BIRT 4.5 and Tomcat 8 compatibility issue [duplicate] - eclipse

This is what I got on the browser screen when I try to run the JSP file.
The method getJspApplicationContext(ServletContext) is undefined for the type JspFactory
And the jasper exception is thrown on the Tomcat window when I ran it.

The method getJspApplicationContext(ServletContext) is undefined for the type JspFactory
That method was introduced in JSP 2.1. There are 3 causes for this problem:
You're using an too old version of the JSP container (you need for example at least Tomcat 6.0).
You've declared the wrong Servlet version in web.xml. JSP 2.1 goes hand in hand with Servlet 2.5, so your web.xml should at least be declared as per the Servlet 2.5 spec (you still need a Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 capable servletcontainer for that).
You've duplicated older versioned appserver-specific libraries into webapp's /WEB-INF/lib, like servlet-api.jar, jsp-api.jar and so on. You should never do that. It will only result in classloading collisions. Get rid of them in your webproject and leave/untouch them there in the appserver.

also fixes the issues

The method getJspApplicationContext(ServletContext) is undefined for
the type JspFactory
This can also happen when your project requires a reference to a server runtime:
Right click on your project in Eclipse's "Project Explorer"
Choose "Build Path | Configure Build Path"
Click on the "Libraries" tab
Click "Add Library"
Select "Server Runtime" and click "Next"
Choose "Apache Tomcat 7", or whatever your server runtime version should be.
Note: This error can also happen for ANT builds, and for that case, you need to reference a target runtime in your ANT build.xml file... The following references a local tomcat installation, and uses its "lib" folders when doing the compile:
<project name="tomcat-demo" default="compile" basedir=".">
<property name="tomcat-home" value="/path/to/your/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7" />
<path id="project-classpath">
<fileset dir="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" includes="*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${tomcat-home}/bin" includes="*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${tomcat-home}/common/lib" includes="*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${tomcat-home}/server/lib" includes="*.jar" />
Snagged from this url:

For Maven, I also had to add the jsp-api dependency as a provided jar like this: (Some other dependency was pulling it in, I could never figure out which one, but this fixed it up)


How do I update Itext7 to version 7.1.1

This seems like it should be simple but I cannot find anything on how to upgrade to newer versions of itext7. I am using an Eclipse maven project with itext7 version 7.0.4 and would like to update to 7.1.1. However, I can find nothing that tells me how to do that. Neither the Eclipse update menu or the Maven menu has an option to update itext7. Can someone point me to the documentation on how to do an update? TIA.
After answer:
I am not getting the libraries but instead getting conflicts:
I can't seem to post my pom.xml using code tags (I guess the formatter has a problem with XML code because of the <>) but I will include it if someone tells me how. I've uploaded the pom file to DropBox:
(Turning #mkl's and #amedee's comments into an answer)
In your project there is a file pom.xml which contains the Maven project definition. In there is a dependencies section with entries for the iText artifacts (among others). The version is therein. Well, it could also be in a separate dependencies management section or in a parent pom.xml referenced in your file.
As soon as you update the POM file, you can update the Eclipse project configuration in your Eclipse Maven menu. That will, if necessary, automatically download the jar artifacts. If your Eclipse Maven integration is properly configured, that is, and if your computer has proper internet connectivity.
Old versions will remain in your local repository but won't be in the class path anymore.
Also check out our getting started guide. Which contains an example POM snippet.
If you put your iText version number in POM properties, then you only have to update the value once when you want to upgrade. Like this:
and then

Importing a maven dependency using Struts 2 in Eclipse

I'm using eclipse with maven and I would like to include two struts tags :
<%# taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<%# taglib prefix="sj" uri="/struts-jquery-tags" %>
<%# taglib prefix="sb" uri="/struts-bootstrap-tags" %>
The problem is that the compiler says :
Can not find the tag library descriptor for "/struts-jquery-tags"
The library is correctly downloaded by maven through this declaration:
The maven dependencies are in the project's build path.
Why the struts-jquery-tags is not imported ?
PS : when I add the struts-jquery-tags's jar manually, I have no errors.
(There is another post dealing with the same problem but the answers are not relevant in my case).
Make sure that your project is maven enabled. Right click on your project select configure and then convert to maven project.
Then make sure you have maven dependencies set correctly.
In the eclipse right click on your project and select Build Path > Configure build path ... The select Libraries tabs. Make sure you have the Maven Dependencies in the list of your libraries. If the it is not there select Add Liberary and then Maven Managed Dependencies
I hope this will be a Eclipse issue.
I guess you've created a Dynamic Web Project and then converted it to a Maven project. When a struts project created in this way there are chances of getting errors which you mentioned.
As long as your project is running smoothly in the deployed server you need not to pay attention towards these.
I suggest to create struts2 project from maven repository. If project created in this way these kind of errors can be avoided.
The jar file is available here. You have the problem of downloading/packaging jar file. struts-jquery-tags is not imported because the plugin is not available on classpath.
If you need additional info you can check docs Building with Maven.

