Conforming String.CharacterView.Index to Strideable: fatal error when using stride(to:by:): "cannot increment endIndex " - swift

When attempting to stride over String.CharacterView.Index indices by e.g. a stride of 2
extension String.CharacterView.Index : Strideable { }
let str = "01234"
for _ in str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 2) { } // fatal error
I get the following runtime exception
fatal error: cannot increment endIndex
Just creating the StrideTo<String.CharacterView.Index> above, however, (let foo = str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 2)) does not yield an error, only when attempting to stride/iterate over or operate on it (.next()?).
What is the reason for this runtime exception; is it expected (mis-use of conformance to Stridable)?
I'm using Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7.3. Details follow below.
Edit addition: error source located
Upon reading my question carefully, it would seem as if the error really does occur in the next() method of StrideToGenerator (see bottom of this post), specifically at the following marked line
let ret = current
current += stride // <-- here
return ret
Even if the last update of current will never be returned (in next call to next()), the final advance of current index to a value larger or equal to that of _end yields the specific runtime error above (for Index type String.CharacterView.Index).
(0..<4).startIndex.advancedBy(4) // OK, -> 4
"foo".startIndex.advancedBy(4) // fatal error: cannot increment endIndex
However, one question still remains:
Is this a bug in the next() method of StrideToGenerator, or just an error that pops up due to a mis-use of String.CharacterView.Index conformance to Stridable?
The following Q&A is related to the subject of a iterating over characters in steps other than +1, and worth including in this question even if the two questions differ.
Using String.CharacterView.Index.successor() in for statements
Especially note #Sulthan:s neat solution in the thread above.
(Apologies for hefty details/investigations of my own, just skip these sections if you can answer my question without the details herein)
The String.CharacterView.Index type describes a character position, and:
conforms to Comparable (and in so, Equatable),
contains implementations for advancedBy(_:) and distanceTo(_:).
Hence, it can directly be made to conform to the protocol Strideable, making use of Stridable:s default implementations of methods stride(through:by:) and stride(to:by:). The examples below will focus on the latter (analogous problems with the former):
func stride(to end: Self, by stride: Self.Stride) -> StrideTo<Self>
Returns the sequence of values (self, self + stride, self + stride +
stride, ... last) where last is the last value in the progression
that is less than end.
Conforming to Stridable and striding by 1: all good
Extending String.CharacterView.Index to Stridable and striding by 1 works fine:
extension String.CharacterView.Index : Strideable { }
var str = "0123"
// stride by 1: all good
str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 1).forEach {
} /* 0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3 */
For an even number of indices in str above (indices 0..<4), this also works for a stride of 2:
// stride by 2: OK for even number of characters in str.
str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 2).forEach {
} /* 0 0
2 2 */
However, for some cases of striding by >1: runtime exception
For an odd number of indices and a stride of 2, however, the stride over the character views indices yield a runtime error
// stride by 2: fatal error for odd number of characters in str.
str = "01234"
str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 2).forEach {
} /* 0 0
2 2
fatal error: cannot increment endIndex */
Investigations of my own
My own investigations into this made me suspect the error comes from the next() method of the StrideToGenerator structure, possibly when this method calls += on the stridable element
public func += <T : Strideable>(inout lhs: T, rhs: T.Stride) {
lhs = lhs.advancedBy(rhs)
(from a version of the Swift source for swift/stdlib/public/core/Stride.swift that somewhat corresponds to Swift 2.2). Given the following Q&A:s
Trim end off of string in swift, getting error at runtime,
Swift distance() method throws fatal error: can not increment endIndex,
we could suspect that we would possibly need to use String.CharacterView.Index.advancedBy(_:limit:) rather than ...advancedBy(_:) above. However from what I can see, the next() method in StrideToGenerator guards against advancing the index past the limit.
Edit addition: the source of the error seems to indeed be located in the next() method in StrideToGenerator:
// ... in StrideToGenerator
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
if stride > 0 ? current >= end : current <= end {
return nil
let ret = current
current += stride /* <-- will increase current to larger or equal to end
if stride is large enough (even if this last current
will never be returned in next call to next()) */
return ret
Even if the last update of current will never be returned (in next call to next()), the final advance of current index to a value larger or equal to that of end yields the specific runtime error above, for Index type String.CharacterView.Index.
(0..<4).startIndex.advancedBy(4) // OK, -> 4
"foo".startIndex.advancedBy(4) // fatal error: cannot increment endIndex
Is this to be considered a bug, or is String.CharacterView.Index simply not intended to be (directly) conformed to Stridable?

