Ambuigity with reserved keyword (?) - ambiguity

I have the following syntax definition with two reserved keywords and two similar statements:
module Test
// parse(#Statement,"do c") succeeds
// parse(#Statement,"define c") gives an ambiguity
start syntax Statement =
do: "do" Identifier+
| define: "define" Identifier+;
layout MyLayout = [\t\n\ \r\f]*;
lexical Identifier = ([a-z0-9] !<< [a-z][a-z0-9]* !>> [a-z0-9]) \ MyKeywords;
keyword MyKeywords = "do" | "define";
parse(#Statement,"do c")
parses fine, the similar case
parse(#Statement,"define c")
gives an ambiguity.
What do I do wrong?

Sorry guys, the case has been resolved, the Test module was interfered by another module that caused the ambiguity.


Calling methods with parameters without using parentheses

I am using the following implicit class in order to call a function which would otherwise take parameters without having to write the parameters in brackets:
scala> implicit class Print(string: String) {
| def echo: Unit = Console.println(string)
| }
defined class Print
scala> "Hello world" echo
Hello world
However while this works, I don't really like how it looks and my goal is to get the method call in front of the input variable as I think it reads better.
Is there any simple way, without relying on external libraries, to be able to call a method before supplying the parameters and without needing brackets? Implicit classes are what I've been using so far but that doesn't have to be the final solution.
What I would like to type instead of "Hello world" echo:
scala> echo "Hello world"
Alternatives I have tried:
Object with apply method
Requires parentheses
object echo {
def apply(string: String): Unit = Console.println(string)
echo "Hello world" // Error: ';' or newline expected
extending Dynamic [see here]
Doesn't seem to work in my version of Scala
Special characters [see here]
Looks ugly and not what I am looking for
Scalaz [see here]
Looks to do basically what my implicit class solution does, and I don't want any external dependencies.
This answer has been pointed to as a potential solution, but again it doesn't address my issue as it relies on Dynamic to achieve a solution. As previously mentioned, Dynamic does not solve my problem for a couple of reasons:
It behaves funnily
If you define a val and try to println that val, it gives you back the val's name and not its value (as pointed out by #metaphori):
object println extends Dynamic {
def typed[T] = asInstanceOf[T]
def selectDynamic(name: String) = Console.println(name)
val x = "hello"
println x // prints: x
The specific example linked to did not work when I tried to recreate it - it still gave the ';' or newline expected error
If I just misunderstood how to implement it then I would appreciate a scalafiddle demonstrating that this solution solves my problem and will happily concede that this question is a duplicate of the previously mentioned answer, but until then I do contest it.
AFAIK only way to do something similar to what you want is extending Dynamic like this:
object println extends Dynamic {
def typed[T] = asInstanceOf[T]
def selectDynamic(name: String) = Console.println(name)
and using it with:
println `Hello World`
edit: of course you need to enable related features either by adding compiler parameters -language:postfixOps and -language:dynamics or by importing scala.language.dynamics and scala.language.postfixOps
You cannot achieve
echo "str"
since Scala is not e.g. Ruby: it syntactically requires that function invocations use parentheses.
It is not a matter of semantics or how things are implemented or what techniques are used: here is the parser that complains.
The point is that x y is actually interpreted as x.y, which means that y must be a method.
Refer to the Scala Language Specification, section 6.6 Function Applications:
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
ArgumentExprs ::= ‘(’ [Exprs] ‘)’
| ‘(’ [Exprs ‘,’] PostfixExpr ‘:’ ‘_’ ‘*’ ‘)’
| [nl] BlockExpr
Exprs ::= Expr {‘,’ Expr}
I do not like the trick of #hüseyin-zengin since it leverages dynamic method invocations, and also does not work as expected:
val x = "hello"
println x // prints: x
To partially achieve what you like you need to use infix operator notation
object run { def echo(s: String) = println(s) }
run echo "hello" // OK
run.echo "hello" // error: ';' expected but string literal found.
You may also use a symbol to reduce "typing" overhead (though may be perceived weirdly):
object > { def echo(s: String) = println(s) }
> echo "hello" // OK

What does this Scala syntax mean - a value definition followed by open brace and indented stuff?

