I'm trying to use a software timer with cubeMx integration of freeRTOS (basically, it's freeRTOS with a nearly transparent layer above).
I thought I would be able to pass a pointer to a structure as timer parameter and getting it as a parameter in the callback function. Something like this:
typedef struct{
uint8_t a;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t c;
T t = {1, 2, 3};
osTimerDef(myTimer01, Callback01);
myTimer01Handle = osTimerCreate(osTimer(myTimer01), osTimerPeriodic, (void*) &t);
osTimerStart(myTimer01Handle, 5000);
void Callback01(void const * argument)
T* a = argument;
Unfortunately argument does not point to the same address as &t. When I look to freeRTOS code, it appears that the lib passes a structure "Timer_t" casted as void* to the callback function (see end of the code below):
static void prvProcessExpiredTimer( const TickType_t xNextExpireTime, const TickType_t xTimeNow )
BaseType_t xResult;
Timer_t * const pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList );
/* Remove the timer from the list of active timers. A check has already
been performed to ensure the list is not empty. */
( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxTimer->xTimerListItem ) );
traceTIMER_EXPIRED( pxTimer );
/* If the timer is an auto reload timer then calculate the next
expiry time and re-insert the timer in the list of active timers. */
if( pxTimer->uxAutoReload == ( UBaseType_t ) pdTRUE )
/* The timer is inserted into a list using a time relative to anything
other than the current time. It will therefore be inserted into the
correct list relative to the time this task thinks it is now. */
if( prvInsertTimerInActiveList( pxTimer, ( xNextExpireTime + pxTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks ), xTimeNow, xNextExpireTime ) != pdFALSE )
/* The timer expired before it was added to the active timer
list. Reload it now. */
xResult = xTimerGenericCommand( pxTimer, tmrCOMMAND_START_DONT_TRACE, xNextExpireTime, NULL, tmrNO_DELAY );
configASSERT( xResult );
( void ) xResult;
/* Call the timer callback. */
pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction( ( TimerHandle_t ) pxTimer );
The structure is:
typedef struct tmrTimerControl
const char *pcTimerName; /*<< Text name. This is not used by the kernel, it is included simply to make debugging easier. */ /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */
ListItem_t xTimerListItem; /*<< Standard linked list item as used by all kernel features for event management. */
TickType_t xTimerPeriodInTicks;/*<< How quickly and often the timer expires. */
UBaseType_t uxAutoReload; /*<< Set to pdTRUE if the timer should be automatically restarted once expired. Set to pdFALSE if the timer is, in effect, a one-shot timer. */
void *pvTimerID; /*<< An ID to identify the timer. This allows the timer to be identified when the same callback is used for multiple timers. */
TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction; /*<< The function that will be called when the timer expires. */
typedef xTIMER Timer_t;
This structure contains the data pointer I passed when I created the timer. It is stored in pvTimerId.
This means that I should cast the callback parameter as Timer_t in order to have access to pvTimerId. Something like this:
void Callback01(void const * argument)
T* a =((Timer_t*)argument)->pvTimerID;
BUT this Timer_t structure is not public. I don't really understand why the callback is called with this structure as parameter and moreover casted as const void*...
How should I do?
Considering the call to the osTimerCreate function in your version of cmsis stores realy the argument parameter to the pvTimerID of the Timer_t structure then you could use pvTimerGetTimerID to get your passed data back:
void Callback01(void const * argument)
T* data = (T*)pvTimerGetTimerID((TimerHandle_t)argument);
I am trying to generate some DXL documentation usings Doxygen , but the results are often not correct , DXL is used as a scripting language and that has a C/C++ like syntax with some changes , like for example i can ignor using the Semicolons , What should i do to correct this problem ?
which creates some problems while generating the documentation, here is an example of my dxl code database :
string replace (string sSource, string sSearch, string sReplace) {
int iLen = length sSource
if (iLen == 0) return ""
int iLenSearch = length(sSearch)
if (iLenSearch == 0) {
return ""
char firstChar = sSearch[0]
Buffer s = create()
int pos = 0, d1,d2;
int i
while (pos < iLen) {
char ch = sSource[pos];
bool found = true
if (ch != firstChar) {pos ++; s+= ch; continue}
for (i = 1; i < iLenSearch; i++) {
if (sSource[pos+i] != sSearch[i]) { found = false; break }
if (!found) {pos++; s+= ch; continue}
s += sReplace
pos += iLenSearch
string result = stringOf s
delete s
return result }
as i said the main difference with C and that may cause doxygen to interpret this code incorrectly is that in DXL , we dont have to use ";" .
