Read Google spreadsheet with Unity3D [closed] - plugins

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to read google spreadsheets in unity, for example read cell B3 or A4.
What code, method or plugin, can I use?
Thanks <3

I wrote a DLL for unity that can read spreadsheets is here:
To use import the DLL in your assets folder and write a script like this:
string url = "your google sheet tsv link";
void Start()
GoogleSheets gs = this.gameObject.AddComponent<GoogleSheets>();
gs.GetCell(url, 2, 3, OnRead);
void OnRead(string link, int r, int c, string data)
if(data != "")
Enjoy it ;)


what is the unicode for file attachment symbol [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to get the unicode of file attachment symbol for my ios app.
I am making an chat app where i need to provide file attachment symbol
to upload files.
can anyone give the unicode for this.
I got the answer. Hope it will be helpul for someone else -
Unicode U+1F4CE
You can refer this link
Copy it to the clipboard:

Hi Does anyone have an example of uploading a video file to Amazon S3 using swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to upload a video file to Amazon S3.
Please send an example using Swift
Try to download this framework: AFAmazonS3Manager
Then add a bridge header to your code this way
Now just use this framework from Swift, it'll be very simple with Xcode auto-complete, something like this:
var s3Manager : AFAmazonS3Manager = AFAmazonS3Manager(
initWithAccessKeyID: "your access key", secret: "your secret key");
s3Manager.requestSerializer.region = AFAmazonS3USWest1Region;
s3Manager.requestSerializer.bucket = "my-bucket-name";
s3Manager.postObjectWithFile( the docs..);
It's all here:
Including the way to install the SDK (there are links to all the requirements)

META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary source code? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In the of android update file update-binary executable files is present in the path META-INF/com/google/android/. The will be downloaded by the system and later update will be installed in the system. I need help in understanding the update-binary file and its uses. Can any body help me out with this as well as the corresponding source code? It will be good if any body share the source code link.
This script language is called Edify and the update-binary code is here:
More about it:

Looking for a library for vCard generation and parsing in Objective-C, C, C++ (for iPhone) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to be able to parse a vCard from a string and produce a string representation for a vCard.
Check out this library, I'm not the creator but i've used and it works just fine. Just take a look in the comments as there is a error that needs fixing in the library.

Any free way to disable copying text in .pdf? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm providing a free sample page that will be downloaded from my website that is in .pdf format. I want to prevent users from selecting and copying the text content of that document. How can I do this for free?
Convert the text to image before fetching it as a PDF.
With Adobe Acrobat, you can create passwords to protect pdf files. But others can still use some pdf tools to crack passwords. Look at this article.