What are the non-rating based recommendation systems - recommendation-engine

What are the non-rating based recommendation systems?
I could have used Recommenderlab but it needs a rating matrix as a input.

If you are looking for recommender system packages which can handle purchase data i would recommend take a look at https://github.com/benfred/implicit or at https://github.com/lyst/lightfm. Both packages can handle data sets with no explicit rating information (like for example 5 star movie ratings). Just google "implicit feedback recommender systems" which is probably what you want.

I think your data set is a boolean data set like; userId, itemId where rating doesn't exist.
Here is a solution with Apache Mahout for boolean data sets;


How to implement Associative Rules Analysis or Market Basket Analysis from scratch?

I tried to went through numerous articles trying to understand what should be my first step to incorporate associative analysis (may be Market Basket analysis) into my system. They all go deep into implementation of algorithm but no one talked about how to store data in the first place.
I will really appreciate if someone can give me some start pointers or article links that I can begin with.
The first thing I want to implement is to track user clicks and provide suggestions based on tracked data.
E.g. User clicked on link A and subsequently on link B and link C. I can track this activity with some metadata associated (user, user organization, user role etc.)
I do not want it to be limited only to links. In future, I want to add number of similar usecases into the system and want to make it smart. E.g. If user set specific values for fields A and B, most likely he/she will set value <bla> for field C.
My system may generate several thousand such data points in a day (E.g. user clicks, field selection etc.).
Below are my questions:
How should I store my data? Go SQL or No SQL (I briefly looked into Mongo DB and it looked promising)
What tool should I use to perform the associative analysis? Are there any open source tools I can use?
It depend. Does your data suitable for NoSql databases? To answer this question it's better to read CAP Theorem and it's case studies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem or http://robertgreiner.com/2014/06/cap-theorem-explained/
. Some time you want Consistency(depending to your data) and Availability => so that it's better to use Relational Databases like Mysql(Try to read case studies and analyse your data to pick the best tools)
There is large number of open source libraries, but in my opinion it's better to first read some concepts and algorithms. Try searching for Apriori,ECLAT, FP-GROWTH Algorithms and get concepts of them. then you can pick a tool or write the code your self. Some usefull tools(depending to your programming language):
Python: https://github.com/asaini/Apriori, https://github.com/enaeseth/python-fp-growth, https://github.com/enaeseth/python-fp-growth/blob/master/fp_growth.py
PHP: https://github.com/sigidhanafi/fp-growth-php
JAVA: https://github.com/goodinges/FP-Growth-Java, http://www.philippe-fournier-viger.com/spmf/
Also you can use Spark: https://spark.apache.org/docs/1.1.1/mllib-guide.html

how to add user and item metadata in recommendation engine and which python open source tool can give this features

Ex : i have a master file like
userid itemid rating
1 2 5
another user file, where user related metadata present, metadata could be many :
userid age
1 5
2 8
also i have a item file, where item related metadata present. meta data could be many
itemid item_catagory item_geo
1 5 india
if i will recommend any item to a user, i want to include these meta information.
i want to know whether matrix factorisation will be helpful and which python open source module has this kind of implementation available.
To include additional information to recommender system e.g. about an item, user or a recommendation event one of the existing methods for Context Aware Recommender System (CARS) can be applied.
Try starting with Factorization Machines. You can convert Your data to svmlight format and go with reference implementation libfm. It has the best documentation and there is a similar example where you can find how to prepare Your data. If it has to be Python, there are also many existing implementation, e.g. fastFM Simpler - pyFM. If You want to try Julia, maybe You can use my code of FactorizationMachines.jl as a base :-)
If You will be comfortable with standard FM, check out: LightFM and Field Aware FM
I think FM are one of the most successful and easy to use models for CARS. Please give some feedback how it works for You. If You need different approach I will be happy to help.

how to categorize "tastekid" and "clerkdogs" recommender system

I wonder what category of recommender system do Tastekid and clerkdogs belong to? Both do not seem to require any rating from users.
I'm not sure about Clerkdogs but Tastekid seems to be a collaborative filtering system (see here). Even when users don't provide ratings you can still apply collaborative filtering techniques. For instance, you can use a binary representation where 1 means a user liked an item and 0 when they don't like it (or unknown).

Is it possible to get the index of a exchange using Finance::Quote?