Service Component missing in AEM

I am trying to create a project in Eclipse using the AEM Developer Tools plugin. The project is published in AEM server and can be seen in: Websites and CRXDE Lite.
The project was created using Maven Archetype-10 in Eclipse and the default project has two pages in English and French. When I open the page in the Site URL, I get the end page, where the message from the HelloWorldModel class should be displayed, along with the other text. But I don't get the message from the respective class. Instead, I am getting the following error message: Cannot find a a file corresponding to class com.pen.mypen.core.models.HelloWorldModel in the repository.
It looks like the Java files in the CORE project are not published or are not visible to the web page. But the 3 packages: Core, Apps, and Content are all published and synchronized in Eclipse. Is there any way to check if the Java package is deployed to AEM server? Please guide me to what I am missing here. Please find the error stack trace below:
Caused by: Cannot find a a file corresponding to class com.pen.mypen.core.models.HelloWorldModel in the repository.
AEM - 6.2
Eclipse - Luna
Java - 1.8
You can check the following things:
http://SERVER:PORT/system/console/bundles shows all the java bundles that are installed on your AEM machine. Check if your bundle is listed there. If not then it could not be installed => check the error log
If your bundle is listed there, check if it is status is active, if not there might be missing dependencies or stuff like that. => click the bundle name to see more details what went wron, also check the error log.
If the status is active, click on the bundle and see if the package that contains your java class is listed in the Exported Packages section.
If the package is listed, you might need to check the error log (again).
UPDATE (because of AEM 6.2):
The problem with your project is, that with AEM versions prior to 6.2, there was a dependency to javax.inject version 0 whereas now they need version 1 and that's not reflected in the pom.xml.
Just add this to your pom.xml of the core project - that's the only change you'll have to do:
and everything will work. Sorry for the confusion...
In case you are using SlingModels the javax.inject is exposed by the
Can you check your pom for the SlingModel dependencies
Check the VERSION_NUMBER you are using and then in /system/console/bundles verify that the same version bundle is present and Active.
With AEM 6.x the Sling Model bundles are available by default. The 6.0 will have a lower version 1.0.x. Fixing the version either by updating the pom or installing the SlingModel bundles with version VERSION_NUMBER fix your issue.
Update for 6.2
For 6.2 with models with version 1.2.2 use following in dependencies -
geronimo-atinject_1.0_spec is the one that is exposing javax.inject in sling models 1.2.2
Sharing my solution which will be helpful.
Tested on AEM 6.2 working perfect.
In core pom.xml file add Import-Package tag with "javax.inject;version=0.0.0,*" inside "org.apache.felix" plugin tag.
Following is the sample :
<!-- Import any version of javax.inject, to allow running on multiple versions of AEM -->

Hibernate JPA model class generation in Maven project

In my pom.xml, I added this dependency:
<!-- Annotation processor that raising compilation errors whenever constraint
annotations are incorrectly used. -->
When I compile and install the project by executing "mvn clean install" at terminal, the model classes are generated in this directory:
Then if I import this Maven project from Eclipse, it works all fine without complaining the model classes automatically generated.
However, if I don't execute "mvn clean install" at a terminal to generate the model classes and directly import the clean project, Eclipse doesn't generate the model classes, and therefore generates compilation errors.
What's needed to use the hibernate-jpamodelgen to automatically when a clean maven project is imported and compiled?
You can achieve it by enabling it with annotation processing.
In eclipse right click on project --> properties --> Java Compiler --> Annotation Processing --> Factory Path enable it.
Now populate the .factorypath file at the root of your project with the following contents:
<factorypathentry kind="PLUGIN" id="" enabled="true" runInBatchMode="false"/>
<factorypathentry kind="VARJAR" id="M2_REPO/org/hibernate/hibernate-jpamodelgen/1.0.0.Final/hibernate-jpamodelgen-1.0.0.Final.jar" enabled="true" runInBatchMode="false"/>
<factorypathentry kind="VARJAR" id="M2_REPO/org/hibernate/javax/persistence/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api/1.0.0.Final/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar" enabled="true" runInBatchMode="false"/>
Refresh the project in Eclipse
Follow #Tanvi B answer, and 1 more step:
project --> properties --> Java Compiler --> Annotation Processing:
Enable project specific settings (check all). And at Generated source directory, you have to define target/generated-sources

Eclipse/Grails - Tests don't run - ClassNotFoundException [duplicate]

