How to auto execute commands after opening a file in GNU Emacs - emacs

How to do something like this: auto execute commands (split-window-right) (follow-mode) (visual-line-mode) after opening a file.

One way to do it is to write your own "open file" command:
(defun my-find-file ()
"Like `find-file', but splits screen and enables Follow Mode."
(call-interactively #'find-file)
(visual-line-mode 1))
You can bind it to C-x C-f:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") #'my-find-file)
I've used follow-delete-other-windows-and-split rather than split-window-right and follow-mode and the latter doesn't work that well when a frame already contains multiple windows.
Also, you might consider enabling visual-line-mode using other mechanisms like mode-specific hooks or global-visual-line-mode.


How to Zoom in /out in emacs -nw (command line only) whithout having a numeric keypad (or mouse wheel)? [duplicate]

This s-expression in my .emacs file does not produce the desired result:
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-=") 'djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop)
Why can't I bind a command to Ctrl+=?
EDIT for clarification:
I am using emacs23-nox on the standard build of urxvt-256colors for Debian, except that I have recompiled with --disable-iso405776 (or something to that effect) it so that Ctrl+Shift doesn't do the weird 'insert character' thing. I don't know if this affects anything. For example, C-M-i sends M-TAB, which I don't understand.
I apologize for not making this clear. The function djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop has the line (interactive) in it. This part works.
The accepted answer in combination with the link in the first comment to it is enough to get started on a complete solution. The steps are:
make your terminal output escape codes for the key
make Emacs recognise the escape codes as a standard keypress
bind the keypress in a mode map
The first is very terminal and/or operating system dependent.
The link in the first comment shows some examples for X Window System. The key names are available in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h (or try locate keysymdef.h), prefixed with XK_ (which should be removed for our purposes). I read that symbolic names are preferred over key literals.
I don't currently run X but I think it should look like this in your case:
XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override \
Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> equal: string(0x1b) string("[emacs-C-=")\n
The first string is the escape, the second is of your choosing.
In iTerm you can use Preferences->Keys and choose Send Escape Sequence as the Action. For example, I have:
Emacs Wiki lists some configuration methods for other terminals.
Now you can teach Emacs to recognize it as a C-=. First define-key into input-decode-map. I have a couple of helper functions:
(defun my/global-map-and-set-key (key command &optional prefix suffix)
"`my/map-key' KEY then `global-set-key' KEY with COMMAND.
PREFIX or SUFFIX can wrap the key when passing to `global-set-key'."
(my/map-key key)
(global-set-key (kbd (concat prefix key suffix)) command))
(defun my/map-key (key)
"Map KEY from escape sequence \"\e[emacs-KEY\."
(define-key function-key-map (concat "\e[emacs-" key) (kbd key)))
So then:
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-=" 'some-function-to-bind-to)
Some keys (currently: ()\|;'`"#.,) will need escaping in the string, like C-\..
In a terminal, TAB is represented by the same byte sequence as C-i. And typically the terminal has no special byte-sequence for C-=, so it will just send a =. There is nothing that Emacs can do about it. But you might be able to teach your terminal emulator to send some special byte sequence of your choice (check the documentation of your terminal emulator for that), after which you can teach Emacs to recognize it as a C-= (with something like (define-key input-decode-map "...thebytes..." [?\C-=])).
The problem is that you use emacs in the terminal.
The terminal does not allow "C-=".
Try your function in the graphical emacs and it will work.
You will have to find another keybinding for the terminal.
You can map C-= using the default ascii codes: ^[[61;5u. Then you can bind it in Emacs either using:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-=") 'djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop))
or let use-package do it, e.g.:
(use-package expand-region
:ensure t
:bind (("C-=" . er/expand-region)))
I do want to thank Sam Brightman, for his wonderful solution. It's a very clean, albeit heavy-handed, approach that will work for any keys that cannot be sent via normal ascii codes. I've been wanting to get C-TAB working inside iterm2 for a long time. I was able to do it by deleting the builtin preferences keys for C-TAB/C-S-TAB and using his approach. With the following, I can be ssh'd into remote Linux boxes and quickly switch through lots of open buffers in projects, just like a desktop editor.
(use-package nswbuff
:defer 1
:after (projectile)
:commands (nswbuff-switch-to-previous-buffer
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-TAB" 'nswbuff-switch-to-previous-buffer)
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-S-TAB" 'nswbuff-switch-to-next-buffer))
(setq nswbuff-display-intermediate-buffers t
nswbuff-exclude-buffer-regexps '("^ "
nswbuff-include-buffer-regexps '("^*Org Src")
nswbuff-start-with-current-centered t
nswbuff-buffer-list-function '(lambda ()
(if (projectile-project-p)
The function you're binding must be interactive. Try:
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-=")
(lambda () (interactive) (djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop)))

