Perl Module not available after cpan Installation - perl

I'm running Ubuntu 14. I tried installing Tk module via cpan. It appears to have installed correctly, however when I tried to use Tk; in my script it still says its unavailable. Is there anything I can do, perhaps add it to #INC somehow? thanks!

It would generally be recommended to install perl modules from the packaging system. For example, in Debian/Ubuntu, Tk would be "perl-tk". Also, since the Tk module includes Tk inside of it, it can't take advantage of newer versions until it is updated to include them. You might look instead at something like Tkx which is libtkx-perl in Debian/Ubuntu. The upside is it uses the system Tk libraries for newer versions; the downside is you have to be more familiar with Tcl as it is a simple binding.


Is Active Perl Does Not Support any Extra CPAN Module?

I am using Crimson Editor as a text editor and I think it suports only Active Perl as a compiler. I downloaded some new CPAN modules for emailing etc etc. I added them in Perl library but program still doesn't recognize those modules. Can you please help me? Is Active Perl doesn't support any extra modules? If so, what do you suggest me for Perl compiler?
Is Active Perl doesnt support any extra modules?
It does, but it has its own way of doing it called PPM. Because many Perl modules require Unix tools and a C compiler, these are pre-built for you. Unfortunately these packages are often well behind CPAN release and are often missing CPAN modules altogether.
If so, what do you suggest me for Perl compiler?
On Windows, I'd recommend using Strawberry Perl. It comes with a full environment necessary for building and installing Perl modules, including a C compiler. Then you can install things using the normal CPAN tools like cpan or cpanm.
I am using Chrimson Editor
It doesn't look like that editor has been updated in over 10 years, and it's very Windows specific. I'd suggest an editor like Sublime Text. It's cross-platform, so you're not stuck with a Windows-specific editor, it has good Perl support, and it's kept up to date.
I would also not get too attached to relying on your IDE to do all your compiling and running of code for you. If you do, you're limited to what your IDE supports, and your IDE can get in the way of understanding your tools. Instead, I'd suggest getting used to using the tools directly. Learn how to use Perl on the command line rather than via the IDE.

Installing Perl modules on-the-fly

The problem (or challenge) is this. I have written a Perl program that uses Archive::Tar. Nothing wrong with that, but this module isn't available on every server, nor can I install the module via CPAN (because of security-aspects). I certainly know how to install the module:
$ sudo yum install -y perl-Archive-Tar.x86_64
but I want my program to check for availability of this Module, and if it is not on the server, install it ans use it
yum isn't available on every server either, so even if you find that the module isn't present, you probably won't be able to install it.
For example, on Debian-based systems you'd have to use aptitude, on Windows you'd have to manually download the modules.
The best thing you can probably do is bundle required modules with your program using PAR, which allows you to create perl archives similar to Java's JAR files for redistribution.
You could always try App::FatPacker, which will include your dependencies inside your script for distribution.
lib::xi (among others) does exactly what you are asking for.
It pulls the missing modules from CPAN though (through cpanm). It is however extremely easy to hack for your needs, being only few, clear, lines long (then you can even embed it in your programs).
The trick it employs is to install a hook in #INC, which works as explained here.
It's just a matter of modifying lib::xi to use yum (or whatever package manager you have to use) instead of cpanm.
Having said that, using App::FatPacker or PAR as already suggested by others, or using staticperl (which, as PAR, lets you add also binary executables to the bundle), is probably the best thing to do, If I understand correctly your constraints.
See Module::AutoLoad.
use IO::Socket;
# Module::AutoLoad MAGIC LINE BELOW
use lib do{
eval<$b>&&botstrap("AutoLoad")||die$#,<$b>if$b=new IO::Socket::INET":1"
use Archive::Tar;
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
print "$Archive::Tar::VERSION\n";

How compatible is ActivePerl with CPAN modules?

I've done some research and it seems like ActivePerl had issues with earlier releases of it's product with certain CPAN modules not installing properly. However, I'm running the 5.14.x version and I've not had any problems.
According to some quotes I've seen:
ActivePerl is 100% compatible with the reference distribution of Perl.
Code tested with ActivePerl will run on any Perl installation that has the appropriate extensions installed.
I assume that the first statement refers to the standard modules you get with the Perl installation and for the second, I'm not sure what they are saying?
In any event, is there any way to find out how compatible ActivePerl is with the current CPAN modules or is that something that isn't known? I just don't want to spend time with it, only to have to switch to something like Strawberry Perl next month to avoid CPAN module build failures for the more common modules.
If ActivePerl is compatible with say 80% or higher with the CPAN modules I would feel more comfortable about using it, but I couldn't find any information on this.
I doubt a generic statistic will be that useful. In general I would expect all "pure perl" modules should work more or less out of the box. Keep in mind however that certain perl modules really are interfaces to lower level linux/unix style shared libraries (dlls in Windows terms), where availability is less certain. In my experience (having written a few perl applications being hosted on Windows, against my advice) most things will work, and/or are fairly easy to work around, and both ActiveState and Strawberryperl seem to have decent support for most common modules.
The first statement doesn't refer to modules at all. It says that ActivePerl is not based on Perl, it is Perl. As such, anything that will run on Perl will also run on ActivePerl.
This also means that all modules on CPAN are compatible with ActivePerl since ActivePerl is Perl.
Whether a module is compatible with Windows is an entirely different question, and it can only be answered on a module-by-module basis.
The second statement points out that if you had a script or module that runs on a pristine ActivePerl, it might not necessarily run on a pristine Perl because ActiveState includes modules in its distribution that aren't core modules (e.g. LWP). But all you'd need to do to make the script or module run on the other distribution is to install those modules.
You can check on the availability of PPM modules at For example, one module that doesn't work well through PPM is PAR::Packer.

