How do relative URLs work in Sinatra? - sinatra

I am hosting my Sinatra application using Apache with Passenger. It's hosted within a subfolder -- meaning, my main site is, my application is at
So I have a get '/' route, and that works fine. The problem is that my view includes a HTML form that makes a post request to upload, and the post '/upload' route isn't handling it. Instead of, it's trying to get
So I figure okay, not the ideal solution, but for now I'll hardcode the form action URL. But that doesn't work either -- making the action popcorn/upload fails too. This is where I get a little baffled, and my Google-fu was weak, I couldn't find help there.
Maybe I could have some kind of Apache rewrite rule, but is that the correct solution? Am I missing something? I would really appreciate a tip here because it feels like I've messed up something very simple and it's really bugging me.

You probably want the url helper method. That takes into account where the app is mounted on the server:
The above code will evaluate to something like this:
Inside your app you shouldn’t need to change anything, this will be routed to the existing post '/upload' handler.


Setting up Dynamic Links in Firebase with Wordpress site

I am really struggling here... All I actually want to achieve is that I can get the Generate-Strong-Password function inside my app but that is actually harder than I thought.
I learned that I should go with Firebase Dynamic Links because I have a Wordpress-Website from
I followed this Tutorial and there is actually an Apple-Site-Association-File at the moment. But I can't access my Website anymore as it looks like this:
Inside my Firebase Project I am getting this error which says that there not all the necessary "A-Files" are inside my Website:
My DNS-Settings:
I've been struggling for weeks now to get this done so if anyone has any idea how I can fix it I would be extremely grateful!! (btw, I am a total newbie when it comes to websites; I know my way around Swift though)
It seems that different domain providers accept different values for DNS entries ('A records' = 'A-Datensätze', in this case).
Try editing the entries for the Host field (which currently hold your website's URL) to one of the 'common inputs' listed here:
As the URL to your site doesn't seem to be what your provider accepts, I would suggest you try replacing it with the next option, i.e. replacing it with # .
Hope this helps solving your issue!

How can I actually download/transfer a file found using UPnP?

I'm completely new to UPnP as a protocol, but I'm hoping to use it to transfer files from a Sony Camera to an iOS app I'm working on. So far I have SSDP discovery setup, I can read the UPnP client's services, search through folders and access file names, but the final hurdle which I'm stuck on is how to actually download/transfer the files once I'm able to list them!
What I end up getting is the below:
<item id="04_02_0624600856_000001_000001_000000" restricted="1" parentID="03_01_0624600856_000001_000000_000000">
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_SM;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_LRG;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
<res protocolInfo="http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_TN;DLNA.ORG_CI=1"></res>
I would (With my naive experience of simple HTTP APIs) then expect to simply be able to download the file in question by hitting: or similar (I'm assuming I have to change this URL slightly as the file is listed as image/jpeg rather than RAW?
Whatever combination I try of the full res object, snipping bits, decoding the url e.t.c. I always get a 404 response when trying to visit the URL in question. Is there something more complex I need to do here? Or something simple that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance!
The problem here was that I was using a url from a previous session. It turns out that the urls change between connection sessions, which is why I was getting a 404.
Lesson learned: UPnP is highly dynamic, and you can’t rely on caching images under their access MRL!

Privoxy whitelist faulty on redirect

My problem, in a nutshell, is the following:
I use Privoxy to set up a whitelist of sites in Raspbian Jessie on Chromium. I have Chromium start on boot with the following snippet in lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart:
#chromium --incognito --kiosk --proxy-server=
This does work as intended, with every site except the ones I specify blacklisted.
Now I edited /privoxy/templates/blocked so that instead of the usual site it will give me a redirect to a certain site should a link be opened that is not on the whitelist:
<!DOCTYPE html>
(Stuff happens)
Please go back to this site. being one of the sites I whitelisted. The problem is, it simply redirects me to the "blocked" page again, making me stuck in a loop. Does anyone have a clue why this would be and how I could work around it? I tried using
however it doesn't seem to work either.
I use Kiosk mode because I want to use this in a context where entereing URL-adresses is not desired, just to clarify my Chromium-call.
Well, I solved it, at least partially. Turns out that I need to add http:// in front of the URL, since it gets added to the already existing URL otherwise. Which is fair, but a bit awkward for me to admit. HTML isn't exactly my forté. Marking it as solved and keeping it, just in case somebody stumbles upon a similar problem.

User Authorization in KohanaPHP App vs Endless Loop

Wondering how to name this question. Think this is the best situation possible.
I got small app written in KohanaPHP framework. However there's one small bug that makes my crazy.
I got my own Core_Controller that is extended by every controller in this app. In constructor of this controller, I'm checking user profile status. So far so good. Although I'm facing a logical issue. It's called endless redirect loop. If I try to redirect (in Core_Controller constructor) user to Member_Controller it cannot be workig due to endless lopp. I understand why it happen.
I'm looking for a solution how to make it flexible. I tried to move this verification to a helper and call it in Core_Controller constructor. However, it can be working correctly.
Do I have to put verification in constructor of every single controller? IS there any universal method to do it?
Waiting for your thoughts.
Just check if user is verified and the current request's action isn't something like member/verification, do the redirect.
And parent::__construct(); will call the parent constructor, so I don't see the problem in that either..
You need a condition where it doesn't redirect (on the page you have redirected to). You'll want some code similar to this.
if not member_controller then
redirect to member_controller
do nothing
The else isn't needed, but just added so it's more clear to you.

Making GWT application crawlable by a search engine

I want to use the #! token to make my GWT application crawlable, as described here:
There is a GWT sample app available online that uses this, for example:!CwRadioButton
Will serve the following static webpage to the googlebot:
I want my GWT app to do something similar. In short, I'd like to serve a different flavor of the page whenever the _escaped_fragment_ parameter is found in the URL.
What should I modify in order for the server to serve something else (a static page, or a page dynamically generated through a headless browser like HTML Unit)? I'm guessing it could be the web.xml file, but I'm not sure.
(Note: I thought of checking the Showcase app provided with the GWT SDK, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to support serving static files on _escaped_fragment_ and it doesn't use the #! token..)
If you want to use web.xml, then I think it won't work with a servlet-mapping, because the url-patterns ignore the get parameters. (Not 100% sure, if there is another way to make this possible.)
You could of course map Showcase.html to a servlet, and in that servlet decide what to do, based on the get parameter "_escaped_fragment_". But it's a little bit expensive to call a Servlet just to serve a static page for the majority of the requests (not too bad, but still. You could set cache headers, if you're sure that it doesn't change).
Or you could have an Apache or something in front of your server - but I understand, I wouldn't like to have to do that either. Maybe your JavaEE server (which one are you using BTW?) provides some mechanism for URL filtering before the request gets passed on to the web container - I'd like to know that, too!
Found my answer! The Showcase sample supporting crawlable hyperlinks is in the following branch:
It defines a filter in the web.xml to redirect URLs with the _escaped_fragment_ token to the output of HTML Unit.