I'm trying to decipher somebody else's code. The following appeared in a Scala trait. This isn't its exact content, I flattened out some of the detail to make it more general (it had some extra lines before the closed-curly-bracket incorporating a zipWithIndex method, and some other pattern matching stuff.) My main concern was that I am not familiar with this concept; a value definition that begins with an open-curly-bracket and then a bunch of indented stuff.
val example: ExampleType = {
val anOtherExample = "String"
val yetAnOtherExample = 22
new ExampleType(anOtherExample, yetAnOtherExample)
Having experience with C-like languages and/or Java, you may be used to the fact that curly braces {} denote a block of code - i.e. just a set of instructions that will be invoked.
Scala is different on this part, because in Scala almost everything is an expression, i.e. almost everything evaluates to some value and therefore can be assigned to a val, passed as an argument, etc.
Therefore, a block of code in Scala is not just a sequence of instructions, but a valid expression that can be assigned and passed around. Block of code evaluates to the last expression in that block, i.e.
val x: Int = {
In the above example, x will have 42 assigned as its value.
val anotherExample = "String"
val yetAnotherExample = 22
This is called block. It is evaluated to its last statement. Here the last statement is an assignment val yetAnotherExample = 22 which is of type Unit in Scala. So your code will not compile if your ExampleType is not the same type as Unit.

Using LabelDef in scala macros (2.10)

I'm experimenting with the scala 2.10 macro features. I have trouble using LabelDef in some cases, though. To some extent I peeked in the compiler's code, read excerpts of Miguel Garcia's papers but I'm still stuck.
If my understanding is correct, a pseudo-definition would be:
LabelDef(labelName, listOfParameters, stmsAndApply) where the 3 arguments are Trees and:
- labelNameis the identifier of the label $L being defined
- listOfParameters correspond to the arguments passed when label-apply occurs, as in $L(a1,...,an), and can be empty
- stmsAndApplycorresponds to the block of statements (possibly none) and final apply-expression
label-apply meaning more-or-less a GOTO to a label
For instance, in the case of a simple loop, a LabelDef can eventually apply itself:
LabelDef($L, (), {...; $L()})
Now, if I want to define 2 LabelDef that jump to each other:
LabelDef($L1, (), $L2())
LabelDef($L2, (), $L1())
The 2nd LabelDef is fine, but the compiler outputs an error on the 1st, "not found: value $L2". I guess that is because $L2 isn't yet defined while there is an attempt to apply it. This is a tree being constructed so that would make sense to me. Is my understanding correct so far? Because if no error is expected, that means my macro implementation is probably buggy.
Anyway, I believe there must be a way to apply $L2 (i.e. Jumping to $L2) from $L1, somehow, but I just have no clue how to do it. Does someone have an example of doing that, or any pointer?
Other unclear points (but less of a concern right now) about using LabelDef in macros are:
-what the 2nd argument is, concretely, how is it used when non-empty? In other words, what are the mechanisms of a label-apply with parameters?
-is it valid to put in the 3rd argument's final expression anything else than a label-apply? (not that I can't try, but macros are still experimental)
-is it possible to perform a forwarding label-apply outside a LabelDef? (maybe this is a redundant question)
Any macro implementation example in the answer is, of course, very welcome!
Because if no error is expected, that means my macro implementation is probably buggy.
Yes, it seems that was a bug (^^; Although I'm not sure whether or not the limitation with the Block/LabelDef combination exists on purpose.
def EVIL_LABELS_MACRO_impl(c:Context):c.Expr[Unit] = { // fails to expand
import c.universe._
val lt1 = newTermName("$L1"); val lt2 = newTermName("$L2")
val ld1 = LabelDef(lt1, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L1")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt2), Nil)))
val ld2 = LabelDef(lt2, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L2")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt1), Nil)))
c.Expr( Block(ld1, c.reify{println("ignored")}.tree, ld2) )
def FINE_LABELS_MACRO_impl(c:Context):c.Expr[Unit] = { // The End isn't near
import c.universe._
val lt1 = newTermName("$L1"); val lt2 = newTermName("$L2")
val ld1 = LabelDef(lt1, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L1")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt2), Nil)))
val ld2 = LabelDef(lt2, Nil, Block(c.reify{println("$L2")}.tree, Apply(Ident(lt1), Nil)))
c.Expr( Block(ld1, c.reify{println("ignored")}.tree, ld2, c.reify{println("The End")}.tree) )
I think a Block is parsed into { statements; expression } thus the last argument is the expression. If a LabelDef "falls in" expression, e.g. the EVIL_LABELS_MACRO pattern, its expansion won't be visible in statements; hence error "not found: value $L2".
So it's better to make sure all LabelDef "fall in" statements. FINE_LABELS_MACRO does that and expands to:
scala.this.Predef.println("The End")

