Non-linear constrained optimization in Matlab - matlab

Given a function f(k',w') = ((k'-k)^2+(w'-w)^2)^(1/2), where k and w are known real parameters. The objective is to find a couple (k',w') such that f(k',w') is minimal under the following constraints
b(v,s,w') < 10s <=> w'< 10s
b(v,s,w')< a(v,s,k')^2 <=> (w'-10s)-(k'-3)^2/s < 0
q( a(v,s,k'),b(v,s,w')) < s[v^(1/2)]
where b(v,s,w') = (v/s)(w'-10s) and a(v,s,k') = (1/s)(k'-3)v^(1/2). Above that, v (=vari) > 0 and s (=skew) < 0 are known parameters. Furthermore q(a,b) is a root of the quartic polynomial:
(48a^2 + 16b)x^4 + (-40a^3 - 168ab)x^3 + (-45a^4 + 225a^2b + 72b^2)x^2 + (27a^3b - 162ab^2)x + 27b^3.
To be more precise, whenever the quartic has four real roots then q is the second greatest root. If the quartic has two real and two complex roots then q is the greatest real root. The problem is that the algebraic expressions for q are quite monstrous. Ideally, I would like an analytical solution for the above non-linear constrained optimization problem. However, I think that might turn out quite ugly. Therefore, I thought it was better to do it numerically with Matlab by using constrained optimizers such as fmincon.
f = #(x) sqrt((x(1)-hyp_skew)^2+(x(2)-kurt)^2);
A = [1,0];
d = 10*skew;
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
ub = [];
lb = [];
[x,fval,exitflag] = fmincon(f,[w,k],A,d,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,#(x)quarticcondition2(x,skew,vari),options);
where the (non-linear) optimization function is given by
function [c, ceq] = quarticcondition2(x,skew,vari)
av = ((x(2)-3)*sqrt(vari))/skew;
bv = (vari/skew)*(x(1)-10*skew);
A = (-40*av^3-168*av*bv)/(48*av^2+16*bv);
B = (-45*av^4+225*av^2*bv+72*bv^2)/(48*av^2+16*bv);
C = (27*av^3*bv-162*av*bv^2)/(48*av^2+16*bv);
D = (27*bv^3)/(48*av^2+16*bv);
roots_quartic = roots([1,A,B,C,D]);
z = imag(roots_quartic);
in = find(z ~= 0);
if isempty(in)
r = sort(roots_quartic);
c2 = r(2)-skew*sqrt(vari);
index = find(z == 0);
c2 = max(roots_quartic(index))-skew*sqrt(vari);
c1 = ((x(2)-3)^2/skew)-(x(1)-10*skew);
c = [c1 c2];
ceq = [];
My code works for some initial parameter sets [w,k]. However, finding this initial parameter set turns out to be quite difficult (since the constraints are hard to handle). I need to run the program for quite some possible scenarios, hence it would be nice to have some logic in choosing my starting values. I know this is a well known issue when using optimization solvers. However, is there a good/proper way to find start values?


How to use integral2 to evaluate integral of (apparently) non-vectorized functions?

I've noticed some weird facts about integral2. These are probably due to my limitations in understanding how it works. I have some difficulties in integrating out variables when I have particular functions. For instance, look at the following Code:
function Output = prova(p,Y)
x = p(1);
y = p(2);
w = p(3);
z = p(4);
F1 = #(Data,eta_1,eta_2,x,y,w,z) F2(eta_1,eta_2,Data) .* normpdf(eta_1,x,y) .* normpdf(eta_2,w,z);
Output = integral2(#(eta_1,eta_2)F1(Y,eta_1,eta_2,0,1,10,2),-5,5,-5,5);
function O = F2(pp1,pp2,D)
O = pp1 + pp2 + sum(D);
In this case the are no problems in evaluating the integral. But if I change the code in this way I obtain some errors, although the output of F2 is exactly the same:
function Output = prova(p,Y)
x = p(1);
y = p(2);
w = p(3);
z = p(4);
F1 = #(Data,eta_1,eta_2,x,y,w,z) F2(eta_1,eta_2,Data) .* normpdf(eta_1,x,y) .* normpdf(eta_2,w,z);
Output = integral2(#(eta_1,eta_2)F1(Y,eta_1,eta_2,0,1,10,2),-5,5,-5,5);
function O = F2(pp1,pp2,D)
o = sum([pp1 pp2]);
O = o + sum(D);
The problems increase if F2 for example have some matrix multiplication in which "eta_1" and "eta_2", which I want to integrate out, are involved. This problems makes practically impossible to solve computations in which, for instance, we have to integrate out a variable X which is inside a Likelihood Function (whose calculation could require some internal Loop, or Sum, or Prod involving our variable X). What is the solution?

Trying to minimise a function wrt 2 variables for robust portfolio optimisation. How to do this with fmincon?

