Powershell function not executing as expected - powershell

I have the following function that shows if any of the words in an array are contained in a string:
function AnyOf ([string] $line, [string[]] $list)
Write-Output "AnyOf!"
foreach($item in $list)
Write-Output "Found: $item"
return $true
return $false
And this to test it:
function main
[string[]]$a = #("user1", "user2")
$str = "user1 and user2"
$res = AnyOf($str, $a)
I expect it to see both user1 and user2 to get printed out but nothing is printed. It appears as though the function isn't getting called because the Write-Output "AnyOf!" is never executed.
However, when I execute:
AnyOf($str, $a)
Instead of:
$res = AnyOf($str, $a)
I can see that the function is called but the iteration doesn't seem to happen... What am I doing wrong?

A few things,
First of all, functions in powershell are not called using () you would call the function as
AnyOf $str $a
The standard convention is $<<nameOfFunction>> <<param1>> <<param2>>
Secondly, your output is being captured in $res and therefore not printed to the screen, if you add $res at the end of your main function it will output.
So your main function becomes:
function main
[string[]]$a = #("user1", "user2")
$str = "user1 and user2"
$res = AnyOf $str $a
$res #or just don't assign it to $res..
#to call main:
Found: user1
As you can see in the above output it never finds User2 because you use a return $true once it finds a match, exiting out of the function.
Another thing to note is that when you return $false or $true these actually become part of the output stream, which might not be what you want as it can lead to unexpected behavior.


Powershell piping multiple PSCustomObjects drops all but first object

I'm making some modules to make RESTAPI calls easier for our software (since all resources use different logic to how I can find them and how they should be called but that's a separate story). I'm making Get-, Set-, New-, and Remove- for each resource and just found that you can't pipe more than one object to modules that takes arrays from the pipeline. Here's an illustration of the problem that you can copy-paste into your environment:
function Get-MyTest {
[array]$Output = #()
foreach($Item in $MyInput){
$Output += [pscustomobject]#{
Name = $Item
Id = $i
return $Output
function Get-IncorrectResults {
foreach ($Item in $MyIncorrectInput) {
Write-Host "Current object: $Item `n "
The Get module can return more than one object. Each object returned is a PSCustomObject, so if there are more than one returned it becomes an array of PSCustomObjects. Here's the problem:
This works:
$Results = Get-MyTest -MyInput "Test1","Test2","Test3"
Get-IncorrectResults -MyIncorrectInput $Results
This only returns the first item:
$Results = Get-MyTest -MyInput "Test1","Test2","Test3"
$Results | Get-IncorrectResults
If the Get part returns more than one object, only the first object is passed on to the Remove-MyModule. I tried changing the parameter definition from [pscustomobject[]] to [array] but it's the same result. What is the reason for dropping all but the first array item when piping but not when using it as a parameter?
The structure of an advanced PowerShell function is as follows:
function Function-Name {
<# parameter definitions go here#>
begin {
<# this runs once when the pipeline starts #>
process {
<# this runs once for every input item piped to the function #>
end {
<# this runs once at the end of the pipeline #>
When you omit the begin/process/end blocks, PowerShell assumes your function body is really the end block - so this function definition:
function Function-Name {
... is the exact same as:
function Function-Name {
begin {}
process {}
end {Do-Something}
Notice that the process block - the only piece of the function body that repeats with new input - is assumed empty, and the Do-Something statement will not be executed until after the last input item has been received.
This is why it looks like it "drops" everything but the last input object.
Place the code that consumes the pipeline-bound variable inside the process block and it'll work:
process {
foreach($Module in $MyModules){
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "MyURL" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Module) -UseDefaultCredentials
For more information about the syntax and semantics of advanced functions, see the about_Functions_Advanced_Methods help file