thanks in advance
You must do three things to apply Doxygen successfully on DXL scripts:
1.) In Doxygen-GUI, 'Wizard' tab, section 'Mode' choose 'Optimize for C or PHP'
2.) The DXL code must be C-confom, i.e. each statement ends with a semicolon ';'
3.) In tab 'Expert' set language mapping for DXL and INC files in section 'Project' under 'EXTENSION_MAPPING':
This all tells Doxygen to treat DXL scripts as C code.
Further, for DOORS to recognize a DXL file documented for DoxyGen as valid and bind it to a menu item, it must comply with certain header structure, consisting of single line and multi-line comment, e.g.
// <dxl-file>
* #file <dxl-file>
* #copyright (c) ...
* #author Th. Grosser
* #date 01 Dec 2017
* #brief ...
I'm trying to implement a macro to allow MATLAB-esque matrix creation. I've got a basic working macro but I still have a long way to go.
I want to be able to enforce the right structure (same number of elements in each row) but I'm not sure how to do this within the macro. I think I want to enforce that each internal repetition has the same length - is this something I can do?
Here is my code so far:
pub struct Matrix<T> {
pub cols: usize,
pub rows: usize,
pub data: Vec<T>
macro_rules! mat {
( $($( $x:expr ),*);* ) => {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut rows = 0;
rows += 1;
Matrix { cols : vec.len()/rows, rows: rows, data: vec}
It works but as you can see isn't very safe. It has no restrictions on the structure.
I want to do a lot more with this macro but I think this is a good start!
Here is some playground code for a crappy implementation I worked out. If anyone has any better suggestions please let me know! Otherwise I'll close this myself.
macro_rules! count {
() => (0usize);
( $x:tt $($xs:tt)* ) => (1usize + count!($($xs)*));
macro_rules! mat {
( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { {
let vec = vec![$($x),*];
Matrix { cols : vec.len(), rows: 1, data: vec }
} };
( $( $x0:expr ),* ; $($( $x:expr ),*);* ) => { {
let mut _assert_width0 = [(); count!($($x0)*)];
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let rows = 1usize;
let cols = count!($($x0)*);
$( vec.push($x0); )*
let rows = rows + 1usize;
let _assert_width = [(); count!($($x)*)];
_assert_width0 = _assert_width;
$( vec.push($x); )*
Matrix { cols : cols, rows: rows, data: vec }
} }
The count! macro expands to a constant expression that represents the number of arguments it got as input. It's just a helper for the mat! macro. If you need to count a lot of items and the compiler can't cope with it, see the Counting chapter in The Little Book of Rust Macros, which has more complex macros for counting.
My version of the macro uses dummy variables and assignments to verify that the width of all rows are the same. First off, I changed the macro's pattern to handle the first row separately from the subsequent rows. The first variable, _assert_width0, is initialized with an array of units ((), which makes the array take no memory), with the size of the array being the number of items in the first row. Then, _assert_width is also initialized with an array of units, with the size of the array being the number of items in each subsequent row. Then, _assert_width is assigned to _assert_width0. The magic here is that this line will raise a compiler error if the width of a row doesn't match the width of the first row, since the types of the array won't match (you might have e.g. [(); 3] and [(); 4]). The error isn't super clear if you don't know what's going on in the macro, though:
<anon>:38:24: 38:37 error: mismatched types:
expected `[(); 3]`,
found `[(); 4]`
(expected an array with a fixed size of 3 elements,
found one with 4 elements) [E0308]
<anon>:38 _assert_width0 = _assert_width;
<anon>:47:13: 47:44 note: in this expansion of mat! (defined in <anon>)
<anon>:38:24: 38:37 help: see the detailed explanation for E0308
First, to quickly address the title of your question: see the Counting chapter in The Little Book of Rust Macros. To summarise: there is no direct way, you need to write a macro that expands to something you can count in regular code.
Now, to address your actual question: hoo boy.
It's not so much counting that you want, it's to fail at compile time if the sub-sequences have different lengths.
First of all, there's no clean way to trigger a compilation failure from a macro. You can trigger some other pre-existing error, but you can't control the actual error message.
