Is there a Facebook API to pull stats from tracking pixels? - facebook

I'm looking through Facebook's API documentation and I'm hunting for any way to pull stats from the tracking pixels to another piece of software, possibly for spreadsheet purposes. Does this exist?

There is the /v2.6/{ads-pixel-id}/stats endpoint. From there, you can get (aggregated) event data. You can find the full details here:


How I get impression level log data using facebook api

I am working on facebook api. I can get total impression and clicks etc. data from facebook campaigns stats report. But my requirement is to get each impression in individual line. For example if campaign stats report shows 100 impression than I want to know 100 impression individually where they shown. Can anybody help me how I achieve this functionality of facebook marketing api.
You can breakdown the data by platform, device and such (check Facebook API Documentation about Breakdowns ) but as far as I am aware the API always aggregates Views that come from the same source or occurred in the same timeframe.

Facebook Graph API insights

I'm new on working with Facebook and honestly I found it very confusing, terminology and documentation seems to be very ambiguous in many cases. Can somebody please help me out with a plain english explanation on how I can achive the following?
Post and image to Facebook (on the user page) and then check the stats (insights) of that post.
Till now I have managed to:
1) Create an app
2) Post the image on the user page with the desired message
I'm not able to understand how I can retrieve information about the particular image which was uploaded through my app. I want to know how many people have viewed that image, how many likes did it get, how many times it was re-shared.
Is it possible at all?
I'm posting to /photo not too /feed and I will like to keep it this way if it is possible.
Sorry if this was answered already but I spent a few hours trying to find an appropriate answer but wasn't able to get the right documentation.
After having a couple of days off from this topic and receiving the first 2 answers, I took another dive into this. Now I have tried the Graph API Explorer as suggested, and using the ID of a POST I can get some details about the POST, but the insights aren't showing anything, just next and previous.
My goal is to be able to gatther some stats about the pictures uploaded through the app. If this is not possible directly what should be the approach I need to take?
I don't believe a personal /photo has /insights attached to it - the Insights Object documentation page suggests that they do not - but you should be able to get likes, shares, and comments via the API.
It would appear FB has launched a redesign/reorganization of its documentation in the last couple of weeks, but the documentation for the /photo graph object is here -- you will need the user's Access Token, and the API endpoints you're looking for each have links to their own documentation pages there, including example code for each type of request.
Edit (summarizing discussion in comments):
There is no method via the Facebook API to gather insights for all photos posted to individual user timelines via an app. The app can gather likes, shares, and comments for each of those objects individually via API requests, and can make API requests for insights for photos posted to its own timeline. Neither of those options solves the intended use case here.
I'd recommend a solution that uses Sharing rather than an app integration, as this allows for better access to insights on the photos being shared. This is also a much simpler integration, and less brittle wrt future Platform changes. The main tradeoff is that the original photos being shared are expected to expire after a couple of months -- if this is unavoidable, I'd suggest implementing a redirect for requests for expired objects on the site.
We are able to get different kind of photos or picture Using Graph API
like as below:
1.Page Photos
Photos for a Facebook Page.A Page Access Token is required for all methods.Find here
2.Page Picture
Picture belonging to a Facebook Page. Find here
Represents an individual photo on Facebook. Find here
4.User Photos
Photos for a person.Find here
I hope it's helps you.

unemploymet analysis through social media

unemployment analysis through social media in big data concept.In my application i need to retrieve a information of person from Facebook. Like the status of particular person and his degree,studies and current job of the person including previous job if he is not fresher. so which way to get this information. please tell me..
Then my output is like graphical representation. so i have to highlight each degree in the graph. the major objective is to produce the unemployment report.
What you're trying to achive is IMHO no longer possible with the Graph API >= v2.0. You'd need to get the permission of every user to get the data you want. You should have a look at the permission concept Facebook has implemented for its Graph API and see for yourself:
First you need to use the Facebook Graph API to retrieve the available data for each user.
Then use a graphical library to draw what you want (but the question is a little too broad to go further).

Is it possible to access insights data on a particular Open Graph story via one of the Facebook APIs?

Given an Open Graph story ID, is it possible to read insights Impression and Referral data on the story via any of the Facebook APIs?
A thorough review of the API documentation suggests it's not (but FB's API docs can get out of date) and previous SO questions have not been promising (but none of the answers seem definitive and anyway times change). Something like the following seems like a reasonable guess for where they might be available:[og_story_id]/insights
Testing queries along those lines does not error, but also hasn't turned up any real data.
As a addendum and potential hack, is it possible to access the comment or like count for an Open Graph story?
It is not possible to update the existing isight using the endpoint the only it allow only the get request post and put is not allowed for this end point

Access user's event invitations

I am developing an application which would allow a user to better manage their events. However, after reading Facebook's Graph API, FQL and Legacy REST API documentations I did not find a way to obtain the events to which a user has been invited but not yet responded.
Is there any possible way to achieve that?
For some reason this is not covered in the Facebook API docs, but doing a query on the /me/events/not_replied graph path does the trick.
/me/events/{declined|maybe|attending} also work as filters on the /me/events path and pretty much explain themselves. Interestingly enough those three are included in the default /me/events but the events from /me/events/not_replied are not.