Send notification through Azure Notification Hub in new Portal - azure-notificationhub

How to use 'test send' tile/option in the Azure Notification hub. Where to add the Registration ID/ Token ID in the Portal. How to use it. Please suggest me some articles on this. Here is the exact picture
I just started using Notification hub. I don't prior experience on push notifications or azure notification service.

When you register device on azure push notification service - it creates new entity on its notification hub.
This entity has 3 main fields: registrationId, deviceTokens and tags.
Test send works with tokens. Tokens are just like tags in Instagram or Stackoverflow. You can pass there something like user name and send on all user devices by one send.
Also you can pass device token in tag, or regId. So you can test send test notification on selected device.
P.S. Best way to work with azure services: Visual Studio. You can connect your azure hub, watch the list of your registered devices (regId, deviceToken, tokens and expiration dates(you can not do it in azure console)) (also you can use test send by VS)


Firebase Cloud Massaging - Push Notifications Server Keys Handle

I want to add push notification to my app with Firebase Cloud Messaging but I don't know the right way to set this up.
My App Logic is: I have multiple customers (companies) who host their own server's own database and their own users. Some of the employees of the different customers will download the app to receive push notifications from their company's server which implements the firebase admin SDK to send push notifications.
How is it possible to handle all customers from one FCB or is it even possible?
So the customer can just enter the created „server key/topic or project id / UUID“ to his server configuration and can receive the push notification.
They should also not be allowed to see any data from other customers or send messages to them.
At the end of the day, I need to handle all customer
Using the Admin SDK allows one to send messages, it does not allow you to receive messages. So from that perspective it sounds like the approach suits your needs.
The customers using the Admin SDK will also get full administrative access to your entire Firebase project though. So if you use any other Firebase products aside from Cloud Messaging, that would be a security risk.

Using outlook rest notifications api

I created a function in azure functions that is triggered by http request.
Also I have a web app that used for clients to subscribe to my app.
My app and web app is written in .net.
My goal is to set a subscription button in the web app, so when the user subscribe it would allow me to get push notifications about new mail in his outlook inbox folder and send http requests to my azure function that includes the content of the newly received mail.
I read the doc about this API but couldnt understand it and what should I do to get my goal. Also I didn't find any examples for this.
How can I achieve my goal?
There are two options you can try for your scenario :
Option 1: you can create Function APP with Outlook connector and Microsoft flow ( you can listen for new emails using Office 365 API -> "When New Email arrives" and also can be posted the payload using http trigger function
Option 2:
Creating Push notification in your app when you received, you can push the payload to
Azure by a wehbook using Webjobs or Functions
Documentation Outlook REST API V2.0 : Push Notification
To play around with REST API use this URL :
good luck

How to get callback information on how many notifications sent to which user?

I am using Azure Notification Hub for sending mobile notification from Node.js. I am using Tags when I send Notification, I need to store how many users received notification. But in the callback, I am not getting any information.
Is there any way to get this information?
What Billing subscription are you using for Azure Notification Hubs? Only the standard billing tier provides detailed telemetry.
All Azure Notification Hubs is going to know is that the PNS accepted the notification. You should update your client application to send results to the backend application when the notification arrives on device.

Sending a notification Via Push API or Push-bullet when a new GitHub release is published for a repo?

One problem with our app was that it was published on Github, so the users have to actively check for a new update. Then it shook me, what if we send a notification (automatically) when releasing a new version of the app? But it was a lot complicated than what I expected. I would like to do this via our apps website.
You need to setup a webhook associated to a release event.
The URL of that webhook must reference a server you control, and on which you have installed dgryski/ghpbhook
This is a endpoint for github and bitbucket post-receive webhook notifications.
It uses PushBullet to send a summary of the commits to your Android device.
You need to adapt that project in order to decode a release payload (instead of a commit payload).
But it gives you an idea of:
how to listen for the webhook JSON payload
how to send a notification through PushBullet

Why is the Azure Notification Hub backend registration process 2-legged?

I'm trying to use my .NET backend to register/send push notifications to my mobile devices.
Therefore, i'm following this article.
From my understanding:
POST: api/register registers the PNS handle the device has with Notification Hub.
PUT api/register/{registrationId} creates or updates the registration with Notification Hub.
Now my question is, why does this need to be a 2 stepped process?
Why can't the app on start/load, simply always call POST: api/register with the PNS handle, which can then create the registrationId (if necessary), and then use the existing (or newly created) registrationId to create the registration with ANH? Why does the app even need to store the registrationId?
Can someone please un-confuse me :)
As for the Put and Post in the article, it is to separate the registration id creation (POST) and registration id registration (PUT).
As for the REST APIs for Notification Hubs, will be the "create and update" that you are talking about.