A bug in Matlab comparison? - matlab

I write my own version ismember(find_element) in Matlab to check whether a row array a in matrix b or not, by comparing a with each row in b. If each element in a 'equals' each element of a row in b(if the absolute error is less than Tol), then return logic value 1 and row number.
However, when I test my code, I find that Matlab will return t=[1 1] when compare a=1.0e-11*[0.9063 0.0838] with B=[-1 0](B is the second row of b). Actually it gives correct absolute error error=[1.0000 0.0000], and clearly error(1) is greater than Tol=1e-6. Did I find a bug in Matlab? Or is there any error in my code?
The following is my find_element code:
function [Lia,Locb] = find_element(a,b)
%decide whether a is in b or not(compare each row); if in, return row number
%a: salar or row array
%b: column array or matrix
%Lia: 1 if a is in b, 0 if not
%Locb: location of a in b, row number if b is a matrix
Tol = 1e-6; %set tolerance when compare elements
Lia = 0;%initialization
Locb = 0;
t = zeros(size(a));%compare result of each element,logical array
for i = 1:size(b,1) %loop through each row
for j = 1:size(b,2) %compare each element in each row
if abs(a(j)-b(i,j))<Tol
t(j) = 1;
if t %all 1's
Lia = 1;%find a in b
Locb = i;%return row number
%test outputs
error = abs(a-b(i,:))
The test code is :
a = [9.06319429228031e-12 8.37879678833309e-13];
b = [0 1;-1 0;1 0;0 1];
[Lia Locb] = find_element(a,b)
the output is:
a =
1.0e-11 *
0.9063 0.0838
B =
-1 0
error =
1.0000 0.0000
t =
1 1
Lia =
Locb =

After converting # to %, I find that your code works in Matlab for the following examples. Please provide a clear reproducible answer or edit your question if your problem occurs in Octave.
>> a=1.0e-11*[0.9063 0.0838];
>> b=[-1 0];
>> [Lia, Locb] = find_element(a,b)
Lia =
Locb =
>> [Lia, Locb] = find_element([-1.000001 0],b)
a =
-1 0
B =
-1 0
error =
1e-06 0
t =
1 1
Lia =
Locb =

I find the problem in my code now: t need to be initialized before checking each row. By putting t = zeros(size(a)) inside the i loop, it works now.
for i = 1:size(b,1) %loop through each row
t = zeros(size(a));%compare result of each element,logical array
for j = 1:size(b,2) %compare each element in each row
Test and output:
>> a = [9.06319429228031e-12 8.37879678833309e-13];
>> b = [0 1;-1 0;1 0;0 1];
>> [Lia Locb] = find_element(a,b)
Lia =
Locb =


