets even though I wasn't using them yet.


Unity3D 2020 - VSCode - What happened to intellisense?

Overnight, any help I had for Unity3D in VSCode, i.e. intellisense, disappeared. And I get the sense, no pun intended, that I'm not the only one who's afflicted.
I've tried updating and reinstalling what I assumed VSCode needed to make Unity3D intellisense work. And have checked and re-checked settings, reinstalled VSCode package, in Unity3D.
I've worked through a few tutorials that claimed to address the issue.
What else does VSCode depend on to make this relationship work?
Thanks! Here's to hoping you've fixed this and your life has gotten easier!
Try going to Edit > Preferences > External Tools > Regenerate Project Files (This is because of a bug where the VS Code extension doesn't generate the project files correctly the first time, you can check it out here).
You'll need to be using the VS Code Editor Extension 1.2.0 (you can check which version you're using in the package manager) or later for that option to appear. Also if for whatever reason there are 2 .sln files in your project folder (I've had that happen before, though it's less likely), that also causes problems.
Ok. First, thanks to Lightning_A and Charleh!
The resolution to my specific circumstance was to install the VSCode extension "Unity Snippets Modified" https://github.com/with-heart/vscode-unity-snippets
I had been using https://github.com/kleber-swf/vscode-unity-code-snippets.
Perhaps it's just a matter of Kleber's extension, which is/was great, was broken upon updating Unity to 2020? I dunno and don't have the time to look into it, unfortunately.
Hopefully, my question, the answers I received, and my subsequent resolution saves others from the rabbit-hole I went down.
Again, thanks everyone!

Xcode autocomplete does not work in Sources folder of Swift playgrounds

I am working on a Swift playground that contains multiple files in the Sources folder alongside the main file. When I type something, for instance, "UI", in the main file, I get the expected autocomplete suggestions. However, when I do the same in files in the Sources folder, I get a "dumb" autocomplete menu as seen in this question: Xcode 9 Autocomplete Not Working 100% - Partially Working
I have tried deleting DerivedData as suggested in the above question, and have even gone to the lengths of reinstalling Xcode entirely. However, the problem has not gone away. I have created a new playground to ensure it is not specific to this project, and the same problem occurs.
Edit: I just tried the same thing on a different Mac and the same problem was observed. I suppose this is simply a bug in Xcode that has nothing to do with this particular installation or project.
In order to enable autocompletion, you can embed your Playground in a regular Xcode project (e.g. an iOS application). I recommend creating a dummy project for that purpose. Simply drag and drop your playground in this dummy project and make sure to check "Add to target".
Then you can navigate to
Target -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources -> + -> Add other
and add all the files from your source folder. Please note, that you don't need to actually copy the files, a reference is enough for this purpose.
After this process all your source files are built against this dummy target and you can use autocompletion as usual. As far as I know, this is the best practice for debugging Playgrounds right now. Anyway I am curious, if there is an easier way to achieve that.
Swift playgroundbooks do not support autocomplete. Try writing the code in a regular Swift playground, and then move the code over to the playgroundbook.
This works for me every time,
Restart/Start -> Open any existing Xcode project(use autocomplete) -> Open playground
Autocomplete will work as usual

