multiple eyediagrams on a single figure in MATLAB - matlab

Is there a way to have multiple eyediagrams on a single figure in MATLAB. I want to do something like this:
eyediagram(x1, ....);
eyediagram(x2, ....);
eyediagram(x3, ....);
Unfortunately each call to eyediagram creates its own plot. I already tried to plot multiple eyediagram and copy them individually to another figure but I was wondering if there is a better/cleaner way to do this.

From the documentation:
Note: You cannot use hold on to plot multiple signals in the same figure.
Based on that statement, and the fact that you can only specify a figure handle to eyediagram (see below) and not an axes handle, this is not possible apart from manually copying the plot objects as you have stated (likely using copyobj).
Specifying a Figure
eyediagram(x,n,period,offset,plotstring,h) is the same as the syntax above, except that the eye diagram is in the figure whose handle is h, rather than in a new figure. h must be a handle to a figure that eyediagram previously generated.


Matlab skipping plots (uncertainty)

I have a sequence of finding fits for data (cd to folder, read and fit the data) and subsequently plotting them in a loop.
I observe that few plots are done incorrectly, skipped and added in subsequent plots. A four second pause between each plots seems to solve this issue.
I assume everything is sequential in Matlab, meaning subsequent commands wait until current command is finished. I believe this is not the way happening now. I believe using pause is not the best solution. Can someone provide a fix for this?
A set of subsequent plots without the pause (solid line is a fit of datapoints on the fly):
The same plots with pause of 4 seconds:
subplot, and most other functions that generate graphics objects, provide a handle to the generated graphics object that you can use to address the object explicitly with functions like plot.
If an explicit axis handle is not provided to a plotting function, it will use the current axes, which can very often lead to issues like these. So much so that it's caveated in the documentation:
User interaction can change the current axes or chart. It is better to assign the axes or chart to a variable when you create it instead of relying on gca.
So rather than doing:
You should do the following:
ax = axes;
plot(ax, 1:10)

Set figure to not be target for next plot

I'm working on a custom progress monitor with some graphs. I've noticed that Matlab's waitbar creates a figure with some special properties so that if you do
wb = waitbar(0);
the second plot ends up replacing the first plot and not in wb. Is there a property I can set so that when I create my progress monitor and then plot something afterwards, the graph doesn't end up in my figure?
To be clear, I'm trying to have
temp = MyProgressBar();
create a figure for the first plot, create a different figure in the second line, then plot a new graph in the third line.
To protect your progress bar figure against subsequent plotting operations, I would set the 'HandleVisibility' property of its axes to 'off'. That should prevent it ever becoming the current axes, thus keeping subsequent plotting commands from modifying or adding to it. It's a good practice for stand-alone figures/GUIs in general that you turn off the handle visibility of all objects (figure, uicontrols, etc.) in this way to insulate them against being modified by outside code. This is almost certainly what is done in the code for waitbar.
As an additional aside, it's good practice to target your plots to a given axes by passing the axes handle as the first argument. You also have to make sure that, if you want new plots to be added to existing plots, you use things like the hold command first. Here's how I'd rework your example, assuming you want the two plots to appear on the same axes:
plot(rand(100,1)); % Creates new figure and axes
hAxes = gca; % Get the axes handle
hold on; % Allow subsequent plots to be added
temp = MyProgressBar();
plot(hAxes, rand(100,1)); % Will be added to the first plot axes

Get multiple axes handles at once

I am looking for a one-liner to get multiple axes handles at once in an object array so that it can be passed into linkaxes. I am specifically looking for a single-line statement that does not use loops. I know I have done this in the past with a couple nested functions, but I can't figure out what I did.
The function gca can be used to get the axes handle for a specific figure, though this functionality does not appear to be documented. For example, call gca(3) to get the axis handle for Figure 3. I thought in the past I could call gca([1:4]) to get all four axes handles, but that does not seem to work.
I know that I can use get by calling get([1:4],'currentaxes'), which returns a cell array of axes handles. However, I have not figured out a way to convert a cell array of objects into an object array.
I'm using MATLAB R2015a.
Beside the answers already posted, a possible one-line solution could be:
it also allows implicitly prevent considering figure without axes.
Hope this helps.
After building the axes:
figure(1); axes();
figure(2); axes();
figure(3); axes();
one-liners are fun:
linkaxes(arrayfun(#(k) get(k,'CurrentAxes'), 1:3));
Later Edit
Apparently this works only for old-style graphics (in which the handle of a graphic object is a double number). The new handle graphics (being proper objects) cannot be accumulated in a single array by arrayfun:
Maybe the much simpler one-liner:
would work...
How about this?
cell_of_axes = get([1:4], 'currentaxes');
array_of_axes = [cell_of_axes{:}];
If you only want to link a specific subset of axes and they are stored as objects in a cell:
linkaxes([all_axes{:}], 'x');

