Converting Firebase data into Swift array - swift

This is how my Firebase data looks like:
[ {
"adress" : "Högåsstigen 10 332 33 Gislaved",
"helg" : "18:00-02:00",
"latitude" : 57.2985,
"longitude" : 13.54326,
"namn" : "Restaurang Åsen",
"outlet" : 0,
"phone" : "0371-123456",
"star" : 0,
"tag" : "Restaurang",
"vardag" : "10:00-19:30"
}, {
"adress" : "Högåsstigen 12 332 33 Gislaved",
"helg" : "18:00-02:00",
"latitude" : 57.9985,
"longitude" : 13.94326,
"namn" : "Kalles ställe",
"outlet" : 0,
"phone" : "0371-123456",
"star" : 2,
"tag" : "Restaurang",
"vardag" : "10:00-19:30"
}, {
"adress" : "Högåsstigen 15 332 33 Gislaved",
"helg" : "18:00-02:00",
"latitude" : 55.603384,
"longitude" : 13.020619,
"namn" : "Olles Pub",
"outlet" : 0,
"phone" : "0371-123456",
"star" : 1,
"tag" : "Krog",
"vardag" : "10:00-19:30"
} ]
I want to grab "adress" from the database.
I'm having problem to convert the data I grab from Firebase to append into an array so I can use them later. I get the error "Value of type 'String' has no member 'generator'".
I have no idea how to proceed in my coding, any suggestions?
var adresserArray = [String]()
let ref = Firebase(url: "")
ref.observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: {snapshot in
let adresser = (snapshot.value.objectForKey("adress")) as! String!
for add in adresser{

You are trying to iterate over String here
let adresser = (snapshot.value.objectForKey("adress")) as! String!
for add in adresser{
try just replace this code with
let adresser = (snapshot.value.objectForKey("adress")) as! String


Spring - return nested documents using aggregation

i have 2 class
class Team
var lateint id : String
var name : String? = null
var stadium : String? = null
var players : List<Players>? = null
class Player
var lateint id : String
var firstName : String? = null
var lastName : String? = null
var post : PlayerPost? = null
var number : Int? = null
i am trying to get a filtered list of player of a specific team, but i always get a wrong result.
this is my request
val teamCriteria = Criteria.where("_id").`is`(teamId)
val postCriteria = Criteria.where("post").`is`("DEFENDER")
val aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
return mongoDb.aggregate(aggregation,,
The problem is instead of getting a list of players as result, i get the team duplicated as the number of expected players..
expected result
"id" : "id1",
"firstName" : "player1"
"lastName" : "player1",
"number" : 2,
"post" : "DEFENDER"
"id" : "id2",
"firstName" : "player2"
"lastName" : "player2",
"number" : 3,
"post" : "DEFENDER"
i always get this result
"id" : "id1",
"name" : "team name"
"stadium" : "stadium name",
"players" : []
"id" : "id1",
"name" : "team name"
"stadium" : "stadium name",
"players" : []
Can sameone tell me what's wrong in my code?