Compute matrix with symbolic variable

I have the following MATLAB script:
var_theta = sym('theta', [1,7]);
matrix_DH = computeDH(var_theta);
T_matrix = zeros(4,4,7);
for i = 1:7
T_matrix(:,:,i) = computeT(matrix_DH(i,1), matrix_DH(i,2), matrix_DH(i,3), matrix_DH(i,4));
function matrixT = computeT(alpha, d, r, theta)
matrixT = zeros(4,4);
matrixT(1,:) = [cos(theta) -1*sin(theta) 0 r]; % first row
matrixT(2,:) = [sin(theta)*cos(alpha) cos(theta)*cos(alpha) -sin(alpha) -d*sin(alpha)]; % 2n row
matrixT(3,:) = [sin(theta)*sin(alpha) cos(theta)*sin(alpha) cos(alpha) d*cos(alpha)]; % 3rd row
matrixT(4,:) = [0 0 0 1]; % last row
function DH = computeDH(theta)
DH = zeros(7,4);
L = 0.4;
M = 0.39;
DH(1,:) = [0.5*pi 0 0 theta(1,1)];
DH(2,:) = [-0.5*pi 0 0 theta(2)];
DH(3,:) = [-0.5*pi L 0 theta(3)];
DH(4,:) = [0.5*pi 0 0 theta(4)];
DH(5,:) = [0.5*pi M 0 theta(5)];
DH(6,:) = [-0.5*pi 0 0 theta(6)];
DH(7,:) = [0 0 0 theta(7)];
I would like to obtain the desired array of T_matrix without evaluating the theta's. My objective is that after getting the matrices, derivate each position by each theta in order to compute the Jacobian. So at the end I would like the resulting matrices as a function of the thetas. The problem is that whenever I insert the symbolic variable into the matrix it says:
The following error occurred converting from sym to double:
Unable to convert expression into double array.
Error in computeT_robotics>computeDH (line 21)
DH(1,:) = [0.5*pi, 0, 0, theta(1)];
As Anthony stated, the matrices that my theta is included in, need to be declared as sym as well in order to be able to save symbolic results.
Final code:
var_theta = sym('theta', [1,7]);
matrix_DH = computeDH(var_theta);
T_matrix = sym('T_matrix',[4 4 7]);
for i = 1:7
T_matrix(:,:,i) = computeT(matrix_DH(i,1), matrix_DH(i,2), matrix_DH(i,3), matrix_DH(i,4));
function matrixT = computeT(alpha, d, r, theta)
matrixT = sym('matrixT', [4 4]);
matrixT(1,:) = [cos(theta) -1*sin(theta) 0 r]; % first row
matrixT(2,:) = [sin(theta)*cos(alpha) cos(theta)*cos(alpha) -sin(alpha) -d*sin(alpha)]; % 2n row
matrixT(3,:) = [sin(theta)*sin(alpha) cos(theta)*sin(alpha) cos(alpha) d*cos(alpha)]; % 3rd row
matrixT(4,:) = [0 0 0 1]; % last row
function DH = computeDH(theta)
DH = sym('DH',[7 4]);
L = 0.4;
M = 0.39;
DH(1,:) = [0.5*pi 0 0 theta(1,1)];
DH(2,:) = [-0.5*pi 0 0 theta(2)];
DH(3,:) = [-0.5*pi L 0 theta(3)];
DH(4,:) = [0.5*pi 0 0 theta(4)];
DH(5,:) = [0.5*pi M 0 theta(5)];
DH(6,:) = [-0.5*pi 0 0 theta(6)];
DH(7,:) = [0 0 0 theta(7)];

Setting Table Values using Loops with Index Vectors in Matlab

I've a series of coordinates (i,j) and I want to loop through each one.
For example
A = ones(3,3);
i = [1 2 3];
j = [3 2 1];
I tried with this but it doesn't work:
for (i = i && j = j)
A(i,j) = 0;
I also tried this but it doens't work as expected:
for i = i
for j = j
A(i,j) = 0;
Desired result:
A =
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
Although A is a matrix in this example, I am working with table data.
The correct syntax to do what you want is:
A = ones(3,3);
i = [1 2 3];
j = [3 2 1];
for ii = 1:length( i )
A( i(ii) , j(ii) ) = 0;
Essentially you loop through each element and index i and j accordingly using ii. ii loops through 1..3 indexing each element.
This will give the a final result below.
>> A
A =
1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
While this works and fixes your issue, I would recommend rayryeng's alternate solution with conversions if you don't have more complex operations involved.
Though this doesn't answer your question about for loops, I would avoid using loops all together and create column-major linear indices to access into your matrix. Use sub2ind to help facilitate that. sub2ind takes in the size of the matrix in question, the row locations and column locations. The output will be an array of values that specify the column-major locations to access in your matrix.
A = ones(3); i = [1 2 3]; j = [3 2 1]; %// Your code
%// New code
ind = sub2ind(size(A), i, j);
A(ind) = 0;
Given that you have a table, you can perhaps convert the table into an array, apply sub2ind on this array then convert the result back to a table when you're done. table2array and array2table are useful tools here. Given that your table is stored in A, you can try:
Atemp = table2array(A);
ind = sub2ind(size(Atemp), i, j);
Atemp(ind) = 0;
A = array2table(Atemp);