Bind File -> Open File with GUI dialog to C-o as global-set-key

I want to bind GUI dialog File -> Open File to Ctrl + o
I can (global-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'find-file) but I want it exactly with gui.
How can I do it?
File -> Open File is just a GUI binding to find-file.
By binding it to "C-o", you can then open a file using "C-o". However, this will only bring up the standard find-file interface, which uses the echo area.
In order to also get a GUI dialogue box, you need to get emacs to think that find-file has been clicked, rather than invoked by keyboard. The solution to that can be found in
Emacs M-x commands for invoking "GUI-style" menus.
Putting the two together (i.e. put them in your .emacs file and evaluate them):
(global-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'find-file)
(defadvice find-file-read-args (around find-file-read-args-always-use-dialog-box act)
"Simulate invoking menu item as if by the mouse; see `use-dialog-box'."
(let ((last-nonmenu-event nil))
Note, C-o is already bound to open-line - which will 'insert a newline and leave point before it`.
Following the comment by #squidy, here is the complete answer to what the OP asks (tested on emacs 24.3.1):
(global-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'menu-find-file-existing)
(defadvice find-file-read-args (around find-file-read-args-always-use-dialog-box act)
"Simulate invoking menu item as if by the mouse; see `use-dialog-box'."
(let ((last-nonmenu-event nil))

Emacs: Keyboard shortcut to run ansi-term with a specific shell

I would like to associate a keyboard binding in Emacs (e.g. C-c a) that automatically starts an ansi-term window with a shell that I have pre-specified in my .emacs file (without prompting anything)
For reference, there are two threads in StackOverflow that address similar problems:
Remote ssh connection from within Emacs
Emacs: Default binary to run with M-x ansi-term
but it isn't obvious to me how to combine the ideas in those threads to get an answer to my question.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") '(lambda () (interactive) (ansi-term "/bin/zsh")))
I suggest you to use multi-term. As its name implies, it lets you deal with multiple term using ansi-term.
Here is a small configuration:
(require 'multi-term)
(eval-after-load "multi-term"
'(setq multi-term-program "/bin/bash"
term-unbind-key-list '("C-x"
term-term-name "xterm-256color"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'multi-term-next)
My whole configuration for multi-term is
(compilation-shell-minor-mode is really nice).

How do I bind C-= in emacs?