I need to get the index of a exchange like NASDAQ rather than the price of a specific stock in that exchange. I suppose that Finance::Quote will come to the rescue , but after a quick go-through of the document, I find it the way one can use the module for query is like:
%info = $q->fetch("australia","CML")
which means both the exchange and the stock should be specified in the query. then the question is: does the index itself can be treated as a stock and has a symbol name which can be used in the query?
Of course, if you have other way can meet my needs rather than using Finance::Quote, please feel free to write down your solution.
The problem with your question is that you are assuming that there is just one index for a particular exchange. Whilst there may well be a particular index that is dominant (eg. for stocks primarily traded on the London Stock Exchange, the FTSE 100 might be considered the main index; similarly for the NYSE it would be the Dow Jones Industrial Average) other exchanges may have a less clear leader in their collection of associated indicies (eg. for the Australian Stock Exchange, the S&P/ASX 200 and the All Ordinaries index are both frequently quoted side-by-side in the evening broadcast news).
Symbology of stocks, indicies, option chains, futures, etc is quite a complicated field in financial IT. Many of the symbology standards are backed by a data vendor (eg. Reuters, Bloomberg) and use of their standards requires a commercial license. On the other hand there are other efforts aiming to make symbology more open (Bloomberg themselves are behind one of these efforts).
I'm not familiar with the data sources of the Finance::Quote package you reference, but if you are serious about accessing market data (ie. prepared to pay for it) but don't need the cost/complexity/speed of a solution from Reuters, Bloomberg, etc, you could do alot worse than check out what Xignite offers in the way of market data accessible via web services.
the symbol for the nasdaq composite is "^IXIC". For nyse composite it's "^NYA".
each quote provider might have a different syntax though.

How do I adapt my recommendation engine to cold starts?

I am curious what are the methods / approaches to overcome the "cold start" problem where when a new user or an item enters the system, due to lack of info about this new entity, making recommendation is a problem.
I can think of doing some prediction based recommendation (like gender, nationality and so on).
You can cold start a recommendation system.
There are two type of recommendation systems; collaborative filtering and content-based. Content based systems use meta data about the things you are recommending. The question is then what meta data is important? The second approach is collaborative filtering which doesn't care about the meta data, it just uses what people did or said about an item to make a recommendation. With collaborative filtering you don't have to worry about what terms in the meta data are important. In fact you don't need any meta data to make the recommendation. The problem with collaborative filtering is that you need data. Before you have enough data you can use content-based recommendations. You can provide recommendations that are based on both methods, and at the beginning have 100% content-based, then as you get more data start to mix in collaborative filtering based.
That is the method I have used in the past.
Another common technique is to treat the content-based portion as a simple search problem. You just put in meta data as the text or body of your document then index your documents. You can do this with Lucene & Solr without writing any code.
If you want to know how basic collaborative filtering works, check out Chapter 2 of "Programming Collective Intelligence" by Toby Segaran
Maybe there are times you just shouldn't make a recommendation? "Insufficient data" should qualify as one of those times.
I just don't see how prediction recommendations based on "gender, nationality and so on" will amount to more than stereotyping.
IIRC, places such as Amazon built up their databases for a while before rolling out recommendations. It's not the kind of thing you want to get wrong; there are lots of stories out there about inappropriate recommendations based on insufficient data.
Working on this problem myself, but this paper from microsoft on Boltzmann machines looks worthwhile: http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/81783/gunawardana09__unified_approac_build_hybrid_recom_system.pdf
This has been asked several times before (naturally, I cannot find those questions now :/, but the general conclusion was it's better to avoid such recommendations. In various parts of the worls same names belong to different sexes, and so on ...
Recommendations based on "similar users liked..." clearly must wait. You can give out coupons or other incentives to survey respondents if you are absolutely committed to doing predictions based on user similarity.
There are two other ways to cold-start a recommendation engine.
Build a model yourself.
Get your suppliers to fill in key information to a skeleton model. (Also may require $ incentives.)
Lots of potential pitfalls in all of these, which are too common sense to mention.
As you might expect, there is no free lunch here. But think about it this way: recommendation engines are not a business plan. They merely enhance the business plan.
There are three things needed to address the Cold-Start Problem:
The data must have been profiled such that you have many different features (with product data the term used for 'feature' is often 'classification facets'). If you don't properly profile data as it comes in the door, your recommendation engine will stay 'cold' as it has nothing with which to classify recommendations.
MOST IMPORTANT: You need a user-feedback loop with which users can review the recommendations the personalization engine's suggestions. For example, Yes/No button for 'Was This Suggestion Helpful?' should queue a review of participants in one training dataset (i.e. the 'Recommend' training dataset) to another training dataset (i.e. DO NOT Recommend training dataset).
The model used for (Recommend/DO NOT Recommend) suggestions should never be considered to be a one-size-fits-all recommendation. In addition to classifying the product or service to suggest to a customer, how the firm classifies each specific customer matters too. If functioning properly, one should expect that customers with different features will get different suggestions for (Recommend/DO NOT Recommend) in a given situation. That would the 'personalization' part of personalization engines.