Simply declaring the protocol conformance
extension String.CharacterView.Index : Strideable { }
compiles because String.CharacterView.Index conforms to
BidirectionalIndexType , and ForwardIndexType/BidirectionalIndexType have default method implementations for advancedBy() and distanceTo()
as required by Strideable.
Strideable has the default protocol method implementation
for stride():
extension Strideable {
// ...
public func stride(to end: Self, by stride: Self.Stride) -> StrideTo<Self>
So the only methods which are "directly" implemented for
String.CharacterView.Index are – as far as I can see - the successor() and predecessor() methods from BidirectionalIndexType.
As you already figured out, the default method implementation of
stride() does not work well with String.CharacterView.Index.
But is is always possible to define dedicated methods for a concrete type. For the problems of making String.CharacterView.Index conform to Strideable see
Vatsal Manot's answer below and the discussion in the comments – it took me a while to get what he meant :)
Here is a possible implementation of a stride(to:by:) method for String.CharacterView.Index:
extension String.CharacterView.Index {
typealias Index = String.CharacterView.Index
func stride(to end: Index, by stride: Int) -> AnySequence<Index> {
precondition(stride != 0, "stride size must not be zero")
return AnySequence { () -> AnyGenerator<Index> in
var current = self
return AnyGenerator {
if stride > 0 ? current >= end : current <= end {
return nil
defer {
current = current.advancedBy(stride, limit: end)
return current
This seems to work as expected:
let str = "01234"
str.startIndex.stride(to: str.endIndex, by: 2).forEach {
0 0
2 2
4 4

To simply answer your ending question: this is not a bug. This is normal behavior.
String.CharacterView.Index can never exceed the endIndex of the parent construct (i.e. the character view), and thus triggers a runtime error when forced to (as correctly noted in the latter part of your answer). This is by design.
The only solution is to write your own alternative to the stride(to:by:), one that avoids equalling or exceeding the endIndex in any way.
As you know already, you can technically implement Strideable, but you cannot prevent that error. And since stride(to:by:) is not blueprinted within the protocol itself but introduced in an extension, there is no way you can use a "custom" stride(to:by:) in a generic scope (i.e. <T: Strideable> etc.). Which means you should probably not try and implement it unless you are absolutely sure that there is no way that error can occur; something which seems impossible.
Solution: There isn't one, currently. However, if you feel that this is an issue, I encourage you to start a thread in the swift-evolution mailing list, where this topic would be best received.

This isn't really an answer; it's just that your question got me playing around. Let's ignore Stridable and just try striding through a character view:
let str = "01234"
var i = str.startIndex
// i = i.advancedBy(1)
let inc = 2
while true {
if i.distanceTo(str.endIndex) > inc {
i = i.advancedBy(inc)
} else {
As you can see, it is crucial to test with distanceTo before we call advancedBy. Otherwise, we risk attempting to advance right through the end index and we'll get the "fatal error: can not increment endIndex" bomb.
So my thought is that something like this must be necessary in order to make the indices of a character view stridable.


Set's contains method returns different value at different time

I was thinking about how Swift ensures uniqueness for Set because I have turned one of my obj from Equatable to Hashable for free and so I came up with this simple Playground
struct SimpleStruct: Hashable {
let string: String
let number: Int
static func == (lhs: SimpleStruct, rhs: SimpleStruct) -> Bool {
let areEqual = lhs.string == rhs.string
print(lhs, rhs, areEqual)
return areEqual
var set = Set<SimpleStruct>()
let first = SimpleStruct(string: "a", number: 2)
So my first question was:
Will the static func == method be called anytime I insert a new obj inside the set?
My question comes from this thought:
For Equatable obj, in order to make this decision, the only way to ensure two obj are the same is to ask the result of static func ==.
For Hashable obj, a faster way is to compare hashValues... but, like in my case, the default implementation will use both string and number, in contrast with == logic.
So, in order to test how Set behaves, I have just added a print statement.
I have figured out that sometimes I got the print statement, sometimes no. Like sometimes hashValue isn't enough in order to make this decision ... So the method hasn't been called every time.
So I've tried to add two objects that are equal and wondering what will be the result of set.contains
let second = SimpleStruct(string: "a", number: 3)
print(first == second) // returns true
And wonders of wonders, launching a couple of times the playground, I got different results and this might cause unpredictable results ...
var hashValue: Int {
return string.hashValue
it gets rid of any unexpected results but my doubt is:
Why, without the custom hashValue implementation, == sometimes gets called and sometimes it doesn't?
Should Apple avoid this kind of unexpected behaviours?
The synthesized implementation of the Hashable requirement uses all stored
properties of a struct, in your case string and number. Your implementation
of == is only based on the string:
let first = SimpleStruct(string: "a", number: 2)
let second = SimpleStruct(string: "a", number: 3)
print(first == second) // true
print(first.hashValue == second.hashValue) // false
This is a violation of a requirement of the Hashable protocol:
Two instances that are equal must feed the same values to Hasher in hash(into:), in the same order.
and causes the undefined behavior. (And since hash values are randomized
since Swift 4.2, the behavior can be different in each program run.)
What probably happens in your test is that the hash value of second is used to determine the “bucket” of the set in which the value
would be stored. That may or may not be the same bucket in which first is stored. – But that is an implementation detail: Undefined behavior is undefined behavior, it can cause unexpected results or even
runtime errors.
var hashValue: Int {
return string.hashValue
or alternatively (starting with Swift 4.2)
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
fixes the rule violation, and therefore makes your code behave as expected.

Argument labels do not match any availble overloads

I'm trying to create an anagram tester, and I'm pretty sure the code I have should work, but I'm getting an error 'Argument labels '(_:)' do not match any available overloads' I've looked at the other posts regarding the same error, but I'm still not sure what this means or how to fix it.
var anagram1 : String!
var anagram2 : String!
var failure : Bool = false
var counter : Int = 0
print("Please enter first word: ")
anagram1 = readLine()
print("Please enter Second word: ")
anagram2 = readLine()
if anagram1.count == anagram2.count {
for i in anagram1.characters{
if (!failure){
failure = true
for y in anagram2.characters {
counter += 1
if i == y {
failure = false
anagram2.remove(at: String.Index(counter)) // error here
else {
print("these words are not anagrams")
if (!failure) {
print("these words ARE anagrams")
print ("these words aren't even the same length you fucking nonce")
To answer your first question: the error message Argument labels '(_:)' do not match any available overloads means that you've given a function parameter names or types that don't match anything Swift knows about.
The compiler is also trying to tell you what parameters to look at. '(_:)' says that you're calling a function with an unlabeled parameter. (That means a value without any parameter name. A common example of a function that would look like this is print("something"). In Swift documentation, this would look like print(_:).
Finally, overloads are ways to call a function with different information. Again using the print function as an example, you can call it multiple ways. A couple of the most common overloads would be:
// print something, followed by a newline character
// print something, but stay on the same line
// (end with an empty string instead of the default newline character)
print("something", terminator: "")
Documented, these might look like print(_:) and print(_:, terminator:).
Note: these are broken down for explanation. The actual Swift documentation shows func print(_: Any..., separator: String, terminator: String) which covers a number of different overloads!
Looking at the line where the error occurs, you see a function call and an initializer (which is essentially a function). Documented, the way you've entered the parameters, the functions would look like: remove(at:) and String.Index(_:).
String.Index(_:) matches the parameters of the error message, so that's where your error is. There is no overload of the String.Index initializer that takes an unnamed parameter.
To fix this error, you need to find the correct way to create a String.Index parameter for the remove(at:) function. One way might be to try something like this:
for y in anagram2.characters.enumerated() {
// `y` now represents a `tuple`: (offset: Int, element: Character)
// so, you don't need `counter` anymore; use `offset` instead
if i == y.element { //`i` is a Character, so it can compare to `element`
let yIndex: String.Index = anagram2.index(anagram2.startIndex, offsetBy: y.offset)
anagram2.remove(at: yIndex)
However, there are other issues with your code that will cause further errors.
For one, you're looping through a string (anagram2) and trying to change it at the same time - not a good thing to do.
Good luck to you in solving the anagram problem!
Thanks for the help Leo but I found a way of doing it :)
if anagram1.count == anagram2.count {
for i in anagram1.characters{
if (!failure){
counter = -1
failure = true
for y in anagram2.characters {
counter += 1
if i == y {
failure = false
if counter < anagram2.count {
anagram2.remove(at: (anagram2.index(anagram2.startIndex, offsetBy: counter)))

Can a condition be used to determine the type of a generic?

I will first explain what I'm trying to do and how I got to where I got stuck before getting to the question.
As a learning exercise for myself, I took some problems that I had already solved in Objective-C to see how I can solve them differently with Swift. The specific case that I got stuck on is a small piece that captures a value before and after it changes and interpolates between the two to create keyframes for an animation.
For this I had an object Capture with properties for the object, the key path and two id properties for the values before and after. Later, when interpolating the captured values I made sure that they could be interpolated by wrapping each of them in a Value class that used a class cluster to return an appropriate class depending on the type of value it wrapped, or nil for types that wasn't supported.
This works, and I am able to make it work in Swift as well following the same pattern, but it doesn't feel Swift like.
What worked
Instead of wrapping the captured values as a way of enabling interpolation, I created a Mixable protocol that the types could conform to and used a protocol extension for when the type supported the necessary basic arithmetic:
protocol SimpleArithmeticType {
func +(lhs: Self, right: Self) -> Self
func *(lhs: Self, amount: Double) -> Self
protocol Mixable {
func mix(with other: Self, by amount: Double) -> Self
extension Mixable where Self: SimpleArithmeticType {
func mix(with other: Self, by amount: Double) -> Self {
return self * (1.0 - amount) + other * amount
This part worked really well and enforced homogeneous mixing (that a type could only be mixed with its own type), which wasn't enforced in the Objective-C implementation.
Where I got stuck
The next logical step, and this is where I got stuck, seemed to be to make each Capture instance (now a struct) hold two variables of the same mixable type instead of two AnyObject. I also changed the initializer argument from being an object and a key path to being a closure that returns an object ()->T
struct Capture<T: Mixable> {
typealias Evaluation = () -> T
let eval: Evaluation
let before: T
var after: T {
return eval()
init(eval: Evaluation) {
self.eval = eval
self.before = eval()
This works when the type can be inferred, for example:
let captureInt = Capture {
return 3.0
// > Capture<Double>
but not with key value coding, which return AnyObject:\
let captureAnyObject = Capture {
return myObject.valueForKeyPath("opacity")!
error: cannot invoke initializer for type 'Capture' with an argument list of type '(() -> _)'
AnyObject does not conform to the Mixable protocol, so I can understand why this doesn't work. But I can check what type the object really is, and since I'm only covering a handful of mixable types, I though I could cover all the cases and return the correct type of Capture. Too see if this could even work I made an even simpler example
A simpler example
struct Foo<T> {
let x: T
init(eval: ()->T) {
x = eval()
which works when type inference is guaranteed:
let fooInt = Foo {
return 3
// > Foo<Int>
let fooDouble = Foo {
return 3.0
// > Foo<Double>
But not when the closure can return different types
let condition = true
let foo = Foo {
if condition {
return 3
} else {
return 3.0
error: cannot invoke initializer for type 'Foo' with an argument list of type '(() -> _)'
I'm not even able to define such a closure on its own.
let condition = true // as simple as it could be
let evaluation = {
if condition {
return 3
} else {
return 3.0
error: unable to infer closure type in the current context
My Question
Is this something that can be done at all? Can a condition be used to determine the type of a generic? Or is there another way to hold two variables of the same type, where the type was decided based on a condition?
What I really want is to:
capture the values before and after a change and save the pair (old + new) for later (a heterogeneous collection of homogeneous pairs).
go through all the collected values and get rid of the ones that can't be interpolated (unless this step could be integrated with the collection step)
interpolate each homogeneous pair individually (mixing old + new).
But it seems like this direction is a dead end when it comes to solving that problem. I'll have to take a couple of steps back and try a different approach (and probably ask a different question if I get stuck again).
As discussed on Twitter, the type must be known at compile time. Nevertheless, for the simple example at the end of the question you could just explicitly type
let evaluation: Foo<Double> = { ... }
and it would work.
So in the case of Capture and valueForKeyPath: IMHO you should cast (either safely or with a forced cast) the value to the Mixable type you expect the value to be and it should work fine. Afterall, I'm not sure valueForKeyPath: is supposed to return different types depending on a condition.
What is the exact case where you would like to return 2 totally different types (that can't be implicitly casted as in the simple case of Int and Double above) in the same evaluation closure?
in my full example I also have cases for CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect, CATransform3D
The limitations are just as you have stated, because of Swift's strict typing. All types must be definitely known at compile time, and each thing can be of only one type - even a generic (it is resolved by the way it is called at compile time). Thus, the only thing you can do is turn your type into into an umbrella type that is much more like Objective-C itself:
let condition = true
let evaluation = {
() -> NSObject in // *
if condition {
return 3
} else {
return NSValue(CGPoint:CGPointMake(0,1))

Implementing an enum ForwardIndexType

I have been struggling to properly implement the ForwardIndexType protocol for an enum, in particular the handling of the end case (i.e for the last item without a successor). This protocol is not really covered in the Swift Language book.
Here is a simple example
enum ThreeWords : Int, ForwardIndexType {
case one=1, two, three
func successor() ->ThreeWords {
return ThreeWords(rawValue:self.rawValue + 1)!
The successor() function will return the next enumerator value, except for the last element, where it will fail with an exception, because there is no value after .three
The ForwardTypeProtocol does not allow successor() to return a conditional value, so there seems to be no way of signalling that there is no successor.
Now using this in a for loop to iterate over the closed range of all the possible values of an enum, one runs into a problem for the end case:
for word in {
print(" \(word.rawValue)")
//Crashes with the error:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Swift inexplicably calls the successor() function of the end value of the range, before executing the statements in the for loop. If the range is left half open<ThreeWords.three then the code executes correctly, printing 1 2
If I modify the successor function so that it does not try to create a value larger than .three like this
func successor() ->ThreeWords {
if self == .three {
return .three
} else {
return ThreeWords(rawValue:self.rawValue + 1)!
Then the for loop does not crash, but it also misses the last iteration, printing the same as if the range was half open 1 2
My conclusion is that there is a bug in swift's for loop iteration; it should not call successor() on the end value of a closed range. Secondly, the ForwardIndexType ought to be able to return an optional, to be able to signal that there is no successor for a certain value.
Has anyone had more success with this protocol ?
Indeed, it seems that successor will be called on the last value.
You may wish to file a bug, but to work around this you could simply add a sentinel value to act as a successor.
It seems, ... operator
func ...<Pos : ForwardIndexType>(minimum: Pos, maximum: Pos) -> Range<Pos>
calls maximum.successor(). It constructs Range<T> like
Range(start: minimum, end: maximum.successor())
So, If you want to use enum as Range.Index, you have to define the next of the last value.
enum ThreeWords : Int, ForwardIndexType {
case one=1, two, three
func successor() ->ThreeWords {
return ThreeWords(rawValue:self.rawValue + 1) ?? ThreeWords.EXHAUST
This is an old Question but I would like to sum up some things and post another possible solution.
As #jtbandes and #rintaro already stated a closed range created with the start...end operator is internally created with start..<end.successor()
Afaik this is an intentional behavior in Swift.
In many cases you can also use an Interval where you thought about using a Range or where Swift declared a Range by default. The point here is that intervals aren't collections.
So this is not possible with Intervals
for word in {...}
For the following I assume the snippet above was just a debug case to cross-check the values.
To declare an Interval you need to explicitly specify the type. Either a HalfOpenInterval (..<) or a ClosedInterval (...)
var interval:ClosedInterval =
This requires you to make your enumeration Comparable. Although Int is Comparable already, you still need to add it to the inheritance list
enum ThreeWords : Int, ForwardIndexType, Comparable {
case one=1, two, three, four
func successor() ->ThreeWords {
return ThreeWords(rawValue:self.rawValue + 1)!
And finally the enumeration need to conform to Comparable. This is a generic approach since your enumeration also conforms to the protocol RawRepresentable
func <<T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue: Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue
Like I wrote you can't iterate over it in a loop anymore, but you can have a quick cross-check using a switch:
var interval:ClosedInterval =
switch(ThreeWords.four) {
print("contains one or two")
case let word where interval ~= word:
print("contains: \(word) with raw value: \(word.rawValue)")
print("no case")
prints "contains: four with raw value: 4"

Proper way to handle a fail to init

I am looking for a proper way to handle a invalid argument during a initialization.
I am unsure how to do it using Swift as the init has't a return type. How can I tell whoever is trying to initialize this class that you are doing something wrong?
init (timeInterval: Int) {
if timeInterval > 0
self.timeInterval = timeInterval
//???? (return false?)
Thank you!
Use a failable initializer. Such an initializer looks very similar to a regular designated initializer, but has a '?' character right after init and is allowed to return nil. A failable initializer creates an optional value.
struct Animal {
let species: String
init?(species: String) {
if species.isEmpty { return nil }
self.species = species
See Apple's documentation on failable initializers for more detail.
In swift, you can't really abort a task half way through execution. There are no exceptions in swift and in general the philosophy is that aborting a task is dangerous and leads to bugs, so it just should't be done.
So, you verify a value like this:
assert(timeInterval > 0)
Which will terminate the program if an invalid value is provided.
You should also change timeInterval to be a UInt so that there will be a compiler error if anybody tries to give a < 0 value or an integer value that could be < 0.
It's probably not the answer you're looking for. But the goal is to check for bad parameters as early as possible, and that means doing it before you create any objects with those parameters. Ideally the check should be done at compile time but that doesn't always work.
I think this is the best solution, took it from:How should I handle parameter validation Swift
class NumberLessThanTen {
var mySmallNumber: Int?
class func instanceOrNil(number: Int) -> NumberLessThanTen? {
if number < 10 {
return NumberLessThanTen(number: number)
} else {
return nil
#required init() {
init(number: Int) {
self.mySmallNumber = number
let iv = NumberLessThanTen.instanceOrNil(17) // nil
let v = NumberLessThanTen.instanceOrNil(5) // valid instance
let n = v!.mySmallNumber // Some 5
In the Swift book by Apple, at the very bottom of this section:
They say:
When to Use Assertions
Use an assertion whenever a condition has the potential to be false,
but must definitely be true in order for your code to continue
execution. Suitable scenarios for an assertion check include:
An integer subscript index is passed to a custom subscript
implementation, but the subscript index value could be too low or too
high. A value is passed to a function, but an invalid value means that
the function cannot fulfill its task. An optional value is currently
nil, but a non-nil value is essential for subsequent code to execute
This sounds exactly like your situation!
Thus your code should look like:
init (timeInterval: Int) {
assert (timeInterval > 0, "Time Interval Must be a positive integer")
// Continue your execution normally