How to enable tab navigation to the next editable cell in a different row group? - ag-grid

I'm building an application using ag-grid enterprise 4.0.7, which uses row groups and has editable fields, keyboard navigation between editable cells is essential.
Built-in tab navigation works well, but only within a row group. Once the last editable cell in a group is reached, pressing tab does NOT jump to the next editable cell in the next group but rather to some unrelated element on the page.
Here's an example based on an ag-grid documentation sample, the athletes' names are editable, tab navigates to the next athlete, but only within one country:
field: "athlete",
editable: true
Is this the intended behavior? What's the cleanest way to extend the tab navigation to jump to the next editable item in another group?

This method has worked for me:
myTabToNextCell(params) {
const previousCell = params.previousCellDef;
const lastRowIndex = previousCell.rowIndex;
let nextRowIndex = lastRowIndex + 1;
// TODO renderedRowCount must contain the row count.
const renderedRowCount = this.state.rowCount;
// if (nextRowIndex >= renderedRowCount) { nextRowIndex = 0; }
if (nextRowIndex < renderedRowCount) { nextRowIndex = lastRowIndex + 1; } else {
nextRowIndex = 0;
const result = {
rowIndex: nextRowIndex,
column: previousCell.column,
floating: previousCell.floating
return result;


Can I set an ag-grid full-width row to have autoHeight?

I am trying to render a set of footnotes at the end of my data set. Each footnote should be a full-width row. On the docs page for row height, it says that you can set an autoHeight property for the column you want to use to set the height. Full-width rows, however, aren't tied to any column, so I don't think there's a place to set that autoHeight property.
For reference, here is my cell renderer, which gets invoked if a flag in the data object is true.
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { ICellRendererComp, ICellRendererParams } from '#ag-grid-community/core';
template: '',
export class FootnoteRendererComponent implements ICellRendererComp {
cellContent: HTMLElement;
init?(params: ICellRendererParams): void {
this.cellContent = document.createElement('div');
this.cellContent.innerHTML =;
this.cellContent.setAttribute('class', 'footnote');
getGui(): HTMLElement {
return this.cellContent;
refresh(): boolean {
return false;
The footnote (the "title" property above) could be one line or several depending on its length and the browser's window size. There may also be several footnotes. Is there a way to set autoHeight for each footnote row? Thanks for any help!
Not sure of CSS autoHeight can be use, but here is some example for calculating height dynamically. Take a look to getRowHeight function, it's works for any rows (full-width too):
public getRowHeight: (
params: RowHeightParams
) => number | undefined | null = function (params) {
if (params.node && params.node.detail) {
var offset = 80;
var allDetailRowHeight = *
var gridSizes = params.api.getSizesForCurrentTheme();
return (
allDetailRowHeight +
((gridSizes && gridSizes.headerHeight) || 0) +
Here is the solution I ended up with, though I like #LennyLip's answer as well. It uses some ideas from Text Wrapping in ag-Grid Column Headers & Cells.
There were two parts to the problem - 1) calculating the height, and 2) knowing when to calculate the height.
1) Calculating the Height
I updated the footnote's Cell Renderer to add an ID to each footnote text node, and used it in the function below.
const footnoteRowHeightSetter = function(params): void {
const footnoteCells = document.querySelectorAll('.footnote .footnote-text');
const footnoteRowNodes = [];
params.api.forEachNode(row => {
if ( === 'footnote') { // Test to see if it's a footnote
if (footnoteCells.length > 0 && footnoteRowNodes.length > 0) {
footnoteRowNodes.forEach(rowNode => {
const cellId = 'footnote_' +;
const cell = _.find(footnoteCells, node => === cellId);
const height = cell.clientHeight;
To summarize, the function gets all HTML nodes in the DOM that are footnote text nodes. It then gets all of the table's row nodes that are footnotes. It goes through those row nodes, matching each up with its DOM text. It uses the clientHeight property of the text node and sets the row node height to that value. Finally, it calls the api.onRowHeightChanged() function to let the table know it should reposition and draw the rows.
Knowing when to calculate the height
When I set the gridOptions.getRowHeight property to the function above, it didn't work. When the function fires, the footnote rows hadn't yet been rendered, so it was unable to get the clientHeight for the text nodes since they didn't exist.
Instead, I triggered the function using these event handlers in gridOptions.
onFirstDataRendered: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onBodyScrollEnd: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onGridSizeChanged: footnoteRowHeightSetter,
onFirstDataRendered covers the case where footnotes are on screen when the grid first renders (short table).
onBodyScrollEnd covers the case where footnotes aren't on screen at first but the user scrolls to see them.
onGridSizeChanged covers the case of grid resizing that alters the wrapping and height of the footnote text.
This is what worked for me. I like #LennyLip's answer and looking more into it before I select an answer.

