Visual Recognition error 400: Cannot execute learning task no classifier name given - ibm-cloud

I am using Visual Recognition curl command to add a classification to an image:
curl -u "user":"password" \
-F "images_file=#image0.jpg" \
-F "classifier_ids=classifierlist.json" \
json file:
"classifiers": [
"name": "tomato",
"classifier_id": "tomato_1",
"created": "2016-03-23T17:43:11+00:00",
"owner": "xyz"
(Also tried without the classifiers array. Got the same error)
and getting an error:
{"code":400,"error":"Cannot execute learning task : no classifier name given"}
Is something wrong with the json?

To specify the classifiers you want to use you need to send a JSON object similar to:
{"classifier_ids": ["Black"]}
An example using Black as classifier id in CURL:
curl -u "user":"password" \
-F "images_file=#image0.jpg" \
-F "classifier_ids={\"classifier_ids\":[\"Black\"]}"
If you want to list the classifier ids in a JSON file then:
curl -u "user":"password" \
-F "images_file=#image0.jpg" \
-F "classifier_ids=#classifier_ids.json"
Where classifier_ids.json has:
"classifier_ids": ["Black"]
You can test the Visual Recognition API in the API Explorer.
Learn more about the service in the documentation.

The model schema you are referencing, and what is listed in the API reference, is the format of the response json. It is an example of how the API will return your results.
The format of the json that you use to specify classifiers should be a simple json object, as German suggests. In a file, it would be:
"classifier_ids": ["tomato_1"]
You also need to use < instead of # for the service to read the contents of the json file correctly. (And you might need to quote the < character on a command line since it has special meaning (redirect input).) So your curl would be:
curl -u "user":"password" \
-F "images_file=#image0.jpg" \
-F "classifier_ids=<classifier_ids.json"


how to push docker image via **rest** api given config

I want to create a new image in a remote docker registry by providing only partial data:
According to the docs
in order to push a docker image, i can:
* post a tar layer that i have.
* post a manifest
and the registry will support my new new image.
For example:
* I have locally a java app in a tar layer.
* The remote docker registry already has a java8 base image.
* I want to upload the tar layer and a manifest that references the java8 base image and have the docker registry support the new image for my app.
(The layer tar i get from a 3rd party build tool called Bazel if anyone cares)
From the docs i gather that i can take the existing java8 image manifest, download it, append (or pre-pend) my new layer to the layers section and viola.
Looking at the manifest spec
I see there's a "config object" section with digest as reference to config file. This makes sense, i may need to redefine the entrypoint for example. So suppose i also have a docker config in a file that i guess i need to let the registry know about somehow.
Nowhere (that i can see) in the API does it state where or how to upload the config or if i need to do that at all - maybe it's included in the layer tar or something.
Do i upload the config as a layer? is it included in the tar? if not why do i give a reference to it by digest?
Best answer i can hope for would be a sequence of http calls to a docker-registry that do what i'm trying. Alternatively just explaining what the config is, and how to go about it would be very helpful.
found the solution here:
very detailed, great answer, don't know who you are but i love you!
From inspecting some configs from existing images, Docker seems to require a few fields:
"architecture": "amd64",
"config": {
"history": [
"created_by": "Bash!"
"os": "linux",
"rootfs": {
"type": "layers",
"diff_ids": [
The config section can contain environment variables, the default CMD and ENTRYPOINT of your container and a few other settings. The rootfs section contains a list of layers and diff_ids that look pretty similar to our manifest. Unfortunately, the diff_ids are actually slightly different than the digests contained in our manifest, they’re actually a sha256 of the ‘uncompressed’ layers.
We can create one with this script:
cat <<EOF > config.json
"architecture": "amd64",
"config": {
"history": [
"created_by": "Bash!"
"os": "linux",
"rootfs": {
"type": "layers",
"diff_ids": [
"sha256:$(gunzip layer.tar.gz --to-stdout | shasum -a 256 | cut -d' ' -f1)"
Config Upload
Configs are basically stored by the registry as normal blobs. They get referenced differently in the manifest, but they’re still uploaded by their digest and stored normally.
The same type of script we used for layers will work here:
returncode=$(curl -w "%{http_code}" -o /dev/null \
-I -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \$PROJECT/hello/blobs/$config_digest)
if [[ $returncode -ne 200 ]]; then
# Start the upload and get the location header.
# The HTTP response seems to include carriage returns, which we need to strip
location=$(curl -i -X POST \$PROJECT/hello/blobs/uploads/ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-d "" | grep Location | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d '\r')
# Do the upload
curl -X PUT $location\?digest=$config_digest \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
--data-binary #config.json