Xcode won't build to device

This problem has been KILLING me. I've been working on this app for 8 Months, and I am so close to finishing, I just can't seem to build for device. Building for the simulator works fine, but device always gives me the SAME 2 errors.
The 1st Error:
"Instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled"
From googling, I've found this probably means I'm not linking a binary I should be, but I'm not sure.
The 2nd Error:
If you can't read it, it says: Generating JWFNS.app.dSYM ... error: unable to open executable '/Users/ajr1188/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/JWFNS-azshgysfabycfagnebotitpcyaww/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/JWFNS.app/JWFNS'
This is the big one. I cannot seem to build the .app.dSYM file properly. I went in and deleted the build folder, I looked at EVERY stackoverflow question I could find and tried changing any random thing mentioned in another question, but all of it is to no avail. I'm so suck right now. AHH. PLEASE. Any help would be so appreciated!
Maybe your project has become hopelessly corrupted. One thing to try is to start a brand new project and copy/import all your sources/assets into the new project to see if that fixes the problem.
Another less nuclear (but perhaps more time consuming) approach is to binary search the build. Exclude absolutely everything except main.m and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, include half your sources, and buid again....repeat, trying to narrow in on the problem spot. Maybe a file or group of files has received special build settings that don't belong there.
I've had very similar problems, I cant remember the exact error message but it was very similar. Are you able to make a new project that will run on your device?
if so (and I know this sounds bad but it's worth a try) Create a new project and simply copy all the code and resources across and see if it still works. If it doesn't then there is something wrong with you code and you can continue trying to isolate the problem from there.
Hope this is helpful.
check the frameworks you link to. there's a chance that you linked a framework (say quartz) of osx, instead of ios.
Answering in detail is probably going to take looking at your target settings. But it looks like you may be building for the wrong architecture. (It doesn't link, so there is no .dSYM symbol file.) For example, if you have only recently built for device, you probably created your project under an older Xcode, and it may not have the arm6/arm7 settings right.
To check, show the Build Settings for your target (not the project), and filter on Architecture.
Make sure that in build settings the architectures are armv6 and armv7. Also make sure that in .plist file, the "Application requires iPhone environment" is TRUE. Delete "Required device capabilities" in the .plist if present.

Xcode 4 autocomplete buggy

do you face also the problems with Xcode 4 autocomplete feature that used to work great on version 3.x.x?
I've imported in the Prefix some classes and Xcode doesn't want to help me with the code entry. I have to manually add above #implementation
import "myclass.h"
To make Xcode help me entering the class name, properties, methods, macros defined in the myclass.h. On 3.x.x I could import those important classes once in the prefix and the autocomplete feature worked without any problems anywhere in the project.
Sometimes Xcode goes even more stupid, it doesn't want me to help typing the classes like UIButton, UIView and the common method like
addTarget:action:forControlEvents: for my buttons.
Do you also has the problems I mentioned in the Xcode 4, any solutions?
I was able to correct this issue by setting Precompile Prefix Header to No in the build settings.
EDIT 3: Note that this indexing issues has mostly disappeared in recent versions of Xcode (4.1 for sure, latest pre-Lion 4.0.x I think), and that I do not use this workaround anymore, using pch... And in fact not using Xcode anymore... AppCode ftw! :)
An easy, but quite dirty workaround imho is not using precompiled header .pch file to do global includes, but instead go a global header .h, that you include... everywhere. That way indexing will work flawlessly...
I Know that's dirty, don't downvote me please :) I'll delete this answer as soon as someone propose something better! Which I would love.
Off-topic, but related, read somewhere llvm2 is not supposed to get a gain speed with .pch files. which kind of deprecate them.
EDIT: Just checked to be sure of my answer, latest version of Xcode (4.0.1 when writing this) looks like fixing that bug for me. Did you upgrade to latest version?
EDIT 2: Removed my global import header .h, all its references, and moved my global imports into .pch file... That doesn't work as well I expected, latest Xcode 4.0.1 improved on this part but still have some cases where it fails. (I'm working on a project with hundreds of files). Looks like cleaning index/restarting Xcode fix it. I might consider reverting to my dirty workaround...
I have found that changing compilers, building, and then changing back, and building again works relatively consistently. Wrote a post about it on my blog:
I found that sometimes the autocompletion gets broken when dealing with stuff defined in the prefix header. One way to get Xcode to index those again correctly is to use the touch command in the Terminal, e.g.:
touch /Users/someguy/Document/Foo-App/Foo-Prefix.pch
Or add a new line to the prefix for the same effect. Xcode then gets busy reindexing and things work again.
I've faced the same issued as soon as I moved to XCode4. What I realised was that I needed to install iOS's documentation to have the code completion fully working.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Documentation and click GET on the iOS 4.3 Documentation. In the iTunes-style status window, the download progress will be shown.