How to add row selection checkbox for ag-grid

Is there a way to have row selection checkbox for each row without configuring a special column for it? I mean to add propertie for my gridOptions and to see checkbox near each row, then to get all selected rows?
All the documentation I read is showing how to do it by adding it to specific column.
You can still have row selection without having a checkbox column - you can either simply have selection based on row selection, or have a column render with a checkbox in it (with a custom cell renderer).
Take a look at the Selection Documentation for more information about row selection, and at the Cell Rendering Documentation about cell rendering
I know it is too late to answer on this post. But It may help someone who look for solution still. It works with checkbox selection on each row (click anywhere on the row to select checkbox), shift/control and toggle selection. Here I have given only necessary code.
vm.gridOptions = {
appSpecific : {},
onRowClicked : onRowClicked,
onGridReady : function() {
let api = vm.gridApi = vm.gridOptions.api;
function toggleSelect(row) {
row.node.setSelected(!row.node.isSelected(), false);
function onRowClicked(row) {
var appSpecific = vm.gridOptions.appSpecific;
var lastSelectedRow = appSpecific.lastSelectedRow;
var shiftKey = row.event.shiftKey;
// if not modifier keys are clicked toggle row
if (!shiftKey) {
} else if (lastSelectedRow !== undefined) {
if (shiftKey) {
var startIndex, endIndex;
// Get our start and end indexes correct
if (row.rowIndex < lastSelectedRow.rowIndex) {
startIndex = row.rowIndex;
endIndex = lastSelectedRow.rowIndex;
else {
startIndex = lastSelectedRow.rowIndex;
endIndex = row.rowIndex;
// Select all the rows between the previously selected row and the
// newly clicked row
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
vm.gridApi.selectIndex(i, true, true);
// Store the recently clicked row for future use
appSpecific.lastSelectedRow = row;
getSelection(); // Implement functionality to get selected rows

Slick grid set value on autocomplete cell

I'm trying to set values in a slick grid from jQuery thru val and text e.g. .find('div.slick-cell.l2.r2').text('xyz'). There is a jquery autocomplete on the cell in question but it only gets activated on click. So when I click the cell in question it get overwritten by the initial defaultValue in the editor:
function ComboBoxEditor(args) {
this.loadValue = function (item) {
defaultValue = item[args.column.field] || "";
$input[0].defaultValue = defaultValue;
Can I get the jQuery text value from within the world of the slick grid.
Think of slickgrid as a rendering engine and dataView as the data interface (You are using dataView right?) Jquery or javascript editing of dom elements isn't gong to work so think about how jquery/javascript can use the dataView methods to do the updating.
I ran into this same issue when adding drag and drop of files into SlickGrid
I detect the elementID of the drop and map it back to the dataView row and column.
Here is the function I used for text pasting:
function insertText(textString, location) {
var startCell = grid.getActiveCell();
if (startCell) {
// only paste text into active cells for now
var columnDef = grid.getColumns();
var colField = columnDef[startCell.cell].field;
if (!dataView.getItem(startCell.row)) {
// new row
var tobj = {'id': "new_" + (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7)};
tobj[colField] = textString;
} else {
// modify existing cell
var item = dataView.getItem(startCell.row);
item[colField] = textString;
dataView.updateItem(, item);