Plotting multi-colored line in Matlab

I would like to plot a vertical line (I'd prefer any orientation, but I'd be happy with just vertical right now) with two-color dashes, say red-blue-red-blue-...
I know I could do it like this:
hold on,
However, since I need to be able to move the line, among others, it should only have a single handle. How could I do this?
Thank you for your answers. I guess I should indeed give some more information.
I have some data that is classified into different parts. I want to be able to manually adjust the boundaries between classes. For this, I'm drawing vertical lines at the classification boundaries and use draggable to allow moving the lines.
For the boundary between the red and the blue class, I'd like to have a red/blue line.
is what I'm actually using at the moment. However, it's not so pretty (if I want equal spacing, it becomes a real pain, and I want to give both colors the same weight), and I would like to have the possibility to use three colors (and not with marker edge and face being different, because it makes my eyes bleed).
Unfortunately, draggable does not allow me to use multiple handles, and grouping the lines with hggroup does not seem to create a draggable object.
cline looks like a promising approach, but rainbow colors won't work for my application.
You can use the code you have, and just concatenate the handles from each line into a vector of handles. When you want to change the properties of both lines simultaneously, the SET function is able to accept the vector of handles as an argument. From the documentation for SET:
sets the named properties to the
specified values on the object(s)
identified by H. H can be a vector of
handles, in which case set sets the
properties' values for all the
Here's an example:
h1 = plot([1 1],[0 1],'r'); %# Plot line 1
hold on;
h2 = plot([1 1],[0 1],'--b'); %# Plot line 2
hVector = [h1 h2]; %# Vector of handles
set(hVector,'XData',[2 3]); %# Shifts the x data points for both lines
UPDATE: Since you mention you are using draggable from the MathWorks File Exchange, here's an alternate solution. From the description of draggable:
A function which is called when the
object is moved can be provided as an
optional argument, so that the
movement triggers further actions.
You could then try the following solution:
Plot your two lines, saving the handle for each (i.e. h1 and h2).
Put the handle for each in the 'UserData' property of the other:
Create the following function:
function motionFcn(hMoving) %# Currently moving handle is passed in
hOther = get(hMoving,'UserData'); %# Get the other plot handle
set(hOther,'XData',get(hMoving,'XData'),... %# Update the x data
'YData',get(hMoving,'YData')); %# Update the y data
Turn on draggable for both lines, using the above function as the one called when either object is moved:
I've never used it, but there's a submission by Sebastian Hölz called CLINE on the Mathworks File Exchange that seems related.
I don't know how to do exactly what you want, but presumably the reason you want to do this is to have some way of distinguishing this line from other lines. Along those lines, take a look at MathWorks' documentation on 2-D line plots. Specifically, this example:
should give you plenty of ideas for variation. If you really need the two-color dashes, it might help to specify why. That way, even if we can't answer the question, perhaps we can convince you that you don't really need the two-color dashes. Since you've already ruled out the over-lapping solution, I'm fairly certain there's no solution that answers all of your needs. I'm assuming the two-colorness is the most fluid of those needs.

Why won't this axes object display correctly in MATLAB?

I am writing two small psychoacoustic testing applications in MATLAB. The first one works without problems but the second one doesn't, and I just can't figure out why.
Here is the problem: the axes object is created, but it is empty.
Here is the code that creates this figure and axes:
hFig = figure('dockcontrols','off','menubar','none', ...
'name','choose the better sounding file', ...
'numbertitle','off','position',[0,0,700,500], ...
'resize','off','toolbar','none','units','normalized', ...
progress_idc = axes('position',[.1,.8,.8,.05],'box','on','parent',hFig,...
'xlim',[-.03,1.03],'xtickmode','manual','xtick',[], ...
'xticklabelmode','manual','xticklabel',[], ...
'ylim',[-1,1],'ytickmode','manual','ytick',[], ...
'yticklabelmode','manual','yticklabel',[], ...
And here is the code that plots in this axes (the function is called regularly by a timer):
function replot(varargin) % this is a nested function
% plot start_indicator
% plot stop_indicator
% plot play_position
This is what it looks like if it works:
Do you have any idea what is going wrong here?
I ran the code you included above and got the correct output.
If I had to take a wild guess as to what the problem is, I'd guess that you may be creating other axes in your application that you are not listing above, or that you may have other axes not related to the application open at the time the application is running. When you plot your objects in the function replot, you are by default plotting them to the currently active axes. If you have multiple axes open, the plotting may therefore be going on in the wrong set of axes.
One suggestion I would make is to explicitly specify what the parent axes object should be in your calls to PLOT and FILL. If you add the arguments ...,'Parent',progress_idc); to your plotting calls, it will ensure that the correct axes is always used. I make a habit of always specifying the parent axes object instead of assuming that the currently active axes will always be the one I need it to be.
I finally found the (dumb) answer. The title accidentally had the same position as the plot axis. Due to some rendering-details of Matlab, it obscures the whole axis except for the rightmost and bottommost line of pixels, which makes the axis look "empty".
Oh, what a dumb error.