Secondly, there's no easy way to do "variable" comparisons in macros at all. You can sometimes compare against a fixed token sequence, but you're not doing that here.
So it's doubly not-really-doable.
The simplest thing to do is check the lengths during construction at runtime, and return an error or panic if they don't match.
Is it actually impossible? I don't believe so. If you're willing to accept inscrutable error messages and a massive jump in complexity, you can check for length equality between two token sequences like so:
macro_rules! tts_equal_len {
(($_lhs:tt $($lhs_tail:tt)*), ($_rhs:tt $($rhs_tail:tt)*)) => {
tts_equal_len!(($($lhs_tail)*), ($($rhs_tail)*))
(($($_lhs_tail:tt)+), ()) => { do_something_bad!() };
((), ($($_rhs_tail:tt)+)) => { do_something_bad!() };
((), ()) => { do_something_good!() };
macro_rules! do_something_bad { () => { { println!("kaboom!") } } }
macro_rules! do_something_good { () => { { println!("no kaboom!") } } }
fn main() {
tts_equal_len!((,,,), (,,,));
tts_equal_len!((,,,), (,,));
tts_equal_len!((,), (,,));
Again, the real problem is finding some way to fail at compile time such that the user will understand why compilation failed.
Update: there's a new way of doing things
As of the day on which this was written, the feature of rust which enables the following (count) to be done, in still unstable and is available in nightly builds.
You can check out the github issues and test cases for further understanding of what's given below
To enable this feature, you need to add the line #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)] to the top of the crate's root module (usually main.rs or lib.rs), and also set your repo to use nightly builds, which is easily done by creating a file rust-toolchain.toml in the root directory (alongside Cargo.toml) and add the folllowing lines to it:
channel = "nightly"
Now, instead of providing a solution to you specific problem, I'd like to share a generic solution I created to better illustrate most situations.
I highly recommend studying the code AND the comments, by pasting the following two code blocks in a file (main.rs).
The macro_rules
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct SumLen {
sum: i32,
len: u32
/// currently one `i32` type is available
/// # Examples
/// The output of the following:
/// ```ignore
/// sumnarr!(i32 => 5 ; 6, 7, 8)
/// ```
/// will be `[(5, 1), (21, 3)]`
macro_rules! sumnarr {
( $type:ty => $( $( $x: expr ),* );* ) => {
// `${count(x,0)}` will give you "length" (number of iterations)
// in `$( )*` loop that you are IMMEDIATELY OUTSIDE OF (e.g.: the `$( )*` loop below)
// `${count(x,1)}` will give you TOTAL number of iterations that the `$( )*` loop
// INSIDE of the IMMEDIATE `$( )*` loop will make. i.e. it is similar to converting
// [ [i1,i2], [i1,i2,i3] ] TO [ i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 ] i.e. flatten the nested iteration.
// In case of `[ [i1,i2], [i1,i2,i3] ]`, `${count(x,0)}` is 2 and `${count(x,1)}` is 5
let mut arr: [SumLen; ${count(x,0)}] = [SumLen{ sum:0, len:0}; ${count(x,0)}];
// `${index()}` refers to the iteration number within the `$( )*` loop
arr[${index()}] = {
let mut sum = 0;
//let mut len = 0;
// THe following will give us length is the loop it is IMMEDIATELY OUTSIDE OF
// (the one just below)
let len = ${count(x,0)};
sum += $x;
// If you were NOT using `$x` somewhere else inside `$( )*`,
// then you should use `${ignore(x)};` to inform the compiler
//You could use the below method, where `${length()}` will give you
//"length" or "number of iterations" in current loop that you are in
// OR
// you could go with my method of `${count(x,0)}` which is explained above
//len = ${length()};
SumLen {
The #[test] (unit test)
fn sumnarr_macro() {
let (a, b, c, d, e) = (4, 5, 6, 9, 10);
let sum_lens = [
SumLen {
sum: a + e,
len: 2
SumLen {
sum: b + c + d,
len: 3
assert_eq!(sum_lens, sumnarr!(i32 => a,e;b,c,d));
I hope this helps
I wrote a new Emacs primitive (macroexpand-once) and recompiled Emacs
Now (macroexpand-once) fails with "Symbol's function definition is void".
What do I do about this?
