I am looking to log the output of my script to a log file. But not able to get the output to a file.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$server_names = Get-Content "E:\Bibin\Copy\complist.txt"
$Logfile = "E:\Bibin\Copy\copy.log"
Function LogWrite
Param ([string]$logstring)
Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring
Foreach ($server in $server_names)
$FileExists = Test-Path "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST\*"
If ($FileExists -eq $True)
New-Item "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST\$Folder" -type directory
Move-Item "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST\*" -Destination "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST\$Folder" -force
Copy-Item "\\DC1NAS02P00\data\IT\CPS\Projects\NGNet\CpsServerUpgradeFiles\Upgrade Version 2.0\2003_Files\*.*" -Destination "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST" -Recurse
New-Item "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST" -type directory
Copy-Item "\\DC1NAS02P00\PDSdata\IT\CPS\Projects\NGNet\CpsServerUpgradeFiles\Upgrade Version 2.0\2003_Files\*.*" -Destination "\\$server\C$\temp\TEST" -Recurse
Also I want some time gap between New_item and Move-item, since it is saying file is already in use ..
instead of using Add-Content use Out-File.
Also try robocopy instead of copy, this will wait for the locks to release before copying.
I was wondering if another set of eyes can spot where I'm going wrong.
I'm trying to add am exceptions.sites file to a users Java folder via GPO so as to allow for Edge Compatibility mode to work without user intervention. We have a lot of legacy applications and a lot of users so automating this would be great.
The script seems to run without error.
$Source = '\\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites'
$users = (Get-ChildItem 'c:\Users\').name
$JavaFolder = "C:\Program Files\Java\"
$isJava = $false
$SEL = "Select string"
$DAFMComputer = "ControlPC"
#Do PC check to apply to only one PC
if ($DAFMComputer -like "ControlPC")
if (JavaPath -Path $JavaFolder) #if Java is installed
Foreach ($user in $users)
if (FileExists -Path "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites") #check for the file
$SEL = Select-String -Path "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites" -Pattern https://agapps.agriculture.gov.ie #Check for the string pattern
if ($SEL -ne $null)
#do nothing as the exception file exists with the URL we need do nothing
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\AlreadyThere\"
#add the following lines.
Add-Content "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites" "`nhttps://app.company.com/"
Add-Content "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites" "`nhttps://app.company.com/"
Add-Content "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites" "`We are adding lines"
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\FileExistsAddlines\"
else #file does not exist
Copy-Item -Path $Source -Destination "c:\Users\$user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites" -force
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\Filecopy\"
} # end file copy.
#No Java Do nothing
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\NoJavaDoNothing\"
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\NoComputerMatch\"
#do nothing as the PC name does not match
#Control line showing the script runs.
Copy-Item -Path \\thepath\Policies\{1FA921CE-231E-4982-8EBA-29E3AD4A44EF}\Machine\Scripts\Startup\exception.sites -Destination "c:\Temp\Running\"
The only line that reliably runs is the last control line on line 55 which copies a file to a folder. I've used similar copy file indicators in the if else loops to track and see where the loop is. But none of these are ever populated.
It's all the if elses are evaluating to false and no matter what i can't get it to enter the loop.
Any suggestions / pointers would be welcome
I am looking to move files from various paths to E:\backups\folder1\export, E:\Backups\folder2\backups, E:\backups\folder3\export and using below code...but strangely it runs twice on the same path and doesn't move to next path and duplicates the output too.
$date = Get-Date -Format "yyyMMdd_hhmmss"
#$sourcePath = "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA\export\"
#$destPath = "E:\Backup\Jira\export"
$config = Import-Csv -Path 'E:\Backup\Scripts\Atlassian_Backups.csv'
#Write-Output $config
Start-Transcript -Path E:\Backup\Logs\Atlassian_backupMove.log
foreach ($item in $config)
Write-Host "Moving all files in '$($sourcePath)' to '$($destPath)'"
$fileList = #(Get-ChildItem -Path "$($sourcePath)" -File)
#Write-Output $fileList
if ($filelist.count -gt 0)
Write-host $filelist.Count
ForEach($file in $fileList)
try {
#Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination ((Split-Path
$file.FullName).Replace("$($sourcePath)",$destPath)) -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destPath -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Stop |
Write-Warning "Unable to move '$($file.FullName)' to '$(((Split-Path
$file.FullName).Replace("$($sourcePath)",$destPath)))': $($_)"
Rename-Item E:\Backup\Logs\Atlassian_backupMove.log
write-host Log File has been created and renamed to Atlassian_backupMove_$date.log'
below was changed in my code and worked well.