IBM Speech to Text service call return error

I have created IBM Speech to Text service. Then I have performed the trial call using the following IBM instructions:
Try an API call
Call the POST /v1/recognize method to request a basic transcription of
a FLAC audio file with no additional request parameters.
First, download the sample audio file audio-file.flac.
Then, issue the following command to call the service's /v1/recognize
method for basic transcription with no parameters. The example uses
the Content-Type header to indicate the type of the audio, audio/flac.
The example uses the default language model, en-US_BroadbandModel, for
transcription. Be sure to modify {path_to_file} to specify the
location of the audio-file.flac file.
curl -X POST \
-u "apikey:{apikey}" \
--header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \
--data-binary #{path_to_file}audio-file.flac \
The service returns the following transcription results:
"results": [
"alternatives": [
"confidence": 0.8691191673278809,
"transcript": "several tornadoes touch down as a line of severe thunderstorms swept through colorado on sunday"
"final": true
"result_index": 0
I have tried execute this substituting my STT service credentials, but I received error message instead of transcript result:
An error occurred while processing your request.<p>
Reference #179.24f01502.1545478256.101ee90d
I have tried different {path_to_file} variants - using slashes /, backslashes \ and double backslashes \ \ but all of them returned the same error. What's wrong with my request or my STT service?
Check the location of your service - this error occures when you mix up the service urls. For example creating the service in Frankfurt
with this API URL and calling the service using the London location gateway-lon
curl -X POST \
-u "apikey:APIKEY" \
--header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \
--data-binary #audio-file.flac \
the error occures. It should probably return something like {"code":401, "error": "Unauthorized"}.

Unable to import grafana dashboard using exported json through CLI

I was trying to import dashboard using exported json file from one server to another server of grafana, but getting bellow error;
{"message":"Dashboard not found","status":"not-found"}
My curl command:
curl -X POST --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer {API KEY}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary #'{JSON file name}' http://{Host ip}:3000/api/dashboards/db
To export dashboard, I am using following curl command;
curl -f -k -H "Authorization: Bearer {API key}" "http://{Host IP}:3000/api/dashboards/db/mydashboard" | jq 'del(.overwrite,.dashboard.version,.meta.created,.meta.createdBy,.meta.updated,.meta.updatedBy,.meta.expires,.meta.version)' > {JSON file name}"
I am unable to find exact missing field OR value which is missing OR incorrectly passed through JSON file while importing. Is there any way to debug?
Is there any issue with my Export and import command.
As mentioned in this issue,
you must replace the "id": num field of the dashboard with null.
so you can change it for all of your dashboards (.json files) by command below: (works with GNU sed only)
sed -i '0,/"id": .*/{s/"id": .*/"id": null,/}' *.json
The simplest solution is to set the 'id' from root of the json to null.
"id": null,
Be aware, it's not the same field as uid in the end of the json (also root). That one must be unique, but not null.

Atlassian Confluence : Updating parent container of an attachment

I'd like to move an attachment to a different space (i.e, update the parent container of an attachment in a Confluence page) using Cloud REST API and "curl" command. I looked up REST API endpoint URL and found this:
PUT /rest/api/content/{id}/child/attachment/{attachmentId}
Could somebody provide an example for a correctly constructed JSON input to achieve this? I tried the one below to move an attachment called "test.jpeg" with ID "att000" and current version 5 to parent with ID 1234, but it fails:
curl -v -u 'admin:password' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"id":"att000","type":"attachment","title":"test.jpeg","version":{"number":5,"minorEdit":false},"ancestors":[{"id":1234}]' -H ‘X-Atlassian-Token:access-token' | python -m json.tool
Given below is the error message
< HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
No JSON object could be decoded
Thank you for your time!
I believe in your curl example you are uploading it under space which is not possible. Attachments in Confluence needs to be under content. Take a look at following example:
curl -v -S -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -F "file=#myfile.txt" -F "comment=this is my file" "http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/3604482/child/attachment" | python -mjson.tool
You have to set the container property in the request object.
Specify "container":{"id":"123456","type":"attachment"}
curl -v -u 'admin:password' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"id":"att000","type":"attachment","title":"test.jpeg","version":{"number":5,"minorEdit":false},"container":{"id":"123456","type":"attachment"}, "ancestors":[{"id":1234}]' -H ‘X-Atlassian-Token:access-token' | python -m json.tool
id => id of the page where attachment is being moved.

watson visual recognition error 400: cannot execute learning task: no classifier name given

I was about to create a new classifier and train the visual recognition with pictures, but I got this error code which is stated in title when I curl following command
curl -u "0xxxxxxxxxxx":"vxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-F "" \
-F "" \
-F "name=plasticbottle" \
-k ""
To set the classifiers you want to use you have to send a JSON containing something like:
{"classifier_ids": ["ClassifierName"]}
So your curl should be something like:
curl -u "username":"pwd" \
-F "images_file=#imagefilename.jpg" \
-F "classifier_ids={\"classifier_ids\":[\"ClassifierName\"]}"
I'm not sure what was the problem using V2 api, but now, using V3 API your CURL should look like this example
curl -X POST
-F ""
-F ""
-F ""
-F ""
-F "name=fruit"
So your CURL for bottle should be like
curl -X POST
-F ""
-F ""
-F "name=plasticbottle"
Note that you now should use an api_key to authenticate and no longer a user/pass
This is documented in the v3 doc: