Powershell: Storing data - powershell

I would appreciate if someone could help me with fundamental ways to store data in a tabulated manner in PowerShell, specifically how to add values to a previously created table.
I'd also appreciate if someone could show a code example of the best way to do this kind of thing.
Apologies in advance if this is too fundamental for this arena. I would appreciate being pointed in a useful direction.
Basically, I want to store a collection of plaintext user names and passwords. Nothing fancy so I don't need encryption (I know about the PSCredential object. It's not required)
Method 1 - Custom Object
$account = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $PRCGuest -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name UserName -Value ""
Add-Member -InputObject $PRCGuest -MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name Password -Value ""
I know how to assign initial values to this objects members...
$account.UserName = "jimbo"
$account.Password = "1234
but what is the correct syntax to add further values and is creating an object like this to store lists of data correct?
Method 2 - Hash table
$account = #{
"jimbo" = "1234";
"jimmy" = "2346"
I've read that you can create a hashtable and then copy the value pairs into a custom object. How is this done and why do you need this intermediate step?
Finally, are there any good books, ideally language agnostic (as I will be learning C++ soon) that show how to efficiently store tables of data in high level object oriented languages.
Thanks for any help.

I prefer the hashtable method as I think it is cleaner and easier to read. There are a few methods to achieve this depending on which version of PowerShell you are using.
Example 1
$props = #{
Property1 = 'one'
Property2 = 'two'
Property3 = 'three'
$object = new-object psobject -Property $props
$object | Select-Object Property1, Property2
Example 2 REQUIRES V3
$obj = [PSCustomObject]#{
Property1 = 'one'
Property2 = 'two'
Property3 = 'three'
$OBJ | Select-Object Property1
Here is the Link for Reference


How to dynamically add new properties to custom object in PowerShell

I have a custom object that contains device information that looks something like this.
PC1,Elitebook 850, ABC123,
PC2,EliteDesk 600,123ABC
I have a function that retrieves threats detected by an antivirus product. These are returned as an array of objects. There are more properties than below but this is just an example
I would like to add each member as properties to the custom object so the final output is similar to this.
Currently, my script does this:
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
[pscustomobject] #{
name = $device.device_name
make = $device.make
sn = $device.sn
ThreatFileName = $threats.File -join ", "
Threat_md5 = $threats.md5 -join ", "
This works ok but I'd really like each object returned by the 'Get-Threats' function to be listed as its own set of properties. I need this to be generated dynamically because I don't know how many threats will be returned for each device.
Any thoughts on how to go about this?
You can add properties to objects at any time with the Add-Member cmdlet. Maybe start with an empty object and loop through the elements returned by Get-Threats, adding a member each time?
Edit: Example code to answer for reference.
$o = [pscustomobject]#{
$o | ft
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberE' -Value 'eee'
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberF' -Value 'fff'
$o | ft
The answer from #krome got me pointed in the right direction although that answer wouldn't work for me as there could be multiple threats for each device.
I used the answer from #scobi on Dynamically get PSCustomObject property and values to arrive at this answer which meets my requirement that the new properties be generated dynamically.
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
if($null -ne $threats){
$i = 1
foreach($threat in $threats){
$threat | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | % Name | %{
Add-Member -InputObject $device -NotePropertyName ("Threat"+$i.ToString() + "_" + $_) -NotePropertyValue $threat.$_ -Force
Write-Output $devices
I loop over each device in the devices array and call my
Get-Threats function.
The if statement prevents the loop from running for any devices
that don't have threats.
$i is used as my counter to increment the property name for each
threat found so the properties will all have unique names
I then loop over each threat found piping to Get-Member to retrieve
the property name and values
I use Add-Member to add additional properties for each threat found
to each device in the loop, using the counter to give each propery a unique name

