Chrome's remote debugging - inspect window closing on Ubuntu 15.04 - google-chrome-devtools

I'm trying to open Inspect WebView in chrome DevTools, i can see my device and the opened WebView, but when i click on the inspect link, the DevTools window opens for a brief moment and autoclose immediately.
Chrome version is 48.0.2564.116 (64-bit)

Issue was resolved by upgrading to Version 49.0.2623.110 (64-bit)


Cannot start Chrome in dev mode from within Eclipse

When trying to start a Chrome browser in dev mode from Eclipse (launcher type "Launch Chrome), I get the following error message in a window:
"Error Launching Application"
"Could not launch browser - process terminated while trying to connect. Try closing any running Chrome instances.."
That's all. There is nothing in the Eclipse error log or consoles and the suggestion has no effect.
Does anybody know of a way I can get a more detailed error message, if not a solution, can I kick this off from a console, for instance? Thank you.
first set your default browser in eclipse as chrome -
path for that is as follows - in eclipse go to
Windows --> browser --> chrome
Then on your application, right click
Run as --> run on server (chose any server of your choice )
This should directly open in chrome .
Also please make sure in your chrome you have this plugin added - GWT dev mode.
It is called as - Super Dev Mode, and it is supported in chrome.

Remote debugging Chrome on Android while offline

If I'm on a plane or do not have connectivity, remote debugging Chrome on Android fails with a blank window. What can I do?
When you remote debug, Chrome need a version of devtools that matches your mobile browser version. So it loads that specific version off the network. Once they are downloaded, they are kept in AppCache, so you only need to have network available once.
So as long as you start debugging a device (that particular Chrome version) once while you're online, you should then have all those files available later when you're offline.
But there's another workaround to avoid downloading the devtools version:
follow the instructions of down to (and including) the adb forward tcp:9222 ... section.
open http://localhost:9222/json/list (on your desktop)
find the tab you care about and copy the webSocketDebuggerUrl of it
wsurl = webSocketDebuggerUrl.replace('ws://','')
open this URL (on your desktop):
This will use your desktop's locally installed version of DevTools to inspect the phone. There is a possibility of a compatibility problem, but hopefully it should be small.

Open Chrome DevTools in app mode window

I opened a new chrome window in app mode (chrome --app command).
And when I pressed F12 to open DevTools, it opened the DevTools in another new window.
So how can I open the DevTools in the app mode window?
The whole point of the application mode flag --app is to run Chrome without toolbars, borders and other browser features that are not part of the web application. Therefore, it makes no sense to provide a dockable version of DevTools. You will need to use the undocked version with the F12 shortcut.

Chrome Devtools closes while debugging website on Android device

chrome://inspect/#devices opens a devtools window, but about the time it finishes drawing itself, it closes. No error messages
I'm trying to debug a website, not a native app. Any ideas why it would open and tease me, then close when the mouse gets near the window?
Linux: Version 40.0.2214.111 (64-bit) OS:14.04 Ubuntu
Android: Version 40.0.2214.109 OS: 4.1.2
More interesting details. It works on other tabs, and if I use one of those tabs that is working, and paste in my URL, it closes the devtools
As stated in the docs, your desktop Chrome must be newer than your Android Chrome:
Note: Remote debugging requires your version of desktop Chrome to be newer than the version of Chrome for Android on your device. For best results, use Chrome Canary (Mac/Windows) or the Chrome Dev channel release (Linux) on desktop.
For instance, you might install Chrome Canary/unstable or Chrome Beta on your computer. By using it instead, my inspector started working as expected. Currently, my Chrome Beta is v50 and the Android Chrome, v49.

Cannot launch Google Chrome in eclipse

I cannot launch Google Chrome in my eclipse. I check my Preference/General/Web Browser setting, the location for Firefox is /Applications/, and it works fine. But for Chrome the path /Applications/Google doesn't work.
I have found similar problem in this thread, but non of these answers work in my case. The running process just die after Tomcat is started and Synchronized. I am using Mac OS 106.8 and Eclipse Juno