GitHub REST API: Commits per release - github

I'm trying to obtain the commits that were included on an specific release, on a repository that uses tags to identify releases. According to this answer, this doable through git log.
However, I need to gather this information for several repositories, so using an API is more convenient. Is it possible to get that information from GitHub's REST API?

You can use the compare two commits API:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/compare/:base...:head
This is the same as locally running git log base..head.
Given that you want to automate this for several repos check List your Repositories API as well
Let me know if you need more info.


How do I track a public repository/ organisation's progress on Github?

I want to track some projects hosted publicly on GitHub by others and export metrics such as the number of commits, pr merges, and issues resolved to a CSV document periodically.
I've read the GitHub docs to figure out a way to use the API to extract data, but as per my understanding, the API is for tracking projects hosted by the owner only. Any help?

Programmatically create a commit containing Git-LFS data to a Github Repository

Ether by using the GraphQL (Preferred but seems unlikely), REST API, or by any other means.
Ideally it would be possible to commit the LFS objects and regular objects in the same commit.
I have been using the GraphQL API to successfully query and download LFS objects. I was hoping that it would be possible to also create commits that contain LFS objects.
Unfortunately it seems like createCommitOnBranch doesn't provide a documented way of doing that. So I am left with looking for alternatives.
A version of this question is in the Github Community GraphQL category:

Is there a way to get the raw diff of a commit via the Azure Devops API?

As part of our application, we're building an ability to integrate with Azure DevOps' REST API. One key component that we're interested in is being able to see actual diffs of specific commits, so that we can look at and analyze the line content. We've already created this integration for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, and each time it was easy: There's a fairly simple diff endpoint for each that takes in a specific commit ID and diffs it (sometimes with a specific parent commit).
I've not had much luck finding this same functionality in Azure DevOps, however: The diffs endpoint has some data related to this, but it is really just an overview of which files changed and the high-level nature of those changes, along with the IDs of specific blobs that represent the files in each state (before and after).
It's theoretically possible to use those blobs to manually construct what I'm after, and indeed I've been able to query for the before and after blobs to get a diff on each file. But that's two separate endpoint queries per file -- take a twenty-file commit, and suddenly we'd need 40 API calls just to construct a reasonable diff. That doesn't really fit our performance needs, unfortunately.
Is there a separate API endpoint or technique that lets us get to the raw diff? It doesn't need to be a raw diff a la git diff directly, just anything that lets us see the before and after state of each line (rather than each file) with minimal API calls (preferably just one). I've done much scouring through the docs and here on StackOverflow, and not found anything that accomplishes this.
There is no existing Rest API to meet your needs. But you could refer to the following steps to get the content of the git diff.
Step1: You could use the Rest API to get the commit id.
Step2: You could use the Rest API to get the commit by commit id.
In the Rest API Result, you need to record the value of “parentsid”, “path”.
Step3: You could use the following API to get the diff content.
Post /_api/_versioncontrol/fileDiff?__v=5&diffParameters={value}&repositoryId={repositoryid}
The {value} is Json type.
Here is an example:
You could add the value to the API URL.
Then run the API and the result will contains the git diff content. (2 means remove, 1 means add)
Here is a result sample:
This is the ticket I refer to, hope it helps you.

GitHub API - Equivalent of GitLab's Protected branch API

There is a feature named Protected branches API on GitLab API. Basically, you can restrict all the push and merge access by setting their levels to 0.
I have checked Branches section on GitHub REST API document but I couldn't find the equivalent API. How can I restrict merge and push to a branch on GitHub? Also, I want to remove this restriction after some operations.
protect master branch (do not allow any push, merge etc.)
do something
unprotect master branch
Going to the github api documentation, I see they have added protections. This seems pretty clear how to add proctections using API now.
I don't know a way using the API, but in the UI, you can go to settings > branches and then add some protection rules
You can read more about it here

Getting Jira Issue's Branches from REST API

I am working with the Atlassian product Jira's REST API, combined with Stash. I have the two applications linked so that I can create branches in Stash for the Jira tickets. That is all working great, but what I need is a REST API call or really any call to get the branches for the issue to help automate our development process.
/rest/api/2/{issueid} // Doesn't work
The standard issue pull, Atlassian documentation, doesn't give me any information about the branches created for the issue.
The only other way I can think of to get the information is to scan every project's repo for the specific name of the ticket, which sounds wildly inefficient.
I'm using:
Jira version 6.2.6
Stash version 3.0.1
Found the rest url I was looking for and so far I have found zero documentation on it. Anyway I am going to use it as this is the actual url that Jira uses in the user interface.
{Jira App Url}/rest/dev-status/latest/issue/detail?issueId={IssueKey}&applicationType=stash&dataType=pullrequest
The docs: mention there is information about "all branches related to the issue". The decision which branch is related to which issue comes from branch name. I assume what you would like to get is "all branches that have commits related to particular issue" (issue key must be in commit message). As far as I know this is not supported at the moment.
One solution that comes to my mind is using Stash git hooks ( with custom JIRA plugin that exposes custom REST API to collect information triggered by git hook.
I'd look at the source for the JIRA part of the integration to see what REST calls it makes to stash. They're probably ones documented here:
but they may also use the core REST API for Stash
Try This :
{Jira App Url}/rest/dev-status/latest/issue/detail?issueId={IssueKey}&applicationType=stash&dataType=repository