Get the term set name that is being used in sharepoint sites

I have been tasked to get the MMS term sets that are being used based on terms(not with null value of MMS column in the list's items ) in all the sites so that only those MMS terms sets can get migrated to the other sharepoint environment. On a base level I'm using below script
$FieldCollection= (Get-SPWeb https:/sharepoint.com/sites/pssl/mgmt).Lists.Fields
$MetadataField = New-Object psobject
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ParentListUrl" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ParentListTitle" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FieldTitle" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FieldId" -value ""
$matches = #();
foreach($field in $FieldCollection)
if($field.GetType().Name -ne "TaxonomyField"){
#if($field.TermSetId.ToString() -ne $TermSet.Id.ToString()){continue;}
$tf = $MetadataField | Select-Object *;
$tf.ParentListUrl = $field.ParentList.ParentWeb.Url;
$tf.ParentListTitle = $field.ParentList.Title;
$tf.FieldTitle = $field.Title;
$tf.FieldId = $field.ID;
$matches += $tf;
return $matches;
but it returns only managed metadata columns defined in the list, but not they are being used in the list. Can anybody help me to achieve the task.
I'm not an expert in Sharepoint API, but I'm trying to understand what the problem is to help you and I can't.
I notice that you create an object $MetadataField before a loop, then kind of create a replica $MetadataField | Select-Object * and then add in a array.
As you say, the returned objects should only have the columns of ParentListUrl,ParentListTitle,FieldTitle and FieldId which is what I expect from the sample above. Can you elaborate more on what you are looking for? Maybe update the entire function into your question and post your returned expectation. this way I can try to help you out.
Btw, the ; is not required and you should create a new instance of the object within the loop. You can use the same method or first create a hash key that drives the properties of a custom object. For example in your loop adjust the following.
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $hash
Also if you function returns directly each found item without extra processing, then you can skip adding them in an array and just write in the output like I do in my example. To make it more clear, if I would put a loop around my example in a function and execute, then I would get a recordset with custom object with Property1 and Property2

Is there a proper way to create a scriptproperty in a Powershell 5 class

In Powershell versions prior to 5, objects could be created "on the go" with New-Object, and could be extended with Add-Member. Powershell 5 introduced classes, but it seems they only allow basic properties and methods. Is there any proper way one can emulate a scriptproperty (IE. a property that is seen as a property, not as a method, but is still calculated on the go)?
The following code gives the wanted result thanks to a hack in the constructor. Can this hack be avoided?
class fakescriptproperty {
hidden [datetime] _currenttime() { return ( Get-Date ) }
fakescriptproperty() {
Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType ScriptProperty `
-Name currenttime -Value { $this._currenttime() }
$test = New-Object -TypeName fakescriptproperty
not sure I understand the problem here. This is how I create, extend and access custom objects; let me know if you're after something else.
# Creating new object with key/value hashtable
$customObject = New-Object psobject -Property #{key1 = "value" ; key2 = "value2"}
# Adding member to custom object
$customObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name key3 -Value value3
# This will return value3
Edit - I'm not familiar with classes. In PowerShell 5 it is possible to extend custom objects with a ScriptProperty member and specify a scriptblock that is calculated on the go (no hackery required).
$test = New-Object psobject
$test | Add-Member -Name currentime -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {Get-Date}
It is possible to specify a -SecondValue scriptblock that handles setting the property (keep running into StackOverflowException when testing this)

