Doc for customizing node-red instance on bluemix does not work - ibm-cloud

I followed the instruction provided in "" to customize my instance of node-red on bluemix.
However, I got redirected back to bluemix homepage ( when I tried to download starter code by clicking the "Download Starter Code" icon.
Any ideas???

Method (1)
The starter code of node-red is available in new UI experience. When you are on that page click on "Try the New Bluemix" on top bar. Then click on "Getting overview" tab. Here you can Download the Starter Code.
Method (2)
You can download the starter code for your application here:

This error usually occurs when the language of your browser is set to a language different from English. If changing the default language of the browser the problem persists you can try the following workaround: create a new Node-RED application and click on "Add Git". This will create a new repository on IBM DevOps Services containing the starter code. You could download the code from there.


Adding Existing SAPUI5 Applications in HANA Cloud Portal site

I am new to HANA Cloud portal. I have created a standalone SAPUI5 Application following the below steps:
SAP HANA Cloud Platform
I have not set any destinations since I am using dummy data for now. The app works fine standalone but when I add it to a site in the HANA cloud portal the application fails with the error "could not open App.Try again Later". I have followed the below steps. Please let me know if I have missed put anything:-
1) Created a site from the site directory screen with a blank site temppplate.
2) Next I selected the app I want to add into the site from the account apps section in the left navigation inside the flpportal service and added it[using the forward icon].
3) Then when I try to add it as a menu configuration it shows up in the list and gets added but when I publish the site I get the above error mentioned.
Am I missing any step or doing it wrong altogether? BTW I am using a HANA trial account for now.
Also, I would like to know whether this is the correct way to do it. Also, any documentation on the same will be helpful
Adding the error description. The name of the app is Kpidemo:

Bluemix - Can't select space in boilerplate

[Edited with new info]
I have created some spaces under my organization name in Bluemix successfully, using both Bluemix web interface & CLI.
I was trying to create an app from IoTFoundation Boilerplate by clicking the icon on the catalog. It leads me to the introduction page, and at the right hand side I was asked to select Space, Name, Host domain etc.
My problem is though I have spaces created and shown successfully in the Bluemix web interface, it is NOT POSSIBLE for me to select the space in the boilerplate. [new info: After > 10 minutes of creating the space using CLI, it finally appears in the boilerplate, however, the spaces created using Bluemix web interface doesn't appear even after a day...].
May I know what is the possible cause in this case?
Thanks in advance for any advise.
Generally, to fix this kind of issue follow these steps:
close browser
clean the cache and login in Bluemix console
If the issue is still there open a support request directly from your Bluemix console or you can open a new ticket here: .

Bluemix Mobile First Container Preview Error

I created with IBM Bluemix a MYSQL-Service, a Container(mobilefirst) and a containerbridge.
In the mobile first container I deployed my application and adapter.
When i open the app-preview I get the following error:
How can i solve this problem?.
Thank you in advance.
How did you open the preview? Did you click a button or did you manually enter it?
There is no preview servlet available when using the console outside of the development environment (Eclipse). This explains the 404.

How to deploy application in bluemix from eclipse

When I try to deploy application to bluemix, I get following error
Error: Host taken error. A different mapped application URL is required before pushing or starting the application.
Though If I download a default application created bluemix, download the same and import in eclipse and then redeploying application works fine. I am sure I must be missing some key steps, wondering if someone can point me to the link that has those details or missing step.
Use the screenshot below to ensure that your mapped URL is correct:
according to the posted error you just set a wrong URL for your app's mapping URL: just check on Eclipse Server view, you should have Bluemix Server item, double click on it to open, it should show your server configuration, go to Applications and Services tab, here you could find you app listed; now double click on it, it should open you app properties, check on Mapper URL property under General configuration tab.
Otherwise could you provide some details more about the configuration used on Bluemix Eclipse plugin?
As per my understanding..
application name is globle. what ever application name using that already used by someone.
try to change Name.
ex:- change to
it worked for me.

How to deploy web application onto Google App Engine

This may be a vague question but I have been unable to find any help/tutorials specific to my situation and am stuck.
I have built a website using Eclipse (Dynamic Web Project.) I then deployed this application using Tomcat and can see it by going to localhost, however, I am struggling on how to actually deploy it to the cloud.
I am trying to use Google App Engine but am open to other (free) alternatives for deploying my web application.
With Google App Engine, I registered for an account, made a new project, connected it to my github repository and confirmed the correct code is listed.
However, when navigating to (mine is I get a 404 error.
I have attempted various deployments and even made an entirely new Google Web Application Project in Eclipse for testing which worked but weirdly deployed to and is the test files which I do not know how to correctly modify.
Is there any way to upload/deploy my existing web application to Google App Engine (as a .war or otherwise)?
I am new to web development and apologize for any unclear specifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I have also tried (in Eclipse) right clicking the project and choosing "Deploy to App Engine" under Google however it states "mapp-website is not an App Engine project".
Edit2: I had a stupid mistake, I confused my Project ID (mapp-development) and app id (mapp-develop). I am able to successfully make a new Google web project and deploy it to
Sorry for the trouble!
Here are three ways to deploy:
Make an App Engine project in Eclipse
Deploy via Git
Deploy via GitHub
It seems like you tried #1 with a project named 1-dot-mapp-develop. If you select deploy from Eclipse, a dialog box will pop up with a link to "App Engine Project Settings" where you can change the project name (to mapp-development and version).