Scala DSL: method chaining with parameterless methods

i am creating a small scala DSL and running into the following problem to which i dont really have a solution. A small conceptual example of what i want to achieve:
write "hello"
read 'name
write "hello" + 'name
the code defining this dsl is roughly this:
Object Compute extends Compute{
implicit def str2Message:Message = ...
class Compute{
def write(msg:Message):Compute = ...
def read(s:Symbol):Compute = ...
def calc():Compute = { ... }
Now the question: how can i get rid of these parenthesis after calc? is it possible? if so, how? just omitting them in the definition does not help because of compilation errors.
ok, i think, i found an acceptable solution... i now achieved this possible syntax
| write "hello"
| read 'name
| calc
| calc
| write "hello " + 'name
using an object named "|", i am able to write nearly the dsl i wanted. normaly, a ";" is needed after calc if its parameterless. The trick here is to accept the DSL-object itself (here, its the "|" on the next line). making this parameter implicit also allows calc as a last statement in this code.
well, looks like it is definitly not possible to have it the way i want, but this is ok too
It's not possible to get rid of the parenthesis, but you can replace it. For example:
object it
class Compute {
def calc(x: it.type):Compute = { ... }
write "hello"
read 'name
calc it
calc it
write "hello" + 'name
To expand a bit, whenever Scala sees something like this:
object method
It assumes it means object.method(non-reserved-word). Conversely, whenever it sees something like this:
object method object
method2 object2
It assumes these are two independent statements, as in object.method(object); method2.object, expecting method2 to be a new object, and object2 a method.
These assumptions are part of Scala grammar: it is meant to be this way on purpose.
First try to remove the parentheses from the definition of calc. Second try to use curly braces around the whole instead of parentheses. Curly braces and parentheses doesn't mean the same and I find that parenthesis works best in single line code (unless using semi-colons). See also What is the formal difference in Scala between braces and parentheses, and when should they be used?

Groovy 'def' keyword and scope problem in Eclipse

I'm following a groovy tutorial and there is a code like this:
def fruit = ["apple", "orange" , "pear"] //list
def likeIt = { String fruit -> println "I like " + fruit + "s" } //closure
Eclipse reports an error at closure definition line:
Line breakpoint:SimpleClosuresTest
[line: 27] The current scope already
contains a variable of the name fruit
# line 27, column 14.
If i omit 'def' from 'def fruit' Eclipse doesn't complaint and code runs fine.
Could someone explain what is going on with the scopes in both cases?
first a general review of a groovy script:
// file: SomeScript.groovy
x = 1
def x = 2
println x
println this.x
is roughly compiled as:
class SomeScript extends groovy.lang.Script {
def x
def run() {
x = 1
def x = 2
println x // 2
println this.x // 1
in a groovy script (roughly speaking, a file without the class declaration), assigning a value to an undefined variable is interpreted as a field assignment.
your example tries to defines a closure with a parameter named fruit.
if you defined fruit with the def keyword you get an error message because the name is already taken as a local variable, and you can't duplicate a local variable name.
when you leave the def keyword out, you are actually assigning the value to a field of the class generated for the script, and thus the name fruit can be redefined as a local variable.
regarding scopes, it's pretty much like java...
in the example, you can see x is defined first as a field and then as a variable local to the run() method. there's nothing wrong with that and you can access both the variable and the field.
but once you define a local variable, you cannot create duplicates.
edit --
had to add this before anyone gets me wrong: the translation is not exactly like this (thus the "roughly"). Instead of a field you add a value to the binding of the script, quite like args for commandline scripts or request, session or response for groovlets.
but that is much a longer story...
ok if you really want to know just ask again and i'll explain it better
edit 2 --
i just can't leave it like this, if you ever need more info...
every groovy script has a field named binding, an instance of groovy.lang.Binding or one of its a subclasses.
this binding is basically a map, with methods setVariable and setVariable.
when you omit the def keyword when assigning a value in a script you are actually calling the method setVariable, and when you do something like this.x you are calling the getVariable method.
this is actually because class groovy.lang.Script overrides the methods getProperty and setProperty to call those methods first. that's the reason they behave like fields.
you might have also noticed that there is no type associated to those variables... that's because we are dealing with just a Map inside the binding.
standard groovy scrips are created with an instance of a binding with the args set to the array of parameters.
others, like groovy.servlet.ServletBinding define more variables and behavior, like block the assignment of certain variables, or adding a lazy initialization capabilities...
then the real reason behind the error is... if the def keyword is not used, fruits is not a real variable. still, i believe the behavior is somewhat analog to a field.
sorry about all that.
i was not satisfied with my own oversimplification :S
That String fruit shouldn't be having the same name as your def fruit. (you are defining first a list and then a string with the same name)
def likeIt = { String fruit -> println "I like " + fruit + "s" }
In the second case you are defining the type of the variable with def a posteriori, so it works but it is not a good practice as far as I know.
I think that you don't even need to write ->. The groovy manual says that "The -> token is optional and may be omitted if your Closure definition takes fewer than two parameters", which is the case here.
Second line
String fruit
the same variable name 'fruit' is being used again