Use ng-file-upload like a normal file type form input - ng-file-upload

Mu current form works with an usual form file input :
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file">
Is it possible to use the ng-file-upload directive to replace the input to make use of its ngf-drop and ngf-select (to simply display file info easily for example) as well as style it easily, without using it with AJAX ?

Yes, you can just use ngf-select ng-model="files" to display files info. If you use input type file the same element will be used so styles would be the same as normal input. For ngf-drop you need to have a div or similar element. There are jsfiddle samples on the docs.


angularjs form can not refer to input control when input name is array

I encounter a problem when testing form validation with angularjs
According to angularjs form guide,
an input control that has the ngModel directive holds an instance of NgModelController. Such a control instance can be published as a property of the form instance using the name attribute on the input control.
I created test code at plunker, it all works fine untill I change the input name from
<input type="number" name="age" ng-model="user.age" max="100" required>
<input type="number" name="user[age]" ng-model="user.age" max="100" required>
Does this mean angular can not recognize array syntax in form input?
The problem for me is I want to keep the normal form submission flow and only use angular for form validation, so I need to keep form input as array to work with the backend form handling
It has nothing to do with Angular. It is a syntactic JS error.
If you want to reference a property named user[age], you should do it like this:
form1.user[age] is incorrectly interpreted as (form1.user)[age]

Create repeatable custom form fields in web2py?

I want to create twitter bootstrap compliant form. According to the docs for Twitter Bootstrap v2.2.2 (the version included with web2py) the html should look like:
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Email">
I'm currently using SQLFORM which outputs html that doesn't really fit with this (even using formstyle='divs'). Besides I want my html output to be clean without web2py artifacts such as class="w2p_fl". So my thought is to use a custom form. However in doing this there would be a lot of repeated code. That is, the following would basically need to be repeated for each field.
<div class="control-group">
{{=LABEL(form.custom.label['myfield'], _class='control-label',
<div class="controls">{{=form.custom.widget.myfield}}</div>
So how can I repeat the above unit of code so I could replace it with something like {{=bootstrap_field(db.mytable.myfield)}} or some other way to adhere to DRY?
What is the web2py way to do this? Create a view function? Pass a function in the dictionary returned by the controller? Create my own html helper? Create my own widget? Another way?
If you're using Bootstrap 2, you can just do:
form = SQLFORM(..., formstyle='bootstrap')
For Bootstrap 3 (or any other custom formstyle you'd like to create), the formstyle argument can be a function (or other callable) that produces the form DOM. The function will be passed the form and a fields object, which is a list of tuples, with each tuple containing a CSS id, label, input element, and (possibly empty) comment/help text. To get an idea of what such a function should look like, check out the one used for Bootstrap 2 forms.

How to get the filename of a picture to appear in the input field next to it

I am trying to get the filename of an uploaded picture to appear in the input field next to the picker button (for . Basically I am trying to find what to put in the value field for the input tag to get the filename to appear once the picture is uploaded. Here is the code I have:
<div class="row margin" id='img-row'>
<input id="filename" disabled="disabled" value="<WHAT DO I PUT HERE?>" class="input" type="text" style="width: 360px;"/>
<input name="img" data-fp-class="form-simple-action-btn filepicker_launcher" data-fp-button-text="Choose Image" data-fp-services="COMPUTER,FACEBOOK,FLICKR,INSTAGRAM,PICASA" data-fp-container="modal" data-fp-mimetypes="image/*" type="filepicker" data-fp-apikey="#################" id='campaign-img-input' value="<php echo h($_POST['img'])"/>
Thank you for your help! I haven't found any other examples like this in the documentation.
The recommended way to do this would be to bind a function to the onchange event of the filepicker input type. Once the upload occurs, the function will be called, and you can pull the filename out of the e.fpfile attribute.
Alternatively, it may be easier to use the filepicker.pick call directly given that you are interested in customizing the behavior. The widget is great for a drop-in solution in many cases, but if you're looking to customize further I'd recommend using the javascript api directly.

How do I replace an attribute value for attribute with multiple values in Wicket?

My class attribute has two CSS class values. The HTML starts out like this:
<input type="button" wicket:id="rowButton" class="jelly-button greenGradient"/>
And I want to dynamically change it to this:
<input type="button" wicket:id="rowButton" class="jelly-button redGradient"/>
Currently I am doing this:
component.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", "jelly-button redGradient"));
What is the best way to do this in Wicket? There must be a more 'proper' way to do this than what I have done above.
Instead of using an attribute modifier with fixed text you could use an attribute appender with the text retrieved from a model. To change the class, just change the model's value. For example:
Model<String> gradientModel = new Model<String>("greenGradient");
component.add(AttributeModifier.append("class", gradientModel));
in the markup just have
<input type="button" wicket:id="rowButton" class="jelly-button"/>
Then when it is time to change the gradient use
The example in the javadoc below explains it well!/org/apache/wicket/behavior/AttributeAppender.html

add groovy code to grails input form

Is it possible to add groovy code to grails form?
I have a form:
<g:uploadForm controller="document" action="save" method="post">
<input type="file" name="dataFile" />
<input type="submit" id="addDocument" value="<g:message"/>">
I need to add code that puts the URL segments to the parameter value.
You're using a POST (because it's an upload and that's correct) method in your form, so you will not see the params in the URL. The params will get there (to the controller you redirect the request to), but won't show at the URL. In any case, you should go with hidden inputs in your form. Like:
<input type="hidden" id="foo" value=""/>
In your controller, you can get the parameters set in your input hidden fields simply by accessing the params map:
Use hidden fields inside the form.