UPDATE: Here is the code:
DEFUN ("macroexpand-once", Fmacroexpand_once, Smacroexpand_once, 1, 2, 0,
doc: /* Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is returned.
The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation. */)
(Lisp_Object form, Lisp_Object environment)
/* With cleanups from Hallvard Furuseth. */
register Lisp_Object expander, sym, def, tem;
/* Come back here each time we expand a macro call,
in case it expands into another macro call. */
if (!CONSP (form))
/* Set SYM, give DEF and TEM right values in case SYM is not a symbol. */
def = sym = XCAR (form);
tem = Qnil;
/* Trace symbols aliases to other symbols
until we get a symbol that is not an alias. */
while (SYMBOLP (def))
sym = def;
tem = Fassq (sym, environment);
if (NILP (tem))
def = XSYMBOL (sym)->function;
if (!EQ (def, Qunbound))
/* Right now TEM is the result from SYM in ENVIRONMENT,
and if TEM is nil then DEF is SYM's function definition. */
if (NILP (tem))
/* SYM is not mentioned in ENVIRONMENT.
Look at its function definition. */
struct gcpro gcpro1;
GCPRO1 (form);
def = Fautoload_do_load (def, sym, Qmacro);
if (EQ (def, Qunbound) || !CONSP (def))
/* Not defined or definition not suitable. */
if (!EQ (XCAR (def), Qmacro))
else expander = XCDR (def);
expander = XCDR (tem);
if (NILP (expander))
Lisp_Object newform = apply1 (expander, XCDR (form));
if (EQ (form, newform))
form = newform;
} while (0);
return form;
It is just the code of macroexpand, but with do-while(0) instead of while(1).
You need to call defsubr. Do a search for Smacroexpand to see what I mean.
EDIT: I have created a ticket for this which has data on an alternative to this way of doing things.
I have updated the code in an attempt to use MY_CXT's callback as gcxt was not storing across threads. However this segfaults at ENTER.
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#ifndef aTHX_
#define aTHX_
/* For windows */
PerlInterpreter *parent_perl = NULL;
extern PerlInterpreter *parent_perl;
#define GET_TLS_CONTEXT parent_perl = PERL_GET_CONTEXT;
PerlInterpreter *current_perl = PERL_GET_CONTEXT; \
PERL_SET_CONTEXT(parent_perl); { \
PerlInterpreter *my_perl = parent_perl;
} PERL_SET_CONTEXT(current_perl);
#define GET_TLS_CONTEXT /* TLS context not enabled */
#define ENTER_TLS_CONTEXT /* TLS context not enabled */
#define LEAVE_TLS_CONTEXT /* TLS context not enabled */
#include <SDL.h>
#define MY_CXT_KEY "SDL::Time::_guts" XS_VERSION
typedef struct {
void* data;
SV* callback;
Uint32 retval;
} my_cxt_t;
static my_cxt_t gcxt;
static Uint32 add_timer_cb ( Uint32 interval, void* param )
int back;
if (0 != (back = call_sv(MY_CXT.callback,G_SCALAR))) {
if (back != 1 ) Perl_croak (aTHX_ "Timer Callback failed!");
MY_CXT.retval = POPi;
} else {
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Timer Callback failed!");
return MY_CXT.retval;
time_add_timer ( interval, cmd )
Uint32 interval
void *cmd
gcxt = MY_CXT;
RETVAL = SDL_AddTimer(interval,add_timer_cb,(void *)cmd);
This segfaults as soon as I go into ENTER for the callback.
use SDL;
use SDL::Time;
my $time = 0;
SDL::Timer::add_timer(100, sub { $time++; return $_[0]} );
print "Never Prints";
Output is
it should be
$ Never Prints
Quick comments:
Do not use Perl structs (SV, AV, HV, ...) outside of the context of a Perl interpreter object. I.e. do not use it as C-level static data. It will blow up in a threading context. Trust me, I've been there.
Check out the "Safely Storing Static Data in XS" section in the perlxs manpage.
Some of that stuff you're doing looks rather non-public from the point of view of the perlapi. I'm not quite certain, though.
$time needs to be a shared variable - otherwise perl works with separate copies of the variable.
My preferred way of handling this is storing the data in the PL_modglobal hash. It's automatically tied to the current interpreter.
We have found a solution to this using Perl interpreter threads and threads::shared. Please see these
Also here is an example of a script using this code.