{#Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination ((Split-Path
$file.FullName).Replace("$($sourcePath)",$destPath)) -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $item.destPath -Verbose -Force -
ErrorAction Stop | Format-table } catch{ Write-Warning "Unable to move
'$($file.FullName)' to '$(((Split-Path
$file.FullName).Replace("$($item.sourcePath)",$item.destPath)))': $($_)" return
I made a logon PowerShell script to check files, if older than source then copy newer one to PC. I am trying to have the result logged but my log file is always empty. Where did I do wrong?
# Set Source
$S_P = "\\NETWORK\S_P.exe"
$S_T = "\\NETWORK\S_T.exe"
$S_P_Date = (Get-Item $S_P -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$S_T_Date = (Get-Item $S_T -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
# Set Destination
$D_P = "C:\TEMP1\S_P.exe"
$D_T = "C:\TEMP2\S_T.exe"
$DF_P = "C:\TEMP1"
$DF_T = "C:\TEMP2"
$D_P_Date = (Get-Item $D_P -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$D_T_Date = (Get-Item $D_T -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$D_Log = "C:\TEMP\updated.txt"
# Compare date and Copy
function Check_Copy {
if (!(Test-Path $D_Log)) {New-Item $D_Log}
if ((Test-Path $D_P) -and (Test-Path $D_T)) {
if ($D_P_Date -le $S_P_Date) {Copy-Item $S_P $DF_P -Force}
if ($D_T_Date -le $S_T_Date) {Copy-Item $S_T $DF_T -Force}
} else {
Copy-Item $S_P $DF_P -Force
Copy-Item $S_T $DF_T -Force
Check_Copy | Out-File $D_Log -Append
You need to use the PassThru Parameter for the output to be piped out to your file. Otherwise, the output is hidden.
Simply add it to your Copy-Item lines so that it looks like this:
Copy-Item $S_P $DF_P -Force -PassThru
Copy-Item $S_T $DF_T -Force -PassThru
Read this TechNet blog to learn more about using object pass through in PowerShell.
I have to following directory structure:
- file1
- file2
- file1
I am trying to test to see if the folders are identical, and if they arent, copy fold1 to fold2 and overwrite any different files. This is what I have tried:
$fold1 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path C:\fold1
$fold2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path C:\fold2
$isDif = Compare-Object $fold1 $fold2
if ($isDif -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Folders Are Identical"
else {
Write-Host "Folders Are Different"
Copy-Item -Path $fold1.FullName -Destination $fold2.FullName -Recurse -Force
But when I run it, it says the folders are different, but it doesn't copy anything over. No errors or anything, it just doesn't work.
I ended up using robocopy instead:
robocopy c:\fold1 c:\fold2 /s
i, just do it
$path1 = "C:\temp2\*"
$path2 = "C:\temp3"
Copy-Item -Path $path1 -Destination $path2 -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue
This is how I would recommend doing the task in powerhsell. It makes it much easier if you create path variables, that way you are not trying to insert records into a directory object.
$path1 = "C:\fold1"
$path2 = "C:\fold2"
$fold1 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $path1
$fold2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path $path2
$isDif = Compare-Object $fold1 $fold2
if ($isDif -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Folders Are Identical"
Write-Host "Folders Are Different"
ForEach($file in $fold1)
if($fold2 -notcontains $file)
Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $path2 -Recurse -Force
I have the following powershell code in which,
backup of (original) files in folder1 is taken in folder2 and the files in folder1 are updated with folder3 files.
The concept of hotfix !!
[xml] $XML = Get-content -Path <path of xml>
$main = $XML.File[0].Path.key
$hotfix = $XML.File[1].Path.key
$backup = $XML.File[2].Path.key
Get-ChildItem -Path $main | Where-Object {
Test-Path (Join-Path $hotfix $_.Name)
} | ForEach-Object {
Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $backup -Recurse -Container
write-host "`nBack up done !"
Get-ChildItem -Path $hotfix | ForEach-Object {Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $main -force}
write-host "`nFiles replaced !"
Now, as the backup of files is taken in folder2, I need to create a log file which contains - name of the file whose backup is taken, date and time, location where the backup is taken
Can anyone please help me with this?
I did the following code, but its of no use, as I cannot sync the both.
$path = "C:\Log\Nlog.log"
$numberLines = 25
For ($i=0;$i -le $numberLines;$i++)
$SampleString = "Added sample {0} at {1}" -f $i,(Get-Date).ToString("h:m:s")
add-content -Path $path -Value $SampleString -Force
Any help or a different approach is appreciated !!
You can use the -PassThru switch parameter to have Copy-Item return the new items it just copied - then do the logging immediately after that, inside the ForEach-Object scriptblock:
| ForEach-Object {
$BackupFiles = Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $backup -Recurse -Container -PassThru
$BackupFiles |ForEach-Object {
$LogMessage = "[{0:dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff}]File copied: {1}" -f $(Get-Date),$_.FullName
$LogMessage | Out-File ".\backups.log" -Append