Upload Data into MongoLab database from terminal - mongodb

I'm having trouble figuring out how to upload csv data to my MongoLab database. From my terminal I have used
sudo mongoimport --db heroku_hkr86p3z -u <dbusername> -p <dbpassword> --collection contributors --type csv --headerline --file /Users/tonywinglau/Desktop/independent-expenditure.csv
sudo mongoimport --host mongodb://<username>:<password>#ds035310.mlab.com:35310/heroku_hkr86p3z --db heroku_hkr86p3z -u <username> -p <password> --collection contributors --type csv --headerline --file /Users/tonywinglau/Desktop/independent-expenditure.csv
both of which respond with
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
imported 0 documents
From what I have read it might be something to do with my 'mongo config' file (I can't find it if it does exist) being set to only connect with localhost? How do I import data directly into my mongolab hosted database?

Your command line should look like this:
mongoimport -d <databasename> -c <collectionname> --type csv --file <filelocation/file.csv> --host <hostdir example:ds011291.mlab.com> --port <portnumber example:11111> -u <username> -p <password> --headerline
The host direction and the port number it gived by mlab when you create the database.


How to authenticate with mongoimport to a specific database using Docker and a bash script

I am using a dockerfile and bash script
It should be noted that the mongo db is already running and I can interactively connect to it so this is not an issue.
FROM mongo
ENV PATH /root/bin:$PATH
WORKDIR /root/bin
COPY import_files/latest.csv .
COPY import_files/field_file_types.txt .
COPY scripts/import.sh .
RUN chmod +x import.sh
CMD sh /root/bin/import.sh
# mongoimport -h "${ENV_HOST}:27017" -u "${ENV_USER}" -p "${ENV_PASS}" -c $ENV_TABLE --authenticationDatabase ${ENV_DB} --type csv --file ./latest.csv --columnsHaveTypes --fieldFile=./field_file_types.txt
mongoimport --uri "mongodb://${ENV_USER}:${ENV_PASS}#${ENV_HOST}/${ENV_DB}" -c $ENV_TABLE --type csv --file ./latest.csv --columnsHaveTypes --fieldFile=./field_file_types.txt
exit 0
This is my mongo import statement
-h "mongo1:27017"
-u "user"
-p "pass"
-c "mycollection"
--authenticationDatabase "mydb"
--type csv
--file ./latest.csv
Which in my console outputs like this:
mongodb://user:pass#mongo1:27017/admin mydb mycollection
And I get error:
error parsing command line options: Invalid Options: Cannot specify different username in connection URI and command-line option ("user" was specified in the URI and "mycollection" was specified in the --username option)
I have also tried it as a uri:
mongoimport --uri "mongodb://user:pass#mongo1/mydb" -c mycollection --type csv --file ./latest.csv --columnsHaveTypes --fieldFile=./field_file_types.txt
Which in my console looks like this:
Mongo import csv = mongodb://user:pass#mongo1:27017/admin mydb mycollection
Enter password:
Why is it asking for password? I provided it as above? Also its exactly the same output as the previous example.
It turns out when I was running docker-compose, I had a script which granted me permission to all databases: (but only if I login as an admin)
mongo <<EOF
use admin
user: "${MONGO_USER}",
pwd: "${MONGO_PASS}",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]
use ${MONGO_DB}
This means when I connect to mongo I must connect via 'admin' in order to access the other databases. To access the database in question I can include it in the uri string but I must also add -
--authenticationDatabase admin
import script example:
mongoimport --uri "mongodb://user:passt#mongo1/db" -c todos --type csv --file /data/db/latest.csv --columnsHaveTypes --fields "id.auto(),todoText.string(),created_timestamp.date(2006-01-02 15:04:05),completed.date(2006-01-02 15:04:05)" --authenticationDatabase admin

Build a mongo container and import data

I want to build a Mongo container, and insert some data stored in the folder /mongo_mock_data in this container. Here are my lines of code:
MONGO_ID=$(docker run --publish-all -d --mount type=bind,source=${PWD}/mongo_mock_data,target=/tmp/mongo_mock_data mongo)
MONGO_PORT=$( docker inspect $MONGO_ID | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Ports."27017/tcp"[0].HostPort' )
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --host $MONGODB_URL --db algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/train_data.json --jsonArray
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --host $MONGODB_URL --db algo --collection calculation --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/predict_data.json --jsonArray
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --host $MONGODB_URL --db algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/cluster_data.json --jsonArray
I have the following error:
error parsing command line options: error parsing URI from mongodb:///localhost:32773/?replicaSet=mongodb:: error parsing uri: must have at least 1 host
any ideas what Im doing wrong?
If I try:
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --host $MONGODB_URL --db pulse_algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/train_data.json --jsonArray
instead of
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --host $MONGODB_URL --db algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/train_data.json --jsonArray
I have the following error:
error connecting to host: could not connect to server: server selection error: server selection timeout
Is the third slash in mongodb:/// a transcription error? If not, then what is happening is that MongoDB is trying to connect to a server at '' (ie, nothing) to a database named localhost:32773, rather than a server at localhost:32773 & the default database.
So, finally, I solved my issue by dropping the argument --host:
MONGO_ID=$(docker run --publish-all -d --mount type=bind,source=${PWD}/mongo_mock_data,target=/tmp/mongo_mock_data mongo)
MONGO_PORT=$( docker inspect $MONGO_ID | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Ports."27017/tcp"[0].HostPort' )
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --db algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/train_data.json --jsonArray
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --db algo --collection calculation --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/predict_data.json --jsonArray
docker exec $MONGO_ID mongoimport --db algo --collection train --type json --file /tmp/mongo_mock_data/cluster_data.json --jsonArray
In my case, I was getting this error because of passing option --csv instead of --type=csv to mongoexport. Correction of that fixed this issue.
mongoexport type options
Error message could've been better.