Dynamically Generated Telerik MVC3 Grid - Add Checkboxes

I have a grid that is dynamically generated based on search criteria. I render the grid in a partial view using Ajax. That all works fine.
I now need to add a checkbox column as the first column.
Also, how do I get filtering, sorting paging etc. to work now since it is in a partial view.
When i click on a header to sort I get a Page not found error and the filter Icon doesnt do anything.
And one more thing. When I try to add a GridCommandColumnSettings to the grid I get the error
"Invalid initializer member declarator"
Code is below for the gridcolumnsettings
public GridColumnSettings[] NewColumns(DataTable fullDT)
GridColumnSettings[] newColumns = new GridColumnSettings[fullDT.Columns.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < fullDT.Columns.Count; i++)
// set the visibility property for the DeliveryID
bool boolDeliveryID;
if (fullDT.Columns[i].ColumnName == "DeliveryID")
boolDeliveryID = false;
boolDeliveryID = true;
newColumns[i] = new GridColumnSettings
new GridCommandColumnSettings
Commands =
new GridEditActionCommand(),
new GridDeleteActionCommand()
Width = "200px",
Title = "Commands"
Member = fullDT.Columns[i].ColumnName,
Title = fullDT.Columns[i].ColumnName,
Visible = boolDeliveryID,
Filterable = true,
Sortable = true
return newColumns;
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I edited my post to add my partial for the Grid
Here is my partial for the grid
.Columns(columns =>
columns.LoadSettings(Model.Columns as IEnumerable<GridColumnSettings>);
.DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("_DeliveryManagerCustomBinding", "Deliveries"))
.Resizable(resize => resize.Columns(true))
I don't add columns this way when I use the Telerik Grid control, but looking at what you're doing I would hazard a guess to say you will need to do something like the following:
increase the size of the newColumns array by 1 (because we're going to add in the checkbox column):
GridColumnSettings[] newColumns = new GridColumnSettings[fullDT.Columns.Count + 1];
if you want it at the beginning you will need to do the following before your for-loop:
GridColumnSettings s = new GridColumnSettings() {
ClientTemplate("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkeditems\" value=\"some value\" />")
Title("title goes in here")
Then you will add it into your array:
newColumns[0] = s;
and then increase the start index for your for-loop to 1:
for (int i = 1; i < fullDT.Columns.Count; i++)
the checkbox column will go at the beginning

Titanium iPhone: making a dialog similar to this standard iPhone ui?

I'm attempting to implement a dialog for a user to choose several of many toggle-able options. The iPhone has a nice model for this, in Settings/General/Keyboards:
However, I could not re-create this exactly: this task is to show two table sections (tables?), but only one is editable. (The one with the keyboard list.)
The Titanium API only allows a table to be editable, not a section. And I couldn't figure out how to layout two tables to scroll together. (I tried putting them both in a ScrollView, etc.)
Anyone able to do something like this?
EDIT: Here's my workaround, which I consider sub-optimal. :-( Instead of that second table section with the control element, I'm using a toolbar at the bottom:
You can control whether any row is editable or not by setting the editable property on the row (it defaults to the value of the table if not set).
You don't need two tables; one table view, set to grouped, with separate sections will suffice. That way scrolling works perfectly, and editing works across the entire table. I'm not sure why editing is only working for one section for you, but I've put together an example which shows editing working across multiple table sections. To run it, create a project and replace the content of app.js with the following:
// Windows
var root = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Keyboards',
showNavBar: true
// Create table
var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({
editable: true,
style: Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewStyle.GROUPED
// Create section 1 - this section is editable
var section1 = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection();
var row1 = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({title:"English (UK)"});
var row2 = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({title:"Chinese - Simplified"});
// Create section 2 - this section is not editable
var section2 = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection();
var row3 = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({title:"French", editable: false});
var row4 = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({title:"Spanish", editable: false});
// Add data to the table
var data = [
]; = data;
// Set up the buttons
var edit = Titanium.UI.createButton({
edit.addEventListener('click', function()
table.editing = true;
var cancel = Titanium.UI.createButton({
cancel.addEventListener('click', function()
table.editing = false;
// Add the window to the nav view and open
var nav = Ti.UI.iPhone.createNavigationGroup({
window: window