While running junit test in eclipse I am getting this Exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hamcrest/SelfDescribing
I've added junit.jar library file.
I've tried different versions of junit.jar: 4.4, 4.8, etc.
How do I fix this Exception?
Add hamcrest-all-X.X.jar to your classpath.
Latest version as of Feb 2015 is 1.3:
According to the JUnit GitHub team website (, junit.jar and hamcrest-core.jar are both needed in the classpath when using JUnit 4.11.
Here is the Maven dependency block for including junit and hamcrest.
<!-- Needed by junit -->
A few steps you have to follow:
Right click on the project.
Choose Build Path Then from its menu choose Add Libraries.
Choose JUnit then click Next.
Choose JUnit4 then Finish.
Works for me: IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.1, JUnit4, Java 6
I changed the file in project path: [PROJECT_NAME].iml
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/junit-4.11.jar!/" />
<library name="JUnit4">
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/junit-4.11.jar!/" />
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar!/" />
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/hamcrest-library-1.3.jar!/" />
So the final .iml file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/tests" isTestSource="true" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<orderEntry type="module-library">
<library name="JUnit4">
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/junit-4.11.jar!/" />
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar!/" />
<root url="jar://$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$/lib/hamcrest-library-1.3.jar!/" />
P.S.: save the file and don't let to IntelliJ Idea reload it. Just once.
You need junit-dep.jar because the junit.jar has a copy of old Hamcrest classes.
Just in case there's anyone here using netbeans and has the same problem, all you have to do is
Right click on TestLibraries
Click on Add Library
Select JUnit and click add library
Repeat the process but this time click on Hamcrest and the click add library
This should solve the problem
This problem is because of your classpath miss hamcrest-core-1.3.jar. To resolve this add hamcrest-core-1.3.jar as you add junit-4.XX.jar into your classpath.
At first, I encounter this problem too, but after I refer to the official site and add hamcrest-core-1.3.jar into classpath with command line, it works properly finally.
javac -d ../../../../bin/ -cp ~/libs/junit-4.12.jar:/home/limxtop/projects/algorithms/bin
java -cp ../../../../bin/:/home/limxtop/libs/junit-4.12.jar:/home/limxtop/libs/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.limxtop.heap.MaxHeapTest
You need to add the hamcrest-core JAR to the classpath as described here:
As a general rule, always make sure hamcrest is before any other testing libraries on the classpath, as many such libraries include hamcrest classes and may therefore conflict with the hamcrest version you're using. This will resolve most problems of the type you're describing.
the simplest way of solving the problem to begin with is copying latest version of hamcrest-code.jar into your CLASSPATH that is the file you store other .jar files needed for compilation and running of your application.
that could be e.g.: C:/ant/lib
It sounds like a classpath issue, so there are a few different ways to go about it. Where does org/hamcret/SelfDescribing come from? Is that your class or in a different jar?
Try going to your project Build Path and on the Libraries tab, add a Library. You should be able to choose JUnit to your project. This is a little bit different than just having the JUnit jar file In your project.
In your Run Configuration for the JUnit test, check the Classpath. You could probably fix this by adding making sure your Classpath can see that SelfDescribing class there. The Run option in Eclipse has a different set of options for the JUnit options.
If this problem arise in a RCP project it can be because JUnit has been explicitly imported.
Check the editor for your plugin.xml under Dependencies tab, remove the org.junit from the Imported Packages and add org.junit to the Required Plug-ins.
The problem is when you set up eclipse to point to JRE instead of JDK. JRE has junit4.jar in the lib/ext folder, but not hamcrest.jar :) So the solution is to check installed JREs in Eclipse, remove the existing one and create a new one pointing to your JDK.
This happens when you run Ant via command line. The implicit user dependencies are added in the classpath at the end and take precedence over the project-added classpath. Run Ant with -nouserlib flag. The implicit dependencies would be excluded from the classpath.
There is a better answer to solve this problem.
add dependency
The hamcrest-core-1.3.jar available on maven repository is deprecated.
Download working hamcrest-core-1.3.jar from official Junit4 github link .
If you want to download from maven repository, use latest hamcrest-XX.jar.
I had the same problem, the solution is to add in build path/plugin the jar org.hamcrest.core_1xx, you can find it in eclipse/plugins.
A few steps you have to follow:
Right click on the project.
Choose Build Path & then from its menu choose Add Libraries.
Choose JUnit then click Next.
Choose JUnit4 then Finish.
This works for me...
"java.lang.SecurityException: class" org.hamcrest.Matchers "'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package"
Do it:
Right-click on your package
click on Build Path -> Configure Build Path
Click on the Libraries tab
Remove JUnit
Apply and close
Try adding the jar files manually or try with force update with the latest hamcrest.jar