Keycloak 1.9.1.Final- failed verification of token: Token is not active - keycloak

I'm trying to connect a Spring App Keycloak, but I get this error:
After I enter to my app, and I was redirected to Keycloak for authentication, I receive an error in my browser: redirected you too many times.
Full url
And, in the console, I got:
ERROR org.keycloak.adapters.OAuthRequestAuthenticator - failed verification of token: Token is not active.
It's a bug? Or is anything that I should configure in the console?

I found the problem, I was testing the product in a virtual machine without the correct time zone configured.

Try to sync the server timing of Keycloak and application server or else increase the access token life span which is not recommended.


Nextcloud and Google SAML SSO: Error parsing the request, No SAML message present in request

I struggle a bit to get Nextcloud to work with Google as SSO provider. I have URL target of the iPd is then I get
403. That’s an error.
Error: app_not_configured_for_user
So following the suggestion here, I changed the url to
Which redirects me to the google account chooser, but then I get, after selecting my account
null. That’s an error.
Error parsing the request, No SAML message present in request That’s all we know.
Sometimes I am not asked for a user account, so then I get the following from Nextcloud
Account not provisioned.
Your account is not provisioned, access to this service is thus not possible.
What worked for me is to configure Google having these attribute mappings
While on Nextcloud I configure SAML as follows

How can I get a long term refresh token for google search ads 360 api that doesn't expire?

I have created an app registration in google cloud and have managed to authenticate when using the test scope by changing the redirect url to localhost:8080 and acquiring an access token and a refresh token. The problem is that the refresh token expires when using the test scope, so I switched to the production scope, and now I get an error no matter what url I list as an authorized domain.
The only solution I can find so far is to switch back to the test environment (Google oAuth 2.0 API Authentication Error: Error 400 - redirect_uri_mismatch (does not comply with policy) DJANGO APP), but that doesn't work for me for the reasons above.
Does anyone know how to get a permanent refresh token in production scope for sa 360?
Any help would be much appreciated.

WSO2 IS SAML2.0 Deactivates user after single login

I downloaded WSO2 IS, took care of all the prerequisites and started it using "wso2server.bat --run" command.
It's running and I am able to configure it in Management Console as Identity Provider (SAML 2.0). I also added my app as Service Provider (SAML 2.0). SSO seems to be working - I navigate to my app, it redirects to WSO2 IS where I log in using default admin/admin. I am then redirected to assertion service in my app when I am authenticating a user. Everything great so far!
The problem is that when I close the browser (using incognito mode) and try to repeat that process and login to WSO2 IS using the same user (admin/admin) I get error message:
"Login failed! Please recheck the username and password and try again."
I also get similar message in console:
[2018-02-08 15:57:39,258] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.common.listener.SCIMUserOperationListener} - Trying to login from an inactive account of user: admin
How is that possible? It looks like the second I use given user during SSO process - that account gets deactivated. I can't even login to WSO2 IS Management Console.
I did not change any configuration other than mentioned above.
I would appreciate any help.

Application using SSO Cloud directory throwing Authorization error

I have successfully created, configured and integrated SSO with my application at ( My project url is I have created user Manoj while setting up SSO.
Details are as follows:
Username: Manoj
Password: welcome2ibm11
Once user is logging in to the application, it keeps on giving an "Authorization Failed" message.
Where and how to resolve the issue?
The same thing happens with other users created while configuring SSO, like
Username: Suruchi
Password: welcome2ibm
I was able to access this project successfully using username Manoj one day ago, but now it's throwing the authorization error.
It seems the application you provided above is working when signing in with user id and password you provided.
Are you still seeing errors? If so please provide more detailed information including error you are seeing.

What does this SSO error mean? - CTJSO1502E The authentication process to the configuration dashboard failed

I'm just starting up with Bluemix Single Sign On (SSO). Whenever I'm accessing the SSO console using Safari I get a popup with the error below.
CTJSO1502E The authentication process to the configuration dashboard failed
I do not get this error when accessing the SSO console using my firefox browser.
I've already cleared the cache in Safari. Can anyone give me a pointer or something else to try to get past this?
As it turns out the solution in Safari is that I needed to enable third-party cookies to access the SSO interface.
The iframe containing the SSO service dashboard comes to the overall Bluemix console ( from a host on a different DNS domain ( Session cookies for the dashboard get blocked unless 3rd party cookies are allowed, or at least permitted from