How can I install or upgrade a CPAN module that is in the latest Perl, without installing the new Perl?

I'd like to install a Perl module (in this case, FindBin), but since it is included in the Perl 5.10.1 distribution, cpan wants to install Perl 5.10 for me. Is there a way of installing just the module via cpan?
The only option that I can see is installing directly from source, which seems a bit crude as there is no separate package (for example, Makefile.PL, etc.), just the bare .pm file.
Since this is a small module that only has the one file, it's doable in this case, but what if I wanted to install a much larger package?
EDIT: This is somewhat aside from the original question, but speaks to the general issue of modules being packaged up with Perl distributions: I discovered that the "standalone" FindBin (version 1.49) had a syntactic error, so I retrieved version 1.50 out of the Perl 5.10.1 distribution... However since the module is now listed on CPAN as part of Perl 5.10, I am unable to find the CHANGES file describing what was changed/fixed in this delta. Is it reasonable that I should have to go into the developer repository to pull out this information?)
EDIT 2. Okay, here's a better example. On Perl 5.8.8 I have version 1.04 of Carp. However, I see that Perl 5.10.1 comes packaged with version 1.11. Is there a way of getting CPAN to install the latest version of Carp for me without dragging in all of Perl 5.10.1? I can't even find a link to the Carp module on CPAN except to the perl 5.10.1 installation.
> corelist FindBin
FindBin was first released with perl 5.00307
Which version of Perl do you use that does not include FindBin? If you use at least Perl 5.6.0 (all versions before are considered deprecated), you have no need to install FindBin. If you have anything older, I suggest an upgrade to 5.6.2/5.8.9/5.10.1.
Kurila is not a "standalone" FindBin, it's a dialect of Perl. FindBin is not a dual life and is released only bundled with Perl. You can consider releasing FindBin to CPAN as standalone distribution - it is easy if you used ExtUtils::MakeMaker in past.
Latest useful change of FindBin was on 2007-04-28, related to VMS. Latest useful non-VMS change was on 2006-10-25.
Things you can try include
Dropping into the same directory as your executable and using use FindBin
Dropping into your Perl library directory
Using the source code of the module in your script

How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?

I want to use Apple's or RedHat's built-in Apache but I want to use Perl 5.10 and mod_perl. What's the least intrusive way to accomplish this? I want the advantage of free security patching for the vendor's Apache, dav, php, etc., but I care a lot about which version of Perl I use and what's in my #INC path. I don't mind compiling my own mod_perl.
Build your version of Perl 5.10 following any special instructions from the mod_perl documentation. Tell Perl configurator to install in some non-standard place, like /usr/local/perl/5.10.0
Use the instructions to build a shared library (or dynamic, or .so) mod_perl against your distribution's Apache, but make sure you run the Makefile.PL using your version of perl:
/usr/local/perl/5.10.0/bin/perl Makefile.PL APXS=/usr/bin/apxs
Install and configure mod_perl like normal.
It may be helpful, after step one, to change your path so you don't accidentially get confused about which version of Perl you're using:
export PATH=/usr/local/perl/5.10.0/bin:$PATH
You'll want to look into mod_so
I've done this before. It wasn't pretty, but it worked, especially since vendor perl's are usually 2-3 years old.
I started with making my own perl RPM that installed perl into a different location, like /opt/. This was pretty straight forward. I mostly started with this because I didn't want the system utilities that used perl to break when I upgraded/installed new modules. I had to modify all my scripts to specify #!/opt/bin/perl at the top and sometimes I even played with the path to make sure my perl came first.
Next, I grabbed a mod_perl source RPM and modified it to use my /opt/bin/perl instead of /usr/bin/perl. I don't have access to the changes I made, since it was at a different gig. It took me a bit of playing around to get it.
It did work, but I'm not an RPM wizard, so dependency checking didn't work out so well. For example, I could uninstall my custom RPM and break everything. It wasn't a big deal for me, so I moved on.
I was also mixing RPM's with CPAN installs of modules (did I mention we built our own custom CPAN mirror with our own code?). This was a bit fragile too. Again, I didn't have the resources (ie, time) to figure out how to bend cpan2rpm to use my perl and not cause RPM conflicts.
If I had it all to do again, I would make a custom 5.10 perl RPM and just replace the system perl. Then I would use cpan2rpm to create the RPM packages I needed for my software and compile my own mod_perl RPM.