Mongodb put Documents array as the same level

I have this array of documents, I would like to put "table" on the same level like mastil_antenas and other variables. how Can I do that with aggregate?
I'm trying with the aggregate $project but I can't get the result.
Example of Data
[ {
"mastil_antena" : "1",
"nro_platf" : "1",
"antmarcmast" : "ANDREW",
"antmodelmast" : "HWXXX6516DSA3M",
"retmarcmast" : "Ericsson",
"retmodelmast" : "ATM200-A20",
"distmast" : "1.50",
"altncramast" : "41.30",
"ORIENTMAG" : "73.00",
"incelecmast" : "RET",
"incmecmast" : "1.00",
"Feedertypemast" : "Fibra Optica",
"longjumpmast" : "5.00",
"longfo" : "100",
"calibrecablefuerza" : "10 mm",
"longcablefuerza" : "65.00",
"modelorruantena" : "32B66A",
"tiltmecfoto" : "",
"tiltmecfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:51:22Z",
"az0foto" : "",
"az0foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:21Z",
"azneg60foto" : "",
"azneg60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:36Z",
"azpos60foto" : "",
"azpos60foto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:55:49Z",
"etiqantenafoto" : "",
"etiqantenafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:01Z",
"tiltelectfoto" : "",
"tiltelectfoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:13Z",
"idcablefoto" : "",
"idcablefoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:38Z",
"rrutmafoto" : "",
"rrutmafoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:56:49Z",
"etiquetarrufoto" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:02Z",
"rrutmafoto1" : "",
"rrutmafoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:12Z",
"etiquetarrufoto1" : "",
"etiquetarrufoto1_fh" : "2017-10-18T05:57:27Z",
"botontorre4" : "sstelcel3",
"table" : { /* put all varibles one level up*/
"tecmast" : "LTE",
"frecmast" : "2100",
"secmast" : "1",
"untitled440" : "Salir"
"comentmast" : "",
"longfeedmast" : "",
"numtmasmast" : "",
"otra_marca_antena" : "",
"otro_modelo_antena" : ""
Starting from MongoDB version 3.4 you could use $addFields to do this.
//replace products with what makes sense in your database
{ //1 add the properties from subdocument table to documents
$addFields: {
"documents.tecmast" : "documents.0.table.tecmast",
"documents.frecmast" : "documents.0.table.frecmast",
"documents.secmast" : "documents.0.table.secmast",
"documents.untitled440" : "documents.0.table.untitled440"
//(optional) 2 remove the table property from the documents
$project: {"documents.table" : 0}
Step 1: use $addFields to grab properties from table inside documents.table and put them on documents
Step 2: (optional) remove property "table" from documents.
I hope this helps!!!

Why does MapReduce return undefined for a field that exists in document?

I am trying to debug a strange issue I am running into while running mapreduce on a collection:
For reference, here's a single document from the collection:
"_id" : "ITOUXFWgvWs",
"source" : "youtube",
"insert_datetime" : ISODate("2017-04-06T22:27:43.598Z"),
"processed" : false,
"raw" : {
"id" : "ITOUXFWgvWs",
"etag" : "\"m2yskBQFythfE4irbTIeOgYYfBU/hiQtS6aptLlqxTpsYp1EJIRcoZo\"",
"snippet" : {
"publishedAt" : ISODate("2017-04-06T13:25:28Z"),
"title" : " The Only Smart Home App You Need",
"channelId" : "UC_HZfoZUP36STk7SrtKYH4g",
"description" : "All these new connected devices are awesome, but wouldn’t it be great if you could use one app for the entire connected home? It can all come together with",
"categoryId" : "28",
"channelTitle" : "",
"thumbnails" : {
"default" : {
"height" : 90,
"width" : 120,
"url" : ""
"standard" : {
"height" : 480,
"width" : 640,
"url" : ""
"high" : {
"height" : 360,
"width" : 480,
"url" : ""
"medium" : {
"height" : 180,
"width" : 320,
"url" : ""
"maxres" : {
"height" : 720,
"width" : 1280,
"url" : ""
"liveBroadcastContent" : "none",
"localized" : {
"title" : " The Only Smart Home App You Need",
"description" : "All these new connected devices are awesome, but wouldn’t it be great if you could use one app for the entire connected home? It can all come together with"
"contentDetails" : {
"duration" : "PT37S",
"dimension" : "2d",
"definition" : "hd",
"licensedContent" : false,
"projection" : "rectangular",
"caption" : "false"
"kind" : "youtube#video",
"statistics" : {
"likeCount" : "0",
"dislikeCount" : "0",
"favoriteCount" : "0",
"viewCount" : "32"
"uploaded" : ISODate("2017-04-06T13:25:28Z")
I am literally following the mapreduce debug steps from official mongo documentation.
Here's what my mapreduce script looks like:
var map = function() {
emit("1", this._id);
var emit = function(key, value) {
print("key: " + key + " value: " + tojson(value));
var myDoc = db.getCollection("abc").find({}).limit(1);
And it always produces the result like this:
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.6
connecting to: test
key: 1 value: undefined
I expect the script to emit the _id since it clearly exists in the document but it doesn't.
What might be possible cause of this?
find() always returns a cursor.
Replace it with findOne()
var myDoc = db.getCollection("abc").findOne({});
Or store the documents in an Array using toArray()
var myDoc = db.getCollection("abc").find({}).limit(1).toArray()[0];