Powershell function being passed too many parameters

I'm writing a set of PowerShell scripts to monitor the size of various folders. I've run into an error, and I've got no idea what's causing it.
Here is the code, with Write-Host showing what I am expecting and what the variables $ip and $loc actually contain:
function getDriveLetter($ip) {
Write-Host $ip # prints: myfolder1\myfolder2\
# expected:
switch($ip) {
"" {return "E`$"; break}
"" {return "D`$"; break}
default {"Unknown"; break}
function getFullPath($loc,$folder) {
Write-Host $loc # prints: myfolder1\myfolder2\
# expected:
$drive = getDriveLetter("$loc")
$str = "\\$loc\$drive\DATA\$folder"
return $str
function testPath($loc,$folder) {
$mypath = getFullPath("$loc","$folder")
if (Test-Path $mypath) {
return $true
} else {
return $false
When I run the command:
I'm getting a "False" result, but if I run:
Test-Path "\\\E`$\DATA\myfolder1\myfolder2\"
The command returns True (as it should).
What have I missed? I've tried forcing the variables to be set with:
$mypath = getFullPath -loc "$loc" -folder "$folder"
but there's no change. If it changes anything, this is on Powershell version 4.
I'd suggest that you review the syntax of PowerShell a bit more, because there's many mistakes in there. PowerShell is quite different from C# and you seem to make a lot of assumptions. :)
First of all, that's not how you call PowerShell functions. Also not sure why you added quotes around the parameters? They are redundant. If you fix the function calls your code should function as expected.
$mypath = getFullPath $loc $folder
Then there's a semicolon in your switch statement, which is also wrong. Then, you don't have to escape the $ if you just use ''. The break is also redundant because return exits the function in this case.
"" { return 'E$' }
Also, one interesting thing about PowerShell: You could just get rid of the return in getFullPath:
function getFullPath($loc, $folder) {
$drive = getDriveLetter($loc)
PowerShell returns uncaptured output, which is important to be aware of, it can be the cause of many obscure bugs.
The problem is in how you are calling your functions. Function arguments are space delimited in PowerShell, and do not use parentheses to enclose the arguments.
getFullPath $loc $folder
When you wrap arguments in parentheses, you are creating an array containing two values, and passing that array as the first argument.
getFullPath($loc, $folder)
This line passes an array containing two strings #($loc, $folder) as the first argument, and then, because there are no other arguments on the line, it passes $null to the second. Inside the function, the array is then joined to be used as a string, which is the behavior you observed.
The problem is how you pass the parameters to the functions.
See more details on above link:
How do I pass multiple parameters into a function in PowerShell?
function getDriveLetter() {
switch($ip) {
"" {return "E`$"; break}
"" {return "D`$"; break}
default {"Unknown"; break}
function getFullPath() {
param($loc, $folder)
$drive = getDriveLetter -ip $loc
$str = "\\$loc\$drive\DATA\$folder"
return $str
function testPath() {
param($loc, $folder)
$mypath = getFullPath -loc $loc -folder $folder
if (Test-Path $mypath) {
return $true
} else {
return $false
testPath -loc "" -param "myfolder1\myfolder2\"

How can I pass dynamic parameters to powershell script and iterate over the list?

I want to create a powershell script that accepts dynamic parameters and I also want to iterate through them.
I call the powershell script in the following manner.
ParametersTest.ps1 -param1 value1 -param2 value2 -param3 value3
And I should be able to access my params inside the script as follows:
for($key in DynamicParams) {
$paramValue = DynamicParams[$key];
Is there anyway to do this in powershell? Thanks in advance.
There is nothing built-in like that (essentially you're asking for PowerShell parameter parsing in the absence of any definition of those parameters). You can emulate it, though. With $args you can get at all arguments of the function as an array. You can then iterate that and decompose it into names and values:
$DynamicParams = #{}
switch -Regex ($args) {
'^-' {
# Parameter name
if ($name) {
$DynamicParams[$name] = $value
$name = $value = $null
$name = $_ -replace '^-'
'^[^-]' {
# Value
$value = $_
if ($name) {
$DynamicParams[$name] = $value
$name = $value = $null
To iterate over dynamic parameters you can either do something like you wrote
foreach ($key in $DynamicParams.Keys) {
$value = $DynamicParams[$key]
(note the foreach, not for, the latter of which cannot work like you wrote it) or just iterate normally over the hash table:
$DynamicParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$name = $_.Key
$value = $_.Value

