How to package my jar file as wildly war file? - jboss

I have a jar file which takes some input from command line and does processing. I want to make this jar file as a deployable war file (wildly file) How can i do that? Any guide would be appreciated.
(I have installed jobs tools in my eclipse,)
And I would like to know the difference between ear file and the war file? Any detail explanation would be appreciated?

I'm not sure a command line application makes much sense in a web container. That said in a WAR libraries need to go in the WAR/WEB-INF/lib directory.


Bring back the original project from a WSDL file or a WAR file

We have lost our java code that implement a web service. Now we have only a wsdl file (and a WAR file) published in tomcat. We need to bring back the original java project so I have tried to generate java source code from WSDL file (and WAR file) and I succeeded -by using axis2 (WSDL2JAVA) plugin- but I think it generates only the java classes that should exist in the src package of the project.. no welcome pages or index.xml etc.. I Don't know what other things are missing and how to bring them back.
My question is: what to do after generating java classes from WSDL file? should I complete the other project parts in my own? Is there a way to bring back exactly the original project from WSDL or WAR file?
As per the Scenario you mentioned for WAR file you can use JAD tool to unpack the whole code but with certain limitations like you cannot edit or save the code and I am not sure about the copy feature because it was not working for previous version.
Here is the link below.

how to download war files from wildfly 8

Wildfly 8:
Where are the deployed war files located on the server file system?
How do I download them? I tried using the JBoss CLI as well as the Web Interface.
Found the war files to be located here. In this directory I found several subdirectories. The war files were all named content and did not have an extension. I could figure out what they were based on file size and timestamp.
wildfly location\standalone\data\content
You want the files 'after' they have been deployed? This generally isn't a good idea as it isn't guaranteed to be exactly the same as the source archive.
The standard location for the deployment archives is ./standalone/deployments/ although this can be changed in the configuration.
After an archive is deployed you can see the exact location of there the deployed archive came from in the configuration, it will be written to the bottom of the xml file.
There is a download button to download the .war
in the management console localhost:9990
click the view button near your war
on top you will find a download icon
I found it in the %WILDFLY_HOME%\standalone\temp\ directory. If it is not present there then you can perform a search in all the subdirectories of the wildfly.

deploy jar Java Desktop Application in jdeveloper12c

I have always developed my java NetBeans projects. When I finish my project, and automatically build "dist" folder where the main jar and a "lib" folder containing all the external jar was created. This is done automatically with the NetBeans IDE
Now I'm trying to do a project with jdeveloper 12c Java Desktop Application and try to deploy my project but I have problems with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I meet several questions:
Can you add the same structure as I said before? That is, a file jar and inside a folder "lib" place the jars using How to do it?
I've seen examples that by New File Group adds refencias, but it really adds to the main jar file (as I see in the size of the file) but not saved in a separate folder.
I do not know if you can help me do this in jdeveloper 12c: Generate a jar file and folder lib with references.
Thank you for your help.
Go into the deployment profile for your project and add all the libraries and files that you need to be included to the JAR you are generating.

WAS related files getting packaged in ear

I have got an ear file to deploy on WAS. In the ear file, I see the war file, the jar files and other static stuff. But I also see files like variales.xml,security.xml and deployment.xml although the ant build script did not generate these files.
Where did these extra files come from? What purpose do they serve?
These files are part of a feature known as Enhanced EARs. See the WebSphere Application Server V7: Packaging Applications for Deployment redbook for more information. In short, application-specific configuration can be included in the application to minimize the per-server configuration that an administrator must perform when installing an application.

How do you unwar a .war file with ant on windows?

I'm only remotely familiar with what ant does, but apparently I have to setup a service that's run on jboss and put it into a deploy directory...
the problem is the .war file -- I only have winzip 7zip and ant and I dont know how to ge the contentsa out of the .war file to put it in the deploy directory...
are there other conf and build.xml files a well that are needed?
thanks for your help!
the problem is the instructions say to unwar the .war file. And I Dont know how to do this via JBOSS or any other means. How?
7zip unwar-ed the file but I'm not sure where to put the contents in jboss.
/server/ ?
Thanks for your help. As this is my first time doing this I'm completely clueless.
Usually you can just place the WAR file into the directory and the container will take care of unpacking it.
But, a WAR file is simply a ZIP file with a different extension, so you could also use any popular unzip tool (WinZip, WinRAR, 7Zip, etc) to unzip it manually if need be.
Ant has an unzip task as well.
JBoss should be able to deploy a war file and unpack it on it's own. You shouldn't be writing scripts that unpack war files for JBoss.
Using unzip task:
Unless you have something else in mind1, you don't have to depoy you war in an "exploded" format (i.e. unpacked). Just deploy you war on JBoss and JBoss will deal with it. To do so, just copy your war into /server/default/deploy.
1 The only good reason I can see to deploy a war in an exploded format is if you plan to make incremental changes to the content (e.g. changing just a class) without deploying the whole webapp again. But this doesn't seem to be the case. So just deploy you war without unpacking it.