Matlab - Convert char to cell

I have this output from urlread function:
// [
"id": "22144"
,"t" : "AAPL"
,"e" : "NASDAQ"
,"l" : "148.59"
,"l_fix" : "148.59"
,"l_cur" : "148.59"
,"s": "0"
,"ltt":"1:13PM EDT"
,"lt" : "May 5, 1:13PM EDT"
,"lt_dts" : "2017-05-05T13:13:23Z"
,"c" : "+2.06"
,"c_fix" : "2.06"
,"cp" : "1.41"
,"cp_fix" : "1.41"
,"ccol" : "chg"
,"pcls_fix" : "146.53"
,"eo" : ""
,"delay": ""
,"op" : "146.76"
,"hi" : "148.91"
,"lo" : "146.76"
,"vo" : "-"
,"avvo" : "-"
,"hi52" : "148.91"
,"lo52" : "89.47"
,"mc" : "771.93B"
,"pe" : "17.38"
,"fwpe" : ""
,"beta" : "1.21"
,"eps" : "8.55"
,"shares" : "5.21B"
,"inst_own" : "63%"
,"name" : "Apple Inc."
,"type" : "Company"
My question is how can I convert this to a two-column cell? Or even better create a structure called AAPL which gives me , for example for AAPL.l the price?
Use jsondecode function to convert JSON format text to a MATLAB struct type. Typically the text would start with a '[' or '{'. You can try code using a simpler subset as below.
jsondecode('{"id": "22144","t" : "AAPL","e" : "NASDAQ","l" : "148.59"}')
This produces a struct with the following fields.
id: '22144'
t: 'AAPL'
l: '148.59'

how manipulate a NSDictionary generated by a json file in swift

I've a NSDictionary populated by a JSON file.
JSON file content (initially)
"length" : 0,
"locations" : []
I want add some elements in "locations". The elements have the below structure:
"name" : "some_name",
"lat" : "4.88889",
"long" : "5.456789",
"date" : "19/01/2015"
In next code I read de JSON File
let contentFile = NSData(contentsOfFile: pathToTheFile)
let jsonDict = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(contentFile!, options: nil, error: &writeError) as NSDictionary`
like you can see jsonDict contain the JSON's info but in a NSDictionary object.
At this point I can't add the elements mentioned before, I tried insert NSData, NSArray, Strings, and nothing results for me
After do this I want convert "final" NSDictionary in JSON again to save it in a file.
The "final" NSDictionary must be like this
"length" : 3,
"locations" : [
"name" : "some_name",
"lat" : "4.88889",
"long" : "5.456789",
"date" : "19/01/2015"
"name" : "some_name_2",
"lat" : "8.88889",
"long" : "9.456789",
"date" : "19/01/2015"
"name" : "some_name_3",
"lat" : "67.88889",
"long" : "5.456789",
"date" : "19/01/2015"
"length" control the index for new element
I have no more ideas to do this. thanks in advance
If you want to be able to modify the dictionary, you can make it mutable:
let jsonDict = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(contentFile!, options: .MutableContainers, error: &writeError) as NSMutableDictionary
The resulting NSMutableDictionary can be modified. For example:
let originalJSON = "{\"length\" : 0,\"locations\" : []}"
let data = originalJSON.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var parseError: NSError?
let locationDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .MutableContainers, error: &parseError) as NSMutableDictionary
locationDictionary["length"] = 1 // change the `length` value
let location1 = [ // create dictionary that we'll insert
"name" : "some_name",
"lat" : "4.88889",
"long" : "5.456789",
"date" : "19/01/2015"
if let locations = locationDictionary["locations"] as? NSMutableArray {
locations.addObject(location1) // add the location to the array of locations
If you now constructed JSON from the updated locationDictionary, it would look like:
"length" : 1,
"locations" : [
"long" : "5.456789",
"lat" : "4.88889",
"date" : "19/01/2015",
"name" : "some_name"