This s-expression in my .emacs file does not produce the desired result:
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-=") 'djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop)
Why can't I bind a command to Ctrl+=?
EDIT for clarification:
I am using emacs23-nox on the standard build of urxvt-256colors for Debian, except that I have recompiled with --disable-iso405776 (or something to that effect) it so that Ctrl+Shift doesn't do the weird 'insert character' thing. I don't know if this affects anything. For example, C-M-i sends M-TAB, which I don't understand.
I apologize for not making this clear. The function djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop has the line (interactive) in it. This part works.
The accepted answer in combination with the link in the first comment to it is enough to get started on a complete solution. The steps are:
make your terminal output escape codes for the key
make Emacs recognise the escape codes as a standard keypress
bind the keypress in a mode map
The first is very terminal and/or operating system dependent.
The link in the first comment shows some examples for X Window System. The key names are available in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h (or try locate keysymdef.h), prefixed with XK_ (which should be removed for our purposes). I read that symbolic names are preferred over key literals.
I don't currently run X but I think it should look like this in your case:
XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override \
Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> equal: string(0x1b) string("[emacs-C-=")\n
The first string is the escape, the second is of your choosing.
In iTerm you can use Preferences->Keys and choose Send Escape Sequence as the Action. For example, I have:
Emacs Wiki lists some configuration methods for other terminals.
Now you can teach Emacs to recognize it as a C-=. First define-key into input-decode-map. I have a couple of helper functions:
(defun my/global-map-and-set-key (key command &optional prefix suffix)
"`my/map-key' KEY then `global-set-key' KEY with COMMAND.
PREFIX or SUFFIX can wrap the key when passing to `global-set-key'."
(my/map-key key)
(global-set-key (kbd (concat prefix key suffix)) command))
(defun my/map-key (key)
"Map KEY from escape sequence \"\e[emacs-KEY\."
(define-key function-key-map (concat "\e[emacs-" key) (kbd key)))
So then:
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-=" 'some-function-to-bind-to)
Some keys (currently: ()\|;'`"#.,) will need escaping in the string, like C-\..
In a terminal, TAB is represented by the same byte sequence as C-i. And typically the terminal has no special byte-sequence for C-=, so it will just send a =. There is nothing that Emacs can do about it. But you might be able to teach your terminal emulator to send some special byte sequence of your choice (check the documentation of your terminal emulator for that), after which you can teach Emacs to recognize it as a C-= (with something like (define-key input-decode-map "...thebytes..." [?\C-=])).
The problem is that you use emacs in the terminal.
The terminal does not allow "C-=".
Try your function in the graphical emacs and it will work.
You will have to find another keybinding for the terminal.
You can map C-= using the default ascii codes: ^[[61;5u. Then you can bind it in Emacs either using:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-=") 'djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop))
or let use-package do it, e.g.:
(use-package expand-region
:ensure t
:bind (("C-=" . er/expand-region)))
I do want to thank Sam Brightman, for his wonderful solution. It's a very clean, albeit heavy-handed, approach that will work for any keys that cannot be sent via normal ascii codes. I've been wanting to get C-TAB working inside iterm2 for a long time. I was able to do it by deleting the builtin preferences keys for C-TAB/C-S-TAB and using his approach. With the following, I can be ssh'd into remote Linux boxes and quickly switch through lots of open buffers in projects, just like a desktop editor.
(use-package nswbuff
:defer 1
:after (projectile)
:commands (nswbuff-switch-to-previous-buffer
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-TAB" 'nswbuff-switch-to-previous-buffer)
(my/global-map-and-set-key "C-S-TAB" 'nswbuff-switch-to-next-buffer))
(setq nswbuff-display-intermediate-buffers t
nswbuff-exclude-buffer-regexps '("^ "
nswbuff-include-buffer-regexps '("^*Org Src")
nswbuff-start-with-current-centered t
nswbuff-buffer-list-function '(lambda ()
(if (projectile-project-p)
The function you're binding must be interactive. Try:
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-=")
(lambda () (interactive) (djhaskin987-untab-to-tab-stop)))

Set custom keybinding for specific Emacs mode

Though I know how to set a global key-binding in Emacs, I find it hard to even Google out the code for a local (minor-mode specific) key-binding. For instance, I have this code in my .emacs:
;; PDFLaTeX from AucTeX
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c M-p")
(lambda ()
(shell-command (concat "pdflatex " buffer-file-name))))
I don't want to set it globally. Is there a function like local-set-key?
I use the following:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-0") #'run-latexmk)))
to have a bind defined for LaTeX mode alone.
To bind a key in a mode, you need to wait for the mode to be loaded before defining the key. One could require the mode, or use eval-after-load
(eval-after-load 'latex
'(define-key LaTeX-mode-map [(tab)] 'outline-cycle))
Don't forget either '—eval-after-load is not a macro, so it needs them.
You need to identify the key map for that mode (for example, LaTeX-mode-map) and use the function define-key. As an example, along with activating outline-minor-mode within LaTeX mode, I have:
(define-key LaTeX-mode-map [(tab)] 'outline-cycle))
In this case the major mode (LaTeX) holds the key binding, but there is also an outline-minor-mode-map.
None of the other answers satisfied my needs. So this may help other people. I wanted Tab to jump to the beginning of the line if I'm in Evil's normal mode (basically this means everywhere in Emacs), but I instead wanted it to cycle between org item states if I am in an org-mode document.
One option was to mess around with separate bindings and constant binding-rebinding whenever I switched buffers (because evil allows only one binding per key in its normal state).
But a more efficient option was to make Tab run my own code which runs the required function based on which major mode the current buffer uses. So if I am in a org buffer, this code runs org-cycle, and otherwise it runs evil-first-non-blank (go to the first non-whitespace character on the line).
The technique I used here can also be used by calling your custom function via global-set-key instead, for people who use regular non-evil Emacs.
For those who don't know Emacs lisp, the first line after the "if" statement is the true-action, and the line after that is the false-action. So if major-mode equals org-mode, we run org-cycle, otherwise we run evil-first-non-blank in all other modes:
(defun my/tab-jump-or-org-cycle ()
"jumps to beginning of line in all modes except org mode, where it cycles"
(if (equal major-mode 'org-mode)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "<tab>") 'my/tab-jump-or-org-cycle)