I am currently involved in a group project where we have to conduct portfolio selection and optimisation. The paper being referenced is given here: (specifically page 5 and 6, equations 7-10)
We are having trouble creating the optimisation problem using M-Portfolios, given below
min (wrt w,m) (1/T) * sum_(rho)*(w'*r_t - m) (Sorry I couldn't get the formatting to work)
s.t. w'e = 1 (just a condition saying that all weights add to 1)
So far, this is what we have attempted:
function optPortfolio = portfoliofminconM(returns,theta)
% Compute the inputs of the mean-variance model
mu = mean(returns)';
sigma = cov(returns);
% Inputs for the fmincon function
T = 120;
n = length(mu);
w = theta(1:n);
m = theta((n+1):(2*n));
c = 0.01*ones(1,n);
Aeq = ones(1,(2*n));
beq = 1;
lb = zeros(2,n);
ub = ones(2,n);
x0 = ones(n,2) / n; % Start with the equally-weighted portfolio
options = optimset('Algorithm', 'interior-point', ...
'MaxIter', 1E10, 'MaxFunEvals', 1E10);
% Nested function which is used as the objective function
function objValue = objfunction(w,m)
cRp = (w'*(returns - (ones(T,1)*m'))';
objValue = 0;
for i = 1:T
if abs(cRp(i)) <= c;
objValue = objValue + (((cRp(i))^2)/2);
objValue = objValue + (c*(abs(cRp(i))-(c/2)));
The problem starts at our definitions for theta being used as a vector of w and m. We don't know how to use fmincon with 2 variables in the objective function properly. In addition, the value of the objective function is conditional on another value (as shown in the paper) and this needs to be done over a rolling time window of 120 months for a total period of 264 months.(hence the for-loop and if-else)
If any more information is required, I will gladly provide it!
If you can additionally provide an example that deals with a similar problem, can you please link us to it.
Thank you in advance.
The way you minimize a function of two scalars with fmincon is to write your objective function as a function of a single, two-dimensional vector. For example, you would write f(x,y) = x.^2 + 2*x*y + y.^2 as f(x) = x(1)^2 + 2*x(1)*x(2) + x(2)^2.
More generally, you would write a function of two vectors as a function of a single, large vector. In your case, you could rewrite your objfunction or do a quick hack like:
objfunction_for_fmincon = #(x) objfunction(x(1:n), x(n+1:2*n));

MATLAB - Finding Zero of Sum of Functions by Iteration

I am trying to sum a function and then attempting to find the root of said function. That is, for example, take:
Consider that I have a matrix,X, and vector,t, of values: X(2*n+1,n+1), t(n+1)
for j = 1:n+1
sum = 0;
for i = 1:2*j+1
f = #(g)exp[-exp[X(i,j)+g]*(t(j+1)-t(j))];
sum = sum + f;
That is,
I want to evaluate at
j = 1
f = #(g)exp[-exp[X(1,1)+g]*(t(j+1)-t(j))]
j = 2
f = #(g)exp[-exp[X(1,2)+g]*(t(j+1)-t(j))] + exp[-exp[X(2,2)+g]*(t(j+1)-t(j))] + exp[-exp[X(3,2)+g]*(t(j+1)-t(j))]
j = 3
However, I have no idea how to actually implement this in practice.
Any help is appreciated!
PS - I do not have the symbolic toolbox in Matlab.
I suggest making use of matlab's array operations:
zerovec = zeros(1,n+1); %preallocate
for k = 1:n+1
f = #(y) sum(exp(-exp(X(1:2*k+1,k)+y)*(t(k+1)-t(k))));
zerovec(k) = fzero(f,0);
However, note that the sum of exponentials will never be zero, unless the exponent is complex. Which fzero will never find, so the question is a bit of a moot point.
Another solution is to write a function:
function [ sum ] = func(j,g,t,X)
sum = 0;
for i = 0:2*j
f = exp(-exp(X(i+1,j+1)+g)*(t(j+3)-t(j+2)));
sum = sum + f;
Then loop your solver
for j=0:n
fun = #(g)func(j,g,t,X);

MATLAB Discretizing Sine Function with +/-

Hello I am relatively new to MATLAB and have received and assignment in which we could use any programming language. I would like to continue MATLAB and have decided to use it for this assignment. The questions has to do with the following formula:
x(t) = A[1+a1*E(t)]*sin{w[1+a2*E(t)]*t+y}(+/-)a3*E(t)
The first question we have is to develop an appropriate discretization of x(t) with a time step h. I think i understand how to do this using step but because there is a +/- in the end I am running into errors. Here is what I have (I have simplified the equation by assigning arbitrary values to each variable):
A = 1;
E = 1;
a1 = 1;
a2 = 2;
a3 = 3;
w = 1;
y = 0;
% ts = .1;
% t = 0:ts:10;
t = 1:1:10;
x1(t) = A*(1+a1*E)*sin(w*(1+a2*E)*t+y);
x2(t) = a3*E;
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
The problem is I keep getting the following error because of the +/-:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in Try1 (line 21)
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
Any help?? Thanks!
You can remove the (t) from the left-hand side of all three assignments.
y = [x1+x2, x1-x2]
MATLAB knows what to do with vectors and matrices.
Or, if you want to write it out the long way, tell MATLAB there will be two columns:
y(t, 1:2) = [x1(t)'+x2(t)', x1(t)'-x2(t)']
or two rows:
y(1:2, t) = [x1(t)+x2(t); x1(t)-x2(t)]
But this won't work when you have fractional values of t. The value in parentheses is required to be the index, not a dependent variable. If you want the whole vector, just leave it out.

How to write a generalized code

I write a code for linear feedback shift register.My code is in below:
for i=1:X-1
In my code i can only use 6 shift register.I know for degree,n=2,3,4,6,7,15,22, the polynomial is x^n+x+1.As the polynomial is same for those degrees so i want to write a common code for all.
Matlab experts Please need your help.
Your problem is that you are making separate vectors for each register. Rather make a single matrix (i.e. D replaces all of your D1, D2, ..., Dn) so that you can loop:
X = 20;
n = 6;
D = zeros(X, n);
D(1,n) = 1;
for ii = 1:X-1
D(ii+1, 1:n-2) = D(ii, 2:n-1);
D(ii+1, n-1) = xor(D(ii,1), D(ii,n));
D(ii+1, n) = D(ii, 1);
E = D(:, end:-1:1)