How to import csv in meteor mongo

I'm facing a problem in importing a CSV file to my db. I tried this command:
mongoimport --db meteor -h localhost:3001 -c TollPlaza -d meteor --headerline --type csv --file TollPlaza.csv
I referred to this question but am still having a problem.
Try this query :
mongoimport --db meteor --host localhost --port 3001 -c TollPlaza -d
meteor --headerline --type csv --file TollPlaza.csv
Maybe seperate host and port
The query is perfectly fine.
Follow the instructions
run the meteor project
Open a one more command prompt in same location
make sure that csv file present in the same directory.
run the query.
check the DB (show collections).

unexpected identifier error while bulk insert into mongodb

I have a json file and am trying to insert in bulk to mongodb
I do
mongoimport --host localhost --db testdb --collection testdbjson --username user -- password pass --type json --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
It gives the following error
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Please help!
the document mongoimport the correct syntax
mongoimport -host -port 27017 -u user -p pass -collection testdbjson --db testdb --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
mongoimport -host -u user -p pass -collection testdbjson --db testdb --file /home/pet/mng/json_test.json
I had the exact same error now - I figured it out. I think you have connected to your mongo instance on mongolab first before you wanted to import.
You must not connect to mongolab first - disconnect by typing in "exit" in the shell to get back to command prompt. Then issue the mongoimport command again, the import should work this time.

how to mongoimport data to deployed meteor app?

UPDATE: this post applied to meteor.com free hosting, which has been shutdown and replaced with Galaxy, a paid Meteor hosting service
I'm using this command
C:\kanjifinder>meteor mongo --url kanjifinder.meteor.com
to get access credentials to my deployed mongo app, but I can't get mongoimport to work with the credentials. I think I just don't exactly understand which part is the username, password and client. Could you break it down for me?
result from server (I modified it to obfuscate the real values):
my mongoimport attempt (fails authentication):
C:\mongodb\bin>mongoimport -h meteor.m0.mongolayer.com:27017 -u client -p e63aaade-xxxx-yyyy-93e4-de0c1b80416f --db meteor --collection kanji --type csv --file c:\kanjifinder\kanjifinder.csv --headerline
OK got it. This helped:
mongoimport --host meteor.m0.mongolayer.com --port 27017 --username client --password e63aaade-xxxx-yyyy-93e4-de0c1b80416f --db kanjifinder_meteor_com --collection kanji --type csv --file c:\kanjifinder\kanjifinder.csv --headerline
Using mongodump and mongorestore also works:
Dump data from existing mongodb (mongodb url: mongodb://USER:PASSWORD#DBHOST/DBNAME)
mongodump -h DBHOST -d DBNAME -u USER -p PASSWORD
This will create a "dump" directory, with all the data going to dump/DBNAME.
Get the mongodb url for the deployed meteor app (i.e. www.mymeteorapp.com)
meteor mongo --url METEOR_APP_URL
Note: the PASSWORD expires every min.
Upload the db dump data to the meteor app (using an example meteor db url)
mongorestore -u client -p dcc56e04-a563-4147-eff4-5ae7c1253c9b -h production-db-b2.meteor.io:27017 -db www_mymeteorapp_com dump/DBNAME/
All the data should get transferred!
If you get auth_failed error message your mongoimport version is too different from what's being used in meteor.com. So you need to upgrade. For ubuntu see https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#install-the-latest-stable-version-of-mongodb
# Script to import csvfile to meteor application deployed to free meteor.com hosting.
# Make sure your versions of mongo match with the metor.com mongo versions.
# As Jan 2016 it seems to be 3.x something. Tested with mongoimport 3.12.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "usage: $0 xxx.meteor.com collection filename.csv"
exit 1
echo Connecting to $URL, please stand by.... collection=$COLLECTION file=$FILE
PUPMS=`meteor mongo --url $URL | sed 's/mongodb:\/\// -u /' | sed 's/:/ -p /' | sed 's/#/ -h /' | sed 's/\// -d /'`
mongoimport -v $PUPMS --type csv --headerline --collection $COLLECTION --file $FILE