Difference between PSObject, Hashtable, and PSCustomObject

Can anybody explain the details? If I create an object using
$var = [PSObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3}
and then I look for its type using getType() PowerShell tells me it's of type Hashtable.
When using Get-Member (alias gm) to inspect the object it's obvious that a hashtable has been created, since it has a keys and a values property. So what's the difference to a "normal" hashtable?
Also, what's the advantage of using a PSCustomObject? When creating one using something like this
$var = [PSCustomObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3}
the only visible difference to me is the different datatype of PSCustomObject. Also instead of keys and value properties, a inspection with gm shows that now every key has been added as a NoteProperty object.
But what advantages do I have? I'm able to access my values by using its keys, just like in the hashtable. I can store more than simple key-value pairs (key-object pairs for example) in the PSCustomObject, JUST as in the hashtable. So what's the advantage? Are there any important differences?
One scenario where [PSCustomObject] is used instead of HashTable is when you need a collection of them. The following is to illustrate the difference in how they are handled:
$Hash = 1..10 | %{ #{Name="Object $_" ; Index=$_ ; Squared = $_*$_} }
$Custom = 1..10 | %{[PSCustomObject] #{Name="Object $_" ; Index=$_ ; Squared = $_*$_} }
$Hash | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Custom | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Hash | Export-Csv .\Hash.csv -NoTypeInformation
$Custom | Export-Csv .\CustomObject.csv -NoTypeInformation
Format-Table will result in the following for $Hash:
Name Value
---- -----
Name Object 1
Squared 1
Index 1
Name Object 2
Squared 4
Index 2
Name Object 3
Squared 9
And the following for $CustomObject:
Name Index Squared
---- ----- -------
Object 1 1 1
Object 2 2 4
Object 3 3 9
Object 4 4 16
Object 5 5 25
The same thing happens with Export-Csv, thus the reason to use [PSCustomObject] instead of just plain HashTable.
Say I want to create a folder. If I use a PSObject you can tell it is wrong by
looking at it
PS > [PSObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'}
Name Value
---- -----
Path foo
Type directory
However the PSCustomObject looks correct
PS > [PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'}
Path Type
---- ----
foo directory
I can then pipe the object
[PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'} | New-Item
From the PSObject documentation:
Wraps an object providing alternate views of the available members and ways to extend them. Members can be methods, properties, parameterized properties, etc.
In other words, a PSObject is an object that you can add methods and properties to after you've created it.
From the "About Hash Tables" documentation:
A hash table, also known as a dictionary or associative array, is a compact data structure that stores one or more key/value pairs.
Hash tables are frequently used because they are very efficient for finding and retrieving data.
You can use a PSObject like a Hashtable because PowerShell allows you to add properties to PSObjects, but you shouldn't do this because you'll lose access to Hashtable specific functionality, such as the Keys and Values properties. Also, there may be performance costs and additional memory usage.
The PowerShell documentation has the following information about PSCustomObject:
Serves as a placeholder BaseObject when PSObject's constructor with no parameters is used.
This was unclear to me, but a post on a PowerShell forum from the co-author of a number of PowerShell books seems more clear:
[PSCustomObject] is a type accelerator. It constructs a PSObject, but does so in a way that results in hash table keys becoming properties. PSCustomObject isn't an object type per se – it's a process shortcut. ... PSCustomObject is a placeholder that's used when PSObject is called with no constructor parameters.
Regarding your code, #{a=1;b=2;c=3} is a Hashtable. [PSObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3} doesn't convert the Hashtable to a PSObject or generate an error. The object remains a Hashtable. However, [PSCustomObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3} converts the Hashtable into a PSObject. I wasn't able to find documentation stating why this happens.
If you want to convert a Hashtable into an object in order to use its keys as property names you can use one of the following lines of code:
# OR
New-Object PSObject -Property #{a=1;b=2;c=3}
# NOTE: Both have the type PSCustomObject
If you want to convert a number of Hashtables into an object where their keys are property names you can use the following code:
#{name='a';num=1},#{name='b';num=2} |
% { [PSCustomObject]$_ }
# OR
#{name='a';num=1},#{name='b';num=2} |
% { New-Object PSObject -Property $_ }
name num
---- ---
a 1
b 2
Finding documentation regarding NoteProperty was difficult. In the Add-Member documentation, there isn't any -MemberType that makes sense for adding object properties other than NoteProperty. The Windows PowerShell Cookbook (3rd Edition) defined the Noteproperty Membertype as:
A property defined by the initial value you provide
Lee, H. (2013). Windows PowerShell Cookbook. O'Reilly Media, Inc. p. 895.
One advantage I think for PSObject is that you can create custom methods with it.
For example,
$o = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Sqrt" -Value {
echo "the square root of $($this.value) is $([Math]::Round([Math]::Sqrt($this.value),2))"
} -inputObject $o
You can use this to control the sorting order of the PSObject properties (see PSObject sorting)
I think the biggest difference you'll see is the performance. Have a look at this blog post:
Combining Objects Efficiently – Use a Hash Table to Index a Collection of Objects
The author ran the following code:
$numberofobjects = 1000
$objects = (0..$numberofobjects) |% {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Name'="object$_";'Path'="Path$_"}
$lookupobjects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Path'="Path$_";'Share'="Share$_"}
$method1 = {
foreach ($object in $objects) {
$object | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name Share -Value ($lookupobjects | ?{$_.Path -eq $object.Path} | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty share)
Measure-Command $method1 | select totalseconds
$objects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Name'="object$_";'Path'="Path$_"}
$lookupobjects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Path'="Path$_";'Share'="Share$_"}
$method2 = {
$hash = #{}
foreach ($obj in $lookupobjects) {
$hash.($obj.Path) = $obj.share
foreach ($object in $objects) {
$object |Add-Member NoteProperty -Name Share -Value ($hash.($object.path)).share
Measure-Command $method2 | select totalseconds
Blog author's output:
His comment regarding the code results is:
You can see the difference in speed when you put it all together. The object method takes 167 seconds on my computer while the hash table method will take under a second to build the hash table and then do the lookup.
Here are some of the other, more-subtle benefits:
Custom objects default display in PowerShell 3.0
We have a bunch of templates in our Windows-PKI and we needed a script, that has to work with all active templates. We do not need to dynamically add templates or remove them.
What for me works perfect (since it is also so "natural" to read) is the following:
$templates = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template1'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template2'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template3'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template4'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template5'; Oid = ''}
foreach ($template in $templates)
Write-Output $template.Name $template.Oid
Type-1: $PSCustomObject = [PSCustomObject] #{a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4;e=5;f=6}
Type-2: $PsObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4;e=5;f=6}
The only difference between Type-1 & Type-2
Type-1 Property are displayed in same order as we added
Type-1 enumerates the data faster
Type-1 will not work with systems running PSv2.0 or earlier
Both Type-1 & Type-2 are of type “System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject”
Difference between HashTable and PSCustomObject/PSObject is
You can add new methods and properties to PSCustomObject/PSObject
You can use PSCustomObject/PSObject for pipeline parameter binding using ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName as explained by Zombo
example: [PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'} | New-Item