iPhone: Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error

This is a new iPhone project, only 1 target (different from this question)
On build we get:
Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error.
The google again gives us nothing, lots of people have encountered this and there are lots of crazy ideas to try "oh clean the build", "clear the cache", "twiddle this flag" and none of them work and work consistently. We can reproduce this on two different machines with SDK 2.2.1 and 3.0 beta. Not the install on the machines since other iphone projects work just fine so we believe it has something to do with the config of this particular project but after combing through the config twice we can't spot the problem.
Vanna, I'd like to buy a clue for $200 please.
Tried: XCode menu->Clear cache
Tried: clean all targets
Tried: rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator
This happened to me once and I think I saw in a blog to simply quit and restart Xcode. Miraculously, it worked for me. I doubt this is the end all solutions to all problems like these though, but if you haven't yet closed Xcode, it's worth a try.
I sometimes see this problem and it is fixed by rebooting the maching. I suspect the internal state of the simulator gets screwed. Doesn't sound like your problem though.
I agree with MiRAGe; if this persists, start a new project and import your source.
If other projects work fine; start a new one and copy the files. Combing through configs just won't do it (since XCode has, well, thousands of config possibilities).
You can send me a check with the $200.
P.S: When you actually do start a new project, do it step by step. Run it after each change. Maybe you will find your problem. It might be a ton of work, but it might also help the other thousands of lost souls who have an 'Unkown Error'.
Changing the product name worked for me. I tried several different alternatives and all of them worked fine. It was the "magic product name" I used at the onset that failed every time I went back to it. YMMV.
This might be because items are missing for the target. Expand the target and verify that all needed source files and libraries are there. Restart Xcode after you've messed around.
alt text http://pici.se/pictures/TsnTQxhKh.png
Thanks ...Did have the same problem or worse. My app wasn't loading in the simulator, alternatively sometimes the build failed. Now realized it's pretty logical.
When you create a new project and info.plist get associated with the project.
Each time you add a modify/add the target another plist is generated with the new name.
But the original association with the info.plist is still around and there's a conflict.
So remove that association from the current target or better still remove from project and trash the info.plist.
Just make sure in the target settings(do getInfo) the correct info.plist is mentioned.
Note the name for product/target should not have spaces. If you really want it change the bundle display name.
Now the only reason why xcode should be closed is to ensure the project file has registered all changes.
I got this problem when I added the .plist to my target (Info.plist -> Get Info -> Targets -> Target Memberships). It went away when I unchecked it again.
I see that that's separate from the Targets -> -> Get Info -> Build -> Packaging -> "Info.plist file" -> my.plist that trips mentioned, but I still don't really understand what's going on, and definitely don't understand why we get such an unhelpful error message.
I've had this twice for the same reason: adding a folder called Resources to the project. This is a naming conflict with something (though there is nothing called "Resources" in the application bundle by default). It might be that mysterious naming conflicts are a common cause of this problem.
To fix I renamed the folder to something else ("Assets"), manually deleted the entire build folder (clean didn't work) and quit the simulator.
Another thing to try if you are desperate is to change the 'Product Name' setting. This worked for me once when everything else didn't.
I had the same problem because I had changed the BundleName and some other values but not changed the PRODUCT_NAME. I had problems finding where PRODUCT_NAME is defined: Get Info on the target, Build-tab and it is down the list somewhere.
I changed PRODUCT_NAME to match the bundle name, restarted Xcode and it worked.
I had this problem recently and the fix was ridiculously simple. I remembered that I had been editing the target settings and under the "Properties" tab in the "Executable" field there was a space after the value which was ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}. Yes, a single space. It was impossible to see unless you highlight the field. I figured this out because I had edited that field seeing if I could add a command line option that way. I guess when I cut the additional option back out, I missed a space. So while this is the only possible cause of this problem, it's worth checking out.
Had same problem. None of the answers above worked for me. Then i remember i had just added the icon to the Resources folder before the problem started. Moved icon to Other Sources folder and it worked. Weird!
Thanks Guys.
I had the Product name different than in the info plist. A restart once I fixed that made it all go away.
ps, stackoverflow has been a real help to beginners like me. Thanks from downunder.
I add this issue with a folder named "resources". Rename it, clean every thing and run again.
1) Restart Xcode;
2) Use "Get Info" on Info.plist and uncheck current target (Info.plist would be added anyway).
That's all.
I can confirm that a naming conflict was the source of our problem. We had a filesystem folder named resources inside the Xcode group named Resources. Sometimes we would get the error and a system would lock up and sometimes it would not. Changing the folder to the name assets resolved our problem. After reading some of the above comments - it appears that Xcode group names can clash with directory/folder names.
This happened to me when I changed my version number from 1.0 to 0.1. When I changed it back it started working again.