Create a zero-filled 2D array with ones at positions indexed by a vector

I'm trying to vectorize the following MATLAB operation:
Given a column vector with indexes, I want a matrix with the
same number of rows of the column and a fixed number of columns. The
matrix is initialized with zeroes and contains ones in the locations
specified by the indexes.
Here is an example of the script I've already written:
y = [1; 3; 2; 1; 3];
m = size(y, 1);
% For loop
yvec = zeros(m, 3);
for i=1:m
yvec(i, y(i)) = 1;
The desired result is:
yvec =
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
Is it possible to achieve the same result without the for loop? I tried something like this:
% Vectorization (?)
yvec2 = zeros(m, 3);
yvec2(:, y(:)) = 1;
but it doesn't work.
Two approaches you can use here.
Approach 1:
y = [1; 3; 2; 1; 3];
yvec = zeros(numel(y),3);
Approach 2 (One-liner):
yvec = bsxfun(#eq, 1:3,y)
Yet another approach:
yvec = full(sparse(1:numel(y),y,1));
You could do this with accumarray:
yvec = accumarray([(1:numel(y)).' y], 1);
I did it this way:
classes_count = 10;
sample_count = 20;
y = randi([1 classes_count], 1, sample_count);
y_onehot = zeros(classes_count, size(y, 2));
idx = sub2ind(size(y_onehot), y, [1:size(y, 2)]);
y_onehot(idx) = 1

Don't know how to Correct : "In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same."

I saw other topics about this error but I couldn't figure it out. The error "In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same" occurs at the second for loop. How can I change my code to avoid this error?
h1 = [70 31.859 15 5.774 3.199 2.15 1.626];
h2 = [31.859 15 5.774 3.199 2.15 1.626 1.415];
b = [1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253];
R = [455.4 425.6 377.6 374.9 371.3 273.7 268.3];
r = [0.5448714286 0.5291754292 0.6150666667 0.4459646692 0.3279149734 0.2437209302 0.1297662977];
k = [200 200 200 200 200 200 200];
s = sqrt(r/(1-r));
v2 = [20 0 0 0 0 0 0];
v1 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Ch1 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Ch2 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
C = [100 100 100 100 100 100 100];
F = b .* k .* sqrt(R-(h1-h2))- R.*sin((acos((R-((h1-h2)./2))./R))) .* (pi/2) .* (1./sqrt(r./(1-r))) .* (atan(sqrt(r./(1-r))))-(pi/4) - (1./(sqrt(r./(1-r)) .* sqrt(h2./R))).* log((h2+R.*((sqrt(h1./R).*tan(1/2 .* atan(sqrt(r./(1-r)).*sqrt(h1./r).*log(1./(1-k))))).^2).*sqrt(1-r))./h2)
M = -R.*R.*(k./2).*(.2*(sqrt(h2./R)*tan(0.5*(atan(s)))-(pi/8).*sqrt(h2./R).*log(1./1-r)))-(acos((R-((h1-h2)./2))./R))
for i=1:6
v1(i) = ((v2(i)*h2)/h1);
v2(i+1) = v1(i);
vr = ((v1.*h1)./h2)./(((tan(0.5.*((atan(s)))-(pi/8).*sqrt(h2./R).*log(1./(1-r)))).^(2))+1)
% Calculating E
w = (((2.*R.*h2).^(3/2))./(300.*(b.^2)))
if (w <= (3*10^-4));
E = ((0.0821.*((log(w))^2))+(1.25.*log(w))+4.89)
if ((3*10^-4)<= w <= (2.27*10^-3));
E = ((0.0172.*((log(w)).^2))+(0.175.*log(w))+0.438)
if (w > (2.27*10^-3))
E = 0.01
% Calculating Ch:
y = ((((2.*R).^(0.5)).*((h2).^(1.5)))./(b.^2))
N1 = (0.5-(1/pi).*atan((log(y)+8.1938)./(1.1044)))
N = ((h2./h1).*N1)
for i=1:1;7
Ch2(i) = (h2.*((N.*((Ch1(i)./h2)-(C./h2)))+(C/h2)))
Ch1(i+1) = Ch2(i)
DeltaStrain = (E.*((Ch2./h2)-(Ch1./h1)))
if DeltaStrain > 0;
Stepp = ((2/pi).*(sqrt(DeltaStrain))))
Control = 2;
Stepp = ((2/pi).*(sqrt(-DeltaStrain))
Control = 0;
In the line
Ch2(i) = (h2.*((N.*((Ch1(i)./h2)-(C./h2)))+(C/h2)))
h2 is a vector, and Ch2(i) is a scalar. You cannot assign the value of a vector to a scalar. I suspect you want to replace the entire for loop. Right now you have
for i=1:1;7
Ch2(i) = (h2.*((N.*((Ch1(i)./h2)-(C./h2)))+(C/h2)))
Ch1(i+1) = Ch2(i)
(?? what is the meaning of 1:1;7? Is that a typo? I am thinking you want 1:7...
Since you seem to be using the result of one loop to change the value of Ch1 which you are using again in the next loop, it may be tricky to vectorize; but I wonder what you are expecting the output to be, since you really do have a vector as the result of the RHS of the equation. I can't be sure if you want to compute the result for one element at a time, or whether you want to compute vectors (and end up appending results to Ch1 and Ch2). The following line would run without throwing an error - but it may not be the calculation you want. Please clarify what you are hoping to achieve if this is an incorrect guess.
for i = 1:7
Ch2(i) = h2.*(N.*((Ch1(i) - C(i))./h2(i))) + C(i)./h2(i);
Ch1(i+1) = Ch2(i);