Invoke method on ScriptBlock truncating array

I have the following ScriptBlock defined:
[ScriptBlock]$strSb = {
[String[]]$Modules = #('String3','String4')
Write-Host "Passed in params:"
foreach($m in $Modules){
Write-Host $m
$defaultModules = #('String3','String4')
# Add Default Modules back if not present #
foreach($module in $defaultModules){
if($Modules -notcontains $module){
$Modules += $module
Write-Host "Final set:"
# Load Dependencies #
foreach($m in $Modules){
Write-Host $m
As the parameter states in the ScriptBlock, I want to be able to pass in an array of strings. When I call $strSb.Invoke(#('String11','String12')) I receive the following:
Passed in params:
Final set:
What I expect is:
Passed in params:
Final set:
Why is the invoke method truncating my array to the first item entered? And how would I go about fixing it so I can pass in an array of strings?
FWIW: I'm working in v2 and v3.
The problem is that the Invoke method takes an array of arguments (kind of like commands that have an -ArgumentList parameter), so each element in your array is parsed as a separate argument. The first argument, 'String11', is assigned to the first postitional parameter, $Modules, and any subsequent arguments are discarded, since there are no more positional parameters. It doesn't matter that $Modules is declared as a string array; since each element of the argument list is a separate argument, you're setting $Modules to an array of one element.
If you use the , operator to indicate that you're passing in a single array argument, it works as intended:
BTW, you don't really need the #, because a comma-separated list of strings is interpreted as an array by default. Not just in this particular context, but in general. So just use this:
To prove out the explanation above, try this scriptblock, which is the same except that a second parameter (creatively named $SecondParameter) is declared, and then displayed after the loop that displays the value of the first parameter:
[ScriptBlock]$strSb = {
[String[]]$Modules = #('String3','String4'),
Write-Host "Passed in params:"
foreach($m in $Modules){
Write-Host $m
Write-Host "`nSecondParameter: $SecondParameter`n"
$defaultModules = #('String3','String4')
# Add Default Modules back if not present #
foreach($module in $defaultModules){
if($Modules -notcontains $module){
$Modules += $module
Write-Host "Final set:"
# Load Dependencies #
foreach($m in $Modules){
Write-Host $m
If you then pass in the arguments as you were, $strSb.Invoke(#('String11','String12')), you get these results:
11-26-13 19:02:12.55 D:\Scratch\soscratch» $strSb.Invoke(#('String11','String12'))
Passed in params:
SecondParameter: String12
Final set:
11-26-13 19:02:29.34 D:\Scratch\soscratch»
One last tip, not directly related to the question, is that you can compact the foreach loops by using a pipelines, which is are not only more succinct but generally more efficient. Here's a compacted version of your code:
[ScriptBlock]$strSb = {
[String[]]$Modules = ('String3','String4')
Write-Host "Passed in params:"
$Modules | Write-Host
$defaultModules = 'String3','String4'
# Add Default Modules back if not present #
$defaultModules | ?{$Modules -notcontains $_} | %{$Modules += $_}
Write-Host "Final set:"
# Load Dependencies #
$Modules | Write-Host
If I understand what you're doing, you want to take 2 arrays, concatenate them, and ensure uniqueness...
First, Since you have a [Parameter...] on your parameter, you magically get [CmdletBinding()] on the method. This means that you are automatically going to get $Modules split into multiple calls.
Second, ScriptBlock.Invoke() takes a params style array and puts them into the method as separate arguments.
The first thing I would try is to add the attribute to gather all values:
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true, Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
However, for the Join, you can much more easily do something like:
($modules + $defaultModules) | Select -Unique
Not sure exactly why, but it doesn't seem to like that named parameter. Seems to like $args, tho :
[ScriptBlock]$strSb = {
$Modules = $args
Write-Host "Passed in params:"
foreach($m in $modules){
Write-Host $m
$defaultModules = #('String3','String4')
# Add Default Modules back if not present #
foreach($module in $defaultModules){
if($Modules -notcontains $module){
$Modules += $module
Write-Host "Final set:"
# Load Dependencies #
foreach($m in $Modules){
Write-Host $m
Passed in params:
Final set:

PowerShell returns multiple values

I'm writing a PowerShell function, and I want it to return a single Boolean. The problem is that PowerShell will return anything in the pipeline and not just what was explicitly included in the return statement.
Consider the following code.
function getTrue(){
$testVariable = "test"
return $true
$answer = getTrue
Write-host $answer
The output of this code is
test True
This returns a System.Object[]. I want to force the return value to be a System.Boolean.
This code works fine if I add a Write-Host:
function getTrue(){
$testVariable = "test"
Write-Host $test
return $true
The only problem is that I'm depending on a function that someone else is writing (I can't modify it), and I can't gaurantee that they used a Write-Host instead of just leaving the variable on the line by itself.
Is there a way to force the function to only return the value that I want?
Just use Out-Null to suppress unexpected returning:
function getTrue(){
$test = "test";
$test | Out-Null;
return $true;
$answer = getTrue
Write-Host $answer
function getTrue(){
$test = "test";
Write-Host $test | Out-Null;
return $true;
$answer = getTrue
Write-Host $answer