How do I create a custom type in PowerShell for my scripts to use?

I would like to be able to define and use a custom type in some of my PowerShell scripts. For example, let's pretend I had a need for an object that had the following structure:
string First
string Last
string Phone
How would I go about creating this so that I could use it in function like the following:
function PrintContact
param( [Contact]$contact )
"Customer Name is " + $contact.First + " " + $contact.Last
"Customer Phone is " + $contact.Phone
Is something like this possible, or even recommended in PowerShell?
Prior to PowerShell 3
PowerShell's Extensible Type System didn't originally let you create concrete types you can test against the way you did in your parameter. If you don't need that test, you're fine with any of the other methods mentioned above.
If you want an actual type that you can cast to or type-check with, as in your example script ... it cannot be done without writing it in C# or VB.net and compiling. In PowerShell 2, you can use the "Add-Type" command to do it quite simmple:
add-type #"
public struct contact {
public string First;
public string Last;
public string Phone;
Historical Note: In PowerShell 1 it was even harder. You had to manually use CodeDom, there is a very old function new-struct script on PoshCode.org which will help. Your example becomes:
New-Struct Contact #{
Using Add-Type or New-Struct will let you actually test the class in your param([Contact]$contact) and make new ones using $contact = new-object Contact and so on...
In PowerShell 3
If you don't need a "real" class that you can cast to, you don't have to use the Add-Member way that Steven and others have demonstrated above.
Since PowerShell 2 you could use the -Property parameter for New-Object:
$Contact = New-Object PSObject -Property #{ First=""; Last=""; Phone="" }
And in PowerShell 3, we got the ability to use the PSCustomObject accelerator to add a TypeName:
PSTypeName = "Contact"
First = $First
Last = $Last
Phone = $Phone
You're still only getting a single object, so you should make a New-Contact function to make sure that every object comes out the same, but you can now easily verify a parameter "is" one of those type by decorating a parameter with the PSTypeName attribute:
function PrintContact
param( [PSTypeName("Contact")]$contact )
"Customer Name is " + $contact.First + " " + $contact.Last
"Customer Phone is " + $contact.Phone
In PowerShell 5
In PowerShell 5 everything changes, and we finally got class and enum as language keywords for defining types (there's no struct but that's ok):
class Contact
# Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values
# optionally, have a constructor to
# force properties to be set:
Contact($First, $Last, $Phone) {
$this.First = $First
$this.Last = $Last
$this.Phone = $Phone
We also got a new way to create objects without using New-Object: [Contact]::new() -- in fact, if you kept your class simple and don't define a constructor, you can create objects by casting a hashtable (although without a constructor, there would be no way to enforce that all properties must be set):
class Contact
# Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values
$C = [Contact]#{
First = "Joel"
Last = "Bennett"
Creating custom types can be done in PowerShell.
Kirk Munro actually has two great posts that detail the process thoroughly.
Naming Custom Objects
Defining Default Properties for Custom Objects
The book Windows PowerShell In Action by Manning also has a code sample for creating a domain specific language to create custom types. The book is excellent all around, so I really recommend it.
If you are just looking for a quick way to do the above, you could create a function to create the custom object like
function New-Person()
param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)
$person = new-object PSObject
$person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name First -Value $FirstName
$person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Last -Value $LastName
$person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Phone -Value $Phone
return $person
This is the shortcut method:
$myPerson = "" | Select-Object First,Last,Phone
Steven Murawski's answer is great, however I like the shorter (or rather just the neater select-object instead of using add-member syntax):
function New-Person() {
param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)
$person = new-object PSObject | select-object First, Last, Phone
$person.First = $FirstName
$person.Last = $LastName
$person.Phone = $Phone
return $person
Surprised no one mentioned this simple option (vs 3 or later) for creating custom objects:
First = $First
Last = $Last
Phone = $Phone
The type will be PSCustomObject, not an actual custom type though. But it is probably the easiest way to create a custom object.
There is the concept of PSObject and Add-Member that you could use.
$contact = New-Object PSObject
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"
This outputs like:
[8] » $contact
First Last Phone
----- ---- -----
John Doe 123-4567
The other alternative (that I'm aware of) is to define a type in C#/VB.NET and load that assembly into PowerShell for use directly.
This behavior is definitely encouraged because it allows other scripts or sections of your script work with an actual object.
Here is the hard path to create custom types and store them in a collection.
$Collection = #()
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"
$Collection += $Object
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "Jeanne"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "765-4321"
$Collection += $Object
Write-Ouput -InputObject $Collection
Here's one more option, which uses a similar idea to the PSTypeName solution mentioned by Jaykul (and thus also requires PSv3 or above).
Create a TypeName.Types.ps1xml file defining your type. E.g. Person.Types.ps1xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$this | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'GivenName' -Value $GivenName
$this | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Surname' -Value $Surname
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$this | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'GivenName' -Value $GivenName -Force
<GetScriptBlock>'{0} {1}' -f $this.GivenName, $this.Surname</GetScriptBlock>
<!-- include properties under here if we don't want them to be visible by default
Import your type: Update-TypeData -AppendPath .\Person.Types.ps1xml
Create an object of your custom type: $p = [PSCustomType]#{PSTypeName='StackOverflow.Example.Person'}
Initialise your type using the script method you defined in the XML: $p.Initialize('Anne', 'Droid')
Look at it; you'll see all properties defined: $p | Format-Table -AutoSize
Type calling a mutator to update a property's value: $p.SetGivenName('Dan')
Look at it again to see the updated value: $p | Format-Table -AutoSize
The PS1XML file allows you to define custom properties on types.
It is not restricted to .net types as the documentation implies; so you can put what you like in '/Types/Type/Name' any object created with a matching 'PSTypeName' will inherit the members defined for this type.
Members added through PS1XML or Add-Member are restricted to NoteProperty, AliasProperty, ScriptProperty, CodeProperty, ScriptMethod, and CodeMethod (or PropertySet/MemberSet; though those are subject to the same restrictions). All of these properties are read only.
By defining a ScriptMethod we can cheat the above restriction. E.g. We can define a method (e.g. Initialize) which creates new properties, setting their values for us; thus ensuring our object has all the properties we need for our other scripts to work.
We can use this same trick to allow the properties to be updatable (albeit via method rather than direct assignment), as shown in the example's SetGivenName.
This approach isn't ideal for all scenarios; but is useful for adding class-like behaviors to custom types / can be used in conjunction with other methods mentioned in the other answers. E.g. in the real world I'd probably only define the FullName property in the PS1XML, then use a function to create the object with the required values, like so:
More Info
Take a look at the documentation, or the OOTB type file Get-Content
$PSHome\types.ps1xml for inspiration.
# have something like this defined in my script so we only try to import the definition once.
# the surrounding if statement may be useful if we're dot sourcing the script in an existing
# session / running in ISE / something like that
if (!(Get-TypeData 'StackOverflow.Example.Person')) {
Update-TypeData '.\Person.Types.ps1xml'
# have a function to create my objects with all required parameters
# creating them from the hash table means they're PROPERties; i.e. updatable without calling a
# setter method (note: recall I said above that in this scenario I'd remove their definition
# from the PS1XML)
function New-SOPerson {
Param (
PSTypeName = 'StackOverflow.Example.Person'
GivenName = $GivenName
Surname = $Surname
# then use my new function to generate the new object
$p = New-SOPerson -GivenName 'Simon' -Surname 'Borg'
# and thanks to the type magic... FullName exists :)
Write-Information "$($p.FullName) was created successfully!" -InformationAction Continue