Matlab: Find row indexes with common elements

I have a Matrix:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 1
How may I use matlab to find this:
for 1st row: row3
for 2nd row: ---
for 3rd row: row1
I want to have row indices for each row witch have common elements.
Consider this
A = [1 2 3; %Matrix A is a bit different from yours for testing
4 5 6;
7 8 1;
1 2 7;
4 5 6];
[row col] =size(A)
answers = zeros(row,row); %matrix of answers,...
%(i,j) = 1 if row_i and row_j have an equal element
for i = 1:row
for j = i+1:row %analysis is performed accounting for
% symmetry constraint
C = bsxfun(#eq,A(i,:),A(j,:)'); %Tensor comparison
if( any(C(:)) ) %If some entry is non-zero you have equal elements
answers(i,j) = 1; %output
answers = answers + answers'; %symmetric
The output here is
answers =
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
of course the answers matrix is symmetric because your relation is.
The solution proposed by Acorbe can be quite slow if you have many rows and/or long rows. I have checked that in most cases the two solutions that I present below should be considerably faster. If your matrix contains just few different values (relative to the size of the matrix) then this should work pretty fast:
function rowMatches = find_row_matches(A)
% Returns a cell array with row matches for each row
c = unique(A);
matches = false(size(A,1), numel(c));
for i = 1:numel(c)
matches(:, i) = any(A == c(i), 2);
rowMatches = arrayfun(#(j) ...
find(any(matches(:, matches(j,:)),2)), 1:size(A,1), 'UniformOutput', false);
This other alternative might be faster when you have short rows, i.e. when size(A,2) is small:
function answers = find_answers(A)
% Returns an "answers" matrix like in Acorbe's solution
c = unique(A);
answers = false(size(A,1), size(A,1));
idx = 1:size(A,1);
for i = 1:numel(c)
I = any(A == c(i), 2);
uMatch = idx(I);
answers(uMatch, uMatch) = true;
isReady = all(A <= c(i), 2);
if any(isReady),
idx(isReady) = [];
A = A(~isReady,:);
Depending on what you are planning to do with this output it could be redundant to have a match for "3rd row: row1".
You already have this match earlier in your output in the form of "1st row: row3"