Invalid redirect_uri afer setting bind address to non-localhost IP - jboss

I'm developing an application which runs on Keycloak/JBoss. It works, but now I want to test it from another computer. So I set the JBoss command line parameter "-b". And after that I can't login to my web interface anymore.
Keycloak says to me "WE'RE SORRY ... Invalid redirect_uri."
And in fact it tries to redirect to localhost all the time.
Has anybody an idea how to fix this?

Solved. I simply forgot to change auth-server-url in my war file.


Couldn't get any response when sending request to Postman

When I send a Post request to Postman, I get Could not get any response
error. The call is something like the following:
My colleague tries exactly the same endpoint and there is no problem for him. It seems that the problem is something with the settings on my laptop. I tried the endpoint with Insomnia. But I still get the same error.
In the meantime, when I have some calls which do not require port number, there is no problem. I have the problem just with the calls which require me to mention the port number directly.
I should also mention that I'm using Docker and when I try to set a remote debug for my project, I get an error Unable to open debugger port (localhost:8080). I'm not sure if these problems are related. But I think there is something wrong with my port settings. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
In my case, the problem was a stupid mistake from me.
As I said, I'm using Docker. I had used docker-compose.override.yml and had defined the ports there. But I had named the file wrongly docker-compose-override.yml (using a dash line instead of dot). So, the ports were not set correctly.

AEM login screen is not apprearing in a linux machine AEM6.3

I have set up AEM 6.3 on remote Linux machine. But when I try to access the AEM from browser, it says "Connection has timed out".
I am not getting any error in the error.log file. Also, in stdout.log file, it says "Startup completed".
Also, I checked that port(4502) is not blocked on the server.
When I put command "curl http://localhost:4502/" on the server, I am not getting any error, which makes me assume that the connection is established.
Do I need to do any other configuration or something in order to access it from the browser? I am using http://ip:4502/ in the browser..
Almost certainly a firewall issue, check and check again :)
Look in the AEM Access log (same folder as the other logs you looked in) can you see any requests coming in from your browser? There is no other config required on AEM to access other than starting it up, assuming there is nothing network/firewall related blocking then you should be able to access it.

Eclipse Luna Not Storing Proxy Authentication Username and Password

I'm trying to get Eclipse Luna (on Debian 8) to connect to the Internet via a WiFi proxy that requires authentication. I am able to set the proxy host, port, username and password after which I apply the settings and close the dialog. The next time I open it, it does not have the username and password settings, although the host and port are retained correctly. The Active Provider is set to Manual as required.
For some reason, it doesn't seem to be saving the authentication details and I'm not able to connect to the Internet.
Is this a bug or I'm I doing something wrong?
Also, in what file does Eclipse store the proxy settings? Maybe I can go in there and make the changes directly if this is a GUI problem.
Edit: A look at the Error Log gives a vital clue. It says: No secure storage modules found.
I worked around this issue by adding the proxy settings to the eclipse.ini file as specified in this SO post.
-Dhttp.proxyUser=*proxy username*
-Dhttp.proxyPassword=*proxy password*

emails from localhost using mocksmtp

I have been trying to setup email on my local machine. After some advice that it is a rather involved thing to set up, I started to look around for a solution to my problem and came across an app called mocksmtp. I have followed this tutorial to set it up. But i'm getting errors.
send-mail: warning: valid_hostname: invalid character 64(decimal):
send-mail: fatal: file /etc/postfix/ parameter myhostname: bad parameter value:
Looking at this page I believe the problem is with /etc/postfix/
myhostname =
but what value should I change the email address to to make this work? I have tried a few option but nothing has worked for me and in that post the only problem was a period at the end.
The tutorial is a valid and helpful page and would have worked perfectly had telnet localhost 1025 been enabled. Enabling telnet got it working. To do this telnet localhost 1025 worked for me
Looks like you're trying to enter an entire email in a parameter meant only for a host name. You should only have, not It's not for a full email. You're setting this up as a server, to catch everything for a host, not just one particular email.

Intalio Ajax Forms pointing to localhost

Anyone working with Intalio|BPMS?
I'm trying to implement a process using the Comunity Edition, and I'm having a problem I can't seem to solve.
The process has an AJAX Form and if I go to ui-fw in the server using localhost everything works, but if I try to access the server remotely using the url it doesn't.
The iframe for the AJAX Form is pointing to localhost and not the url.
From the very bad foruns at Intalio, I've checked /tried:
deploy from the designer using the url
finding every mention of localhost in the process deploy dir, and also in the var/conf
Still no luck.
Any ideas anyone??
Thanks in advance
Ricardo, IIRC the form is deployed according to the settings you use in the deployment manifest. I believe you can also set an other host name in the deployment manifest to deploy to localhost, but declare a different host name for the form and processes.